

Score: 29
Played: 708





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I can't sleep my sickness doubles every time I kill I think that I should die by hanging but instead a grand idea Suffocating bitches delights me When they bleed the stench is lovely Why end myself when there are slobs a plenty I need to go, my semen is leaking Semen leaking, madness creeping, mucus seeping out of me I saw her from a distance now she'll know the meaning of true pain Come with me, come with me, come with me Come with me to die, come and feel your neck break Come with me, come with me, come with me Come with me to die, come and feel your neck break Come with me, come with me, come with me Come with me to die, come and feel your neck break Come with me bitch and see the knife That won't be denied that tasty cunt Forced inside while you hang, ever so sweetly I pull on your legs, juice sprays all over me Spraying from your face the precious blood, I gorge your sloppy cunt Now I'll peel your blood soaked face, oh my god, it seems I want to feed I guess I'll have to eat you, hunger I can't control What is this, her heart still pounding, I'll show this bitch a world of pain With my knife I cut off her fingers, in her eyes I see life drain Bleeding from every hole in her pretty, filthy, sin filled body, its insane I'll make this party complete, I'll thrust my knife in my brain I'm choking on my own lust, the thought of dying while killing fills me with glee