Honeymoon Avenue
David So
Honeymoon Avenue
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[Please remember to change subtotals when adding or removing users!]Chart:Key:💙: Staff 💜: Moderator ❤️: Mediator 💛: Editor 🧡: Transcriber 💚: Verified Artist 🤍: ContributorFallen From Gracepressburg x50,000 IQ+🤍 4RSLANTR 🤍 AbelTesPepe 💛 Adelin 🤍 Adnane (@Adnane_MKb) 💛 AGS96 💛 AKNCXV 🤍 AkogesBiggestFan 🤍 allahsnackbar 💛🧡 all our ties stay severed 💛 AlStone 💜💛 Amoneptah 🤍 andyousmile 🤍 Angelo_Graves 💜💛 AntoineMrn 💛 Arek Szudy (@shoods) 🤍 arranging_the_Pieces 🧡 Ashley Rose (UK) (@nonbinaryPOTUS) 🤍 ataraxia17 🤍 Augustunt 💜💛 Aurl 💛 Banga (@banga) 💛 BehindtheMask 💛🧡 billy 💛 BlackSilverBlackSilver 💛 CalHx 💛❤️ caszriel 💛 Celina 🤍 Chadwick 💛 Charles Wang (@carolusjg) 🤍 cordial48 🤍 cxbmusic 🤍 DavideDAndrea 💛 Dawid Połujan (@Dattebayo) 🤍 deadfr 🤍 delete0141383591 💜💛 DemetriusAKAMasterSplintersNephew 🤍 didactic 🤍 discomm 🤍 Djbl_7 🤍 DongerLord 🤍 DrLamentation 💛 dunttt 🤍 Eid_otter 🧡 EmilioDG 💛 EnzoVercetti 🤍 Enyukay 💛 Eon2323 💛 EricDoesEdits 💛 escobreum 🤍 evanbuckley 🤍 FaresAbidi 🤍 Flapp3r 🤍 fresco2900 💛 geniuscontributor 💛 GJXX 💛 Grekz2540 🤍 Halfaxa 💛 Hazeherty 💛 honeymoonavenue 🧡 hornycallme 🤍 HOVERFLY_8 🧡 Imamu 🤍 Interplays 🤍 Ivisson 💛 Jewish_Metal_Head 🤍 JICHU🦋 (@KimyJisoo) 🤍 JonavanHolstein 🤍 JustaNewKid 💛 JVitorFelix (@Peixeeh) 💚 Kendrick Lamar 🤍 KendrickPerccins 🤍 kiqehfoda 🤍 Kool-Aid-Bwoy 🧡 KRAYYZIE 💛 Lizzie Dawson (@lizzie_d) 🤍 Lordzik 💛🧡 love 🧡 LPCollins 💛 MarianAlkoholik 💛 marvellings 🤍 MarvelMan 💛 MatthewDurrant 💛 Max hiney 🌸 (@urtalseenioop) 💛 Mdp_ncr 🤍 Mediumjay 🤍 MetalheadMichael 💛 Michel Chermont (@elchermont) 🤍 Michelle1111 🧡 Monst-R (@Psycho_G110873) 🤍 Moonswimmer 💛 MSyn 🤍 MvdS (@Kingsls) 💛 Mvggxt 🤍 NFX007 🤍 nigel naïve (@nigel32) 💙 nightpool 💛 Nobody_of_any_importance 🤍 nurkancinar 💛 OerO 🤍 Onemario64 🤍 opiumprada 🤍 OrionMagoGuerriero 🤍 osibraimah13 🤍 pablodiego 🤍 Perpetuous94 💛 pprazzi 🤍 praymewhenimdead 🤍 PsyQonaut 💜 RaulMPimentel (@RaulMarquesRJ) 💛 Reacien 🤍 ReeStorm 💜 rezzza 💛 rihanti 💛 r_kumar109 💛 rogertaylorswift 🤍 rubrichotel 🤍 Ryuforstorm 🧡 Saigonite 💛 SallySunshine 💚💛 Sankta 🧡 Sapors 🧡 Sarp (@SarpKartal) 🤍 Satotarou 🤍 sgtrock412 🤍 Shadowlander 🤍 shvab 💛 SilentReflections 💜 Simivar 💛 Skalebris⏳ (@skalebris) 🤍 Somedamnname (@ReadOnlyUser) 💛 sosad2112 🤍 Still Slim (@WhatWouldBasedGodDo) 🤍 StreetDreams 🤍 subMACHINE 💛 SutooneGenius 🤍 swaglordfivehundred 💛 SyntheticChild 🤍 ⚡ tbh laci ⚡ (@wherethefuckaretheavocados) 💛 tatebandit 🤍 TheHills79 💛 themayjailer 💛 theqep 🤍 thesokka 💛 tnetennba 🤍 Torziz 💛❤️ ToxiPlays 🤍 to6ussy 💛 trainspotting 🤍 Troy Womble (@TroyW) 🤍 vslvsk 🤍 Wave.Goat 🤍 weachica 🧡 weightedangelcube 🤍 wintrnites 🧡 wooshi 🤍 Wu-Pac 🤍 XxDynasty 🤍 YOUNGDIAMOND 💚 YXNGXAN (@rizaN) 🤍 ZonkTheHero Subtotal: 15960,000 IQ+🤍 123_Pixie_Lee 💛 16er 🧡 1ovvvs 🤍 21champions_ 💛 AaronDSimpson 🤍 ACEMASOCHIST 🧡 AIN47 💜 Aiste 💛 alindaniell 🤍 aly_rxses 💛 AndyBelt 🤍 angelicamanke 💛 animadivana 🤍 anothercontributor 💛 anya_takie_dela 💛 anyanka 🤍 Ardimasaputra 🤍 Arianaco14 🤍 A.S.T.A.T.E. (@ASTATETHENEXT20) 🤍 av0_hhhhhhh 🤍 Azertytreza 💛 Balakaye 💛 banshees 🤍 biasuxx 💛 Breakfast69 🤍 Bricky (@BrickyMichaela) 💛 CaillousMutter 🤍 Callin From The Fun House (@Alcoholic_Old_Man) x 💜 Carminator 💛 CFS83 💛 colld 🤍 contactek 🤍 Creat1ve_Username 🤍 CuanMeyer 🤍 Dandan_wan 💛 DayCole 🤍 Describer1998 🤍 Dilan (@BlackCrackar) 💛 dmitrij the daddy (@mkrnv) 💛 EMadden 🤍 emptykisses 🤍 erasersad 🤍 f013774 🤍 G_Lyricz_ 🤍 GblesstheQueen 💛 georgeybuckley 🤍 giojo_o 💛 Guilherme Bruno (@GuilhermeBruno) 🤍 GuyFuegoFieri 🤍 gvngar 🤍 Hectic 💛 Heisenbeat 💜 Henrique Marley (@RickMarley) x 🤍 HHHVGM x 🤍 HoneyKpop 💛 HorizonRose 💛 HuskyLannister 🤍 hyejoon1es 💛 Hylia 💛 illplusmatic #FREEMELVIN (@illplusmatic) 🤍 imapollo 🤍 Incunerd 🤍 isdotlove 🤍 Itai5252 🤍 ixaiah444 💛 JGabri 🤍 jinkinson 💛 JoaoVF 💛 kambalaya07 🤍 krapek 💛 KXC 🧡 lavendelchen (@laven) 💛 Leliel (@Xtal) 💛 LewEG 🤍 littleboyblue 💛 Liz Fosslien (@liz) x 🤍 LooxooM 💛 Lucas Pirru ☠️ (@LucasPirru) 🤍 Luisngel 💛 Luke Hanna (@LukeHanna) 💛 lxns 💛 m.brgndi (@m_brgndi) 💜 Magotox 💛 MarcelG x 💛 Max JR Miller (@snares) 🤍 mental2009 🤍 Metalhead_Corgi 💛 mfaith 💛 mjölk (@johan) 🤍 MNafisAlMukhdi1 💛 Mr. Allen (@MrAllen) 🤍 Nappy 🤍 nateed 🤍 Negado 💛 Nintschin 🤍 Noel1603 🤍 NoFacedMan 🤍 noidoor 🤍 OfficerBarbrady 💛 ojstrawberry 🤍 OliverOntanon 💛 phantom_spaceman 💛 PiecesOfAMan 🤍 polga 🤍 PrzemysawCyprys 💚 Pusha T (@PushaT) 💛 Quidama 💛 RayneMan 🤍 retensi 💛 RobMilli 💛 rsxyo 🤍 ryokavertikal 💛❤️ Saaanto 💙 Samuelmay 🤍 Sazamizir 💛 schwiftymachine 🤍 SCROLL_BE_THE_GANG 💛 Seaeffess (@scopeyclaire) x 💛 sevenmillion 🤍 ShaggyJ2002 🤍 sho 💛❤️ Sina-J78 💛 slipnslide 🤍 Spanner12 💛 SR_thePangloss 💛 Sssoulgardn 🧡 Steve A. Daniel (@itzstevehereyo) 🤍 tangkira 💛 teeja 🤍 Thisadult 🤍 threedayssavage 🤍 TheUndergroundPR 💙 Tom Lehman (@LEMON) x 🤍 uliskek 💛 UnKorruptedKhi (@UnKorruptedKhi) 💛 Valkyrie1676 💛 VideoKilledTheStereochrome (@Stereochrome) 🤍 vyronman 🧡 wasab1ck 🧡 Werly Xd (@BerlyEsquivel) 💛 wizard 🤍 xepo8o 💛 yeeyoo 🤍 YABOYNICKY x Subtotal: 14470,000 IQ+🤍 13_lucky_star 🤍 22 Rangs (@OGSavo) 🤍 5bankaccounts3ounces2vehicles 💜 aliboujnane 🤍 alxdv 💛 AnarchoOmega 🤍 AndreiOctavian 🤍 AndyMeister 🤍 anonymous509 🧡 ASRaiyan x 🤍 Audible-Silence x 🤍 ayomortem 🤍 Bannanawaffles 💛 battered_sphinx 🤍 bIow 💛 Blu Sosa (@Blu) 💛 Bookooky 🤍 ChaosInMyMind (@ChaosInYaMind) 💛 Chl1k (@Cameron) x 🤍 Chris Mench (@Chris_Mench) 🤍 Cianocobalamina 💜 CirrusMinor 🤍 courtesan 💜 Detroit Leprechaun (@DetroitLeprechaun) 🤍 dhgr45 🤍 DreamSora100 🤍 Eddee 💛 egrets 🤍 Ellie_Hutchinson 💛 eth3792 💛 eviltzu 🤍 Facundo97 🤍 Fiikra 💛 FinoyElegante 🤍 FopA 💛 genedits 💙💚 Genius 🤍 goodest_godest_goldest_dogs 💛 Hakan Özsoy (@GeraldGillum) 💛 Haroj 🤍 hoey 🤍 Horizon34 🤍 HRaja 🤍 hvlcyondayz 🤍 I_have_an_addiction_to_this_site 💛 Jafar 🤍 jeffersuhn 🧡 jerseyplugg 💜 Jesusthekick (@jesusthekick) 🤍 Jonis221 💛 jorgepadillaa_ 💛 justatshirt 💛 kidd__313 💛 KillerClown 🤍 kubaxcx 💛 KtyakerAKAGeniusUkraineLegend 🤍 lacdooo 🤍 legends_will_never_die 💜 Liiight 💛 LilCaldoVerde 🤍 LizardBirdDragon 💛 Lxgan 💛 lxokqbrh 🧡 LCYON 🤍 Magia_Dorada17 💛 mardejuanx 🤍 Matcat (@matcat2) 💛 McCallon 💛 Mehta Data (@Metadata) 💛 MforMarlon 💛 MinorityFam 🤍 MoneyBagsTheMemer 🤍 Neiffer x 🤍 NickSingla 💛 nicole13 💛 Nightospheric 🧡 NoReply001 🤍 Orgasmatronomicon 🤍 oribloom 🤍 P572 💛 pastelgore 🤍 PhtV 💜 Piotr Zwierzyński (@ZWR) 🤍 primusliber 💛 RapAppreciator 💙 rcullo26 🤍 rdu 💛 Rednas 💛 restedroom 💛 rickypr 💛 ripwhishaw 💛 RMZB 💛 saltkin 💛 Screv6 💛 Scrimer 🤍 semampunya 💛 Shokatt 💛 SirChuckwagon 🧡 † SNEJIMO 𓆩 𓆪 (@Snejimo) 💛 Spigola 💛 sportsandbutter 💚 $UICIDEBOY$ (@SLMDNKASR) 🤍 Tamina 🤍 Tissarud3r 💛 TheALEXterminator 🤍 TheseScaringEyes 🤍 tomie (@tomubaato) 🤍 troyplaysbass 💛 🌴TruSwag🌴 (@TruSwag) 🤍 TXMusicFan 🤍 TylerNess (@importantveryperson) 💜 Uri Sivani (@Uri6) 💛 Vuk Aleksić (@StillAtIt) 🤍 wakemeupwhenitsover 💛 Walter Crunkite (@WalterCrunkite) 🤍 WC-DRS (@TheSwarthiness) x 🤍 wedthursdyxo 💛 wshfl 💛 WWJames 🤍 wze99 🤍 ZachariaYonis Subtotal: 12080,000 IQ+🤍 123andtotha4 🤍 2BLITZT 🤍 5mg 💛 92tilinfinity 💛 Aarnos 💛 Abbs205 🤍 Alessio Fanelli (@FanaHOVA) 🤍 AlexDionisio 🤍 Amer_Bee 💜 Andrzej Klimczyk (@switters) 🤍 ArminRecoba 🧡 atabey (@kaan) 🤍 AyoItzMarco 🤍 Baous 💚 Behan the Scene (@behanthescene) 🧡 Bhavesh Tolani (@BhaveshTolani) 💛 bliplox 🤍 bloodonmyaf1 🤍 boopdemsnoots 💛 cocoxuan 🤍 ComeSyrus 💛 D-boz2000 🤍 DDAWGFX 💛 decoxy 🤍 DjHighTallerance 🤍 dmchp 💛 Edward Ongweso JR (@MalcolmFleX) 🤍 EffDee 💛 Electrofensterheber 🤍 emanuelburgosok 🤍 Empirius 💛 ewertuf 🤍 feliperr 💜 FiliSaitama 💛 GabrielYuji 🤍gaqk 🤍 Gorock17 💛 Havsglimt 💛 Homogenic 🤍 How2DeleteAccount 🧡 HunkerDown 🤍 impartial 🤍 infiniteintellect 💛 InfiresARMY__ 💛 JBLO x 🤍 joachimbrg 🤍 johnjwyatt 🤍 keevie 🤍 koiesonline 🤍 KoolAidKale 💙 leemcintosh 💛 LEZAN 💜 LGF 💛 libertyandverse 🧡 lorrex 🤍 Maitlandplace 🤍 minotavrvs 💛 moshitup 💛 Nightmare Lyre (@NightmareLyre) 💛 nofal9 💛 NSRE 🤍 NyTidsalder 🤍 OccuPie 💛 ODutchman 🤍 onlycarra7 🤍 painfulcuts 💛 PeraP 💛 Peter Nowogrodzki (@XenaWarriorPrincess) 🤍 PulisicEndler 💛 ramoshenrique (@ramoshenriq) 🤍 realrager 🤍 richi3f 🤍 Rosewain 🤍 rusted_SNOW 💜 Sam aka treflip (@treflip) 💜 Scathing 💛 sdoublesm 💛🧡 seya 💛🧡 shutuppromo x x 💛 SMM2HYPE 🤍 Soob 🤍 Spaced88 🤍 StayInTheHouse 💛 susan with a d (@dusan) 🤍 theBloodyDrummer 💛 ThomasSchmidt 🤍 tomveiltomveil 💛 TVibeWinter 🤍 TylerJosephFan88 💛 UnluckyProfessional 🤍 UnrulyAidz 💛 vaporfunk 💛 VirnaAlbasi 💜 WalterWh 🤍 YadielMutants1999 🤍 YeetMasterMeetBall x 🧡 yyyyyyyan 🧡 чай со сгущенкой ☕ (4aū) (@teawithcondensedmilk) Subtotal: 9890,000 IQ+🤍 4bracadabra 💛 9ieniusz 🤍 Ab212 🤍 Angelo214 🤍 Anthony_Elikwu 💛 BaoTumbao 🤍 beaninmyhead (@sa44) 🤍 b-girl 🤍 Bure (@yvng_burenciaga) 🤍 catmoreira 🤍 cheddarblaster 💛 ChickenWingy 💜 cordyleome 🤍 CRJ2 💛 davidss01 💛 Dsg Jack X 🤍 efeeyuep 💛 elio, rog (@rogelitokitkat) 🤍 Europeanofficial 🧡 Fishgui ��� flackoveli 🤍 futurestan 🤍 g4vril0v1cc 🤍 GeniusTR 💛 Giando_P 🤍 gugstavos 🤍 Hobschiske 💜 Husain-Volt 🤍 Insanul Ahmed (@incilin) 🤍 its_MrTicket 💛 Izeezus ��� Jaedenar 🤍 JonWaller 🤍 jugezu 💛 Krakovic 💛 KurtTrowbridge 🤍 le_chalala 💛 LIMISZONE 💚 Logic 🤍 LukeGlanton �� MamasUzi 🤍 Manoahhhhhh 🧡 matthew 💛 MoMilli 🤍 NenadMazzola 💛 Newdles (@Al_Loober) 💜 Nïck (@DoyleOwl) x 🤍 Nieobecny 💛 Noah 💛 Notero (@notero) 💛 Open Mike Aguila (@OpenMikeAguila) x 🤍 outofthemoon ❤️ PapaKhan 🤍 PauloShawty 💛 PeaceSeekers 💛 Pekrosha 🤍 Phiineas 🤍 PotatoAlien 🤍 pr3mo 🧡 Princesse sinje (@Princesse_sinje) 🤍 qhello 💛 RapYeezus 🤍 Ruts2678 💙💚 Rob Markman (@RobMarkman) 💜 sarinacarr 💛 s_connoisseur x 🤍 Scottish-Lady 💛 shadesofblue 💛 SixDeadZero 🤍 speedtrials 🤍 SPINEE 💛 swinelord x 💛 tillforeverfallsapart 💛 tomsar 🤍 trailerparkcinderella 💛 Vapify 🤍 walkingaline 💜 Wapunguissa 🌸 (@Wapunguissa) x 🧡 xoxofelipe 🤍 YeHangYeo 🤍 YungJisatsu 🤍 YUNGRUSSIAN 🤍 Zaravalho x 🤍 Zippestfreeyungvoixfreekqqbanwxshk 💛🧡 zoey (@zoey) Subtotal: 92100,000 IQ+🤍 3-3-3 💛 61max 💛 aaaaaick 🤍 aardotbee 🤍 ac3hole 🤍 AGLikeMovies 💛 AintNoJigga 🤍 AintNothinLikeDaOldSchool 🤍 alessiopeschi 💜 Alex Drugan (@XDRUG) x 🤍 almati 🤍 Alvar555 💙 ammyp 💛 AngelaD (@angelated) x 🧡 anqelwfx (@desrucxz) 🧡 apocalyptic_infinity 💛 aralcagan 💛 ArcticGorilla 💚 Ashley Chittock (@ashleychittocks) 💛 Automatron 💛 Az 🤍 BBD$ (@BigKritTop5WorstRapperEver) 🤍 Benci 💙 bfred 🧡 BjarkeTaunajik 💛 BLIXOT 💛 bloggii (@blockii) 🤍 BlueyBirdy 🤍 Bright Campa (@BrightCampa) 🤍 bruschettinallasalsiccia 🤍 cambing_27 🤍 chinna 🤍 CoisaRuim 💛 Curumno 🤍 cvspian 🤍 cyrs 💛 Daniel Snell (@SLR) 💛 DarthVaderr 💜💚 Dave Howell (@DaveHowell) x 💛 difuso 🤍 discographyonline 🧡 disttikon (0i) 🤍 Dr. Jeremy Dean (@Lucky_Desperado) 🤍 DusicaStojadinovic 🤍 esvikey 💛 exortum 🧡 fallenwing 🤍 FatherArls 💛 fingolfin 🤍 ftaylorsversion 🤍 flvwed 🤍 fortunebrown 🤍 Funhouse77 💛 furyint 💛 Gerald Haywood (@haywoodindahood) x 🤍 Greekgun 💛 Gripweed 💜 Haifisch 💛 hajKarim 💛 Harambe 🤍 horserenoir 🤍 illkarah 💛 imperfectpitcher 💛 Iuserneim 💛 JacopoPedro 🤍 joperoso 🤍 jsaispasjsaisplus 🤍 jstt 💛 kadz 💛 kaykayrumi 💛 Kostenshik 💜 Lasse (@LU) 💛 lawrenceskm 🤍 lempereuranonyme 🤍 LETSPERISH 🤍 Lilflexy x 🤍 LilKlaud 🤍 Limykelsy 🤍 LucasJonathon 💛 m4ths 🤍 marcos_vcb 🤍 Marcosds 💜 Matheus Barros (@mathvb) 💛 Matthew Beke (@itsbekenotbecky) 🧡 Mercier @West 🧡 MorningstarLucifer 💛 mortal engine (@MortalEngine) 🤍 MussIchNichtChecken 🤍 nadine1209 🤍 NahDahVebb 💛 ninetyninedreams 💜 OMISR 🤍 OtokoT 💛 Oxynorm (@oxynorm) ❤️ pete x 💛 PressingPlay 💜 Radek Nów (@IndianaJohnson) 💛 Rain Dreamer (@Rain_Dreamer) 🧡 RakaKvaka 💛 RaulMaciel 💛 RAZOR05 💛❤️ ReadThroughIt 🤍 redskyy 🤍 ReverseGiraffe 🤍 rolyan 🤍 rxvsnf 💛 SayMyName23 🤍 sayyiditow 💛 sereinik 💛 Siannodel 💛 Snaubert 💛 spokoadk 🤍 Squanto (@squanto) 🧡 steelesutton 🤍 SvenTheVegabond 🤍 SwallowAttack 💛 TanerSaygi 🤍 technicolourbeats 🤍 Tendon Levey (@Leviyey) 🤍 TFK (@Yung_Kobe_Bless) 💛 Th3otime 💛 The Kuz Giacometti (@thekuz) 🤍 TheGameCrusher 💛 ThreeAreEss 🧡 tkajo 💛 tom2k 💛 Trakk 🧡 tronkkk 🧡 TrueDon 💛 tsikube 💛 TwankyDuces 🤍 vanhstp 💛 veduta 💙 Veggie Crumble (@VeggieCrumble) 🤍 VinchVolt 💛 VNY 💛 volksmusikant 💛❤️ VwieVeteran x 🧡 Wadmalac 🤍 waldfield x 💛 warhorus 💛 Wild Rose Chance (@xWHALESHARQx) 🧡 wxshk 🧡 xdxdpainmaker 💛 xTashleyx 🤍 Xudos 🤍 YungVloneG 💜 zara 💜 Zeniths 🤍 znat1821 🤍 Zulfikar Subtotal: 144125,000 IQ+🧡 24h 💛 Abraham Tse (@AbrahamTse) 💛 AccapponaLaPelle 🤍 Amfakh 🧡 anastasijam27 💛 APH 💛 Arcalin 💜 BasedGator 🤍 BennySwoons (@BennySwans) 🤍 boolin 🤍 BP2003Gaming x 🤍 ibuyusednames 💜💛🧡 careblech 🤍 Cavvaan 💚 CERten x 💜 ChampagneMami9 🧡 chert0v 💛❤️ Cyrekon 💜 darkdoomhoney 🤍 Davi (ITA) (@ghrdavi) 💛 DistESP 🤍 DLizzle 🤍 Doss333 💜 DrJEvansPritchardPhD 💛 Ega x Wandering (@egatehpro) 💛 EkanshK 🧡 emilijaemaarsic 🤍 ENBEN_dai 🤍 Eric 🧡 exode808 🤍 FedericoTracy 🤍 FelixAUT 🤍 forgetmyname 💛 FrancosCo 🤍 futurenostalgia 💜 GoodApolloIV 💜 Guarokuya (taiino) 👨🏾💻 (@Guarokuya) 💛❤️ hampered 🤍 HannahKerse 💛 hellrel 🤍 idontspeakjapanese x 🤍 ID_scriber 💛 IoShady 💛 isaa_05 💛 Jailbirds 💛 Jamz 💛 janick 9 9 9 (@janick) 🤍 Jaraque 🧡 jonas2204 💛 Jordan Bunke (@jordanbunke) 💜 julia (nl) (@touchmymindplease) 🤍 djkamzyt x 🧡 kenzo 🤍 KGtheRipper 💛 krispepa 💛 L0T13R_ (@himynameislotier) X 💛 laylaaaaa 🤍 ledeirfs 💛 lemoncave 🤍 lindyhop 💛 lmaoscurrr 🤍 LorenzoCardoze 💛 Lyric-dope x x 🧡 Lytray 💛 M1337(@mx1337) x 💛 malebot 💛 melihilhan 💜 Michael Lowry (@MichaelLowry) x 💛 MichialFarmer 🤍 MotaSanchez 💛 mrshinywillow x 💛 MushyMustardTranscriber 💜 Nebja 💛 NetoMonteiro 💛 Nettacki 🤍 NikolaOfMontenegro 💛 NoNameBoyy x 💛 NxzA 💛 opp 💛 orange 🧡 OTom 💜 PabloMX (@Pablo) 💛 pholpot (@pholpot) 🧡 preemax 💛 The Indecisive DiceRoll.325 (@PizzaIzLif3) x 🤍 Poopoohaha 🤍 praisethelord 🤍 radijacija 💛 raulmenciaaa 🤍 redrkr 🤍 rengayslx 💜 RobinRGF 💛 Sakkada (@Thirteenth3) 💛❤️ Shashwat Bansal (@sitzpinkler) 💛 simple_asf 💛 Slightly_senile (@slightly_senile) 🤍 sokorny 🤍 Srebbie 💛 SupadupaJay 🤍 Superflyronald (@superflyronald) x 🤍 Symbolicate 🤍 teejayx7 💛❤️ TheBrainiestAshesEver x 💛 TheOzio 🤍 thesaintsylvester 💛🧡 TheReaderandWatcher 🤍 tigeryou 💛 V3L3M3NT 💛 vLET 🤍 WRU31LEO 💛 wsu 🤍 WuTangKillaBee 🤍 WyGuy (@WyGuy_03) 💛 xLivius 💜 Xuyen 🤍 Xyth x 💛 yarlle 🤍 YeezyTaughtYouWell 🤍 youngjaedoctor 🤍 shtangivsoskach 🤍 zersorger Subtotal: 122150,000 IQ+💜 aalrae (@blazifyy) 🤍 Airman343 💛 Alekazam x x 🤍 Alexaalto 🤍 aluucard 🤍 AmityLake 💛 AreaMetro 💛 Balkei 💛 basi 💛 BasiaJestem 💛 bemoty x 🤍 Bloodbath188066 x 💛 Broinator 💛 buhle 🤍 Cεtεriς Ραriβυς (@Kkeudeopshi) 💜 Clément RGF (@Clement_RGF) 💚 Colegrzn (@cole6below) 🤍 CyrusPeyton 💛 D3PR3 🤍 Deign_Archie (@Deign_Paul_Archie) 🤍 Dinesh 💛 dirtyflesh 🤍 DRxGEO 💜 Elizabeth Ayme (@epaulettes) 🤍 foyosorrows 🤍 georgiavlahou 🤍 gone_6gqv_e654 x 💛 half-ghoul x 💛 Hasief 💜 homesweethole 💜 HossamAbdelNasser 💛❤️ I3randon 🧡 Iditri “sir sillicus billicus the fourth” Rajan (@fivemkelps) 🤍 imprisonedego 💜 Irrelevant Cabbage (@Irrelevant_Cabbage) x 💛 kjonask 💛 lossthesemigod 🧡 lywx 💛 Madkol x 💛 MartinGega 💛 masterhype 🤍 mellow_harsher 💛 MFNE (@MirFaelltNichtsEin) 💜 Michał Tkaczyk (@TrzyeM) 🤍 midwest princess (@femininomenon) 💛 milkxj 🧡 minusminusminus (@XO_m1nus) 💛 Mr. Mendola (@MisterM) 🤍 nogameweeb 🤍 nogoodnickname 💛🧡 ody§eus (@ody) 💜 Payre x 💛 peaker 💛 peezzzy 💛 Plutosaplanetdude 💜 RapGeniusTR 💜 Roy068 (@roy068) x 🤍 RyanEliason 🤍 sanvix 💜 Sem Groeneweg (@Sem_Groeneweg) x 💛 Serta 🧡 snazzycactus 🧡 spacewaves (@KotaKhronicles) 💛 Spinelli 💜 Stephen Pringle (@stephen_j_p) 💛 This Autumn Eve (@ThisAutumnEve) 💜💛❤️ thousandeyes 💛 tonymontana 🤍 txippy 💛 uyak 🤍 VDOVIN 🤍 veL0c 💛 Vony x 💛 xeh (@axel) 🤍 ZQFMGB 🤍 Джефф ЛСП (Jeffersome) (@Jeffersome) Subtotal: 76175,000 IQ+🤍 aAOfficial 💛 Aceeno 💛 adamjelkhadem 💛 AJ Jaffari (@sincerelyaj) 🤍 Alex Koenig (@Alex_Koenig) 💜 Babu Chatterjee (@babuc) x 💛 beugeair. (@Beugeair) x 🤍 blooddrip 💛 Bob the Minion (@axelcv) 💜 Brian Erwin (@BrianErwin) 💛 Briansusername (@nietzsche) 🤍 carlosgabrx 💜 charityspicer 🤍 Chihuahua0 x 💛 chthc 🤍 Crackshaw 💛 DatRumpel 💛 extraverse 💛 HateCanTurnToLove 🤍 HellNos-N-Headphones 💛 HelloThereThom (@Thom) 🤍 IllustriousQ (@illustriousQ) 🤍 jaykayy 🤍 JND17 💛 Josiah Botting (@jbotting347) 💛 Josshe 💚 Kesen 💛 kettleonwater 💛 Kevin Loo (@goodkidkevcity) x 💜 KleberBriz (@kray) x 💛 MERLYN (@xMERLYN) 🧡 napes 🤍 Nick Louise (@onicklouise) 💜 nvrlvcky (@nvr) 🤍 oe92817 💛 palomarr 💛 Perfectrhyme (@perfectrhyme) 💛 PhM (@PhantomMessiah) 🤍 qomolangma 💛 RGJason 🧡 RuanLdM9 💛 Sadchild (@sadchild) 🧡 simidzzuu! (@simidzzuu) 🤍 Slickk 💛 timbob58 🧡 tyelr 🤍 Woolfman123 🧡 yisaaa 🩵 Yznqq (@yznqq) Subtotal: 48200,000 IQ+🤍 Albumatic 🧡 Afeith 🤍 Amaury (@WaterGod) x 💛 Arabor 💛 aronquemarr 🧡 Assistant-74 🤍 Artafael 💛 Ataraxiac 🤍 AuhseJ 💜 Austin Rotter (@SpeckHelper) 💛 B4RRTTEK 🤍 bahd108 💜 benkeller14 💛 biojaeson 💛 birder 💛 birdsofprey 🧡 blue 🤍 BraneDed 💛 Brock C (@Brock) 💜 ckr 💚 Claudinei Oliveira (@ClaudineiOliveira) 💛 CurtisZuend 💛 Dalmo Mendonça (@dalmo) x 🤍 Deadbby ♥ (@deadbby) x 💛🧡❤️ destinarchy 💛 docusoap 🤍 Dreupdate x 💛 DrewAPicasso 💛 DripKxng 💛 edu (@eduardo) 💜 ektelene 💜 Elizabeth Milch (@TheScrivener) x 💜 EPSYLON 💛 failmint 💛 falling_ivy 💛 fimoo 🤍 fottutoale 🤍 gentlemiths 💜 George Plant (@GeorgePlant) x 🤍 GinoPusterlenghi 🧡 glamgogangfan (@Denis3008) 💛 Henni (@Henni13) 💜 IceShady 🧡 JicS1401 🤍 JRDickson 🤍 Kanto 🧡 Kashim93 🧡 LUV RIZE (@luv_rize) 💛 Madbrad200 x 🤍 MainVillain 💜 Malcolm Trapp (@prodbymalc) 💜 Malv 💜 MartinJolivet 💜 mat 🤍 Metal35 💜 Momo G (@MoMo_RGAr) 💛 Monnoh 💜 Mopsos 💛 MrBroezzz 💜 NYLLOCK! (@NYLLOCK) 💛 patricksiandrey 🤍 peckstrom 🤍 PRFZFAB 💜 punchline 💛 Ra20r 💛 RaiderMav 💛 redbottomrashad 🤍 Rodrigolvs 💛 Rubicks (@rubicks) x 💛 seba 💛 sdfor123 💛 SHOOK1sT 💜 Simonga 💛❤️ SinaTheQueen x 💛 Souldier77 💛 spill retro (@spillretro) 🤍 SSSAA 🧡 Static101 🤍 StreetArtLuz 🤍 SuleymanTGurmen 💛 thecountry �� the-last-riot 💛 TheoEZ 🤍 ThroughWithBuzz 💛 tohughmitmayconcern 🤍 Trendsetta x 💛 Vesuvius x 💛 Vita A Zero Kelvin (@VitaAZeroKelvin) x 🤍 Voidspace (@voidspace01) 💛 vvsmichael 💛 Waguin da PS (@WagnerAnanias) 🤍 Whippy7 🧡 woodenfloorboards 🤍 Yiybrid 🤍 Zav_el92 🧡 zorro Subtotal: 96250,000 IQ+🧡 ankerlos123 🤍 asBukah 🤍 🚀👑ASTROWORLD (@Astroworld) 💛 ben rodriguez (116) x 💜 bsp ✩°。⋆⸜(ू^0^) (@butterscotch-pie) x 💛 camis07 💜 CG7777 🤍 DC26 🤍 disconaivete 💛 Efferus 💛 El Rey De La Buena Vida👑 (@LilRey507) 💚 Eminem (@eminem) x 🤍 EmperorGrid 🤍 erazore 💛 Federico Garcia V (@FGV) 🤍 gastye 🧡 huggles (@mottled) 💜 igor frança (@IgorFG) x 💜 ioana-6 🤍 jiimjaam 🧡 livin4kaia 💛 LBTRTim 💛 Magnitude901 💛 MarceloAndres_11 🤍 MelomanoAdicto 💚 mikpro (@mikprollc) 🤍 Nanoinfame 💛❤️ N A R U T Ö (@naruto) 💙 NoBap 💛 proxim 🤍 qwertyuiop223 🤍 RemainInLight 💛 renanaguiar 💜 rdil (@Reece) 🧡 Simmoun 💜 Souslacapuche (@souslacapuche) 💛 Swagasauros.Rex (@SwagasaurosRex) 🤍 SzymonGK 💛 Tails 💜 Tobias Wilinski (@Tobias_the_explicator) 💛 velociraptigor 💜 Wes Brown (@SharpshooterWB) 💛 WolfXCIX 🤍 Xtidal 🤍 yugnikufesin 🤍 zerosepiroth x 🤍 Zk123 (@zk123) Subtotal: 46300,000 IQ+💛 AgustinWicki 🤍 AMPH3TAMINE1337 💛 Askenax 💛 asscar 🤍 AlbertScotty 💜 Anak 🤍 Andrew Harvie (@Drew_Harvie) x 🤍 aqua1000000 💛 Ayden Morris (@aydenmorrisNC) 💜 Caleb McKinion (@CalebMac116) x 🤍 CarlesCastillo 🤍 cebreros (@javier) 💛 chamacuti 🤍 cj2EWOK 💛 Conradaxx x 🤍 Damian2203 💜 dax9k 🧡 DivingBoard 🧡 dwolf359 💛 eatthemooncake x 🤍 emilala_love 💛 Entramado Media (@EntramadoMedia) 🤍 girl 💜 glitzy 💛 GnarlingtonTX 🤍 gone_3bjdg_e2e3 x 🤍 GRNHLL 💛 heartlessswine 🤍 IzaFfiew 💚💛❤️ Javy Bell (@javybell) 🤍 Jerere 💜 jetski_waveƶ. ◕ (@Jetski_Wavez) x 💛 jillybirks 🤍 JKGenius75 x 💛 joshendley 💜 kartashov 💛 K. Nathaniel Hall (@yxng-nate) 💜 Kumamon (@fura) 🤍 LediturAnima 💛 luciabgl 💛 Lukas59 💛 lunaseraphine420 💛 Matthew Huynh (@chanhmatt) 🤍 metawink 🤍 MoonVampire 🤍 mP1811Music 🤍 MPhisto 💜 MrXercules x 💜 nzboss99 x 💛 PierFrancescoCosta 🧡 Rechin 🤍 Reuben Tasker (@palacelight) 🤍 siannve 🧡 slactobr 💛 TeuntjeVDW 💛 THEDEVILWALKSAMONGSTUS 💜 tirelessmess // ssǝɯssǝlǝɹᴉʇ (@tirelessmess) 💛 Tomi Fischer (@tomi) 💛 Wiktor Franiak 💙 worstofalltime 💛❤️ wst x 🤍 xcarlupanddiex 💜 xPyE x 💜 Yair Melamed (@YairMelamed) 💛 Zachary Mahabir (@ZacharyMahabir) x Subtotal: 65400,000 IQ+💜 ʞ|açe|wœ|k (@kingkillmonger) x 💛 alionheart 💛 bnhslr 🧡 CatGirlsnCigarretes 🧡 Cilvi 💙 Colby Handy (@Empath) 🤍 DellasMashups 💛 Eleventh Cassette (@EleventhCassette) 💛 FRNCO 💙 Gary 🤍 GingerFacedKillah 🤍 Gone_622x_6e3a x 💛 gmzzz 💜 Heisenferg x 🤍 igordebraga x 💛 JKOkay 🧡 JuroesAKAGeniusGod 💛 just jase (@JBeebs528491) 💛 Leotardo 💙 loveholic 🤍 LolloElo 🤍 LuckyBluJay x 🤍 Mommy_Dahmer 💜 Moramar (@Grand_Bafometz) 💜 MrSimonin (@GuillaumeSimonin) x 🤍 naylor_fallararo 🤍 NotAnEd 🤍 Osh100 💛 real bins (@reo_beans) 🤍 Romi Ezzo (@Ezzo) 💜 SAUCEGARDEN 💜 Skhills 💛❤️ Ssaa10dec (@ssaa10dec) 💜 Swono x x x x x x x x x x x x x 💛❤️ The_Aards 💜 TomasVale 🤍 TrappaChiNo x 💛 unbiondogiugno 💜 uspekhneizbezhen 💜 vintagewashingmachine 🤍 Vlad2D 🤍 W406 Subtotal: 42500,000 IQ+🤍 777TT 💛 Avi x 💜 berke x 💜 Dyazz 🤍 DrewBissonnette 💛🧡 EchoPC 💛 emikael 💛 ᗴvelyn (@Freeus) x 🧡 Gift_RealG 🤍 Issa OG Nigga ⁹₉⁹ (@solyatraxia) x 💜 Hussein 𓂀 (@7syn) 🤍 Maboo x 🧡 Maxenn 💜 Michael Heal (@Michael) x 💜 OMEGA_R 💜 Pessoa 💛 piotr 🤍 StonerStanley 💛 tokkis 🧡 TooSmallForTheMall 💜 Tossing Dice (@Tossing_Dice) 💜 UnBalanced 💛 utdeo 💙 Yessirre (@yessirre) Subtotal: 24600,000 IQ+🤍 AureDeMontlais 💛 Eclypse_me 💛 itischris 💛 Jay Evans (@JJEvans) x 💛 Jokkels 💛 SameOldShawn x 💜 takuu 💜 TIKTOKTIKTOK (@TikTokTikTok) x 💜 Veljko 🤍 whiskeyclonenet Subtotal: 10700,000 IQ+🤍 AnjaliMahadeo 🤍 aznmochibunny 💚 blustery 🤍 DARKPLUXURYLORD 💛❤️ Juandi 💜 ketoshtoo 💜 Kingmatic x 💙 lonland 💜 Lucas Gabriel (@LucasGabrielRM) 💛 Lvpvs (@MTLvpvs) Subtotal: 10800,000 IQ+🤍 gone_1g37e_cf33 x 🤍 gone_rubl_3383 x 💛 higherfasterlouder 🤍 Kookie_iring (@ywk) 💜 PKev95 Subtotal: 5900,000 IQ+🤍 AirGuitarVirtuosoRU 💛❤️ ibmac26 💛 Origiginal (@Origiginal) 💛 poeticimmunity 💛 Rabe8i 💜💛🧡❤ ScopeY x Subtotal: 61,000,000 IQ+💛 ahayax x 💛 AlexanderJamesM x 🧡 BrStickings 💜 chancelorr (@Chancelorr) 💜 Daktar x 🤍 DY-G (@DY-GOff) x 💜 EwokABdevito (@ewokABdevito) x 💜 Frialdad (@fri) 💜 Inkwi (@inkwi) x 💜 jambi x 💙 KST (@killersnowtiger) 💙 louiedro 🤍 MCGAIDAR 💛 MCSMeister 💜 PlanNine 💜 Qatarsi 💜 speeddraw ▫ (@inewton) x 💛 thebreakup (@VinylZombie_MCR) x 💜 timoo x Subtotal: 192,000,000 IQ+🤍 artursd 🤍 BůhHromu (@BuhHromu) x 💛 HolUp x 💛 Kristian_Lin x 💜 polka x 💛 yungdirty x Subtotal: 63,000,000 IQ+💜 Ferbinho x 💛 SmashBeezy 💙 streetlights x 💛 UnboxKings 💙 WriteNProppa Subtotal: 54,000,000 IQ+💜 Chloe Conlon ☘️ (@ChloeConlon) x Subtotal: 1Grand Total: 1327 users with more than 50,000 IQ! Breakdown By Role: 💙: 21 users on this list are Staff members 💜: 145 users on this list are Moderators ❤️: 22 users on this list are Mediators 💛: 513 users on this list are Editors 🧡: 101 users on this list are Transcribers 💚: 19 users on this list are Verified Artists 🤍: 547 users on this list are Contributors Of 21 Staff members 💙 and 19 Verified Artists 💚, there are: - 19 who are Staff members 💙, but not Verified Artists - 17 who are Verified Artists 💚, but not Staff members - 2 who are both Staff members 💙 and Verified Artists 💚 Of 145 Moderators 💜 and 19 Verified Artists 💚, there are: - 144 who are Moderators 💜, but not Verified Artists - 18 who are Verified Artists 💚, but not Moderators - 1 who is both a Moderator 💜 and a Verified Artist 💚 Of 22 Mediators ❤️ and 512 Editors 💛, there are: - 1 who is a Mediator ❤️, but not an Editor - 492 who are Editors 💛, but not Mediators - 21 who are both Mediators ❤️ and Editors 💛#1 on the siteChloe Conlon ☘️ (@ChloeConlon)