In The Summertime ORIGINAL 1970

Mungo Jerry

Score: 153
Played: 920


In The Summertime

Released: 25 May 2015


"In the Summertime" was the debut single by British jug-band Mungo Jerry. Written by lead singer Ray Dorset, it celebrates the carefree days of summer. In 1970 it reached number one in charts around the world, including seven weeks in the UK Singles Chart, two weeks in Canada, and number three on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the US. It is considered one of the best-selling singles of all time with an estimated 6 million copies sold. In an interview with Gary James, Dorset explained the origin of the "motorcycle" sound towards the end of the song: "I said "We'll just get a recording of a motorcycle, stick it on the end of the song and then re-edit the front and then put the front off to the motorcycle so it starts up again." But I couldn't find a motorcycle. Howard Barry, the engineer had an old, well, it wasn't old then, a Triumph sports car, which he drove past the studio while Barry Marrit was holding the microphone. So, he got the stereo effects from left to right or right to left, whatever. And that was it."


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