The Leopard EP
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Part Five: Conversation With Lil P Lil P: I am very sad all of the time. Jentrick: Okay first of all hi, pleasure to meet you, my name’s Jentrick Pollywag and you probably know me as the co-star of Smurt’s “Hookless, Baby!” music video. Honestly, I’m just s-- Lil P: Smurt and I have been good friends since the beginning of his music career, so we hung out often. Jentrick: Okay yeah sure, just interrupt me, that’s not rude at all... Lil P: You’re welcome. Smurt was an inspirational rapper and a true game changer for the whole rap scene, and it’s truly a tragedy that he had to leave us. R.I.P to Smurt; a true legend. George Eliot once said “you only truly die when you are forgotten”, and I know that Very Smurt, my friend, will never be forgotten. For he will live in our hearts as long as we have hearts for him to live inside. One like equals one prayer. Jentrick: Wow thanks, man. The last part about living in hearts didn’t really make sense, but still, amazing speech. Lil P: Oh, I wasn’t done… Jentrick: Oh wow okay. Sorry, please continue. [I just want to say that I edited all of the grammatical errors and added them in parentheses after each error] Lil P: *Clears throat very loudly. The most utterly terrifying, ear-piercing, rockiest, most disturbing and unsettling coughs*. Thank you for (that) nice joke, and please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I will be hosting a gift card giveaway for (an) Amazon one-hundred dollar gift card, so please donate to my Patreon for (*to support) my free gift card giveaway. Please type “#longweengang” in the comment section below and then ring the notification bell, and I will pick a random winner, def(initely) not my alt(ernate) account(,) and send me (your) credit card info(rmation). For me, please thank for nice donation [no idea what that means], one like equals one prayer for “#longweengang”, merch(andise) link in (the) description of (this) video, thank (you) for buy(ing). And (*also), please donate to my Patreon for (a) good thank (you). (Again,) one like equals one prayer. Jentrick: Off the record, I would just like to sincerely apologize to my readers for that second monologue from Lil P.