Then You Love Me Lyrics

Lady Gaga

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Female vocalist
Female vocalists



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Performance, feedback, revision that’s how these vocals get written I got a book full of scribbles, put a rhyme to the test then I fix it Performance, feedback, revision that’s how I mastered this rhythm It took a bit of practice but I cracked it now I rap with mad precision Performance, feedback, revision that’s art and architecture And engineering, that’s how we peer into the dark with guesswork Performance, feedback, revision that’s the scientific method You put a hypothesis to a double blind test, and if it isn’t right then reject it Performance, feedback, revision that’s how your brain is wired Behaviors that fire together can bind together and change desires Performance, feedback, revision that’s your immune system Antibodies react to pathogens and reproduce when a new one gets in Performance, feedback, revision that’s natural selection Some genes die and others survive and which is which is fitness Performance, feedback, revision this isn’t just music It’s descent with modification, and you owe your whole existence to it Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again I scratch with my pen Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Go tell a friend Every single strand of DNA in a cells is a masterpiece Written by a genius, not God, nah, selected naturally Performance, feedback, revision: evolution crafted genes Just like mine, so I could write rhymes, to entice your mind to attract to me Why? ‘Cause my passions just happen to get up in your synapses And that makes women wanna mate, and men wanna make strategic ties happen And sometimes women wanna make the ties, and that’s okay, I like friendships And sometimes men wanna mate… thanks, but that’s not my preference I got friends who lean that way, and that’s fine, it’s just a side-effect of How their gay genes got made – by leaving live descendents Yeah, you’re just a phenotype, performing all the genes inside Living things only seem designed, ‘cause you can’t see how they’ve been revised And the feedback lies in evolution’s brutal gaze Either you have babies who have babies or get boo-ed off stage But I ain’t evolution’s slave; just like you I like to get laid And we can choose not to reproduce in this conceptive age Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again I scratch with my pen Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Go tell a friend So now you probably wanna know how a flow this dope gets written Performance, feedback, revision plus a beat by Mr. Simmonds My words impregnate your brain, does it give you morning sickness? Or do you wanna spread it like an epidemic, and try to get some folks to listen? Either way you can’t escape it, love me or hate me, you form an opinion And your feedback comes back to me, and I make an informed decision Should I change and adapt, or stick to the script and stay on track with it? Oh I don’t black enough? Okay, should I switch it and fake my accent? And if I did, and you call me a liar, then I’ll probably just say That I’m just caught up in the game, just doin’ my thing and I’m not just playing How you think I learned how to rap? You think I just turned on a track And the words just splashed on the page like magic, and I never had to turn nothin’ back? Performance, feedback, revision, that’s how I got this way And in spite of what they might say, it’s the same for Lady Gaga and Dr. Dre Performance, feedback, revision, that’s how you got your nature And that’s how you re-create yourself through improvisation Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again I scratch with my pen Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Performance, feedback, revision repeat again Go tell a friend (freestyle) Every single word you heard on the track until this point was written rhymes But now it’s time for me to switch it up and give you something improvised ‘Cause just like Jay-Z and Lil Wayne I can freestyle for days With no mistakes, except it takes me eighty eight takes When I spit my shit that’s how I mutate my genes And you can interact with my lyrics like a Turing Machine Yup, ‘cause I’m reppin’ Darwinism everytime I record to the rhythm It takes a lotta mutations to make an organism It takes a whole lotta mutations to make an organism… shit Credits