{{currSong.song | songName}}
Chinese Music Nincha BeatRoom
By jeanremi
{{$root.roomKindGlobally}} Description
The best selection of Chinese music ever! Join us as we explore all sorts of Chinese music styles, from Cpop to Indie Rock, to traditional music to... whatever you want as long as it's Chinese! Rendez vous in this room every Friday at 1:00 PM UTC for a special selection of Chinese music. We are also in the the room often but it's really Random. Who are we? Ninchanese! We are the Nincha that make learning Chinese adorable and effective. Join us, it's fun: http://ninchanese.com .
{{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s of interest to check
Similar {{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s
C pop,Cpop,J pop,J rock,Jpop,Jrock,K pop,Kpop,V pop
Now playing: BLACKPINK - 'Like a Boss' M/V