
Daft Punk

Score: 34
Played: 211


Random Access Memories

Released: 20 Aug 2013


“A track produced with DJ Falcon, and a voice recorded on the last Apollo mission – number 17 – from Nasa. The voice from Captain Eugene Cernan, the last man to have walked the moon. It’s a voice that literally comes from space. And what it says, needs no comment…”


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Hey, Bob, I'm looking at what Jack was talking about, and, uh It's definitely not a particle that's nearby It is a bright object, and it's obviously rotating because it's flashing It's way out in the distance Certainly rotating in a very rhythmic fashion because the flashes come around almost on time As we look back at the Earth it's up at about 11 o'clock About, uh, well, maybe ten or 12 diameters- diameters, uh I don't know whether that does you any good, but there's something out there
