Arco Iris

Flavien Berger

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Played: 217


Arco Iris





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# ten billion years ago (astronomical) # one billion years ago (geological) # 100 million years ago (biological) # ten million years ago (primatological) # one million years ago (paleontological) # 100 thousand years ago (anthropological) # ten thousand years ago (archeological) # one thousand years ago (historical) # one hundred years ago (cultural) # ten years ago (personal) # one year ago (tyrannical) # one-tenth year ago (demagogical) Heinz von Foerster did one of these around 1930, to test how evenly major historical events would fill it (not very evenly). And Nigel Calder did a nice 100-page prose version in 1983 called "Timescale: an atlas of the 4th dimension". Choosing a 'NOW' point is problematic (it keeps changing!) but I picked 31Dec 2001 for convenience. It's precisely divided into 1015 lines covering the Big Bang (NOW minus 10^10.14 years) to 31Dec 2000 (NOW minus 10^0.00, aka one year). If I manage to find one link per line, this will make the page about 100k, which is the maximum Google will index. (This gratifies my desire for 'necessary' web-design: theory. Design rationale: [more] UPDATE (3-2005): I've added 115 lines of 'negative exponents' that carry the story almost to the end of 2001, tracing the WTC plot and the first year of W's presidency. Abbreviations used: W = George W Bush BC = Bill Clinton HC = Hillary Clinton PDB = Presidential Daily Briefing WH = White House RC = Dick Cheney HAL = Halliburton ObL = Osama bin Laden aQ = al Qaeda aJ = al Jazeera muj = mujahideen A'stan = Afghanistan KSM = Khaleed Sheik Mohammed Bin. = Binalshibh PNAC = Project for a New American Century Wolf. = Wolfowitz 10.137 = 13,700,000,000 years BC = Big Bang [] 10.13: release of Cosmic Microwave Background [] 10.12: first galaxies, of iron-free stars [] 10.11: quasars with (unexpected) iron [], carbon monoxide [] 10.10 = 12,500,000,000 yrs BC: red galaxies stop forming stars [] 10.09: big stars explode after fusing H into He-C-O-Mg-Si-S-Fe 10.08 10.07: small stars consume H-He leaving C-O as white dwarfs 10.06 10.05: daily gamma-ray bursts sterilize vast areas? [] 10.04: (~3 per galaxy per billion years: cite) 10.03: quasars numerous 10.02: Milky Way captures small galaxy w/retrograde clusters 10.01: universe one-eighth current size? 10.00 = 10,000,000,000 yrs BC 9.99: interstellar gas gradually incorporated by stars 9.98: (gas -> dust -> grit -> lumps) 9.97 9.96 = 9,000,000,000 years BC 9.95 9.94 9.93: Milky Way rotates 5 times per billion years 9.92 9.91 = 8,000,000,000 years BC 9.90 9.89: star-formation in elliptical galaxies mostly stops 9.88 9.87 9.86: galaxy-clustering weaker than today [] 9.85 = 7,000,000,000 years BC 9.84 9.83: expanding universe is 1/4 current size 9.82 9.81 9.80: star-formation in spiral galaxies slows (~1 per millennium) 9.79 9.78 = 6,000,000,000 years BC 9.77 9.76: several supernovas per century in Milky Way 9.75 9.74 9.73: interstellar gas from local supernovas begins condensing 9.72: H-C-O-etc form water and simple organic compounds 9.71: angular momentum produces cool?, spinning, flattened disk 9.70 = 5,000,000,000 years BC 9.69: birth of Sun (30% cooler than today: cite) 9.68: condensing interstellar silicon&metals forms planetesimals 9.67: meteorite with purple salt; Martian meteorite 9.66: Earth condenses [] cold but heated by isotopes; Fe sinks 9.65: Moon created by catastrophic glancing impact [] [more] 9.64: global ocean; 1st zircon crystals on Earth [] [] 9.63: upwelling Si and Al begin forming island-continents 9.62: iron-rich primordial soup reaches modern salinity (Gaia/life?) 9.61 = 4,000,000,000 years BC: universe is half current size 9.60: massive meteorite storm ends []; left-handed serine? [] 9.59: widespread volcanism releases H2, N2, CO2, CO, SO2, HCl [] 9.58: Isua graphite from life?; Earth's core 3x as hot as now 9.57: ultraviolet inhibits life by freeing bound nitrogen [] 9.56: RNA World? []; anaerobic life at hydrothermal vents? [] 9.55: stromatolites of bluegreen algae trickle O2 into air [] 9.54: early oxygen precipitates banded iron formations [] 9.53: giant meteorite impact [] 9.52: diamonds created in south Africa [] 9.51: earliest oil []; month only 20-days long? [] 9.50: short genome with frequent mutations 9.49: Si-Al island-continents form Gondwana 9.48 = 3,000,000,000 years BC 9.47: Antarctic geology formed [] 9.46: Moon and Mercury cool to geologic inactivity 9.45 9.44: greenhouse gases warm Earth to current temps [] 9.43: CO2 in oceans begins creating limestone 9.42: Earth's core twice as hot as now (faster drift) 9.41: possible bacteria on land [] 9.40: 1st oxygen-based metabolism [] 9.39: island-continents form N Amer (Laurentia) 9.38 9.37: gold deposits accumulate in S African streambeds 9.36: abundant stromatolites 9.35: oxydised iron 'red beds' [] [more] 9.34: widespread glaciation (followed by 1.5B yr warm spell) 9.33 9.32: spontaneous uranium meltdown in w Africa 9.31: Wopmay mountains in north Canada (long-since eroded) 9.30 = 2,000,000,000 yrs BC: eukaryotes with mitochondria 9.29: atmosphere finally reaches 1% oxygen 9.28: ozone layer blocks destructive ultraviolet [] 9.27: fossilised bacteria in Gunflint chert near Lake Superior 9.26: continents converge as Columbia? [] 9.25: meteorites deliver nickel, platinum, chromium? 9.24 9.23 9.22: continents begin to re-converge as Rhodinia 9.21: sexual reproduction 9.20 9.19 9.18 = 1,500,000,000 yrs BC: Siberia breaks from w N Amer? 9.17: cilia? 9.16: eukaryote fossils (mainly acritarchs) 9.15: 1st multicellular experiments 9.14 9.13: lichens on land [] 9.12 9.11 9.10 = 1,250,000,000 yrs BC 9.09: cell specialisation 9.08 9.07: gradual cooling as lichens absorb CO2? [] 9.06 9.05: Gondwana (SAmer, Africa) collides with Laurentia (N Amer) 9.04: divergence of animals, plants, and fungi [] 9.03: 1st coelenterate nervous systems? 9.02: O2 increases after surface rocks reach saturation [] 9.01: 1st worm-tracks? [] 9.00 = 1,000,000,000 yrs BC 8.99: continents emerge from ocean? [] 8.98: ice age? 8.97: CHOANOFLAGELLATE-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.96 = 900,000,000 years BC 8.95: adaptive radiation of acritarchs 8.94: start of 250M yr worldwide Ice Age [] [more] [more] 8.93: mtn-building in Africa (Zambia) and Asia (Lake Baikal) 8.92: seaweed (multicell algae) in nw Canada 8.91 = 800,000,000 years BC: SPONGE-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.90: vase-shaped protozoans in Grand Canyon 8.89: placozoans; ice age? 8.88: Iapetus Ocean in rift between Laurentia and Gondwana 8.87: oxygen buildup supports more-complex multicell lifeforms 8.86: ctenophores w/nervous systems 8.85 = 700,000,000 years BC 8.84: land plants [] 8.83: JELLYFISH-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.82: swimming vertebrates diverge from crawling inver'tes? [] [] 8.81: FLATWORM-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.80: acritarchs suffer massive decline 8.79: earliest bilateral symmetry in worm-trails [] [more] 8.78 = 600,000,000 years BC: Snowball Earth? [] 8.77: sponges [], flatworms; WORM-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.76: Vendian or Ediacardian diversity []; echinoderms 8.75: scavengers and carnivores; most land is desert 8.74: tiny shells (Tommotion) []; SEASQUIRT-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.73: Cambrian explosion of lifeforms []; trilobites [] 8.72: LAMPREY-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.71: plants with spores; starfish; snails; crustaceans []; fish? [] 8.70 = 500,000,000 BC: Ordovician period [] wide glaciation 8.69: massive meteorite storm [] 8.68: land plants; giant carnivorous eurypterids 8.67: sea urchins; horseshoe crabs []; sharks diverge 8.66: extinctions; sea level rises, widespread inundation 8.65: Silurian period []; ice age; coral reefs 8.64: mosses; rayfinned fish with jaws and teeth [] 8.63: millipedes; aquatic scorpions; LUNGFISH-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.62: Devonian period []; N Amer and Eur form Laurasia 8.61 = 400,000,000 years BC: sharks; arachnids; horsetails 8.60: possible increase in meteorite impacts [] 8.59: better ozone shield; 1st trees/forests [] [more] [more] 8.58: fish with legs [] [more] 8.57: massive tsunamis (meteorite?); global cooling 8.56: Carboniferous period (coal-producing swamps) [] 8.55: plants with seeds, conifers 8.54: amphibians; insects; ferns 8.53: land scorpions; SALAMANDER-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR 8.52: all lands join as Pangaea (Appalachian mtns) [] 8.51: Tethys Sea separates Asia from Africa 8.50: carnivorous pelycosaurs 8.49: mammals diverge from reptiles and birds [] 8.48 = 300,000,000 years BC: spiders 8.47: reptiles; winged insects incl dragonflies 8.46: Permian period [] [] Ural mtns rise as Eurasia forms 8.45: giant cockroaches [] 8.44: 1st terrestrial herbivores don't chew [] 8.43: pines and firs; therapsids 8.42: rodentlike 'suminia' 1st chewer on land [] 8.41: 90% of species die [] [more] [more] [more] 8.40: Triassic period [] arid; sea levels very low 8.39: dinosaurs [], pterosaurs; crocodiles, turtles; fossilised birthing 8.38: oxygen peaks at 35% []; lystrosaurs; cynodonts 8.37: proto-flowers (bennettitales?) produce oleanane [] 8.36: croc-like thecodonts split as bird- and lizard-hips (SAmer) 8.35: Pangaea splits at Atlantic [] (rotation-time of Milky Way) 8.34: lizard-hips split as veggie prosauropods, carnie teratosaurs 8.33: prosauropods on every continent; 1st sauropod [] 8.32: giant meteorite storm [] [] 50% species die in 10k years [] 8.31: Jurassic period [] [more]; birds 8.30 = 200,000,000 yrs BC: botanic Eve's genome doubles [] 8.29: SHREW-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR [] 8.28: sea-levels high, land inundated 8.27: ammonites 8.26 8.25 8.24: bird-hipped veggie stegosaurus everywhere but S Amer 8.23: lizard-hipped veggies brachiosaurus, diplodocus 8.22: seafloor ooze makes oil in North Sea, Mexico 8.21: frogs 8.20: salamanders in China [] [more] 8.19: giant carnivorous marine reptile [] 8.18 = 150,000,000 yrs BC: land bridge between N Amer and Eur 8.17: archeopteryx [] 8.16: dinosaurs evolve more-efficient breathing [] 8.15: rat-like mammal [] 8.14: Cretaceous period [] 8.13: ants []; iguanodons 8.12: flowering plants [] 8.11: gulls and wading birds 8.10 = 125,000,000 yrs BC 8.09: marsupials and placentals diverge [] 8.08: opossums 8.07: oak trees 8.06: inland seas split e/w N Amer, Europe from Asia 8.05 8.04: triceratops 8.03: placental insectivore in Mongolia 8.02: continents break up; S Amer, Africa, and India are islands 8.01: army ants [] 8.00 = 100,000,000 yrs BC 7.99: modern orders of mammals diverge [] 7.98: coccoliths create chalk-beds (eg Dover) 7.97: seafloor ooze creates oil (eg Arabia, Venezuela) 7.96 = 90,000,000 years BC 7.95: global warming? [] 7.94: LEMUR-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR [] [more] 7.93 7.92 7.91 = 80,000,000 years BC 7.90: 1st Hawaiian islands [] 7.89 7.88 7.87: land bridge between e Asia and w N Amer 7.86 7.85 = 70,000,000 years BC 7.84: T rex, velociraptors 7.83 7.82: KT extinction event (probably meteorite in Yucatan) [] 7.81: Paleocene epoch [] 7.80: seas retreat, icecaps grow 7.79: rodents; carnivorous proto-lions/bears 7.78 = 60,000,000 years BC 7.77: collision of India and Asia will create Himalayas [] [more] 7.76: methane release? []; CO2 peaks [] 7.75: cats and dogs diverge 7.74: Eocene epoch [] 7.73: bats 7.72: daylight moths become butterflies [] 7.71: sea levels rise, land inundated 7.70 = 50,000,000 BC: oceans cool 7.69: giant birds eat tiny horses [] 7.68: pig-sized proto-elephants 7.67 7.66: whales diverge from hippos [] 7.65: fossilized mosquito 7.64 7.63: eosimians [] 7.62 7.61 = 40,000,000 years BC: rabbits 7.60: temperatures plummet 7.59: Oligocene epoch []; global cooling 7.58: Asian mammals invade Europe as inland seas dry up 7.57: loons, albatrosses, herons, and penguins diverge 7.56: squirrels in N America [] 7.55: 1st grasses reproduce w/o flowers, resist fire and grazing 7.54: giant meteorite impact in Chesapeake Bay [] 7.53 7.52: glaciation of Antarctica [] [more] 7.51: S Amer and Australia split from Antarctica 7.50: African monkeys invade S Amer (across ocean?) 7.49: kiwis [] 7.48 = 30,000,000 years BC: squirrels in Europe [] 7.47: dolphin brains comparable in size to modern humans' [] 7.46: ape-like jaws and teeth at Fayum, Egypt 7.45: Japan splits from mainland 7.44: apes and monkeys diverge (lose tails, swing from branches) 7.43: comet hits Egypt 7.42 7.41: Miocene epoch [] sea levels fall 7.40: sex-related Tre2 mutation in primate line [] 7.39: dodos diverge [] 7.38: modern whales 7.37: mtn-building in Himalayas, Rockies, Andes 7.36: orbital anomaly extends Antarctica's glaciers [] 7.35 7.34: dryopithecus in Kenya 7.33 7.32 7.31: 1st deer 7.30 = 20,000,000 yrs BC: 1st Galapagos islands [] 7.29: 1st antelopes; Africa collides w/Eurasia [] 7.28: (elephants and apes enter Eurasia from Africa) 7.27: (cats, cattle, giraffes, pigs from Eurasia to Africa) 7.26: dryopithecus proconsul [] 7.25 7.24: Africa's Rift Valley begins to split 7.23 7.22 7.21: dryopithecus in Germany [] 7.20: giant lavaflows in Oregon 7.19: Mediterranean re-separates Europe from Africa? [] 7.18 = 15,000,000 yrs BC: meteorite in Germany 7.17: orangutan-like ramapithecus from Kenya to India 7.16 7.15: widespread volcanism 7.14 7.13 7.12 7.11 7.10 = 12,500,000 yrs BC 7.09 7.08 7.07 7.06 7.05 7.04: grazing mammals 7.03: low sea-levels [] 7.02: short-toothed horses extinct in N Amer [] 7.01: gorillas in forests of central Africa; orangutans 7.00 = 10,000,000 yrs BC: Alps building 6.99: raccoons cross seas from N to S Amer 6.98: bears invade N Amer from Asia 6.97: sloths reach N Amer from S Amer 6.96 = 9,000,000 years BC 6.95 6.94 6.93 6.92 6.91 = 8,000,000 years BC 6.90: possible hominoids in Lufeng, China 6.89 6.88 6.87 6.86 6.85 = 7,000,000 years BC: elephants 6.84 6.83 6.82: sahelanthropus [info] 6.81: hominid tooth at Lukeino, Kenya 6.80 6.79: Mediterranean sea evaporates [] 6.78 = 6,000,000 years BC: horses-etc extinct in N Amer? [] 6.77: Pliocene epoch []; 1st dogs 6.76: humans diverge from chimps [] [more]; Bering Strait opens [] 6.75: hominid jaw at Lothagam, Kenya 6.74: hominid 'orrorin' [] [more]; ardipithecus [] 6.73: ardipithecus ramidus kadabba walks upright? 6.72 6.71 6.70 = 5,000,000 BC 6.69: rats reach Australia 6.68: longshot aquatic-ape phase 6.67: hominids move from forest to savanna, lose fur? [] lose fur? 6.66: two 'chimp' chromosomes fuse into human chr'some #2 (bottleneck?) 6.65: Mediterranean re-floods for good 6.64 6.63: Andes mtns rising 6.62 6.61 = 4,000,000 years BC: Gulf Stream strengthened 6.60: australopithecus? [] 6.59: mammoths and elephants in Africa [] 6.58: (also giraffes, buffalos, rhinos, hyenas, sabre-tooths) 6.57: Congo River splits chimps from future bonobos 6.56: bipedal hominid footprints at Laetoli, Tanzania 6.55: bison, mammoth, deer, sabre-tooths to N Amer from Asia 6.54: camels, horses, and dogs enter Asia from N Amer [] 6.53: australopithecus []; reduced sexual dimorphism [] 6.52: 'Lucy' walks using knuckles? [] 6.51: kenyanthropus? [] 6.50: selection for throwing-aim? [] 6.49: N and S Amer species mingle via landbridge [] 6.48 = 3,000,000 years BC: Ice Age 6.47: omnivorous australopithecus diverges from vegetarian 6.46: australopithecus africanus in S Africa 6.45: human sense of smell dramatically reduced [] (cooked food?) 6.44: (no-date: sialic acid lost from cell surfaces) 6.43: australopithecus keeps pebble that resembles a face [] 6.42: hominid tooth-shapes suggest meat-eating [] 6.41: basalt tools at Hadar, Ethiopia 6.40: australopithecus garhi [] [more] 6.39: stone tools used to strip meat []; jaws shrink 6.38: Ice Age; (distance to Andromeda galaxy in lightyears) 6.37: sophisticated stone tools (homo habilis) [] 6.36: hominid teeth at Omo, Kenya 6.35: Galapagos finches diverge from mainland species [] 6.34: brain asymmetry may imply proto-language use? 6.33 6.32 6.31: skull 1470 at E Turkana, Kenya (homo cranium) 6.30 = 2,000,000 yrs BC: African droughts 6.29: elephants and hippos butchered 6.28: hominids master fire, cook tubers [] 1st African diaspora? 6.27: social structures reorganised around hearth (sharing) [] 6.26: Pleistocene epoch [] Java man 6.25: possible fire at Hsihoutu, China; 1st bison, sheep, hogs 6.24: 1st homo erectus [] 6.23: Oldowan tools carried for miles; 12ft round basecamp 6.22: homo ergaster in Eurasia []; 6ft-tall Nariokotome boy 6.21: animal sinews used as cords; skins as rugs, bags, clothes? 6.20: noctural leopards preying on australopithecus (not homo)? 6.19: Karari tools at E Turkana, Kenya; also erectus skull 6.18 = 1,500,000 yrs BC 6.17: Acheulean hand-axes (spread to Korea over next 1.3M yrs) 6.16: fire at Chesowanja, Kenya 6.15: homo w/hand-axes at Sterkfontein, S Africa 6.14: Chesowanja homo eats australopithecines? 6.13: Losokweta tools at Chesowanja (processing lake-plants?) 6.12: australopithecus extinct 6.11: much higher average sea-levels 6.10 = 1,250,000 yrs BC: 14k furless humans (genetic bottleneck) [] 6.09: brain growing about 1500 neurons per year, on average 6.08: females closer to size of males, bonds more monogamous 6.07: males hunt, females gather and cook? 6.06: homo erectus lice-species becomes isolated in Asia 6.05 6.04: African savanna resembles modern ecology [] 6.03: homo erectus uses bones to catch termites [] 6.02 6.01 6.00 = 1,000,000 yrs BC 5.99: widespread volcanism 5.98: Ice Age causes erectus divergence [] 5.97 5.96 = 900,000 years BC 5.95: humans in London 5.94: homo in Spain 5.93 5.92 5.91 = 800,000 years BC 5.90: brown bears 5.89: last major geomagnetic reversal (Brunhes-Matuyama) 5.88: Acheulean tools in mideast (Ubeidiya); giant meteorite 5.87: homo in Isernia, Italy eats elephant and bison 5.86: hand-axes for processing lake-plants at Kilombe, Kenya 5.85 = 700,000 years BC: warm interglacial 5.84: fire by underground lake at L'Escale, France 5.83 5.82 5.81 5.80: wolves 5.79 5.78 = 600,000 years BC 5.77 5.76: warm interglacial 5.75 5.74 5.73: homo diverges in Africa 5.72: 1st llamas 5.71: hominid mandible in Germany 5.70 = 500,000 BC: possible homo in Britain 5.69: Peking man has fire but no hand-axes [] 5.68: ate elephant, horse, deer, water buffalo, likely cannibalism 5.67 5.66 5.65: Spanish hunters entrap elephant herd, horses, deer, cattle 5.64 5.63: warm interglacial; beach huts in Nice 5.62: extinction of homo erectus [] 5.61 = 400,000 years BC 5.60: wooden spears in Germany [] 5.59: systematic baboon-hunting in Olorgesailie, Kenya 5.58: strait of Gibraltar crossed by boat? 5.57: Arago 21 skull in s France 5.56 5.55: limit of uranium dating 5.54: ceremonial burial in Spain? [] 5.53 5.52: pre-Acheulian Clacton tools, wooden spear in se England 5.51: high sealevels (warm Hoxnian/Holstein interglacial) 5.50: fire at Terra Armata (s France) 5.49 5.48 = 300,000 BC 5.47: fire in cave at Pech de l'Aze, France 5.46 5.45 5.44: homo sapiens scalped at Bodo, Ethiopia 5.43 5.42: post-Acheulean tools at Mesvin, Belgium (incl bone point?) 5.41: deer and gazelle hunted in c Asia (Lakhuti) 5.40: homo sapiens skull at Petraloma, Greece 5.39: fire more-common in Europe 5.38: global warming 5.37: homo sapiens at Bilzingsleben 5.36 5.35 5.34: Levallois technique for making hand-axes 5.33: high sealevels 5.32: bones burnt for fuel in Hungary 5.31: 'founder' cichlids in Lake Victoria will spawn 200 species 5.30 = 200,000 yrs BC: handaxe w/decorative fossil in England 5.29: neanderthals in Ice Age Europe and Asia 5.28: wooden club at Kalambo Falls, Tanzania 5.27: 1st cave bears, reindeer, goats, modern cattle (aurochs) 5.26: global cooling 5.25 5.24 5.23 5.22 5.21: (distance to 1987 supernova in lightyears) 5.20: Acheulean hand-axes still in use near Galilee 5.19: modern skulls at Awash Valley, Ethiopia [] 5.18 = 150,000 yrs BC: woolly mammoth 5.17: language-related FOXP2 mutation [] 5.16: Mousterian flint flake-tools replace Acheulean in n France 5.15: Africa cooler and drier [] 5.14: dogs diverge from wolves? 5.13: homo killed by wooden spear in Tabun, Israel? 5.12: homo sapiens evolve chins [] (men shaving beards?) 5.11: global warming [] 5.10 = 125,000 yrs BC 5.09: German elephant pierced by wooden spear 5.08: high sealevels (warm Russ-Wurm interglacial, 10k yrs) 5.07 5.06: Ngaloba skull at Laetoli (non-Neanderthal homo sapiens) 5.05: 35k-yr cool wet spell in Europe (temps drop 15 degrees?) 5.04: some hominids venture back into heavy forests 5.03: shaped and colored mammoth's tooth 5.02: ivory plaque in Tata, Hungary 5.01: hunting of mainly-weakened big-game (young, old) 5.00 = 100,000yrs BC: limit of C14 dating 4.99: genetic Eve? []; Little Ice Age 4.98: grave goods (deer head) in Qafzeh Cave burial (Israel) 4.97: microliths fitted to wooden shafts in S Africa 4.96 = 88,000 BC: cannibalism in Yugoslavia 4.95 4.94: Sahara more arid than today 4.93 4.92: probable intentional burial [] 4.91 = 78,000 BC 4.90 4.89 4.88 4.87: volcanic winter after Toba (Sumatra) eruption [] [more] 4.86: geometric scratchings on ochre [] 4.85 = 68,000 BC: 1st polar bears (in London!) 4.84: body lice diverge from head lice (via clothes) [] 4.83 4.82 4.81 4.80: homo sapiens displace neanderthals in mideast 4.79: homo reaches Australia? 4.78 = 58,000 BC: brief global warming 4.77: Iraq burial w/medicinal flowers 4.76: neanderthal cave 'altar' in Monte Circeo, Italy 4.75: neanderthal inbreeding 4.74: Shanidar (Iraq) neanderthals bind/flatten babies' heads? 4.73: 20-ft oval of mammoth tusks in Ripiceni-Izvor, Romania 4.72: 1st Australians hunt giant marsupials to extinction 4.71: multicolored bodypaint 4.70 = 48,000 BC: population spurt (African diaspora?) [] 4.69: neanderthal cemetery in La Ferrassie, France 4.68: burial w/goat-horns in Teshik Tash, Russia 4.67: bone whistle in Haua Fteah, Libya; bone points in Hungary 4.66: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Ursula' in N Greece [] 4.65: mideast middens show more hares (vs turtles) being eaten 4.64: Aterian toolkit across Sahara incl points w/tangs 4.63: beads as body-ornaments [] 4.62: Cro-Magnons in Europe; blade toolkit in n Africa 4.61 = 38,000 BC: Russians wear furs [] 4.60: modern humans mate with Neanderthals 4.59: 10k-yr thaw in Ice Age 4.58 4.57: blade-style toolkit in Europe 4.56: star chart? [] 4.55 4.54 4.53: hunter-gatherers in tribes of ~40 worldwide 4.52: Chatelperronian 'knife' in sw France 4.51 4.50: Asians invade Europe? [] [more] 4.49: cave paintings at Chauvet Pont d'Arc [] 4.48 = 28,000 BC: Dyuktai culture in Siberia 4.47: (distance to center of Milky Way in lightyears) 4.46: last Neanderthals? []; flutes and whistles in Eurasia 4.45: possible humans at El Cedral, Mexico 4.44: woven cloth? []; obsidian, flint traded long-distance 4.43: ceramic 'Venus' in Czech Republic 4.42: Gravettian toolkit across Eur; shells traded long-distance 4.41: axe-adzes in New Guinea; tailored clothes near Moscow 4.40: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Xenia' in Caucasus [] 4.39: cremation in Lake Mungo, Australia 4.38: tribes specialise in hunting particular species 4.37: Los Angeles man in California? 4.36: hut of mammoth-bones in Mezhirich, Russia 4.35: artifacts at Predmost, Czech Republic 4.34: Siberians make stone fireplaces, fat-burning lamps 4.33: Solutrean tools in France and Spain (laurel-leaf points) 4.32: megafauna survive in Australia; Koonalda Cave paintings 4.31: probable hearth at Tlapacoya, Mexico; bow and arrow 4.30 = 18,000 yrs BC: low sealevels (no English Channel) 4.29: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Helena' in S France [] 4.28: possible humans at Flea Cave, Peru 4.27: large stone tools generally replaced by microliths 4.26: tents, sewing, bone needles w/eyes 4.25: ivory head in Brassempouy, France 4.24: trepanned skulls? []; star chart? [] 4.23: cave paintings at Lascaux [] 4.22: daughters-of-Eve 'Velda' in N Spain, 'Tara' in Italy [] 4.21: pre-Clovis points at Meadowcroft, Pennsylvania 4.20: Magdalenian toolkit in w Europe (fine bone carving) 4.19: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Katrine' in N Italy [] 4.18 = 13,000 yrs BC: humans in Alaska and Peru 4.17: grinding stones and sickles in Egypt 4.16: polished stone tools in New Guinea 4.15: fishhooks, harpoons, spear-throwers (compound tool) 4.14: cemetery at Jebel Sahaba, Egypt w/many violent deaths 4.13: Bering Strait finally submerges landbridge 4.12: 72 reindeer butchered at Meiendorf, Germany 4.11: wooden artifacts in Monte Verde, Chile 4.10 = 10,500 yrs BC: Holocene epoch [] 4.09: hypothetical root language 'Nostratic' [] 4.08: Natufian culture in mideast incl village at Ain Mallaha 4.07: Clovis people hunt Amer mammoth-etc to extinction? [] 4.06: dramatic global warming ends Ice Age; Vela supernova 4.05: arrows in Ahrensburg, Germany; pillars of Gobekli Tepe [] 4.04: engraved slate plaques in Gonnersdorf, Germany 4.03: European extinctions (mammoth, woolly rhino) 4.02: wheat and barley domesticated (1st beer?) 4.01: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Jasmine' in Syria [] 4.00 = 8000 BC: goats domesticated 3.99: fire-drills and woven crafts at Guitarrero Cave, Peru 3.98: fired-clay pottery; navigation of Aegean; Jericho wall 3.97: sheep and pigs domesticated; irrigation in New Guinea 3.96 = 7000 BC: Kennewick man; cattle domesticated; 1st copper 3.95: Jericho culture-change incl skulls w/plaster faces 3.94: 40 erectus-like skeletons at Kow Swamp, Australia 3.93: Lake Agassiz []; discovery of prime numbers? [] 3.92: humans drive bison into Colorado gully (Olsen-Chubbock) 3.91 = 6000 BC: idyllic Catal Hoyuk [] 3.90: re-desertification of Sahara [] 3.89: hypothetical Black Sea flood/salinisation [] 3.88: developed obsidian-trade in mideast (via donkeys?) 3.87: simple irrigation in Iran, Catal Hoyuk 3.86: dingos in Australia 3.85 = 5000 BC 3.84: trepanned skulls [] 3.83: stone buildings; cow's milk (lactose tolerance) 3.82: portraits on pottery; increasing copper-trade 3.81: astronomical megalith in Egypt [] 3.80: proto-Indo-European language [] 3.79: mutation creates woolly sheep; corncobs in Peru 3.78 = 4000 BC: domestication of horse; painted pottery 3.77: Egypt and Sumer; grain silos at Fayum, Egypt 3.76: circumcision in Egypt [] []; Little Ice Age 3.75: pipe-and-drum music; metal-working in Thailand 3.74: early writing; copper mines and gold in Balkans 3.73: Oetzi the Iceman [] 3.72: Newgrange megalith in Ireland; mideast pork-taboo [] 3.71: wheeled oxcarts; Egyptian canals; 1st arch 3.70 = 3000 BC: Egypt unified; riverboats with sails 3.69: dream interpretation, reading entrails 3.68: oral Gilgamesh epic; Phoenicians [] 3.67: pyramids, calendar 3.66: bronze; soldering; harps 3.65: papyrus and ink; Ebla; Ur; Amazon monuments [] 3.64: Sargon's Akkadian empire; Mohenjo-daro has sewers 3.63: antiphonal chants; Egyptian wisdom literature [] 3.62: Stonehenge []; Lilith []; 1st chariots 3.61 = 2000 BC: ziggurats; Babylonian creation epic 3.60: sailing ships, Minoan palaces [] 3.59: Sinuhe's autobiography []; habiru bandits [] 3.58: Phaistos disk []; Code of Hammurabi [] 3.57: consonantal alphabet in Sinai []; Hyksos 3.56: Rhind mathematical papyrus [] 3.55: Egyptian Book of the Dead; lutes 3.54: Egyptian gold-glut; Hatshepsut []; glass bottles; incense 3.53: Nippur city-map; Thera erupts?; Ugarit religious texts [] 3.52: Amarna letters []; Akhenaten's religious heresy [] 3.51: chanting of Rigveda?; writing tablets []; Little Ice Age 3.50: love poems in Egypt; Sea Peoples, Trojan war? [] 3.49: I Ching []; pentatonic scale; Bedouins w/camels [] 3.48 = 1000 BC: mouth-organ in China 3.47 = 950 BC: dark ages in mideast []; purple dye in Tyre 3.46 = 880 BC: Italian iron mines; Ahab weds Jezebel? 3.45 = 820 BC: Upanishads; Carthage founded; cult of Dionysus 3.44 = 750 BC: Homer and Hesiod []; lyres, bards; Amos? 3.43 = 690 BC: uniform coinage; lyric poetry []; Isaiah? 3.42 = 630 BC: Zoroaster; Josiah's book of the law; Sappho 3.41 = 570 BC: Jerusalem razed; Aesop's fables []; Tao-te Ching 3.40 = 510 BC: Buddha enlightened []; Pythagorean math-cult [] 3.39 = 450 BC: Confucius; Aeschylus []; Aristophanes [] 3.38 = 400 BC: Peloponnesian war; Socrates dies; Ezra's Torah 3.37 = 340 BC: Plato, Aristotle []; Alexander the Great 3.36 = 290 BC: Epicurus []; Euclid []; crossbow; Septuagint [] 3.35 = 240 BC: Archimedes []; Hannibal; Great Wall of China 3.34 = 190 BC: Bk of Daniel (idea of messiah, resurrection) [] 3.33 = 140 BC: Rome conquers Greece, Carthage; expels Jews 3.32 = 90 BC: Antikythera computer []; Dead Sea Scrolls []; tofu 3.31 = 40 BC: Cicero []; Lucretius; Julius Caesar; Virgil 3.30 = 1 AD: Ovid; Jesus []; Claudius []; Bhagavad Gita 3.29 = 50 AD: Paul; Petronius []; Falco []; Pompeii buried 3.28 = 90 AD: Book of Revelation; idea of Anti-Christ; gnosticism 3.27 = 140 AD: zither; Jews expelled from Jerusalem; Ptolemy [] 3.26 = 180 AD: plague; Marcus Aurelius; Galen; runes 3.25 = 220 AD: Mishnah; Origen []; Diophantus [] 3.24 = 260 AD: neoplatonism []; Manicheism 3.23 = 300 AD: Constantine's Roman Christianity 3.22 = 340 AD: Arianism; St Anthony []; Julian; Ulfias 3.21 = 380 AD: alchemy?; theory of Trinity; Jerome's latin Bible 3.20 = 420 AD: Augustine; St Patrick []; Jerusalem Talmud [] 3.19 = 450 AD: Attila, fall of Rome; tantric Buddhism; Slavs 3.18 = 500: Babylonian Talmud []; Arabian Nights; stirrups 3.17 = 530: Boethius []; Justinian; King Arthur; Benedictines 3.16 = 550: Taliesen in Wales; plague in Europe; zero in India [] 3.15 = 590: Gregorian chant; Viking longboats 3.14 = 620: Mohammed's Koran; Uralic invasion of Finland 3.13 = 650: Arabs conquer Syria-Iraq-Egypt-Persia, burn library? 3.12 = 680: Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem 3.11 = 710: Arabs in Spain and India; Venerable Bede 3.10 = 750: Baghdad is Arab capital; papermaking; Irish whiskey 3.09 = 780: Charlemagne; Gebir's chemistry; Book of Kells 3.08 = 800: Arabs' translation-movement; Vedanta; Machu Picchu 3.07 = 830: Zen (Ch'an) Buddhism; Dublin founded 3.06 = 850: split between Rome and Byzantium; gunpowder? 3.05 = 880: Norwegians settle Iceland 3.04 = 900: Sufism 3.03 = 930: pipe organs; global warming 3.02 = 950: water mills; Jews' controversial Kol Nidre prayer [] 3.01 = 980: Arabic numerals 3.00 = 1000: Vinland; Beowulf 2.99: Avicenna []; Al-Biruni []; Alhazen; magnetic compass 2.98: Lady Godiva; Lady Murasaki's "Tale of Genji" [] 2.97: troubadors; Domesday Book (English tax census) [] 2.96 = 1100: Crusades; Omar Khayyam []; scholasticism 2.95: Abelard castrated for affair with Heloise [] 2.94: Cistercians; checkers; coal for smelting iron 2.93: Notre Dame's gothic architecture; murder of Becket 2.92: Averroes, Maimonides; Little Ice Age; Genghis Khan 2.91 = 1200: Fibonacci []; Magna Carta; St Francis 2.90: Oxford University, Grosseteste []; sitars 2.89: Inquisition; Frederick II [] 2.88: Albertus Magnus []; Rumi; Roger Bacon [] 2.87: Thomas Aquinas []; kabbalah 2.86: Marco Polo; Jews expelled from England & France; Braveheart 2.85 = 1300: Raymond Lully []; Giotto; madrigals; KISS ME 2.84: Dante's Divine Comedy []; Tenochtitlan 2.83: spinning wheel; Ockham's razor [] 2.82: Petrarch; cannon-warfare 2.81: Black Death; Boccaccio's 'Decameron' 2.80: Wycliffe []; Noh drama; Oresme [] 2.79: Great Schism in papacy; Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" 2.78 = 1400: tarot [] 2.77: Huss burned; Chinese naval conquests 2.76: Kempis' "Imitation of Christ"; Joan of Arc burned 2.75: Nicholas of Cusa []; Leone Battista Alberti [] 2.74: Gutenberg's printing press 2.73: Francois Villon; Malory's "Morte D'Arthur" 2.72: Botticelli's Birth of Venus [] 2.71: Columbus; Sikhism; Borgias 2.70 = 1500: Leonardo da Vinci [], Michelangelo 2.69: Erasmus; Machiavelli's 'Prince' [] 2.68: Luther's 95 theses; Little Ice Age; fuckin 2.67: Paracelsus [], Rabelais; Mennonites; Jesuits []; Calvin [] 2.66: Peter Ramus [], Durer [], Mercator [] 2.65 = 1550: Vesalius, Copernicus []; Queen Elizabeth 2.64: John Dee [], Giambattista della Porta []; Huguenots killed 2.63: Montaigne; Giordano Bruno []; Simon Stevin [] 2.62: Spanish Armada; Vieta's algebra []; Edict of Nantes 2.61 = 1600: Bruno burned; Shakespeare's Hamlet []; Kepler [] 2.60: Francis Bacon []; telescope []; Ben Jonson; King James Bible 2.59: Rosicrucians []; Cervantes []; Napier's logarithms [] 2.58: Pilgrims on Mayflower; John Donne 2.57 = 1625: Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy" [] 2.56: Galileo's trial []; Jacob Boehme; Descartes 'cogito' [] 2.55: English Civil War; Taj Mahal; Rembrandt 2.54 = 1650: Herrick's 'Lovers' []; Hobbes []; Quakers 2.53: Boyle []; Royal Society; Vermeer; London plague and fire 2.52: Milton's "Paradise Lost" []; Wilkins' thesaurus [] 2.51 = 1675: Spinoza's Ethics []; microscope; calculus [] 2.50: Newton's Principia [] 2.49: Amish; Locke []; Leibnitz [] 2.48 = 1700: Newton's Optics 2.47: piano; Berkeley [] 2.46: Marten's masturbation-taboo []; Freemasons; Bach 2.45: Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe"; South Sea Bubble; Hasidism 2.44 = 1725: Vico's "New Science"; Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" [] 2.43: looms driven by punched cards; rice-futures exchange [] 2.42: Linnaeus []; Euler []; Hume; Swedenborg; women novelists 2.41: Voltaire; Saudis adopt Wahhabism; 1st symphonies 2.40 = 1750: Rothschild banking dynasty []; French Encyclopedia 2.39: sextant; chronometer; Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" 2.38: Rousseau's "Social Contact" 2.37: 6000-part automaton 2.36: Watt's steam engine; Shakers; Messier's catalog [] 2.35 = 1775: Smith's "Wealth of Nations" []; American Revolution 2.34: Shakers; Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" [] 2.33: Uranus; mesmerism; Kant []; Mozart; Lavoisier 2.32: Blake's "Marriage of Heaven and Hell" [] 2.31: French Revolution; Bentham []; Malthus; Rosetta Stone 2.30 = 1800: Laplace []; Louisiana Purchase 2.29: Napoleon proclaimed emperor; Goethe's 'Faust' 2.28: Dalton's atomism; Jane Austen 2.27: Scott's 'Waverly' 2.26: Battle of Waterloo 2.25: Byron []; railroad; electric motor 2.24 = 1825: Beethoven's 9th; photography 2.23: Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin"; Mormons; Robert Owen 2.22: Patrick Matthew's natural selection [] 2.21: Babbage designs Analytic Engine []; Alamo 2.20: telegraph; Poe; Bolzano []; Baha'i; Neptune; Victoria 2.19: Opium War; Joule; potato famine; Pre-Raphaelites [] 2.18 = 1851: goldrush; Moby-Dick; Roget's Thesaurus [] 2.17: Thoreau's Walden; Whitman's Leaves of Grass 2.16: Flaubert's "Mrs Bovary" []; Neanderthal skeletons 2.15: Baudelaire's "Fleurs du Mal"; Darwin; "Great Expectations" 2.14: US Civil War; "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" 2.13: Mendel; Marx's "Das Kapital" []; Suez Canal 2.12: Mendeleev; Chicago fire 2.11: Tolstoy's "Anna Karenin"; Dewey Decimal System 2.10 = 1876: Bell's telephone; Custer's last stand; Swan Lake 2.09: Edison's phonograph, lightbulb; Ibsen's "Doll's House" 2.08: Twain's "Huck Finn"; Krakatoa; Maxim gun; Mikado 2.07: Statue of Liberty; Peirce's electrical logic machine [] 2.06 = 1889: Kodak; Coke; Jack the Ripper; Nietzsche goes mad 2.05: Wm James' Psychology []; van Gogh dies; Gauguin to Tahiti 2.04: Steinmetz []; Universal Decimal Classification; electron [] 2.03: trial of Oscar Wilde []; Nobel prizes; Congo genocide 2.02: Dreyfus affair; zionism; Hearst's Spanish-American War 2.01: fauvism; Polti's "36 Dramatic Situations" [] 2.00 = 1901: Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" [] 1.99: Picasso's blue period []; Wright Bros; Bloomsday [] 1.98: Einstein's miracle-year; Scott Joplin's 'Bethena'; SF quake 1.97: worldlines; cubism; Nijinsky; Model T Ford; Tunguska meteorite 1.96 = 1911: Britannica's 11th edition []; Titanic sinks 1.95: Anti-Defamation League; Proust's "Swann's Way" 1.94: Peace Ship; Panama Canal 1.93: Russian revolutions; Balfour Declaration; killer flu 1.92: prohibition; radio; jazz []; Winnie the Pooh 1.91 = 1921: Torres y Quevedo []; Wittgenstein's Tractatus [] 1.90: Irish Free State; Joyce's 'Ulysses' [] 1.89: leaded gas; Bernays' "Crystallizing Public Opinion" 1.88: Scopes 'Monkey Trial'; QM; "The Jazz Singer"; OED; photons 1.87: Fed Radio Commish reallocates spectrum []; Mickey Mouse 1.86: Krishnamurti dissolves religious order []; Wall St crash; Pluto 1.85 = 1931: Basic English []; Gödel []; Gandhi's civil disobedience; neutron 1.84: Hitler made chancellor; FDR's New Deal; faceted indexing [] 1.83: Communications Act requires serving public interest; Apache dance 1.82: Stalin; 12-step; Marx Bros' "Night at the Opera"; Keynes 1.81: Spanish Civil War; Amelia Earhart lost; "War of the Worlds" 1.80: "Finnegans Wake" []; Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit" 1.79: Bell's Complex Number Computer []; NBC tv; penicillin 1.78 = Dec1941: "Citizen Kane"; Pearl Harbor 1.77: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator []; Hoffman's LSD; Ayn Rand 1.76: Cousteau's aqualung; stored-program cpu-architecture 1.75: Hiroshima; Memex []; RAND []; UN; geodesic dome; W born 1.74 = 1946: gnostic gospels; 'Iron Curtain'; Nuremberg trials 1.73: Indian independence; Israeli independence; UFOs; transistor 1.72: Graves' White Goddess; NATO; 1984; Mao Tse-tung; Nature Boy 1.71: "Guys and Dolls"; Peanuts; "Catcher in the Rye"; Korean war 1.70 = Dec1951: Mad Magazine; Mortimer Adler's Syntopicon [] 1.69: DNA cracked; Playboy; Scientology; McCarthy hearings 1.68: Stevens' "Of Mere Being" []; Elvis Presley; Disneyland 1.67: Nabokov's "Lolita"; Ginsberg's 'Howl'; Rosa Parks 1.66: JL Austin []; Cat in the Hat; Kerouac's "On the Road" 1.65 = 1957: IGY []; ObL born; Sputnik; ARPA; Hula Hoop 1.64: Barbara O'Brien's "Operators and Things" []; LISP []; Castro 1.63: 'Black Orpheus' []; Ellmann's "James Joyce" []; the Pill 1.62: OPEC; PDP-1 1.61 = 31Dec 1961: Bay of Pigs; Berlin Wall; "Silent Spring" 1.60: Warhol's soup cans; Marilyn dies; missile crisis; ASCII, valium 1.59: MLK "I have a dream"; JFK shot; Dr Strangelove []; Girl from Ipanema 1.58: IBM 360; Furthur; "Hard Day's Night" [] []; Sam Smith []; Tonkin Gulf 1.57: Dylan gets Beatles high []; Malcolm X shot; Pinter's 'Homecoming' 1.56: Watts riots; Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed" 1.55: regular expressions [] 1.54 = 1967: Sgt Pepper's; LBJ hides Israeli warcrimes; Che dies 1.53: Incredible String Band []; Zap Comix; 2001; Barbarella 1.52: Englebart's mouse-demo []; Moonwalk; Woodstock; Laws of Form [] 1.51: Monty Python; Unix []; Xerox PARC []; Kent State 1.50: "Monday Night Class" []; Jay Forrester's eco-sim [] 1.49: Altman's "McCabe and Mrs Miller" []; Michael Hurley [] 1.48 = 1971 1.47: Ms. mag; 1st Rainbow Gathering; Smalltalk []; Pong; Roe-Wade 1.46: Skylab; "American Graffiti" []; Scaife [] 1.45: D&D []; Rivette's "Celine and Julie Go Boating" [] 1.44: Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow"; Stone's "Dog Soldiers" [] 1.43: Nixon resigns; Muhammed Ali reclaims crown; SNL; W's MBA 1.42: Iris Murdoch's "A Word Child" []; East Timor genocide 1.41: Doctorow's 'Ragtime'; Marley's "Natty Dread"; SCTV; W's DUI 1.40 = 1976: Emacs; 6502 chip; Julian Jaynes; "Selfish Gene" 1.39: R.Adler's "Speedboat"; string theory; Mars landing; Apple ][ 1.38: Saturday Night Fever; Watching the Detectives; bonobo sex 1.37: "A Pattern Language" []; VisiCalc; Rickie Lee Jones []; FOIA 1.36: "Deer Hunter" []; Jonestown suicides; Sony Walkman; B52s 1.35: Dancing Barefoot; Thatcher; Ayatollah; RC heart attack 1.34: Three Mile Island; Joni's 'Mingus' []; Viz mag; 4AD 1.33: Voyager's Jupiter; Pretenders; "Far Side" comic; Usenet [] 1.32: Pac-Man []; CNN; Anti-Math []; Iran-Iraq war 1.31: Mt St Helens; Lennon shot; Reagan shot; AIDS; 10k Maniacs 1.30 = Dec1981: IBM PC; MTV; French Minitel; Wharton's 'Dad' [] 1.29: Kate Bush's "The Dreaming"; ObL joins muj.; CIA funds aQ 1.28: Commodore 64; Sharon's warcrimes in Lb.; Moon's WashTimes 1.27: USA Today; Chimpanzee Politics; liposuction; Beirut bomb 1.26: Girls Just Want To Have Fun; Rumsfeld visits Saddam 1.25: Van Dyke Parks 'Jump!' []; King of Comedy [] 1.24: Willner/Monk "That's The Way I Feel Now" []; Repo Man 1.23 = 1984: Apple Macintosh []; Cyc project []; RC heart attack 1.22: Bhopal tragedy; Calvin and Hobbes; Mary Coughlan [] 1.21: "Balance of Power" []; Feynmann's QED; Nintendo; W born again 1.20: 80386 []; the WELL; Challenger explodes; Reagan aids muj. 1.19: Burning Man []; Lynch's Blue Velvet []; Soros/Harken bails out W 1.18 = 31Dec 1986: Chernobyl; Iran-Contra scandal; W drills well w/Enron 1.17: Simpsons debut; Full Metal Jacket []; Greenspan chairs Fed 1.16: Reagan's FCC abandons Fairness Doctrine; US shoots down Iran 665 1.15: HyperCard; Prozac; stock market crash; MP3; crack cocaine 1.14: Bonfire of the Vanities []; Barger's Solace []; Enya; PanAm 103 1.13: Rush Limbaugh goes national; 'They Live'; MST3K; The Onion 1.12: Morris Worm; PixelVision; ObL's aQ; RC heart attack 1.11: Rushdie fatwah; Exxon Valdez; Tiananmen Square; Tetris 1.10 = 01Jul 1989: Will Wright's SimCity; AOL; Baywatch 1.09: US invades Panama; Mary Zimmerman's 'Odyssey'; S&L bailout 1.08: SF earthquake; fall of Berlin Wall; Marta Sebestyen [] 1.07: Judi Bari victim of anti-environmentalist carbomb [] 1.06: Twin Peaks; Sinead O'Connor; W dumps Harken stock 1.05: Bly's "Iron John"; Camille Paglia; aQ kills Rabbi Kahane 1.04: "GoodFellas"; Ani DiFranco's Righteous Babe; Harken tanks 1.03: Gulf War; Nirvana; Massive Attack; ObL in Sudan 1.02: gopher; Tom Ray's alife Tierra; Clarence Thomas 1.01: Be computer []; Iceman discovered []; fractal thickets 1.00 = 31Dec 1991: Jellyeye's "Avalanch Ranch" []; FWAKE-L project 0.99 = 9.77: Linux project []; Kate Moss; Enron's Dabhol project 0.98 = 9.55: Whole Internet Guide; Tori Amos; RC warplan 0.97 = 9.33: Chomsky documentary "Manufacturing Consent" [] 0.96 = 9.12 = 1992: "Finn's Hotel" hoax []; "Reservoir Dogs" [] 0.95 = 8.91: Moby; Newton PDA; KSM aids WTC bomb; Carlyle Group 0.94 = 8.71: Apr: Waco; Clinton bombs Baghdad; Fermat proved 0.93 = 8.51: aQ aids Black Hawk Down; Vince Foster suicide 0.92 = 8.32: Aug: Mosaic 1.0 []; Andrea Chen []; X-Files 0.91 = 8.13 = 1993: Dec: NAFTA; Hubble fixed; Carmack's Doom [] 0.90 = 7.94: Bill Bixby haiku []; Rwanda genocide 0.89 = 7.76: OJ murders []; Saudis exile ObL; aQ in Sudan 0.88 = 7.59: Cobain suicide []; TV Nation []; HC's healthcare flop 0.87 = 7.41: Shahak's "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" [] 0.86 = 7.24: Gingrich's Contract on America; W&Rove Texas gov. 0.85 = 7.08 = 1994: Portishead, trip-hop; aQ tests shoebomb 0.84 = 6.92: Riverdance []; Kobe quake []; Yahoo []; aQ fire in Manila 0.83 = 6.76: Apr: GreenCard spam []; McVeigh []; Pullman HDM [] 0.82 = 6.61: BC&Gingrich vow cmpgn-finance reform []; Monica WH intern 0.81 = 6.46: Aug: heatwave []; Netscape IPO []; DejaNews []; Alanis [] 0.80 = 6.31: Sep: eBay []; Unabomb txt []; KSM plans WTC air-attack 0.79 = 6.17: OJ acquitted []; Dogme 95 []; RC CEO of HAL 0.78 = 6.03 = 1995: Dec: Altavista []; Deutch's CIA secrets on AOL 0.77 = 5.89: mad cow []; Deep Blue beats Kasparov []; ValuJet crash 0.76 = 5.75: Apr: Unabomb bust []; Beanie Babies []; Khobar bombing 0.75 = 5.62: Fargo []; Dark Alliance []; TWA 800 []; US weighs Iran war 0.74 = 5.50: Telecom Act allows megamergers []; Atlanta Olympics 0.73 = 5.37: welfare reform []; Spice Girls []; Israel bombs refugees 0.72 = 5.25: Palm Pilot []; WebTV []; Taliban rule A'stan; aJ founded 0.71 = 5.13: Tamagotchis []; USA-jihad by ObL; KSM indicted 0.70 = 5.01 = 1996: Leslie Stahl: "Shouldn't this be expunged?" 0.69 = 4.90: Apple buys NeXT []; AutoDesk's dancing baby 0.68 = 4.79: Madeleine Albright: "We think the price is worth it" 0.67 = 4.68: Tony Blair []; KSM meets ObL but doesn't join aQ 0.66 = 4.57: Lilith Festival tour []; Project for a New American Century 0.65 = 4.47: (distance to Alpha Centauri in lightyears); KSM flees FBI trap 0.64 = 4.37: Ted Turner pledges $1B to UN []; aQ trains Atta 0.63 = 4.27: Princess Di dies []; Ally McBeal []; Elvis Index [] 0.62 = 4.17: Julia Butterfly's treesit []; Slashdot []; XML 1.0 [] 0.61 = 4.07 = 1997: Robot Wisdom Weblog [] 0.60 = 3.98: Drudge breaks Monica Lewinsky scandal [] 0.59 = 3.89: Bill Gates pied []; HC's "right-wing conspiracy" 0.58 = 3.80: terror groups merge w/aQ; CIA drops ObL kidnap-plot 0.57 = 3.72: Google surfaces []; aQ attacks embassies in Africa 0.56 = 3.63: Internet Movie Database sells out to Amazon [] 0.55 = 3.55: "Damascus Gate" []; Subgenius X-Day []; iMac 0.54 = 3.47: Clinton bombs Sudan pharmco []: HampsterDance [] 0.53 = 3.39: Starr Report released []; McSweeney's [] 0.52 = 3.31: Digital Millennium Copyright Act [] 0.51 = 3.24: Sosa-McGwire homerun derby []; Furbies [] 0.50 = 3.16: W's baseball-scam []; Pinochet arrested []; UNSCOM out of Iraq 0.49 = 3.09: PDB: ObL plans hijack US aircraft; HAL cooks books 0.48 = 3.02 = 1998: Viagra; PayPal []; KSM&ObL's "planes operation" 0.47 = 2.95: AtHome buys Excite for $6.7B []; CIA may kill ObL 0.46 = 2.88: Gore "took initiative" for Internet; KSM joins aQ 0.45 = 2.82: Britney []; McLibel verdict []; Kosovo []; ObL not shot 0.44 = 2.75: Columbine []; TiVo []; EverQuest []; NyT smears Wen Ho Lee 0.43 = 2.69: Healtheon buys WebMD for $5B []; China embassy bombed 0.42 = 2.63: Sony Aibo []; Salon IPO []; TLC's No Scrubs []; ObL not shot 0.41 = 2.57: Archimedes Plutonium retires from dishwashing [] 0.40 = 2.51: CMGI buys AltaVista for $2.3B []; JFK Jr dies [] 0.39 = 2.45: Pokemon []; Napster []; W's compassionate conservatism 0.38 = 2.40: East Timor votes for independence; Waltz #2 0.37 = 2.34: Chicago heatwave []; hjckrs seek US visas 0.36 = 2.29: []; hjckrs train in A'stan 0.35 = 2.24: W executes Karla Faye Tucker ("Don't kill me!") 0.34 = 2.19: Shahak et al's "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel" [] 0.33 = 2.14: Seattle WTO protests [] []; Hamburg aQ cell forms 0.32 = 2.09: Mitch Glazier writes artists out of copyright law [] 0.31 = 2.04: Being John Malkovich []; Topsy Turvy []; 'Millennium' plot 0.30 = 2.00 = 31Dec 1999: Y2K mania []; hjckrs study US culture 0.29 = 1.95: AOL/Time-Warner merger []; aQ meet in Malaysia 0.28 = 1.91: Oprah acquitted of beef-libel []; Hazmi, Mihdhar to LA 0.27 = 1.86: McCain slandered; Hamburg cell trains in Kandahar 0.26 = 1.82: 10Mar: Nasdaq peaks at 5,048.62 0.25 = 1.78: Elian Gonzales hype []; Atta emails US flight schools 0.24 = 1.74: Apr: Will Wright's 'The Sims' [] 0.23 = 1.70: DIA's Fallis warns of aQ plot 0.22 = 1.66: ArsDigita University [] 0.21 = 1.62: Atta flies via Prague 0.20 = 1.58: Tiger Woods [] 0.19 = 1.55: Courtney Love defends Napster [] 0.18 = 1.51 = 01Jul 2000: RC picks RC for vp 0.17 = 1.48: bipedal robot []; HTML Ulysses [] 0.16 = 1.45: Civil War sub Hunley raised [] 0.15 = 1.41: Florida reporter wins suit against Fox (reversed) [] 0.14 = 1.38: RC dumps HAL stock 0.13 = 1.35: Arafat rejects Camp David peace plan 0.12 = 1.32: PNAC plots catalyzing 'new Pearl Harbor' [] 0.11 = 1.29: Sharon incites intifada []; Predator flights over A'stan 0.10 = 1.26: Mystikal's 'Danger' []; shorter Finnegans Wake [] 0.09 = 1.23: presidential 'debates' sponsored by Budweiser [] 0.08 = 1.20: aQ bombs USS Cole, Fallis resigns in protest 0.07 = 1.17: W's DUI leaked; Nicholson Baker buys news archive [] 0.06 = 1.15: 51% turnout for contested US election [Onion] 0.05 = 1.12: "All your base are belong to us"; HAL tanks 0.04 = 1.10: Mossad apt near hjckrs in Fla?; RC heart attack 0.03 = 1.07: along party lines, Supreme Court (!?!) chooses W 0.02 = 1.05: W hunts w/Bandar; Popo erupts []; Nasdaq nears 2500 0.01 = 1.02: Traffic []; Jazz []; Atta pilot license; BC warns W re aQ 0.00 = Dec2000: Pacifica locks out 'Democracy Now' [] -0.01 = 09Jan: W chokes on pretzel; Clarke warns W on aQ -0.02 = 18Jan: Cali. blackouts; BC pardons 140; W inaugurated -0.03 = 26Jan: Rumsfeld explores military options towards Iraq -0.04 = 02Feb: Sharon elected; AHA sues W over Reagan papers -0.05 = 10Feb: Mihdhar in Iran?; RC's energy taskforce -0.06 = 17Feb: Powell: Saddam has no WMDs; FBI arrests Hanssen -0.07 = 24Feb: ObL at wedding in A'stan; hjckr's farewell video -0.08 = 03Mar: W rejects Kyoto protocol -0.09 = 10Mar: recession officially begins -0.10 = 17Mar: Sharon visits W at WH -0.11 = 24Mar: EPA okays arsenic in drinking water -0.12 = 30Mar: Italy warns W of aQ plot in USA; China spyplane crisis -0.13 = 05Apr: Moussaoui lessons in OK; Atta NOT in Prague -0.14 = 12Apr: Enron's Lay prescribes energy policy to RC -0.15 = 18Apr: briefing: "ObL planning multiple operations" -0.16 = 23Apr: FAA warns hijack; Wolf. claims Iraq worse than aQ -0.17 = 29Apr: 12 Saudi 'muscle' hjckrs begin entering USA -0.18 = 05May: W revives Star Wars; hjckrs get drivers licenses -0.19 = 10May: Saudi prince Abdullah criticizes W on Israel -0.20 = 16May: RC's energy policy; CIA briefs Ashcroft on aQ -0.21 = 21May: $43M aid to Taliban; Sen. Jeffords defects -0.22 = 26May: Bin. visits ObL near Kandahar, WH targeted -0.23 = 31May: Hazmi, Hanjour settle in NJ; Shehhi casing flight -0.24 = 05Jun: Hanjour's flight lessons in NJ; W signs tax cut -0.25 = 10Jun: Jarrah flight lessons, casing flight -0.26 = 14Jun: KSM tells Bin. to have Atta pick date -0.27 = 19Jun: US offers Saudis automatic visas; hjckr anthrax? -0.28 = 23Jun: Atta/Hazmi meet; $30k fund; RC hypes Dabhol -0.29 = 28Jun: Clarke: v. big attack; Atta cases; Freeh resigns -0.30 = 02Jul: FBI cans Phoenix proposal to watch flight schools -0.31 = 06Jul: Atta to Madrid; hjckrs join health clubs -0.32 = 10Jul: David Letterman cancels Ani DiFranco appearance -0.33 = 14Jul: Bin. phones KSM; Judicial Watch sues RC -0.34 = 18Jul: anti-aircraft guard for W at Genoa G8 summit -0.35 = 22Jul: aQ debates strategy; tax rebates mailed -0.36 = 26Jul: Jarrah in Dusseldorf; Atta in Newark -0.37 = 29Jul: Shehri to SF via Boston; W to Texas for month -0.38 = 02Aug: Atta, Bin. fix teams, argue targets, timing -0.39 = 05Aug: PDB: "ObL determined to strike in US" -0.40 = 09Aug: W ends most stem-cell research -0.41 = 12Aug: hjckrs rendezvous in Vegas; knives purchased -0.42 = 15Aug: Minnesota FBI arrests Moussaoui; DC FBI stalls -0.43 = 18Aug: Atta/'Jenny' posts details to Bin. via chatroom -0.44 = 21Aug: CIA told 2 hjckrs in USA; FBI told Moussaoui aQ -0.45 = 24Aug: Jarrah buys air charts, GPS unit; W approval 50% -0.46 = 27Aug: next-to-last Israeli business moves out of WTC [] -0.47 = 30Aug: W claims support for Palestinian statehood -0.48 = 02Sep: gen. alert in aQ camps; DC lessons for Hanjour -0.49 = 05Sep: Congress back; Atta mails leftover cash to Dubai -0.50 = 08Sep: Atta's last call to father; Massoud assassinated -0.51 = 10Sep: W reads "My Pet Goat" with Sarasota 2nd-graders -0.52 = 13Sep: Congress grants W unlimited war powers -0.53 = 15Sep: EPA: WTC air no health hazard; Saudis flown home -0.54 = 18Sep: W wants ObL "dead or alive", orders Iraq plan -0.55 = 20Sep: Tom Ridge heads Office of Homeland Security -0.56 = 22Sep: A'stan warplan outlined; W's approval hits 90% -0.57 = 25Sep: Ken Lay hypes Enron stock to employees -0.58 = 27Sep: Ari F: "Americans need to watch what they say" -0.59 = 29Sep: -0.60 = 01Oct: -0.61 = 03Oct: anthrax attacks -0.62 = 05Oct: A'stan gas-pipeline plans reviewed -0.63 = 07Oct: USA begins bombing A'stan -0.64 = 09Oct: ObL video; Cokie on oppos: "None that matter" -0.65 = 11Oct: Get Your War On debuts [] -0.66 = 13Oct: Ashcroft memo guts FOIA -0.67 = 15Oct: aQ anthrax project in Kandahar abandoned -0.68 = 17Oct: -0.69 = 18Oct: -0.70 = 20Oct: 1st US Special Forces on ground in A'stan -0.71 = 22Oct: media falsely report Atta met w/Iraq in Prague -0.72 = 23Oct: "USA PATRIOT" Act passed -0.73 = 25Oct: bin Ladens withdraw from Carlyle Group -0.74 = 27Oct: Abdul Haq executed in A'stan -0.75 = 28Oct: Ken Lay begs Don Evans for Enron relief -0.76 = 30Oct: -0.77 = 31Oct: -0.78 = 01Nov: W guts 1978 Presidential Records Act -0.79 = 03Nov: -0.80 = 04Nov: -0.81 = 05Nov: ObL interviewed near Kabul -0.82 = 07Nov: -0.83 = 08Nov: Enron reports $600M quarterly loss -0.84 = 09Nov: Mazar-e-Sharif falls -0.85 = 10Nov: aQ retreat to Tora Bora -0.86 = 12Nov: fall of Kabul -0.87 = 13Nov: US missiles target aJ in Kabul -0.88 = 14Nov: HAL wins $140M contract with Saudis -0.89 = 15Nov: aQ leader Mohammed Atef killed -0.90 = 16Nov: Enron admits overstating profits -0.91 = 17Nov: -0.92 = 18Nov: -0.93 = 19Nov: -0.94 = 20Nov: -0.95 = 21Nov: -0.96 = 21Nov: -0.97 = 22Nov: -0.98 = 23Nov: -0.99 = 24Nov: -1.00 = 25Nov: John Walker Lindh in Mazar-e-Sharif prison riot Condensed scale: -1.03 = 27Nov: W shifts Pentagon toward Iraq -1.10 = 02Dec: Enron bankrupt -1.13 = 04Dec: 1st Iraq battle plan calls for 400k US troops -1.14 = 05Dec: ObL still directing troops in Tora Bora -1.18 = 07Dec: Kandahar falls -1.27 = 11Dec: 15yo Katie Sierra suspended for antiwar t-shirt -1.29 = 12Dec: 2nd Iraq battle plan -1.33 = 14Dec: W withdraws USA from ABM treaty -1.40 = 16Dec: Tora Bora taken, ObL and Omar escape -1.44 = 18Dec: No Child Left Behind Act passed by Congress -1.55 = 21Dec: USA bombs tribal elders on way to inauguration -1.60 = 22Dec: Karzai inaugurated; shoebomber dud -1.70 = 24Dec: FBI investigates Barry Reingold for criticizing W -1.90 = 26Dec: Martha Stewart dumps ImClone stock -2.00 = 27Dec: 3rd Iraq battle plan calls for 160k ground troops