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No Rest for the depressed black coffee and cigarettes On a disconnected phone i called death collect She paying a lifetime debt placed under arrest Embrace my breath smoke laced with stress Politically incorrect kid From you perfect world we was rejected neglected Fuck you hypocrites i confessed it Poison me shed me sins Crucify him Im not a perfect man But i know who i am Religious fanatics kill with automatics blood spill On TV screen teens die for cheap thrills A mother screams is shrill smother pain with pills Medicaid can't cover the bill Discover enormous courage and will Rest on filthy mattress with no meal Drug addicts and alcoholic still Proceed to tell the seeds we can't catch cabs The melody mad made trips to rehab Bleed thru open sores and scabs Poison me shed my sins Crucify him Rich parents send there kids to boarding school Where im from kids ignore the rules get bored at school Guidance counselors left us more confused Violent feuds between rival crews Beef sparked on the avenue class clowns in the class room The park is filled with villains and goons The children have no place to bloom Juvenile delinquents with hostile instincts Crack vials in the strollers of infants Burnt finger tips 12 in a cell mommy can't help you now Down but not out Foundation fragile like porcelain Name the medicine That cures sin Stain your eye not to see the chameleon Its strange how people who never knew you said you changed Trial by fire arise again In hell im here on welfare with no health care Hopeless trying to regain focus in despair With out will still make it i swear Cold and naked in a world so brutal but who cares Its true yelling life ain't fair Whose rebelling they don't want us to interfere Color me melancholy blue drowning in beer Tell the bottle cool its only me and you with fear Nothing to lose no excuses for the drugs we abuse Claustrophobic i can't get in where i fit With slit wrist i came alive thru suicide Survival is a friend of mine So how could i run and hide Held libel for a self induced ambulance ride Screams silent dreams violent Vibrant nightmares stop and stare A beggars banquet a warm blanket for cold rejection In Washington crooks bought and stole the election Americas oldest obsession prostitutes and weapons Good Samaritans killed by adolescents There ain't no guessing life teach you lessons Struggle to overcome oppression Live life to the fullest is the best suggestion Refuse to compromise expression I rather die by the bullet than hold in repression Poison me shed my sins Crucify him Im not a perfect man But i know who i am Credits