
Nina Simone

Score: 24
Played: 526



Released: 12 Feb 2009


"Baltimore" is a Randy Newman song which first appeared on his albumn Little Criminals. It's a sad song any way you cut it, but Newman's version has a slightly harder edge to it, while Nina's is softer, and brings out the longing and the pathos of the speaker.


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Beat-up little seagull On a marble stair Tryin' to find the ocean Lookin' everywhere Hard times in the city In a hard town by the sea Ain't nowhere to run to There ain't nothin' here for free Hooker on the corner Waiting for a train Drunk lying on the sidewalk Sleeping in the rain And the people hide their faces And they hide their eyes Cause the city's dyin' And they don't know why Oh, Baltimore Ain't it hard just to live? Oh, Baltimore Ain't it hard just to live? Just to live Get my sister Sandy And my little brother Ray Buy a big old wagon To haul us all away Live out in the country Where the mountain's high Never gonna come back here Till the day I die Oh, Baltimore Ain't it hard just to live? Oh, Baltimore Ain't it hard just to live? Just to live