{{room.name}}, by

The Ossuary

Atmospheric black metal
Black metal
Blackened death metal
Blackened thrash metal
Death doom metal
Death metal
Doom metal
Folk metal
Funeral doom
Heavy metal
Melodic death metal
Power metal
Sludge metal
Thrash metal
War metal

{{$root.roomKindGlobally}} Description

1. If it isn't on Metal Archives, don't play it. Exceptions can be made if it fits the current mood of the room. 2. Please read the room. If everyone is playing Finnish death/doom, don't be the guy to switch to Italian power metal. At least not without asking people first. 3. Fuck groove metal

{{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s of interest to check

Similar {{$root.roomKindGlobally}}s

Heavy metal
Now playing: Skid Row - Big Guns
Classic metal,Heavy rock,Nwobhm
Now playing: Abvsd - The Blitz
Gothic metal,Heavy metal,Power metal
Now playing: Ghost - Deus In Absentia
Speed metal,Thrash metal
Now playing: The Haunted - Well of Souls
Eletronica,Heavy metal,Pop,Rock
Now playing: LOBODA - Революция
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The Ossuary
" don't know which will go first – rock 'n' roll or Christianity" - the Beatles' John Lennon