Sigma Draconis

Nomad Son

Score: 1
Played: 5


The Eternal Return


Heavy metal
Doom metal
Traditional doom metal



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We plunder the sea-star skies Our masts blazing through the afterglow, fulfilling our destiny We are the ones, marauding the aeons Regnant and proud, hypnotized by prosperity Doom Paragons of perdition, sovereigns of ruin Fleeing from the diseased earth We journey through halls of death Consumed by gluttony and greed We ravage this callow world We bring weapons of odium, the serpent seed Masters of misconception, tyrants of deception Can there be rеnewal and re-birth? We sought thе rainbow bridge to Asgard Where even grave garlands of asphodel shine in the winter bane We dreamt of sweet spring orchids over gentle meadows strewn Only for our hopes to be crushed by the anvil of doom We plunder the sea-star skies Our masts blazing through the afterglow, fulfilling our destiny We are the ones, marauding the aeons Regnant and proud, hypnotized by prosperity Doom! Paragons of perdition, sovereigns of ruin Fleeing from the diseased earth Masters of misconception; tyrants of deception Lunar spell; radiation hell Sigma draconis, nuclear fission No mercy or contrition, terra nova infernalis We sought the rainbow bridge to Asgard Where even grave garlands of asphodel shine in the winter bane We dreamt of sweet spring orchids over gentle meadows strewn Only for our hopes to be crushed by the anvil of doom Sigma draconis The anvil of doom Sigma draconis The anvil of doom