Men at Work

A Land Down Under



Earn upon approval! {{lyricsContributionDisabled ? '(While you\'re under '+USER_CONTRIBUTION_GAINS_LIMIT.WIKI_LYRICS+' Beats)' : ''}}

A yo can I get a ride to the studio I got a little cash for gas That will give you a 3/8 gap Between F&E Please bro I got to complete this demo That would help me relinquish Some of this stress on my life Allowing me to concentrate On makin' theses songs sound tight I got a block for the night Popin' no dose Downing countless expressos Exit the studio Awake but snoring On my way to work in the morning Pull up draggin' physically But block it out mentally Cause I need this job So I slave extra hard As 12:00 starts to approach I go to the bathroom to wash my face Then make my way towards the roach coach Reach into my pocket Dang I ain't got no grip I spent it all on thе Ampex 456 A homie Front me 60 cents For some chips Can I get a cup of ice Then stroll to the faucet & fill it up with H.2.O That will keep me straight until its time to go Ha sup home Come over here & shoot the breeze Naw bra I'm gonna use this time to catch some ZZZ's Verse two Now that the demo is complete I put it in the streets I'm rockin' crazy gigs Havin' meetings With big wig record executives Who say They dig my grooves But that's all I witness Is their lips move Cause I never got a call back And the one's that did Were offering busta contracts Talkin' bout (a sup) Do some gansta rap Man bump you I ain't never gang banged Ain't never put a bullet in a body For my st I come from the shoulders & put nigga's to sleep You know Holifield style But thinkin' like that Has made my demo's start to pile Up to the ceiling but I never will stop revealing My soul Over what I call Hip-hop beats Pacing up & down 415 hope St Until I catch a break Like DJ Revolution Enduring cause I'm engulfed in my vision Which is me Introducing The world to my Ecclesiastical Aprotropaic rhythmic attack That's just like crack Cause once you taste my hits You're addicted That's that Man this industry is fickle Like a fine model chick So I'm setting fire to it J.T. collaborate with me & lets utilize the internet Connect & surfing my wave site Blown in by strong winds Hold your balance As you enter into what surfers call the greenroom Battling gravity E-mail your address to me & I'll send ya A piece of my mind On a sticker Beesyde Records Introduced to you by two Men at work From a land down under The name My Inner feelings Like Stevie So there's no need to Wonder The (hip hop) head hunter Like Herbie Hancock I move right like the clock Insurance that every song We put on is strong Nothing can be boring Cause I want you to appreciate my recordings Like a pair of air Jordan's So stop snorin' On sup cause your boy is the missing link Due to top ramen nights Broke like Leon Sphinx Self esteem on the brink Made me make it that much more tight Top ramen nights Has helped me develop a deeper love for the art & rockin' mic's Which makes me supreme In front of spot lights & I owe it all to Top ramen nights I remember Top ramen nights