Take a Giant Step

Carole King

Score: 25
Played: 226



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Chorus Don’t worry (muthafricka), this isn’t a lie We don’t study (muthafricka) cuz we all get 5’s (hit me again!) Don’t worry (muthafricka), this isn’t a lie We don’t study (muthafricka) cuz we all get 5’s (aww stuff, boi) Unit 1 I said a psy-cho-logy a ly a ly I said a psy psy-cho-logy I said a psy-cho-logy a ly a ly I said a psy psy-cho-logy Now Meyer’s psychology is a big book And to learn it all’s gonna take a long look But that don’t mean learning can’t be fun Cuz we're gunna start from unit one Let’s start with empiricism, Franky Bacon That means that you need to use experimentation Wilhelm Wundt made the first laboratory Introspection helped us learn the brain’s story James wondered how our minds help us survive He made the school of fuctionalism, about staying alive Experimental psych at first it caused a schism Watson, Skinner, Rayner, muthafrickin behaviorism Humanistic and neuroscience, too But let’s talk about the nature-nurture issue Are your traits due to your genes Or to the things your eyes have seen? Why are levels of analysis important? Biopsychosocial approach is cooler than jordans Biological, social, psychodynamic Behavioral, cognitive, chillin in a hammock And it goes on n’ n’ on and on on n’ on Psychology don’t stop until the break of dawn Ya got the psychometrics, research, and developmental, too Researchers as cool as the boiz in my crew! Educational, personality, social, applied research Making more dirty bills than the Catholic church You best believe I’m not done with this info Because I’m gunna the talk about something called I/O Let’s not forget counseling and human factors Nicholas Cages is my favorites actor Clinical, and psychiatry I guess I’m done with this unit, let’s study psychology Unit 2 Hindsight bias? What’s that? I was always right, that is a fact Might not believe you’re overconfident muthafricka… But it’s like that Let me tell you my theory, my hypothesis Critical thinking is where the knowledge is Ya making an experiment? It needs some op defs If I can’t replicate it then you can hold ya breath Now let’s talk about the research sensation Case study, survey, naturalistic observation Random samples let you generalize to a population Without an experiment, make a correlation Coefficient. Make a scatterplot Make no illusory stuff or you’re distraught Alright let’s go and discuss experiments… Randomly assign those mothas to the groups Experimental, control, muthafrickin fruit loops Don’t forget to use a double-blind procedure Or you may might get results that are weird-ah Independent, confounding, dependent vary-ables When I takin my placebo I get on the turntables Mean, median, range, standard deviation When I rap, I like to use gesticulation And the normal curve. I can’t believe you have the nerve. Since… You said I don’t have significance Of the statistical variety When you said that, it gave me anxiety Culture is important in psychology Informed consent and debriefing Alright let’s get to unit 3 boiz! Unit 3A Yo mix masta Peez that was sum tight stuff muthafricka... Biology - it’s one of a kind It determines the way things work in your mind You better remember everything psychological Is simultaneously physical, invisible, biological We started with phrenology from Franz Gall He said “look at all these bumps” man he wasn’t on the ball But he laid out a path for knowledge for biologists And thus we did get biological psychologists Neurons are the smallest guys of the bunch Sensory neurons let you taste your lunch and Motor neurons make you move your arms Interneurons call the shots, man such a charm Each one of these guys has three little bites: The axon, cell body, and the dendrite Now if they go too slow don’t get scared and leave You can just speed it up with some myelin sheath This may be a lot to remember all at once But now we’re going on the beat tryna make you jump Action potential is a little tiny charge That sends some messages down, yeah they try to barge When a neuron fires, those guys go down And I swear they’re even faster than the speed of sound Now there’s two types of signals to remember here: Excitatory, inhibitory, but you have no fear cuz If you pass the threshold with these More neurons’ gonna fire just like a breeze! Synapses, gaps where you gotta pass Better hope your neurotransmitters shake their ass Cause they carry the signals in this tiny gap Only a matter of time before reuptake takes them back There’s tons of neat types of these skeevy guys My favorite are endorphins they give you such a high If you want to mimic them get agonists But otherwise block them with antagonists (Voice) DJ turn it up! We’re absolutely jamming in here! (DJ) Man I’m gettin nervous! Did somebody say nervous? Like my favorite system-uh? CNS is main but the PNS peripheral The PNS got a lotta nerve That’s right those crazy knotty cables’ll make you swerve! Now somatic gets your muscles groovin up in this jam And autonomic gets some crazy stuff in your glands Parasympathetic calms down, sympathetic excites You need em both to function, they balance out right Your CNS has a brain and a cord for your spine That cord gives you reflexes to survive by design Now this sub-unit’s almost over, that’s right we’re almost done Now crank that endocrine system, let’s have some fun! Hormones are slow but important too They’re the reason for growth in me and you! Stuff like this is done by the pituitary We won’t go over puberty man that stuff’s scary There’s one last thing to share with my band And that’s stuff about the adrenal gland Never mind. We’ve talked enough Now let’s get groovy with some real brain stuff! Unit 3B Lesion, EEG, CT, PET I talk about this stuff because I am an emcee Let’s not forget about the MRI And the fMRI, wasssup! You use your brainstem when you are a reptile Use your medulla cause you’re def beat phile Reticular formation, thalamus Cerebellum, limbic system, and amygdalas Your hypothalamus gives you a reward So when you play Candy Crush ya don’t feel bored Your cerebral cortex makes you think Like these def rhymes that are on the brink Of genius. Frontal, parietal, lobes This video’s winning 8 Golden Globes Temporal, occipital lobes My sensory cortex registers the strobes I’m athletic, I use my motor cortex And association areas for the rest I like my Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas Without them, I would have aphasia Plasticity is what it’s all about, man We have permission from the Sandman No this rap is not a scuttlebutt Because my corpus callosum was cut Consciousness is cool I must admit And dual processing is some pretty crazy stuff Unit 3C Biology ain’t only boring stuff Maybe genetics and evolutionary will be enough Let’s talk now about behavior geneticists They check the interplay of heredity and environment Now what’s the order of genetic info? It goes: DNA, genes, and chromosome Wait that’s not the order of size man no Maybe something’s wacky in my old genome Let’s study those guys called fraternal twins But when it comes to similarity, identical wins We can learn about heritability That measures the differences between you and me Genes and environment do interact Molecular genetics sees how DNA is stacked Don’t see this as some kinda diss But I don’t like evolutionary psychologists Just kidding I swear they earn my affection They apply Darwin’s principle of natural selection Now it looks like this unit is basically done WAIT THINGS ARE CHANGING: It’s a mutation Just kidding: this unit’s over Yea it’s your lucky day, frickING FOUR LEAF CLOVERS WHAT! Unit 4 Give me all of your selective attention And Í will take you to another dimension Top-down processing from the bottom-up Inattentional blindness, you better shut up I am also a victim of change blindness, too Don’t understand psychophysics then you are a fool What? I didn’t hear you. Iḿ the marquis Absolute threshold? No sucker MCs! Signal detection theory is pretty fun Subliminal messages are priming everyone The difference threshold is the best one to me But I might be biased cuz I am a MC Can’t listen to your stuff, It’s called Weber’s Law Sensory adaptation so cold that I’ll never thaw Transduction turns stimuli into impulses That was on the ´16 Exam boiz Come get me College Board, If you dare But you can’t catch me cuz I’m faster than a hare Wavelength, hue, intensity Pupil, iris, lense, it’s easy The lens’ accommodation helps you see And the retina for an organ is pretty freakin G Its got cones, rods, and the optic nerve It’s got a blind spot, fovea so you can get served I got feature detectors in my brain Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory makes me go insane Opponent-process theory is pretty bad too But it’s the sense of audition that make me really blue Frequency, pitch, middle ear, cochlea Inner ear, place/frequency theory Hey ya! I have hearing loss, conduction or sensorineural I guess I need a cochlear implant… I said guess I need a cochlear implant… But don’t take me to a doctor or a scientist Those suckers are lying making me pissed Kinesthesis is my favorite sense All other senses are complete nonsense I like vestibular and gate-control theory When people see kinesthetic genius they fear me How can I taste when I cannot smell? That’s like a telephone without my boi Graham Bell Sensory interaction is more important than you think Without it, you be on the brink Of the McGurk effect Can’t understand me? Get rekt! I can taste feelings and I can hear smells Synesthesia mixes senses wherever I dwell Now I’m not saying that it’s your fault But most things are viewed as a gestalt You got the figure-ground, grouping, proximity Similarness, connectedness, and continuity And closure, and depth perception A dream in a dream? Whoa! That’s dreamception Infants perceive depth with the visual cliff They got binocular cues to get a lift They got retinal disparity and monocular cues, too Everybody knows I don’t like Highlander II Here me talk about horizontal-vertical illusion Relative height and interposition Relative size and linear perspective We’re gettin paid so we have an extrinsic incentive Texture gradient, clarity, motion, light and shadow I like to play sonic but don’t call me shallow Stroboscopic movement helps you watch this video And the phi phenomenon is pretty cool, yo Perceptual constancy never changes Shape constancy, size constancy are pretty deranged Moon illusion/ponzo illusion, see? Ames illusion, Relative luminance, wookie Lightness constancy and color constancy This rap is serious, it is not a comedy Most psych emcees think that I only list terms But I would like to mention that they should eat worms I can’t see with my head upside down, oh yes I can Perceptual adaptation helps me out, man My schemas give me the perceptual set You might be surprised this unit’s not done yet Extrasensory perception is a load of bananas Psychokinesis? Can’t say I’m a fan of Parapsychology is the last term Before I can end this unit with a burn Look out emcees cuz imma get crazy You can’t touch me because your rapping is lazy Unit 5 Now it’s time for my rap game to take a turn Talkin bout psychoactive drugs, with a couple burns Now let’s define my friend consciousness It’s ourselves and environment, our awareness Sleep blanks that out in a special way they go Circadian rhythms mind that ebb and flow REM sleep is where your dreams come true When you slip into that sleep you don’t know what to do Alpha waves, delta waves, hallucinations man When you’re not dreaming it’s called NREM But why do we sleep? That’s not my concern Using just the bold words have our A+ earned But I should go over some sleepy diseases Like insomnia, narcolepsy, apnea that’s sleepy Night terrors are especially spooky But dreams, man, those are really kooky Maybe some of your content is manifest But analyze that latent stuff, man that’s the best Even if you can’t have any sleep found You’ll bounce right back with some REM rebound Let’s go briefly over hypnosis Even if you’re in this state you shouldn’t miss My groovy rhymes, cause hypnosis is a sham Or is it really? I got no clue man! There’s somethin behind posthypnotic suggestions But dissociation is still in question So I guess it’s real? Or is it not? Maybe in the end it’s all for naught Psychoactive drugs may make you wince But they make you even more if you got tolerance Now you might actually want to bawl If you go through a traumatizing withdrawal There’s dependences: like physical And of course its counterpart, psychological Addiction is often misconceived But now I’ll go over types of drugs you won’t believe Depressants bum you out, barbiturates tranquilize Stimulants excite and opiates lethargize You’d get really messed up on amphetamines This includes methamphetamine There’s ecstasy and MDMA I really hope that stuff stays away Time to go over hallucinogens Your perception of reality they really bend There’s LSD which ain’t too dank But there’s THC which is wicked bank Your experience may be near death But you don’t want to take your final breath That’s it, another unit down It’s not even halfway over! No need to frown Unit 6 Alright let’s do it boys! Unit 6 is here We gunna adapt with learning so have no fear Association is how we learn I’m habituated to your music, that is a burn Conditioning: classical and operant You better behave and abstain during lent Observational learning at no expense Violent movies are correlated with violence Now our boi Pavlov was a pretty cool dude He found the US, the UR, the NS, too He found the CS, and CR as well Just thinking bout him makes me salivate like hell Acquisition is making the association We started this project early: no procrastination I once met a fly girl, and I adored her She made my conditioning higher-order (Whooooooaoaaaaa!) Extinction is... wait I forget Is it time for spontaneous recovery yet? Things seem similar: that’s generalization Things look different: that’s discrimination But Pavlov wasn’t always right Some of his reasoning was not so tight Animals can learn predictability You should have learned helplessness, you’re a sucker emcee Respondent behavior is the operant side Writing bout this stuff makes me want to do a jive Operant behavior works on the world The law of effect makes learning unfurl I opened Skinner’s Box, you know what was inside The coolest mouse I ever seen in my life Shaping is how I trained my dog without a fuss No successive approximations cuz he’s a genius Discriminative stimuli is reinforced Don’t press the pause button, let us run our course All the time I’m continuously reinforced I get so many bills, it’s partially a force Punishment or reinforcement, positive or negative You only got one life and it’s the life you gotta live Punisher or Reinforcer, how do I chose Life is only a game and it’s a game we’re meant to lose How many ways can I reinforce you Fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, interval, too I have a cognitive map in the place where I think I could sell it to you for 50 rupees, Link Latent learning and motivation Extrinsic, Intrinsic, cuz I’m a sensation Insight is important, too It helped me write these lyrics and not be a fool I model the monkey over there A barrel of ‘em so beware Monkey see monkey do, is what I say And my mirror neurons help me along the way Behavior modeling is important, too Prosocial is nice, but anti gives me the blues Why do people need to view violence? I’m disturbed by their insistence Don’t get desensitized by your trendy young adult books Because Mix masta Peez never imitates the hooks Unit 7A You might think this is hard to remember But think about memory, back since your first September! It’s learning that has persisted over time You remember all my mothafrickin groovy rhymes There’s encoding, storage, retrieval too You’re gon’ remember so much till you don’t know what to do But sensory stuff is really really quick It goes to short term to really make it stick Then long term holds it for as long as you can Working memory’s a new way for the topic to understand Now how about encoding? Do we process automatic? Well sure and it’s parallel don’t get too dramatic You know it’ll stick when processing’s effortful But only with a good bit of clean old rehearsal And the spacing effect: man that stuff is tight Serial position gets your first and last that’s right There’s encoding visual, acoustic, semantic too I’ve used this rhyme so many times you don’t know what to do Now visual needs some sick imagery And a mnemonic really helps your memory Use some chunking to get your stuff in clumps Man I gotta take a break to take a dump Now short term storage has two memories: Iconic and echoic are self-explanatory Back to biological to which we’ve had initiation A neuron is supported with long term potentiation Your memories won’t leave if they’re bulbin’ flash Amnesia sends your memories straight to ash Implicit memory is silently retrieved Explicit you don’t get with quite as much ease This all goes down in the hippocampus Santa’s evil sidekick is known as Krampus Now how do you get that information out? Recall, recognize, relearn, don’t pout! Now you may be primed to know some stuff Now you may be primed to know some stuff Wait was that twice- a - dooby doo Or was it just a little bit of deja vu Now what we remember may be a little bent Cause most of what we get is mood congruent Proactive interference is when old blocks new Retroactive is the other way, don’t forget foo’! Now maybe we get anxiety or depressed From memories that we try to repress Remembering stuff wrong isn’t hard to perfect When you got your misinformation effect Or maybe some amnesia from the source Now I think this verse has run its course! Unit 7B Next verse, here we go, start the ignition Time to talk about frickin’ cognition To start things off, here’s a problem-solving trick: Algorithms are perfect, but heuristics are quick And when we group similar objects It’s called a concept So just think outside the box, or your lines are bereft! Now when you think of rap do you think of hype? That’s prob’ly because it’s a prototype! I heard you’re havin’ issues rhymin’ Q with E So just think, use creativity! Now let’s grow older, turn the page Babbling, One-word, Two-word stage Now telegraphic speech will get you talkin’ Next thing you know, you’re in a coffin Yeah we’re talkin’ ‘bout language so stop your antics The rules for language are called semantics The smallest sound unit is phoneme While the smallest meaning is a morpheme If you ain’t speak right, you’re put in the slammer So please work on your goddamn grammar This rap’s just starting, don’t get relaxed If you need to talk, you use syntax Now I know language has your mind in a schism But remember Whorf made linguistic determinism! Now it’s time for these raps to take flight Look into your soul for a little insight Confirmation bias is a fickle little snitch Just about as frustrating as the availability heuristic Overconfidence can land you in a situation So don’t get hung up on your fixation Intuition helps you make decisions real quick While framing can get you caught up in a trick If you can’t think outside the box, don’t get upset You’re prob’ly stuck in a mental set Donkey Kong uses his fists to fight While representativeness heuristic uses relies on prototypes Functional fixedness will get you stuck You just gotta learn to not give a frick Last but not least is belief perseverance That’s when your mind keeps a strict adherence Now this verse is done, but don’t be irate It’s time to move on to Unit 8! Unit 8A Now i know we were just talking about communication But now let's transition to mad motivation As it energizes and directs our behaviors Instincts are unlearned and have common patterns I know what you're thinking, how is this connected? Please be patient, while the drive reduction theory’s dissected It involves aroused states filled with tension You can't relax until you fill that need, not to mention We need to fulfill homeostasis Unless you want to end up like dead old man Jenkins I advise you to listen to your incentive Thats right, wake the frick up and be attentive! If you are not attentive to your needs Maslow will make you choke on some beads Youre damn right, its not invalid Maslow created a damn pyramid Its called the hierarchy of needs We need to fulfill our psychological seeds Then comes safety, and belongingness Esteem, self-actualization, and self transcendence Of course you can't fill needs when you’re tired So get some glucose, or you'll never be hired Thats right you need to get a job According to Maslow you shouldn't be a slob Now even i'm wondering what else is there to tell Let me enlighten you, and make you crawl out of your shell You see we have something called a set point It has to with hunger, and your metabolic rate Our bodies are really exciting things They are temples meant for kings If you want to treat this king right Basal metabolic rate should be there day and night It's something that makes your energy feel alright Anorexia and bulimia, and binge eating Disorders that can make your body take a beating Masters and Johnson studied sex Their job probably got them some hefty checks They examined and pondered about the sexual response cycle And came to a conclusion, the cycle is like a well oiled motorcycle We got excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution This only works with the help of menstruation Now if you're like us emcees And have sex until you hit a period of refractory Then you might want to cool it and try again later As you won't be a very good mate-r We got estrogen for the women Testosterone for the men Of course each sex has quite the blend But those have nothing to do with sexual orientation Everyone has a specific attraction Unit 8B A song with every term it? That’s bold...face Imma go in to tha mix so we can keep the pace The subject is emotion, it’s what we’re gunna discuss To James-Lange emotion is physical awarenuss Cannon-Bard says body rhymes And emotions occur at the same time The two-factor theory has two parts You gotta be aroused and label it to so you can fall apart You got a polygraph? Well poly wanna graph! I got a barrel of monkeys and I gotta giraffe I smile, that makes me more happy You are gonna frown and feel sad when I’m rapping That’s called facial feedback. It’s an attack On our small-town American values from back In the day Got catharsis? Say hey! What a wonderful kind of muthafricken day I’m angry, so I SCREAM! But catharsis isn’t real so I get more mean Yes I may listen to your mixtape But feel good-do good with never fix the gaping Hole you left in my heart, when you went away My well-being is all gone, I’m sad to say (MC Frannypants? He’s faster than a bike!) Well you obviously never heard masta Peez on the mic Adaptation-level will bring you up to speed To experience def rhymes that will make you bleed I’m not as well off as that other man As walk down the street, a Doctor Pepper in my hand That’s relative deprivation, compare to another You best believe that this term is a mutha Behavioral medicine, health psych, and stress Two aren’t on the AP, so we’ll talk about them less Feeling stressed out? Take an adderall Just kidding, The GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome) has got your call First you got alarm your heart starts beating Then you got resistance, but your energy’s fleeting Last you got exhaustion, and that’s the end of the road Can even believe how these rhymes have flowed? Coronary heart disease is no joke Vessels get clogged, this isn’t a hoax Type A people are aggressive, unbridled Type B people are considerably more mild I saw my boi type A as hard-driving as a bull And I was with my boi type B at type A’s funeral Psychophysiological illness MC Frannypants never has stillness Psych-psych-neuro-neuro-immunology I said a one-word line and the name is masta Peez Lymphocytes help you when you are feeling sick They attack bad things, and they do that pretty quick Unit 9 Now let’s discuss developmental psych It will help Alexander learn how to ride a bike Zygote, embryo and the fetus spells ZEF And you best believe these rhymes are def For a fetus, teratogens are bad news Fetal alcohol syndrome gives babies the blues When we’re young, maturation is faster When I’m on the microphone, it’s a disaster For you. Ya better make another schema Maybe assimilate a ruse, because I am a sly lemur I’ll accommodate you, if you don’t understand I like to wear ASSPIZZA because it is a cool brand Now let’s discuss a guy named Piaget He made some discoveries that are pretty insane He made the stages of cognitive development When I make a treb it is really efficient We start off with sensorimotor No object permanence, another day another dolor That brings us to the preoperational This rap is getting pretty senational These little guys have no conservation Whoa! That pond has lots of eutrophication Egocentrism, theory of mind If you can’t see, then you are blind Now let’s discuss the concrete op You on on n’ on and you don’t dare stop Formal operational is the end of the road Autism is appears in childhood Now I don’t want you to get mad at me But you give me stranger anxiety Attachment is an emotional tie It can be secure or not, and that’s not a lie You develop a lot in the critical period Everyone knows my rhyming skills are myriad Imprinting makes you attach yourself My favorite Will Ferrell film? Muthafrickin ELF! My temperament is volatile Don’t have basic trust, I only have style My self-concept is that I’m the best I can’t even talk about the rest Without laughing.... Ha ha ha Look out for Frannypants, cuz it’s the law Gender is influenced by society I’m a kung foo master, just call me Bruce Lee I feel aggressive, I have a genome I guess it’s because I have X and Y chromosomes And testosterone. Being the greatest is my role Gender roles, I like to eat egg rolls Gender Identity is a sense This muthafrickin unit’s getting pretty intense Gender typing is the acquisition of a role You want me to produce? You’ll have to cajole Social learning theory, it makes me weary If you’re a snitch, then you’d better fear me The best time of life is adolescence Unless you are taking strong depressants In which case you’re a straight phony Holden Caulfield would call you a piece of baloney And let’s not forget about Great Expectations Sometimes puberty is worse than castration And what was up with that bourgeois society? Sex characteristics of the primary variety And secondary to make everything all work Ain’t nothing funny so wipe that smirk Off your face. You’re worse than vegetables Everyone knows swearing is unethical Organs that make reproduction possible And voice cracks that make life more awful Than it already is. And that’s pretty bad You best believe menarche is NOT a bunch of malarkey What is my morality? I’m speaking reality rap And I’m not a sap Pre, nothing, and post conventional stages This rap is about to hit eighteen pages Erikson had insights into identity Who am I? And social: who are we? His psychosocial stages do not apply to me There’s only one stage for a def emcee And that’s killin it vs. killin it, that’s the game These rhymes are hypnotizing and making you insane Intimacy? Huh? What’s that? Is it spraying stupid suckas with a giant-ass gat? Emerging adulthood is on the AP You can trust me cause I am an emcee Menopause is the natural cessation Of that process that we call menstruation Wanna measure something over life? It’s easy! Just conduct a freakin longitudinal study If you want results quick, and baby we do Then the cross-sectional study is just for you I’ve got knowledge, and that’s a fact My crystallized intelligence is way off the track You got flow? Hell no, you don’t Your fluid intelligence lacks, it’s drowned in the moat By my social clock, you’re way overdue But you can’t make a comeback cause you’re a fool Interlude Sitting alone in the comfort of my home Just one thing on my mind I want to run with all my pals in the old cross-country grind I wish I were running with my charming eye for charisma the size of a bear But I can't feel my legs from all this pain, so much stress I am losing my hair Clap, clap your hands Clap, clap your hands Clap, clap your hands Move your body to the rhythm of my band It's so dark I'm alone I got abducted from my home, I wish I knew where I was I grabbed by a man with powerful hands that were covered in a slimy scuzz I think I'm dying I can't tell if I'm crying, running would have done some good I could have run to all my pals, now I'm tied up in the hood Clap, clap your hands Clap, clap your hands Clap, clap your hands Move your body to the rhythm of my band Clap, clap your hands Clap, clap your hands Clap, clap your hands Move your body to the rhythm of my band Unit 10 Personality is a pattern of your character Ya thinker, ya feeler, ya crazy actor Now Freud has a wack way of looking at this We call his ideas psychodynamics Exploring the unconscious with free association Psychoanalysis was sweeping the nation Ego is the moral, id is the crazy Superego balances so neither one is lazy Psychosexual stages give a real nice rhyme Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital time! Oedipus complex? Seems simple to me Guy’s lovin his mom, that’s weird you FREAK You get your parents’ values with identification Get stuck on those stages with some mad fixation There’s defense mechanisms like reaction formation Repression you block, go back with regression Projection you move it, or justify and rationalize Displacement you change your target: are these all lies? Sublimation’s displacement, but fancier man Denial’s when rejecting is your plan Now Freud was a mess let’s look at Jung His collective unconscious was pretty far-flung How’d these people check this stuff? With some projective tests In my opinion that TAT is the best Or how about Rorschach? His blots were fly Secretly through this rap I only want to die Terror management deals with that stuff Alright Freud, I think we’ve had enough Humanistic perspective got some different views Self actualization is what we want, yeah me and you Rogers was a crazy little human-loving bard He gave us all unconditional positive regard Self-concept is crucial here Now let’s go over traits now have no fear Look it over with an inventory of personality Like the mothafrickin MMP inventory All these tests are empirically derived Like the AP test we gonna GET THAT 5! That’s all for traits seemed pretty lame Now a few more bits here: are you game? My favorite perspective is social cognitive Says interaction determines the way we live Reciprocal determinism is a founding principle Say that parking lot just might be municipal Tell me where’s your personal control? Is your locus internal or sadly external? Let’s explore your self it seems really cool With the spotlight effect, all eyes on you Self esteem ain’t always bad If you have just the right amount you’ll be pretty glad Self serving bias is a nasty flaw You say you’re always better straight from your jaw How’s your culture, got collectivism? Or more self-centered: individualism? That’s it for personality Four more verses, but first I gotta pee Unit 11 If you're unaware of the smarts in your brain nest Then you might want to consider an intelligence test Watchout here comes a charging knight with a lance Don't be a fool, dodge it, use your intelli-gance (intelligence) Next we have some factor analysis Thats clusters, and relates to general intelligence Theres something called savant syndrome Thats being exceptional at a specific skill in your dome Spearman, Thurstone, Gardner, and sternberg These are my bois, we chillen in Luxembourg Theres something in us, its hard to explain Their called emotions, and they start in our brain It s important to understand them Thats emotional intelligence, just ask mom Speaking of mom you could give her a test Its for mental age, she better do her best Thats intelligence based on age It can make people fill with rage (background: if they stupid) Binets test was soon revised To the stanford-binet test, now even more demise (background: if they stupid) Mental age and actual age are very relevant Its called IQ and it fills your empty skeleton Now with evrything you know, try and do your best As we measure what you know with an achievement test To get the answers and averages thats for all We need a group thats pretested, not shopping at the mall Thats standardization, they predict the future like a magic eight ball Hopefully we can trust them all Thats reliability, before you test, please no alcohol Validity is the the hopeful one of the call As it predicts the suppos-ed outcome, ya’ll We were put in the world with intellectual disabilities Thats an IQ of 70 or below Down syndrome falls into this category But that doesn't mean you have less of a story This verse is now done But the song still has a ton Unit 12 Unit 12 let’s go, it’s about time Abnormal psych’s the topic that were gonna rhyme Deviant, distressful, dysfunctional patterns Psychological disorders are like caverns Having ADHD is not easy But it’s real easy to rhyme better than Yeezy Psych disorders can be treated The medical model has never been beated You need a diagnosis, then don’t look to far The DSM-V will make you faster than a jaguar Never diagnose someone who you don’t know Because, son you’re not a professionul Take my advice, don’t treat people like mice Cuz if I see you you’ll pay the muthafricken price Anxiety disorders are distressing Nothing I would like to eat with a bit of French dressing The generalized kind isn’t too rad Constant autonomic arousal is pretty bad With panic disorder, you get panic attacks You better know that this is not the funky radical bombtrack This is MC Frannypants n’ hiz boiz You best believe we don’t play with muthafricken toys I don’t like spiders, when I see ‘em I scream Anxiety from phobias can get pretty mean Like my rhymes. This beat is hoppin’ It goes on on n’ on and it’s never stoppin Obsessive compulsive disorder can be hell It certainly was for my boi Howie Mandel Post-traumatic stress disorder can be haunting It can strike when the odds become daunting Somatoform disorders are pretty weird The mind is everything, like a sheep that’s sheared Somatic symptoms with no physical cause Conversion disorder is an examples Hypochondriasis is another too My doctor’s always thinking about deja vu Can your consciousness become separated? Well multiple personality is a term that’s dated DID could be real, I admit Or it could be a big pile of bullstuff Mood disorders like depressive and mania Come with me my friends, we’ll go to Transylvania Bipolar Disorder does not have a boarder I want a boat, I’m rich, I can afford her Schizophrenia is a complex condition It’s characterized by delusional thinking Maybe due to too many dopamine receptors Hallucinations that you’ve seen spectre Personality disorders impair social function You do something inappropriate at a luncheon Antisocial personality sufferers have lack of conscience They can be sly and clever or obnoxious Well that bring us to the end of unit 12 Unit 13 is the next unit in which we’ll delve Unit 13 Now we’re gonna talk about treatments Listen closely and I’ll tell you some secrets The eclectic approach is pretty wack Various forms of therapy to help you kick back Sigmund Freud was a fan of psychotherapy Sit down and listen as I rap about it merrily He helped patients using that psychoanalysis Don’t even think about touching that cannabis Resistance is blocking spooky material Apple jacks are the superior cereal (UH) Freud really liked using interpretation This project really furthers my edjumacation I’m hoping this rap still has coherence And it’s not just a sign of a developing transference Influenced by Freud, psychotherapists are Opening my mind with a crowbar Psychodynamic, Insight, client-centered, behavior therapy All designed to fix your mind’s irregularity While Pavlov used that classical conditioning Rogers later developed active listening While also promoting unconditional positive regard Hopefully this rhyme isn’t too avant-garde Unwanted behaviors might be fixed by counterconditioning All these boldface terms are becoming sickening Let’s please hurry up with this thing Exposure therapy seems pretty odd Desensitization makes you go abroad Virtual reality can help you face your fears Put on your Oculus Rift and your headgear Use aversive conditioning if you’re drinking too much So if you drink a little, you don’t feel too clutch Token economies are based on operant ideas Cognitive therapy is like a delicious tortilla Cognitive-behavioral therapy Can help you be happier if you want to be Family therapy is available too It’s more exciting than the battle of Waterloo Regression toward the mean, meta-analysis These rhymes are so strong they’re gunna give you paralysis Evidence-based practice, that is cool Clinical psychologists call it their favorite tool Meds might be prescribed for your nervous system It's biomedical therapy, don't resist ‘em! Walking down through dollar tree I saw an ad for psychopharmacology I don't know about you, but free drugs sounds good to me Antipsychotic drugs are mostly used to treat schizophrenia But their side effects include tardive dyskinesia There's also drugs to treat your anxiety and depression (antianxiety and antidepressant) Hot damn, this beat is so pleasant ECT involves electrical current in your brain It’s designed to help put an end to the pain This is as good as this rhymes gonna ever be RTMS stimulates the brain with magnetic energy Psychosurgery and lobotomy are options if you’re brave Resilience helps you recover from experiences close to the grave This verse is ending, I’m practically done After 13 units, psych is still fun Unit 14 Alright boys and girls, let’s get rowdy Cuz we’re about to talk about Social Psychology! Often times, when a situation gets hairy The behavior is explained with attribution theory The situation matters more than you may care for So don’t forget, it’s fundamental attribution error! If all your friends tell you you’re rude It’s probably due to your attitude Central route persuasion gets right to the point But peripheral route persuasion might hand you an iced cream Make some requests from smaller to bigger Foot-in-the-door phenomenon is a mutha quicker If you’re going out with your friends to bowl Make sure you know your social role I went and stole a balloon at the store But stealing is something that I abhor But I did it due to my friends’ insistence Now I’m strapped down by cognitive dissonance Will I change my actions? Well, I may But I’ll likely be jacking stuff till the end of the day Because my attitude changed. It’s different People need to listen to my rap cause they’re ignorant Solomon Asch is a mutha you must know He’s got lines and some actors, like on a game show My rap is gunna warn you, cause I’m an emcee About that mad muthafricka called conformity You want my approval? That’s normative Don’t ridicule me but Vanilla Ice is formative You believe me? Well, that’s informational I’m not quiet, I’m confrontational I know how to rhyme, this isn’t cockiness Social facilitation helps when I have an audience My competitors suck cuz they’re so lame Their suckin rhymes they drive me insane When you’re doin’ group work please don’t go oafing Becasue that’s also known as social loafing Feelin’ frisky in a crowd, tryna do some masturbation? I’ll betcha it’s because of deindividuation! Now ask around that group, find what you wanna do Thanks to group polarization, the others will too! And when your desire for harmony makes a big stink Don’t worry, just blame it on the damn groupthink Whenever you see Americans actin’ like vultures Just remember it’s part of their culture Some people hate gay marriage and are startin’ up a storm But that’s just because it’s not a norm If you get close and try and undo my lace Take a step back, I need some personal space! If your feelings toward Latinos aren’t very lecherous You might realize you have a racial prejudice If you see a black man and think he has a knife Chill the frick out, that’s a stereotype If you own a restaurant and won’t seat a Haitian You’re an awful person, and that’s discrimination When you have a lot of friend’s, you’re in the ingroup But in the outgroup you’re out of the loop Ingroup bias has you favoring your friends While scapegoat theory puts a rando on the ends If you see a white man and say “Hey that’s Brian Wecht!” You’re probably white too, and that’s the other-race effect And if you believe that white man deserves to get it on You’re just a product of the just-world phenomenon Now quiet on down, there’s no need for a lesson We all know about good ol’ aggression If you get frustrated that you aren’t invincible You’ll probably get aggressive by the frustration-aggression principle If you hate someone and you’re stuck in a sect You’ll learn to like them with the mere exposure effect When I’m with Xander I’m in the clouds above Because we experience much passionate love You recognize the effects of Your friends live on yours through companionate love Make sure these relationships have no obsequity Make sure they’re filled with lots of equity As celebrities we can get lots of exposure If we give the paparazzi lots of self-disclosure And if we follow the religion of Buddhism We may just experience some sick altruism When someone’s in danger and you just stand erect You’re experiencing the bystander effect And if you’re tryna make deals with Beverly Cleary Just remeber interactions are defined by social exchange theory If you helped a friend out then don’t expect scorn They’re expected to help back with the reciprocity norm I know there’s many norms so I’m tryna keep em warm Bein responsible for a kid is social-responsibility norm When you can’t solve a problem, all the solutions make you sick You’re probably experiencing a frickin’ conflict If you’re lookin’ at 2 mutually destructive cats They’ve definitely found themselves in a social trap If you think your side is good, and find the other side correctin’ You both suffer from mirror-image perceptions But if you think you won´t like your tea You might suffer from a self-fulfilling prophecy If people feel differently within their roles You can overcome that with superordinate goals Now it’s the end of the verse so it’s sure to be lit You can decrease international tension but just using GRIT Appendices We’re done with the units but we’re not done yet We got the appendices, and those we can’t forget Now imma talk about flow, that’s what I’m gonna do That’s when you have a focus state and engagement, too Personnel psychology is also on the AP Just kidding, it’s not, I’m a tricky emcee Industrial organizational wasn’t on the test That’s right I’m discussing specific questions man I’m the best Regular organizational wasn’t on there either Human factors is also good Imma take a breather Structured interviews can help us see Solid information about you and me Achievement motivation is accomplishment desire Yeah that’s right my rhymes are fire Task leadership is goal oriented Social leadership is towards the people bended Two more appendices are still left And we’ll take you all along in a way that’s real deft I don’t really know how to cope With the stress this song is giving me, not too dope I’ll try problem-focused and affect it head on Or emotion-focused to ease the stress from the rinclons Aerobic exercise is great for you Join cross country you silly foo’! Biofeedback is the second to last term What does CAM stand for? Don’t know I’m a worm Or worse: I’m worse than the dirt From this entire fricking rap my mouth will start to hurt That was meyers, muthafricka Outro: Man I’m happy! It’s finally done Now a 5 on your test you have really won Now let’s think what’d we learn today To think about life in a whole new way? Different perspectives, biology too You can now interpret behavior in a zoo Like gorillas those guys are really wack But if you don’t see him while counting passes you’re still on track Cause now you know the way this really all works In the corners of your brain this always lurks Because you learned it all! You learned it complete Maybe we’ll make review books obsolete