ENEMY _ Choreography Video




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Well, it's the last show. Here we are. In Los Angeles. It is the world capital of rape and penis breath. What the fuck happened here? And it gets worse, although they do not believe it possible. Today they suspended Charlie Rose . The news tomorrow will not be very interesting. Charlie Rose. Who's next? The Captain Kangaroo? Everybody is raping like hotcakes. I begin to worry. I'm 30 years in the entertainment world. I did not know that I was in such danger. It gives a lot of fear. I must tell you something. Harvey Weinstein was the first one who, with only one picture, made me think: "Yes, he is rapist". I do not think I have a choice. It is not handsome. He has plenty of flesh and skin on his face. It's ugly, but do you know what's sad? He did so well in life that surely he does not know that he is ugly. When you're handsome, everyone tells you. "You look amazing. You're very handsome". When you are ugly ... ... you must realize you alone. You must tie the ends. Why do not they let me in the club if I dressed well? If Brad Pitt did something like that, nobody would find out. The girl would come back saying: "I got the paper". Even so it is important that you recognize something to the ladies. They are completely right. I said. We must all be aware of this, because it could happen to anyone, also to me . I imagine. I imagine that I arrived at 3 am for a meeting with Mr. Weinstein. "Hi, Harvey. I received your message. I came to talk about the script. It's hard to read by candlelight, but I can try. " It looks like a fucking nightmare. Can you imagine it? Can you imagine going to a work meeting and having a son of a bitch show you the penis? In the middle of the meeting? Please! "By God, it's the least professional behavior I saw in life." "Let me finish, Dave Chappelle. You will appear in all three of The Lord of the Rings" "Hurry up. I have other meetings. I see Brett Ratner at his house at 4:30 a.m. I think it's a costume test. " The situation is very bad, right? Kevin Spacey's out here grabbing men from the vagina. I did not know that was possible. Jesus Christ. We got the guy from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The last time it seemed that it was more than that, but he was the one who initiated it. He was 14 years old, and Kevin Spacey approached him at a party. By the way, I must say that I went to many parties as a young man. I never went to any good party where there were children of 14. Not even when I was 13 years old. They understand me? Who wants to get together with guys who eat chewing gum? "I'm having a good time." Ironically, the boy turned out to be big gay. That means that Kevin Spacey smells like a hunting dog. "Yes, it's like me." It's not to blame the victim, but it's the typical problem a 14-year-old gay boy gets into. I know it did not sound good, but it's true. Do you know why I say it? Because I went to an art school, and they were all gay. In high school, they were all gay. The gays are much more mature than the rest. We did not know why. We only knew that they were mature. Did you ever see a gay lunch? They sit with perfect posture. They eat with responsibility. Then they take out a thermos. One thinks: "What the fuck is that? Are you having lunch with wine? " We did not know what it was. We were small. We were trying to decipher who we were. We did not know that the gays fought to be who they already knew they were. Is awesome. Gay kids are intrepid. They are not afraid of anything. I never saw a scared gay guy. What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". they were all gay. The gays are much more mature than the rest. We did not know why. We only knew that they were mature. Did you ever see a gay lunch? They sit with perfect posture. They eat with responsibility. Then they take out a thermos. One thinks: "What the fuck is that? Are you having lunch with wine? " We did not know what it was. We were small. We were trying to decipher who we were. We did not know that the gays fought to be who they already knew they were. Is awesome. Gay kids are intrepid. They are not afraid of anything. I never saw a scared gay guy. What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". they were all gay. The gays are much more mature than the rest. We did not know why. We only knew that they were mature. Did you ever see a gay lunch? They sit with perfect posture. They eat with responsibility. Then they take out a thermos. One thinks: "What the fuck is that? Are you having lunch with wine? " We did not know what it was. We were small. We were trying to decipher who we were. We did not know that the gays fought to be who they already knew they were. Is awesome. Gay kids are intrepid. They are not afraid of anything. I never saw a scared gay guy. What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". We only knew that they were mature. Did you ever see a gay lunch? They sit with perfect posture. They eat with responsibility. Then they take out a thermos. One thinks: "What the fuck is that? Are you having lunch with wine? " We did not know what it was. We were small. We were trying to decipher who we were. We did not know that the gays fought to be who they already knew they were. Is awesome. Gay kids are intrepid. They are not afraid of anything. I never saw a scared gay guy. What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". We only knew that they were mature. Did you ever see a gay lunch? They sit with perfect posture. They eat with responsibility. Then they take out a thermos. One thinks: "What the fuck is that? Are you having lunch with wine? " We did not know what it was. We were small. We were trying to decipher who we were. We did not know that the gays fought to be who they already knew they were. Is awesome. Gay kids are intrepid. They are not afraid of anything. I never saw a scared gay guy. What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". One thinks: "What the fuck is that? Are you having lunch with wine? " We did not know what it was. We were small. We were trying to decipher who we were. We did not know that the gays fought to be who they already knew they were. Is awesome. Gay kids are intrepid. They are not afraid of anything. I never saw a scared gay guy. What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". One thinks: "What the fuck is that? Are you having lunch with wine? " We did not know what it was. We were small. We were trying to decipher who we were. We did not know that the gays fought to be who they already knew they were. Is awesome. Gay kids are intrepid. They are not afraid of anything. I never saw a scared gay guy. What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". What kind of man is not afraid? If they were in the middle of a kidnapping, the same gays would say: "I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty, David. I need something to drink. Then, kill me. I'd rather die than dehydrate. I'm thirsty. I need water". Out of the jokes ... Spacey should not have done that to a child. He was 14 years old, and Spacey forced him to carry an adult's secret for 30 years. It must have been about to explode with that information. The saddest thing is that, if I had hidden it for six more months, I would find out how House of Cards ends . Yes, ladies and gentlemen, these are times ... They are very dark times. According to The New York Times , Louis CKHe ended up in his own stomach. I also masturbated a lot as a young man, but I never went on the news. It was disgusting, but they did not tell it like me. They did not use the word "finish." They said it with their typical style, worthy of a Pulitzer Prize. They are very descriptive. Do you know what I'm talking about? "The semen of Louis CK was dismissed as a volcano of misogyny, spilled slowly like lava, covering his freckled penis, and slowly dripped on a burning cluster of red hair." God, I wanted to eat some huevos rancheros and now ... The hardest thing about being a comedian is that I know those guys. Everyone asks me: "Did you know? Did you know what Louis was doing? " No, i did not know. What the fuck do you think we're talking about? "How was your weekend?". "Excellent. I masturbated in front of others. I ended up in my own stomach. I had a good time. You know how the thing is. " I did not know, I did not know it.Grease . Tell me more Did she resist? Sorry. I do not know the choreography, but they understand me. They understand me well. It was very intense. The Louis thing was a decisive moment. All the accusations are terrible, but Louis's ... I should not say it, but fuck it. His accusation was the only one I laughed at . Think about it. All his friends read it. He masturbates and surprises people. I imagine all the comedians reading the article and saying: "What?" It's awful. I know. Sorry, women. Yes, they are right. But, at the same time, you understand me. By God, they took everything away from Louis. It may be disproportionate. I do not realize. I dont know. This is why it is difficult to be a man. A woman said: "That Louis CK masturbated in front of me ruined my dreams" Really? Ma'am, I would dare say you never had any dreams. Come on. What a fragile spirit. He has a very fragile spirit. Saying that is too much. We are talking about an adult woman. Do you know what it looks like? To COINTELPRO . Do you know what it is? An FBI program during the time of J. Edgar Hoover. Among all the things they did, one was to investigate the sexual habits of anyone they considered an enemy of the state. That's why there are so many videos of Martin Luther King taking women. But, luckily, he really had a dream. Imagine if Louis masturbated in front of King, and he said: "I can not continue with the movement. I'm sorry, but the freedom of the blacks must wait. I did not know that this guy would show me his penis and masturbate. I thought that we were just going to have a few drinks. " The show is more difficult, and the women seem ... I hate to say it, but they seem weak. I know it sounds bad and I should not say it, but one of them said: "Louis masturbated while we were talking on the phone." Do not you know how to hang up? How the hell do you survive in the world of the show if that really is an obstacle to fulfill your dreams? I know Louis was wrong, but I am charged with a greater degree of responsibility than these women. Do not forget who I am. And do not forget what I am. I am black. And never forget how I got here. My ancestors were kidnapped. I do not know where the fuck I am. They were transported in boats across the Atlantic. Many died. Only the strongest survived. When my people arrived here, they took humanity away from the blows. They forced us to do their job, like beasts of burden. The irony is that, years later, they call us lazy. We fought in the Civil War. We went to free ourselves. With the reconstruction, the blacks did well. My great-grandfather was very wealthy. But then the black code arrived. The laws of Jim Crow came, and there was a hundred more years of oppression. There were lynchings and terrorist attacks to keep us out. We still fight. Dr. King was born. And then everything got better. 20 years after the murder of Dr. King, Michael Jackson danced on television. And years later, Barack Obama. Donald Trump. Now we are all here. It was a 400-year-old nightmare. It took us 400 years to realize, as a people, that all this time the weakness of the whites was that we kneel during the hymn . What a fragile spirit. So is. And the red glow of rockets ... "What are you doing, black? Get up". Even the vice president got involved. Mike Pence went personally to the stadium. "The blacks will stand up when they see me." The players looked up and saw Pence: "Is it Mike Pence? Come on. All together. Take this". Plan frustrated. Fragile spirit. I could kill all the white people together. Do you know how? I would wait for the Super Bowl. Just as the anthem begins, I would ask OJ Simpson to come on the court with his knee problems. "OJ Simpson came on the court? What the fuck does he do? I know what he will do! Stop it! " Hey, behave like men. I do not want to be disrespectful. I know what you say bothers them. I know they're right, but, come on, it's me. In a moment, I was right. Do you remember it? Remember when I disappeared twelve years of show business? I gave up a very popular program. I rejected 50 million dollars. It was much harder than rejecting Louis's freckled penis. I did not know if I would go back to work. But here I am tonight. I returned to fulfill my dream. I remember that shit. Remember when I left and I said "Hollywood is sick"? They said he was drugged. I remember that they called me crazy. So they're right, women. Congratulations. Enjoy it. They finish for you. They finish for you. When it is only one, it is uncomfortable. Do you know who is the most uncomfortable? The one who is right. Once I was in an orgy, and nobody caught me. I walked around the place observing, like Tom Cruise. And I ruined the orgy without wanting to. To ruin an orgy is easier than you think. They should only wait for silence and say: "What disgust." I feel bad. I feel that all this happens for a reason . I want them to win the fight, women. Ten years ago, I would have been scared, but now I have a daughter. If they win, she wins. So I breath them. I agree with you. At least, in terms of ideology. I do not know if the mode is correct, but who am I to say? I do not think they are wrong, but I do not believe that they will achieve a lasting peace either. They scared the bad guys. That's good, but as soon as they stop being afraid, the situation will be worse than before. With fear you will not reach a lasting peace. Ask the blacks. It is like that. What this city needs ... And I do not say it ironically. The cure for Los Angeles is in South Africa. You need to reconcile with each other. The end of apartheid should have been a bloodbath, according to any measure of human history, but it was not. The only reason why this was not the case was that Desmond Tutu, Mandela and the others understood that, if the system is corrupt, the people who adhere to it and who are encouraged by that system are not criminals, but rather victims. same system must be judged. But since the system is very divided in terms of information, the only way to find out what the system is is for everyone to say what they did. Tell how they participated. Many want to help, but they are afraid. Ben Affleck wanted to help. "Those women lived something horrible." "You touched a tit in 1995." "Good. I'm out. So can not be". I want to help. I want to be a good guy. I can not even say: "Me too". The other day they told me: "I'm going to the club, Dave." "I'll go to the club just like you." I did not realize when it happened, but I became a feminist in the last three weeks, because I can not see porn. Sometimes, I watch porn, but I can not click on videos with certain titles. "A guy puts a girl in his ass his hard ..." I can not click Come on. I want a video that I can see. "A dwarf sucks some guys ..." I think: "Little woman". It takes hours to find a video. What the fuck is this? "An unsophisticated feminist enjoys consensual sex with a slightly homosexual guy who has a penis of my own color." Click. You will notice that not many blacks receive accusations. I touch wood. Do you know why? Obviously Black goes through the same harassment, right? The reason is that Black, after slavery, do not accuse us. Because they know that, no matter how bad we blacks are, whites are very cruel. They are afraid to see how they punish us. My wife is Asian. He would accuse me without hesitation. In the house of Chappelle, do not get fucked. The worst thing is that I live in the land of Trump. I live among whites with tiki torches, the poor. And I am rich. If it is time to hunt with hairpins, I will have many problems. In my family, nobody believes me. I tried to convince my children to do drills, but they say they are stupid. "Sorry, son. You must do it. If they appear white with torches, what should they do? " "Please, dad." "I asked: What should they do?" "Squint and get closer to mom." "Very good. And what should they bring me? " "Your gun and your manager's uniform." "So is. And I'll go out and ask what they want. " It's hard. Where are you from? From where? - NY. - From where? Manhattan? - Brooklyn. - Brooklyn. Of course. You look like you can go out and steal with a hammer. Brooklyn guys steal with household items. "They stabbed me with a toothbrush. The guy must be from Brooklyn. " It's a joke. So is. The women were right. To be honest, being a woman must be scary. Yes. I do not know anything about being a woman, but I know fear. I lived in New York at age 17. I did not have money. How did he get it? He made shows for drug dealers who wanted to launder money. One day I gave a very good show and they asked me to see them. They gave me $ 25,000 in cash. He must have been 18 years old. I was afraid I thanked him effusively and put the money in my bag. I got on the subway, in the direction of Brooklyn, at one in the morning. I had never been so afraid in my life, because I had never had anything that another could want. I thought: "By God, if people knew how much money I have, they would kill me to steal it." Then I thought: "Good God. What if he carried a vagina with me all the time? " Women must deal with that. I'll tell you something ... I'm serious. If those traffickers gave me a vagina and I had to take it to Brooklyn, I would say, "I can not accept it." I feel empathy for them. Everyone gets angry because I say these jokes, but they must understand that it is the best time to say them. Now more than ever. I know there are comedians present. They have the responsibility to speak recklessly. If not, my children will never know what it means to speak recklessly. It's the joy of being wrong. I did not come here to be right. I just came to joke. Now it's hotter, is not it? I wonder where the heat came from. I wonder what happened to me. Where did I go for 12 years if nobody raped me? Maybe something else happened. Maybe these violations are not the worst. Would not it be incredible? You can go to the bathroom, Brooklyn. You do not need to hear this. Did you see that guy? He is under a lot of pressure. It is like that. He is big, black and has a hairstyle that makes him suspicious of anything. Except for white collar crimes. Sometimes I want to talk about that, but you will not want to know. I left a lot of time. I was on "the other side". Today, it's scary to be white, right? A little, right? Well, you will not be accused. You understand me. For blacks, we find it strange to see whites go through something like that because we always live it. All my heroes were murdered by the government or are sexual aggressors . It's sad. I know. We already live it. As with Michael Jackson. Remember what they said about him? They never showed anything until his death, but they said he had done atrocious things. I saw a documentary in which they talked about everything that Jackson had supposedly done. While listing the accusations, they showed pictures of their house, the Neverland ranch. Did you ever see Jackson's house on TV? To summarize, the boys have many things to do in that house. I saw the whole house. There were exotic animals, wheels of fortune and carousels. The more they showed, the more certain he was of something: "I do not believe that Michael Jackson has done the things of those who accuse him." His house did not seem sexual. It seemed ... ... that he was showing off. He did not seem to want to take the children, but to impress them. It was like the children's Jay-Z. He went around the house saying: "This is my cotton candy machine. It makes three tons per day. Eat all the cotton you want. This closet is full of karate shoes. Is not it amazing? I ask my monkey to bring more cupcakes? Hey, let's watch a movie. Which one do you want to see? My poor angel? Do not touch the DVD player. Here is Macaulay Culkin. He will act Come on, Macaulay. Act the movie for my guests. " And the kids said: "Well, it's not a bad guy, sir. How good. We had the wrong impression of you. " "A wrong impression? What do you mean?". "Well, you know. We thought I would do the normal thing. We thought he would let us in, he would give us alcohol and he would suck our penis. " "What? Sucking your penis? Disgusting, queers. I did not want to suck your penis. I wanted to show you a better life. Bubbles, get these guys out of my house. They are like everyone else. " Hollywood is not the right place for moral absolutism. Do you know what I'm talking about? We must not forget ... ... that R. Kelly urinated a 15-year-old girl. And he also wrote "I believe I can fly". It was the same guy during the same life. If I showed you the video in which you urinate the girl and put "I believe I can fly" in the background, you would be in a dilemma. ♪ I used to think I could not continue ♪ They would not know how to feel. ♪ If I can see it ♪ All right. My career ended many years ago. Order. ♪ If I can see it ♪ All right. My career ended many years ago. Order. ♪ If I can see it ♪ All right. My career ended many years ago. Order. I know I'm terrible. I am so sorry. Sorry. Do you want to know what happened to me?It's tempting, but I do not want to talk about it. Maybe in the end. When I run out of conversation topics. In fact, I almost ran out of subjects. I'm just trying to tell you that what happened to me was not ... I did not have a good time. I do not know what they think happens when someone gives up a successful program, but they do not tell you: "Good luck in your next projects". That does not happen. I had a bad time. I had to witness how everything was still without me. I saw many do my program. Key & Peele. Amy Schumer Mind of Mencia Well, they did not do my program, but there were many similarities. I was angry. Every once in a while, someone would come to me in the street ... Most of them thought I was crazy, but some told me: "You did the right thing. You are my hero". "I do not want to be your hero. I want to be rich. " Never choose to be heroes, because heroes have a violent death. I wanted to be like Paul Revere. I just needed a heroic moment. They understand me? The ride of Paul Revere only lasted one night. And then he spent 40 years saying: "Remember that night everyone was sleeping, except me, and the British attacked us? Good thing I was awake or they would all be dead. " That's why I want to start a collection for Colin Kaepernick . Really. Fascinates me. I do not want him to need to play football again. Let him play if he wants, but do not have the need. Why do not do it? I know he's rich, so nobody wants to donate money, but they should. They should because that guy had a great life. His skin is so light, it does not even go black. However, he knelt down for us during the hymn. He thought of us when life smiled and he earned well. He did not think of anything, nor of his sustenance, and they deprived him of it. It should not be like that. Anyone who defends another always gets beaten up while we watch. We watch how it happens again and again. We should pay them for taking measures, because they improve our lives. We could change the story and get one of them to get a good result for doing the right thing. So another person will have the courage to do the right thing. If we did, guys like Weinstein would not rape for 40 years because a woman wants a shitty role. We should help each other , so that something like, "Remember when I was going to kill Jesus, but then they gave you money?" I'm serious. It is not a racial issue. It's about improving society. It's about the women who make these complaints. Many of them are brave. But some, a few, sucked penises and then regretted it. That is a great omission. This would not have gone so far if none had accepted. You can not ask everyone to fight. Some can carry more than others. We must fight for others. We must forgive the weakest and support the strongest to solve the problem. If we continue attacking individuals, the system will remain intact. They must have men on their side. I will tell you that you will have many imperfect allies. I'll tell you what happened, but I can not be direct . There is a book that, in my opinion, condenses all my experience before leaving the show. The book is called Pimp . It was written by a guy named Iceberg Slim. Yes, bring it. He is Matthew. Matthew is French and white. Even so, he has an original copy of this book, written by a black American, a pimp in the forties. Iceberg Slim. His real name was Robert Beck. They nicknamed him Iceberg because one day there was a shooting in a Chicago bar, a bullet pierced his hat, and he just finished his drink. They told him: "You are cold as ice". And he said: "I like that idea." And he got the nickname. It is a very heavy book. He has a glossary of pimps terms because his ideas would be very strange to us now. For example ... Do you know what the "mileage of a whore" is? Of course not. It is a very crazy concept. It means that the pimp understands that people can do a certain amount of bad things before they go crazy. A good pimp detects the mileage of any woman just by looking at her. "It can support 500 more catches". That is your mileage. If it exceeds that amount, it will go crazy. They do the same to you. Why do you think most people work from nine to five? If it was until six, they could die. Iceberg Slim is the one who explained what it means to be the "main whore". Does anyone know what it is? What is it, sir? She is the best of all prostitutes. It is the one that gives more money. So is. Exactly. Are you black? Yes, the main whore is the pimp's favorite, even helping to keep other prostitutes at bay. I will repeat it. It even helps keep other prostitutes at bay. If McDonald's were the pimp, the potatoes would be the main whore. The rest of the whores would be the fish sandwiches and those shits. Iceberg discusses some of the most coldly capitalist concepts that I have ever heard. Describe in detail how men break women so that they give them the money they earn by selling their bodies. Here is a story so raw that it makes me shudder. Iceberg tries to break a woman who is uncontrollable. He asks how to control an older whore, and she replies: "It's easy, Iceberg. All you have to do is hit it with a hanger. Then prepare a bath and give him some pills. She'll be so grateful for your help that she'll forget you were the son of a bitch who hurt her in the first place. " That is a very cruel story. Anyway. At the end of the book, Iceberg tells another story. It is the highlight of the book. In that story, her main whore was about to get to the end of her mileage. If she could handle 500 catches, she would go to 498. You could tell she was going crazy. He said things like: "I always wanted to work in the circus." "The circus? It is going crazy. " "I also know how to juggle." "What?". I should let her go. It's hard to let go of a main whore. I was not ready. Her organization could not afford to lose her, but she did not know it. I did not know how important it was. So he met her in a cafeteria. He said: "Listen to me, bitch. We must separate. " "It's fine, wretch. I do not need you. I have contacts in Ringling Brothers. " "As you say. I have one last job for you. Of a lot of money. Do this last work. We collect the money and we say goodbye. " "It's okay. What do you want me to do?". "In the hotel opposite, there's a guy waiting for you in room seven. I want you to go and take it. But first, put this in your drink. He will fall asleep. When you fall asleep, look for a briefcase under the bed and bring it to me. That is the work. You can do it?". "Of course. I'm anxious to get rid of you. " He ran out, got on a unicycle and crossed the street. Iceberg looked at her and thought: "She's very good. If it had not ended in his face, maybe now he would work in the circus. " The whore climbed the stairs and disappeared into the room. He was in there for a long time, too. It took so long that Iceberg began to worry, but soon appeared out of nowhere. "What happen? And the briefcase? " "I did not get it". "How can it be? What's happening to you?". "I did everything you told me, but the guy did not look good. Something bad happened. " "What do you mean? Did you put what I gave you? " "Yes. I did what you told me. I put everything in the drink. " "Wait a minute. Did you put the whole bottle? " He had to go check. They went into the motel together and went to room seven. In the bed, without life, lay the white that she had to take. Iceberg said: "You're right. It does not look good What the hell did you do? " Then, he called a doctor friend who was nearby. The doctor came in, checked the guy well and told them what was obvious: "Slim, the guy is dead." "My God, Daddy. By God, no! We kill him". He told him: "Calm down. We did not do anything. You killed this guy. " Then he pulled the briefcase from under the bed and opened it. It was full of money, more than they had ever seen. Iceberg took a little and gave it to the doctor, who left discreetly. "Let me think, bitch. I can solve this. I know who I can call. But, if I call you, I owe you a very big favor. " "Please daddy. I do not want to go prey. " "Me neither. You could shut up?". He made a call. He murmured for a while on the phone and then hung up. She walked from one side to the other, while he waited quietly. Suddenly, a van stopped at the door. Two men got out with a rug. They spread the carpet on the floor and threw the body over it. They rolled up the body like a burrito and put it inside the truck. When they returned, Iceberg opened the briefcase again, gave them money and said: "Later I'll call you." They answered: "No. We will find you. " "As they say". And the men left. "For God's sake, Daddy. OMG". "Calm down, bitch. We must get out of here. Go down and find the car. We must go separate. " She went down and looked for the car. Iceberg took the briefcase, waited a few minutes, looked out the window and came down with it. They both got into the car and left. She was devastated. "We made a shit ..." "I already told you. We did not do anything. You killed him, and I got rid of the problem. Now we share a secret, yes? I know that I will not say anything. And you?". "No, I will not say anything." "Do not worry. You must stay with me until everything calms down. " "Yes. It's okay. Good". That was the deception. You must stay with me until everything calms down. " "Yes. It's okay. Good". That was the deception. You must stay with me until everything calms down. " "Yes. It's okay. Good". That was the deception. That's how that shit works Did you understand? The bitch did not give anymore. He had reached 498 catches, but he worked six more months for Iceberg. He must have done 200 more jobs. Do you understand? It is crap. The most cruel thing is that the dead guy was not even dead. He was a friend of Iceberg who became asleep. The doctor was not such. It was a butcher in a white coat. The guys who came in the van were from a moving company. Iceberg had bought a new apartment. As for the briefcase with money, it always belonged to Iceberg. It was the money he got from those women. It was a very cruel deception. That's the shitty capitalist manifesto, and that's why I went to South Africa. So now we share a secret.