Suffer The Children

Napalm Death

Score: 6
Played: 139


Harmony Corruption



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[Verse 1] Your unflappable conceptions Moralistic views Never open to criticism Your overpowering ruse [Verse 2] Promises of sanctuary In eternal bliss With starry eyes and cash in hand Pledge to all the master plan Just face the truth or fund the farse [Verse 3] At one with your god Your sole intent Your treasured place assured For a substantial rent [Verse 4] Global lunacy Death threats for supposed blasphemy No room for free thought All non believers pushed to the floor [Verse 5] Aggressive tyrants Supposed saints for the cause Judgement through force Faith a fuel for pointless wars [Verse 6] When all is done Who shall benefit? Who is the one? Not to those who pass on But those dictators divine waving their deceitful wands
