Always Gonna Love You

Gary Moore

Score: 27
Played: 519


Ballads & Blues 1982-1994

Released: 14 May 2009


Gary combines the delicate touch of the love affair with the torid angry guitar, then soars to the emotional heights with the wailing cry of the strings to declare the songs title. So much like our real feelings in life.


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It's not the same when I look in her eyes The magic's not there And when I look, I realize What we could have shared I'm always gonna love you If loving means forever I'm always gonna want you I don't think I could ever Just forget the love we had It's not the same when she's here in my arms Or the smile on her face And even though with all of her charms She can't take your place I'm always gonna love you If loving means forever I'm always gonna want you I don't think I could ever Just forget the love we had It's not the same when I look in her eyes The magic's not there And when I look, I realize What we could have shared I'm always gonna love you If loving means forever I'm always gonna want you If loving means forever I'm always gonna love you If loving means forever I'm always gonna want you If loving means forever I'm always gonna love you