Death Row

Mike Zito

Score: 10
Played: 651


Gone To Texas



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[Verse 1] Well I´ve made mistakes I love my life I stole from you And I cheated my wife [Chorus 1] But I crossed the line And now I can´t come back And now I´m on death row I´m tied to the wrist [Verse 2] I was not told How life should be They say my mind is sick And evil to go with me [Chorus 3] I killed a man And I showed no shame Now I´m on death row With no one to blame No one to blame [Verse 3] I met this man And he spoke to me of love He told me that I That I might be worthier [Chorus 4] I could confess To ease the pain Everyone else´s pain Here on death row [Verse 4] Oh, Lord I saved my soul Who would believe? On death row Lord I saved my soul