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(Kaigen) 敵地のアンチも味方のベンチも総立ち/ 腕比べの行方は紙一重 奇跡よ 集え/ 劇的な幕切れの仕入先/ [Kaigen - Translation] All stand, from the haters in enemy land to the bench of my fam A thin line divides the outcome of battle. Gather here miracles The supplier of a dramatic curtain fall (Myka 9) (Kaigen) 記録を残そうが、記憶に残ろうが/ 決めれば一躍頼みの綱、 外せば一夜で刺身のつま/ つまりのるかそるか、万事休すか九死に一生を得るか/ 手に汗握る窮地の心地よさに酔いしれる/ 筋金入りの勝負師の見せ場が押寄せる/ 固唾を飲む土俵際で巻きこす/ 歓喜と失意の渦はカオスの図/ 向かい風が強くなれば、自ずと預かる仲間の信頼/ 脳裏に取り付く懲りずに重ねたみじめで無様な失敗/ の後味は問われる真価に難なく応えるために/ 積み立てた備えと思えば憂えなし/ デッドライン直前 疑心と自信のトレードが合意に達し/ 新規の伝説をお膳立て 流れを変える弾数 / 残りは果たして何発? のしかかる重圧/ は率先して担いでごらん 天王山で充実/ した景観を満喫するには、それに見合うだけの負荷が不可欠/ [Kaigen - Translation] Either you hit a new record or remain in memory If it works, spring into becoming the last hope If not, turn into garnish for sashimi in one night Sink or swim, it’s “the end” or an “escape from death” A hardcore gambler ecstatic in the pleasant sweaty palm tight squeeze Here comes the flood of highlights Paint a picture of chaos, a vortex of rapture and despair Among the breathless at the edge of the ring When the headwind’s strong look after the trust of friends Miserable awkward mistakes repeated and layered in the back of mind Nothing to worry about, think of the aftertaste as savings A preparation for the right answer to the question of true value Right before deadline, set the stage for a new legend Through the trading agreement of doubt and confidence Bullets to change momentum, how many shots left in the chamber? The pressure is on, so take the initiative to carry the ball The weight you carry must correspond In order to fully enjoy the view from the top of mount make-or-break 約束された将来/ においても挫折は執拗に出場機会/ に恵まれる。 逃した魚の大きさを計量し、踏ん張りどころ/ で感傷にひたるよりかは、どん底で捕れた泥んこ/ の成果を認め、磨けば光る穴埋めの育成に精を/ 出していくほうがより正解。 苦節何年かかっても/ 度々後ろ指を差され、情熱が少々荒んでも/ あの日の衝動でくるんだ信念が芯まで腐るもんか/ 花道を飾る役目をおめおめと諦めに譲るなんざ/ まっぴらごめん。 末路すら貫通する渇望が活路に/ 抜擢され、忘れ物をした古巣へ電撃復帰/ 色違いの夢が返り咲き、過去の脚本を捨てた働き / が続きを演出するが、取り戻す結末は原作に忠実に/ 来世まで語り継がれる名場面のライセンスを独占/ 和洋折衷の番狂わせの詰め合わせ。 Myka9, Kaigen / の二枚看板。 西海岸からジパングへ通すアリウープパス/ この曲の終了のブザーと同時に灯すヒップホップの明日/ Even for a promised future Defeat is persistent with its chances to play Rather than measuring the size of the fish that escaped And becoming sentimental in a time for final effort The correct answer is to acknowledge the muddy fruits Picked at the bottom of the pit And hustle to make up the deficit which shines if polished No matter how many criticisms and years of hardship it takes And the passion goes rough, conviction wrapped with that one day’s Impulse will never rot to the core No way will I give way to giving up when my role is To walk down the runway. Thirst, strong enough penetrate even fate Was chosen as the path for a Speedy return to the old place where I left something A dream in a different color blooms and The work continues to perform without the script of the past But the ending I retrieve is faithful to the original Monopolized the licenses for the highlights To be passed down to the next life Surprise package of styles compiled from the east and west Myka9 and Kaigen double headliner Alley oop pass complete from the west coast to Zipang Light up hiphop’s future as the buzzer signals the end of this jam (Myka 9) (Kaigen) 来世まで語り継がれる名場面のライセンスを独占/ 和洋折衷の番狂わせの詰め合わせ。 Myka9, Kaigen / の二枚看板。 西海岸からジパングへ通すアリウープパス/ この曲の終了のブザーと同時に灯すヒップホップの明日/ [Kaigen - Translation] Monopolized the licenses for the highlights To be passed down to the next life Surprise package of styles compiled from the east and west Myka9 and Kaigen double headliner Alley oop pass complete from the west coast to Zipang Light up hiphop’s future as the buzzer signals the end of this jam