{{currSong.song | songName}}
Straight From the Movies - movie soundtracks hits
By ElanTuner
{{$root.roomKindGlobally}} Description
Let's admit it, the best music comes from the movies. So let's play some unforgeable pieces from unforgeable movies! Movie soundtracks around the clock @
{{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s of interest to check
Similar {{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s
Now playing: Hans Zimmer - Rango Returns performed by Antelmo Caboz
Anime,Classic,Game,Instrumental,Movie,New age,Ost,Piano,Soundtracks,Study,Violin,Work
Now playing: Ludovico Einaudi - Punta Bianca
Film music,Game music,Soundtracks
Now playing: Dirty Dancing - Ritmo Quente/