
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

Score: 2
Played: 26




Psychedelic rock
Garage rock



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Part I: *I TRY Chorus Every time That I try Yeah I try Yeah I try And I fail And I try And I try And I try And I try And I fail If you feelin' like you're so small Then I'm here to tell ya that you're never alone Cuz I feel somebody gonna feel this shit for real Bridge I wish I was little bit smarter A little bit stronger I wish I was baller I got all of the debt and none of the friends Chorus Every time That I try Yeah I try Yeah I try And I fail And I try And I try And I try And I try And I fail Verse If you feelin' like you're so small Then I'm here to tell ya that you're never alone Cuz I feel somebody gonna feel this shit for real I'm way too young to be so stressed No money, want to be the best dressed Just want to skate with my best friends Play Call of Duty Zombies til I need rest Want to watch anime all day Play Super Smash Brothers, who is your main? Take a plane to a city abroad Get an Airbnb with all of my dogs I just want to lay with my girlfriend Listen to Thee Sacred Souls with my girlfriend Watch Netflix shows with my girlfriend Til the world ends Chorus Every time That I try Yeah I try Yeah I try And I fail And I try And I try And I try And I try And I fail If you feelin' like you're so small Then I'm here to tell ya that you're never alone Cuz I feel somebody gonna feel this shit for real Part II: *SHWOOGIE BURGER INT - SHWOOGIE BURGER - LOS ANGELES, CA - APPROX. 11:48AM *light chatter in the restaurant* *Sounds of workers calling out orders & info to each other* Employee #1: Double Shwoogie Burger With Cheese, will that be all? *Customer opens door, bells jingle* Another medium fry, got that, will that be all? $10.33 at the first window, thank you *Sounds of muffled ear buds being clicked off* Employee #1: Hello, welcome to Shwoogie Burger, are you ready to order? "Cool Weird" Man: Hello, yeah can I have the #4, the Big Shwoogie With Cheese Employee #1: The meal or just by itself? CWM: The meal E1: Okay, you said with cheese right? CWM: Yes, with cheese E1: Okay, I have the Big Shwoogie Combo With Cheese, what size did you want? CWM: Uhhh, a large *scene cut* CWM: *On TikTok* Hmm *Obnoxious laughter coming from another table nearby* Uncultured Teenager: *While laughing* I'm sorry, but I just heard that and— Is that TikTok? CWM: *Chill but confused* Yeah UT: Hell yeah, I be on that shit too for real CWM: Oh yeah? UT: Yeah, you should follow me, I be makin' em sometimes too CWM: Oh word, yeah, what's your— UT: @shelovesjyoung29 CWM: *while typing and mouthing* you said 29? UT: Yeah, 29 *short pause* yeah, that's me CWM: *plays video* UT: *Video plays as he mouths the words* "Ho said she like Steve Lacy? I be like *singing bad on purpose* 'I wish I knew I wish I knew you wanted to me, bad habits bad habits'" *Video replays as he laughs over it* CWM: *slight giggle, short pause to analyze as video continues to repeat* Wooow, 12 thousand likes, 400 comments— you're goin' up right now huh? UT: Yes siiirrr, yes sirskee, it's goin' crazy CWM: Hmm. You like 'em? UT: Who? CWM: Steve? Steve Lacy? UT: Ohhh *sucks teeth* man, I don't listen to no shit like that— I listen to Youngboy, Polo G, Durk— I be fuckin' with EST— what day boy's name? Uhhh I can't remember right now, but yeah, shit like dat CWM: Oh okay, yeah word UT: Whatchu be listenin' to? CWM: Uhh, shit, I listen to a lot of shit uhh— *short pause* I uhh— you've heard of DOOM right? MF DOOM? UT: Oh yeah, the guy that be on TikTok and shit, he died? CWM: Yeah, him— Carti, Uzi— Kendrick, The Marias, little random ass jazz bands and shit I find— shit, I listen to this band called uhh, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard— UT: *while chuckling* Dat boy said what? king lizard and wizard what? *laughs for a moment* That shit sound like— a harry potter spell or some shit *laughs for a moment* CWM: *while laughing* Yeah they got a weird name, but yeah, it's all over the place, I just be listenin' to a lot of shit UT: Man, I feel you though, sometimes I be listenin' to random as stu— there's this shit called I think issa a band— uhh The Neighborhood? they got this song called "Sweater Weather" or some shit like that— CWM: Yeah I know Sweater Weath— UT: Yeah, that shit, I be listenin' to that sometimes in my room, I be playin' like— Al Green and shit like my folks be playin', like oldies— Yeah, I like listenin' to that stuff when I be smokin' and shit— it be hittin' for real CWM: Hmm. *Slightly distracted* That's what's up *Employee yells out order number* *short pause in conversation* CWM: Uhh, I know a song you should listen to next time you smoke— I don't smoke or nothin' myself, but I feel like you'd like it when you're doin' ya thing *while searching for it and leaning over* UT: Hell yeah, let me see *short pause* Karl Heinz-Schaf— hol' up, let me take a picture of it real quick on my phone *Photo click* Hell yeah, i'ma look that shit up right now, I ain't doin' nothin', i'm just waitin' on my mom to come pick me up CWM: Word, tell me what you think UT: Fasho *connects & puts on airpods*