
Rare Earth

Score: 8
Played: 8



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Hahaha! Filthy earthlings, prepare to be destroyed! Do not resist us, we are not of your world Do not resist us, we are not of your world He's just a freak He's just a freak He's just a freak He's just a freak He's just a freak (video freak) He's just a freak (video freak) He's just a freak (video freak) He's just a freak (video freak) Video freak, defend it! (video freak) Vidеo freak, defend it! (vidеo freak) Video freak, defend it! (video freak) Video freak, defend it! (video freak) Video freak, defend it! (video freak) Video freak, defend it! (video freak) Video freak, defend it! (video freak) Video freak, defend it! (video freak) "This is Prime Chancellor with the 7 o'clock news. The Planet Earth was attacked today by invaders from outer space. America's top video freaks, with commander captain Tony Rose, supported by the lieutenant Charles Alexander, were sent [?] to intercept and destroy the enemy." I got nowhere to go, oh Video freak (defend it!) Video freak (defend it!) I got to reach for the sky Video freak (defend it!) Video freak (defend it!) I'm going round and round Video freak (defend it!) Video freak (defend it!) I got to find the way Video freak (defend it!) Video freak (defend it!) My man's out in space, to save the human race He's got to get there fast, he's got to shoot them down... Defend it, defend it, defend it, defend it! Video freak in outer space Trying to save the human race Video freak in outer space Trying to save the human race Video freak in outer space Trying to save the human race Hahaha! Filthy earthlings, prepare to be destroyed! (Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me!) Do not resist us, we are not of your world "I can't connect, the Earth has been destroyed. I'm at this old freak land [?]. Remain step back. Daring to fight, daring to the end" Video freak (defend it!) Video freak (defend it!) Save the human race Save the human race Video freak (defend it!) Video freak (defend it!) Save the human race Save the human race My man's out in space, to save the human race He's got to get there fast, he's got to shoot them down... Defend it, defend it, defend it, defend it! Video freak in outer space Trying to save the human race Video freak in outer space Trying to save the human race Video freak in outer space Trying to save the human race Hahaha! Filthy earthlings, prepare to be destroyed! (Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me!)