

Score: 5
Played: 5


II, Desolation


Atmospheric black metal
French black metal
Black metal
Depressive black metal



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Intro: I just want you to know that whatever this accumulates to It was accumulated in 10 minutes And plus I dared myself to write a Tyler song so listen haha Verse 1: Fucking insane I'm out of my mind Try to find me on google earth I'm that wigga who's dead All I wear is red Why Just to show I'm vampire When I retire The first thing that's gonna transpire Is I'm gonna make a shrine of whomever I admire And everyday I'm repping the shire That is all twenty people who live their Step into lair Don't be scared I was only dared This may only last another minute But for now I'm rapping no limit But that midget bitch has a limit When I gang bang her with the yetti And when we finish there is confetti I guess someone thought that I won But the race has only just begun I plan to fuck her eighteen more times Just so I have some more time to think of some rhymes Chorus: Who the fuck am I Lost Hidden Identity Verse 2: I'm running on E That's empty not ecstasy Cause when I'm high I terrorize the nearest embassy The whole terrorist situation I bet they were all soaring like inflation One day when I go on vacation I'm gon reach the train station And hit the detonation Figuratively not literally Because if I was being literal Then this song would be my funeral Might as well carry out a hearse just in case There may be a day where in my songs All you can here is bass Well in that day you should really brace Because the bass is gonna blow up in your face That's a face melting drop The day that I make pop Is the day that I flop Flop harder than Lebron I don't give a fuck if this sentence a run on Cause I'm living restrictionless I'll jump into that abyss If you dare me My state of mind is scary Get the fuck away and go listen to Larry WIGGA