Foto 3x4

San Marino

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Coração de Pedra


Brutal death metal
San marino
Indie pop



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1 *Manega uuâron, the sia iro môd gespôn, 2 .........................,nnnnnnnn that sia [bigunnun uuord godes], 3 [reckean] that girûni, that [thie] rîceo Crist 4 undar mancunnea mâriða gifrumida 5 mid uuordun endi mid uuercun. That uuolda thô uuîsara filo 6 liudo barno loƀon, lêra Cristes, 7 hêlag uuord godas, endi mid iro handon scrîƀan 8 [berehtlîco] an buok, huô sia [is gibodscip scoldin] 9 frummian, firiho barn. Than uuârun thoh sia fiori te thiu 10 under thera menigo, thia habdon maht godes, 11 helpa fan himila, hêlagna gêst, 12 craft fan [Criste,] - sia uurðun gicorana te thio, 13 that sie than êuangelium [ênan] [scoldun] 14 an buok scrîƀan endo sô manag gibod godes, 15 hêlag himilisc uuord: sia ne muosta heliðo than mêr, 16 firiho barno frummian, neuan that sia fiori te thio 17 thuru craft godas gecorana uurðun, 18 Matheus endi Marcus, - sô uuârun thia man hêtana - 19 [Lucas endi Iohannes]; sia uuârun [gode] [lieƀa], 20 uuirðiga ti them giuuirkie. Habda im uualdand god, 21 them heliðon an iro hertan hêlagna gêst 22 fasto bifolhan endi ferahtan hugi, 23 sô manag uuîslîk uuord endi giuuit mikil, 24 that sea scoldin ahebbean hêlagaro stemnun 25 godspell that guoda, that ni haƀit ênigan gigadon huergin, 26 thiu uuord an thesaro uueroldi, that io uualdand mêr, 27 drohtin diurie eftho derƀi thing, 28 firinuuerc fellie [eftho fîundo nîð], 29 [strîd] [uuiðerstande] - , huand hie habda starkan hugi, 30 mildean endi guodan, thie the mêster uuas, 31 [aðalordfrumo] [alomahtig]. 32 That scoldun sea fiori thuo fingron scrîƀan, 33 settian endi singan endi seggean forð, 34 that sea fan Cristes crafte them mikilon 35 gisâhun endi gihôrdun, thes hie selƀo gisprac, 36 giuuîsda endi giuuarahta, uundarlîcas filo, 37 sô manag mid mannon mahtig drohtin, 38 all so hie it fan them anginne thuru is [ênes] craht, 39 uualdand gisprak, thuo hie êrist thesa uuerold giscuop 40 endi thuo all bifieng mid ênu uuordo, 41 himil endi erða endi al that sea bihlidan êgun 42 giuuarahtes endi giuuahsanes: that uuarð thuo all mid uuordon godas 43 fasto bifangan, endi [gifrumid] after thiu, 44 huilic than liudscepi landes scoldi 45 uuîdost giuualdan, eftho [huar] thiu [uueroldaldar] 46 [endon] [scoldin]. Ên uuas iro thuo noh than 47 [firiho] barnun biforan, endi [thiu] fîƀi uuârun agangan: 48 scolda thuo that sehsta sâliglîco 49 cuman thuru craft godes endi Cristas giburd, 50 hêlandero [bestan], hêlagas gêstes, 51 an thesan middilgard managon te helpun, 52 firio barnon ti frumon uuið fîundo nîð, 53 uuið dernero duualm. Than habda thuo drohtin god 54 Rômanoliudeon farliuuan rîkeo mêsta, 55 habda them heriscipie herta gisterkid, 56 that sia habdon bithuungana thiedo gihuilica, 57 habdun fan Rûmuburg rîki giuunnan 58 helmgitrôsteon, sâton iro heritogon 59 an lando gihuem, habdun liudeo giuuald, 60 allon elitheodon. Erodes uuas 61 an Hierusalem oƀer that Iudeono folc 62 gicoran te kuninge, sô ina thie kêser tharod, 63 fon Rûmuburg rîki thiodan 64 satta undar that gisîði. Hie ni uuas thoh mid sibbeon [bilang] 65 aƀaron Israheles, eðiligiburdi, 66 cuman fon iro [cnuosle], neuan that hie thuru thes kêsures thanc 67 fan Rûmuburg rîki habda, 68 that im uuârun sô gihôriga hildiscalcos, 69 aƀaron Israheles elleanruoƀa: 70 suîðo unuuanda uuini, than lang hie giuuald êhta, 71 Erodes thes rîkeas endi [râdburdeon] [held] 72 [Iudeo liudi]. Than uuas thar ên gigamalod mann, 73 that uuas fruod gomo, habda ferehtan hugi, 74 uuas fan them liudeon Levias cunnes, 75 Iacobas [suneas], guodero thiedo: 76 Zacharias uuas hie hêtan. That uuas sô sâlig man, 77 huand hie simblon gerno gode theonoda, 78 uuarahta [after] is uuilleon; deda is uuîf sô self 79 - uuas iru gialdrod idis: ni muosta im erƀiuuard 80 an iro iuguðhêdi giƀiðig uuerðan - 81 libdun im farûter laster, uuaruhtun lof goda, 82 uuârun sô gihôriga heƀancuninge, 83 diuridon ûsan drohtin: ni uueldun derƀeas uuiht 84 under mancunnie, mênes gifrummean, 85 ne *saca ne sundea. Uuas im thoh an sorgun hugi, 86 that sie erƀiuuard êgan ni môstun, 87 ac uuârun im barno lôs. Than scolda he gibod godes 88 thar an Hierusalem, sô oft sô is gigengi gistôd, 89 that ina torhtlîco tîdi gimanodun, 90 sô scolda he at them uuîha uualdandes geld 91 hêlag bihuuerƀan, heƀancuninges, 92 godes iungarskepi: gern uuas he suîðo, 93 that he [it] thurh ferhtan hugi [frummean] môsti. 94 Thô uuarð thiu tîd cuman, - [that] thar gitald habdun 95 uuîsa man mid uuordun, - that scolda thana uuîh godes 96 Zacharias bisehan. Thô uuarð thar gisamnod filu 97 thar te Hierusalem [Iudeo] liudi, 98 uuerodes te them uuîha, thar sie uualdand god 99 suuîðo theolîco thiggean scoldun, 100 hêrron is huldi, that sie heƀancuning 101 lêðes alêti. Thea liudi stôdun 102 umbi that hêlaga hûs, endi geng im the [gihêrodo] man 103 an thana uuîh innan. That uuerod ôðar bêd 104 umbi thana alah ûtan, Ebreo liudi, 105 [huuan êr] the frôdo man gifrumid habdi 106 uualdandes uuilleon. Sô he thô thana uuîrôc drôg, 107 [ald] aftar them alaha, endi umbi thana altari geng 108 mid is rôcfatun rîkiun thionon, 109 - [fremida] ferhtlîco frâon sînes, 110 godes iungarskepi gerno suuîðo 111 mid hluttru hugi, *sô man hêrren scal 112 [gerno] fulgangan -, [grurios] [quâmun] im, 113 egison an them alahe: hie gisah thar aftar thiu ênna engil godes 114 an them uuîhe innan, hie sprac im mid is uuordun tuo, 115 hiet that fruod gumo foroht ni uuâri, 116 hiet that hie im ni andriede: ʽthîna dâdi sindʼ, quathie*, 117 ʽuualdanda uuerðe endi thîn uuord sô self, 118 thîn thionost is im an thanke, that thu sulica githâht haƀes 119 an is ênes craft. Ic is engil bium, 120 Gabriel bium ic hêtan, the gio for goda standu, 121 anduuard for them alouualdon, ne sî that he me an is [ârundi] [huarod] 122 sendean uuillea. Nu hiet he me an thesan sîð faran, 123 hiet that ic thi [thoh] gicûðdi, that thi kind giboran, 124 fon thînera alderu idis ôdan scoldi 125 uuerðan an thesero uueroldi, uuordun spâhi. 126 That ni scal an is liƀa gio lîðes [anbîtan], 127 uuînes an is uueroldi: sô haƀed im uurdgiscapu, 128 metod gimarcod endi maht godes. 129 Hêt that ic thi thoh sagdi, that it scoldi gisîð uuesan 130 heƀancuninges, hêt that [git] it heldin uuel, 131 tuhin thurh treuua, quað that he im tîras sô filu 132 an godes rîkea forgeƀan uueldi. 133 He quað that the gôdo gumo Iohannes te namon 134 hebbean scoldi, [gibôd] that [git] [it] hêtin sô, 135 that kind, than it quâmi, quað that it Kristes gisîð 136 an thesaro uuîdun uuerold uuerðan scoldi, 137 is selƀes sunies, endi quað that [sie] [sliumo] herod 138 an is [bodskepi] bêðe quâmin.ʼ 139 Zacharias thô gimahalda endi uuið [selƀan] sprac 140 drohtines engil, endi im thero dâdeo bigan, 141 uundron thero uuordo: ʽhuuô mag that giuuerðan sôʼ, quað he, 142 ʽaftar an aldre? it is unc al te lat 143 sô te giuuinnanne, sô thu mid thînun uuordun [gisprikis]. 144 Huuanda uuit habdun aldres êr efno tuêntig 145 uuintro an uncro uueroldi, êr than quâmi [thit] uuîf te mi; 146 than uuârun uuit nu atsamna [antsiƀunta] uuintro 147 gibenkeon endi gibeddeon, siðor ic sie mi te brûdi gecôs. 148 Sô uuit [thes] an uncro iuguði [gigirnan] ni mohtun, 149 that uuit erƀiuuard êgan môstin, 150 fôdean an uncun flettea, nu uuit sus gifrôdod sint 151 - haƀad unc eldi binoman elleandâdi, 152 that uuit sint an uncro siuni gislekit endi an uncun sîdun lat; 153 flêsk is unc [antfallan], fel unscôni, 154 is unca [lud] giliðen, lîk [gidrusnod], 155 sind unca andbâri ôðarlîcaron, 156 môd endi megincraft -, sô uuit giu sô managan dag 157 uuârun an thesero uueroldi, sô mi thes uundar thunkit, 158 [huuô] it sô giuuerðan mugi, sô thu mid thînun uuordun [gisprikis]. 159 Thô uuarð that heƀencuninges bodon harm an is môde, 160 that he is giuuerkes sô uundron scolda 161 endi that ni uuelda gihuggean, that ina [mahta] [hêlag] god 162 sô alaiungan, sô he fon êrist uuas, 163 selƀo giuuirkean, [of] he sô uueldi. 164 Skerida im thô te uuîtea, that he ni mahte ênig uuord [sprekan], 165 gimahlien mid is mûðu, ʽêr than thi magu uuirðid, 166 fon thînero aldero idis erl afôdit, 167 kindiung giboran cunnies gôdes, 168 uuânum te thesero uueroldi. Than scalt thu eft uuord sprekan, 169 hebbean thînaro stemna giuuald; ni tharft thu stum uuesan 170 lengron huîla.ʼ Thô uuarð it sân gilêstid sô, 171 giuuorðan te uuâron, sô thar an them uuîha gisprak 172 engil thes alouualdon: uuarð ald gumo 173 sprâca bilôsit, thoh he spâhan hugi 174 bâri an is breostun. Bidun allan dag 175 that uuerod for them uuîha endi uundrodun alla, 176 bihuuî he thar sô lango, lofsâlig man, 177 suuîðo frôd gumo frâon sînun 178 thionon thorfti, sô thar êr ênig thegno ni deda, 179 than sie thar [at] them uuîha uualdandes geld 180 folmon frumidun. Thô quam frôd gumo 181 ût fon them alaha. Erlos thrungun 182 nâhor mikilu: uuas im niud mikil, 183 huat he im sôðlîkes seggean uueldi, 184 uuîsean te uuâron. He ni mohta thô ênig uuord [sprecan], 185 giseggean them gisiðea, [bûtan] that he mid is suîðron hand 186 uuîsda them uueroda, that sie ûses uualdandes 187 lêra lêstin. Thea liudi forstôdun, 188 that he thar habda gegnungo godcundes [huat] 189 forsehen selƀo, thoh he is ni mahti giseggean uuiht, 190 giuuîsean te uuâron. Thô habda he ûses uualdandes 191 geld gilêstid, al sô is gigengi uuas 192 gimarcod mid mannun. Thô uuarð sân aftar thiu maht godes, 193 gicûðid is craft [mikil]: uuarð thiu [quân] ôcan, 194 idis an ira eldiu: scolda im erƀiuuard, 195 suîðo godcund gumo giƀiðig uuerðan, 196 barn an [burgun]. Bêd aftar thiu 197 that uuîf [uurdigiscapu]. Skrêd the uuintar forð, 198 geng [thes] gêres gital. Iohannes quam 199 an liudeo lioht: lîk uuas im scôni, 200 uuas im fel fagar, fahs endi naglos, 201 uuangun [uuârun] im uulitige. Thô fôrun thar uuîse man, 202 snelle tesamne, thea suâsostun mêst, 203 uundrodun thes [uuerkes], bi[huî] it gio mahti giuuerðan sô, 204 that [undar] sô aldun tuêm ôdan uurði 205 barn an [giburdeon], ni uuâri that it gibod godes 206 selƀes uuâri: [afsuoƀun] sie garo, 207 that it elcor sô uuânlîc uuerðan ni mahti. 208 Thô sprak thar ên gifrôdot man, the sô filo consta 209 uuîsaro uuordo, habde giuuit mikil, 210 frâgode [niudlîco], huuat is namo scoldi 211 uuesan an thesaro uueroldi: ʽmi thunkid an is uuîsu gilîc 212 iac an is gibârea, that he sî betara than uui, 213 sô ic [uuâniu], that ina ûs gegnungo [god] fon himila 214 [selƀo] sendiʼ. Thô sprac sân [aftar] 215 [thiu] môdar thes kindes, thiu thana magu habda, 216 that barn an ire barme: ʽhêr quam [gibod] godesʼ, quað siu, 217 ʽfernun gêre, furmon uuordu 218 [gibôd], that he Iohannes bi godes lêrun 219 hêtan scoldi. That ic an mînumu hugi ni [gidar] 220 uuendean mid uuihti, of ic is giuualdan môtʼ. 221 Thô sprac ên gêlhert man, the ira gaduling uuas: 222 ʽne hêt êr giouuiht sôʼ, quað he, ʽaðalboranes 223 ûses cunnies eftho cnôsles. Uuita kiasan im ôðrana 224 niudsamna namon: he [niate] of he môtiʼ. 225 Thô sprac eft the frôdo man, the thar consta filo mahlian: 226 ʽni giƀu ic that te râdeʼ, quað he, ʽrinco negênun, 227 that [he] uuord godes uuendean biginna; 228 ac [uuita] is thana fader frâgon, the [thar] sô gifrôdod sitit, 229 uuîs an is uuînseli: thoh he ni mugi ênig uuord [sprecan], 230 thoh mag he bi bôcstaƀon brêf geuuirkean, 231 namon giscrîƀanʼ. Thô he nâhor geng, 232 legda im êna bôc an barm endi [bad gerno] 233 uurîtan uuîslîco uuordgimerkiun, 234 huat sie that hêlaga barn hêtan scoldin. 235 Thô nam he [thia] [bôk] [an] [hand] endi an is hugi thâhte 236 suîðo gerno te gode: Iohannes namon 237 uuîslîco giuurêt endi [ôc] aftar mid is uuordu gisprac 238 suîðo spâhlîco: habda im eft is sprâca giuuald, 239 giuuitteas endi [uuîsun]. That uuîti uuas thô agangan, 240 hard harmscare, [the] im hêlag god 241 mahtig [macode], that he [an is] môdseƀon 242 godes ni forgâti, than he im eft sendi is iungron tô. 243 Thô ni uuas lang aftar thiu, ne it al sô gilêstid uuarð, 244 sô he mancunnea managa huîla, 245 god alomahtig forgeƀen habda, 246 that he is himilisc barn herod te uueroldi, 247 si selƀes sunu sendean [uueldi], 248 te thiu that he hêr alôsdi [al liudstamna], 249 uuerod fon uuîtea. [Thô] uuarð is [uuisbodo] 250 an Galilealand, Gabriel cuman, 251 engil thes alouualdon, thar he êne idis uuisse, 252 munilîca magað: Maria uuas siu hêten, 253 uuas iru thiorna githigan. Sea ên thegan habda, 254 Ioseph gimahlit, gôdes cunnies man, 255 thea Dauides dohter: that uuas [sô] diurlîc uuîf, 256 idis anthêti. Thar sie the engil godes 257 [an] Nazarethburg bi namon selƀo 258 grôtte [geginuuarde] endi sie fon gode quedda: 259 ʽHêl uuis thu, Mariaʼ, quað he, ʽthu bist thînun hêrron liof, 260 uualdande uuirðig, huuand thu giuuit haƀes, 261 idis enstio fol. Thu scalt [for] allun uuesan 262 uuîƀun giuuîhit. Ne haƀe [thu] uuêcan hugi, 263 ne forhti thu thînun ferhe: ne quam ic thi te ênigun frêson herod, 264 ne dragu ic [ênig] [drugithing]. Thu scalt ûses drohtines uuesan 265 môdar mid mannun endi scalt thana magu fôdean, 266 thes [hôhon] [heƀancuninges] [suno]. The scal Hêliand te namon 267 êgan mid eldiun. [Neo] endi ni kumid, 268 thes uuîdon rîkeas [giuuand], [the] he giuualdan scal, 269 mâri theodan.ʼ Thô sprac im [eft] thiu magað angegin, 270 uuið thana engil godes idiso scôniost, 271 allaro uuîƀo uulitigost: ʽhuô mag that giuuerðen sôʼ, [quað] siu, 272 ʽthat ic magu fôdie? Ne ic gio mannes ni uuarð 273 uuîs an mînera uueroldi.ʼ Thô habde eft is uuord garu 274 engil thes alouualdon thero idisiu tegegnes: 275 ʽan thi scal hêlag gêst fon heƀanuuange 276 cuman thurh craft godes. [Thanan] scal thi kind ôdan 277 uuerðan an thesaro uueroldi. Uualdandes craft 278 scal thi fon them hôhoston heƀancuninge 279 scadouuan mid [skimon]. Ni uuarð scôniera giburd, 280 ne sô mâri mid mannun, huand siu kumid thurh maht godes 281 an [these] uuîdon uuerold.ʼ Thô uuarð [eft] thes uuîbes hugi 282 aftar them ârundie al gihuorƀen 283 an godes uuilleon. ʽ[Than] ic hêr garu standuʼ, quað siu, 284 ʽte sulicun ambahtskepi, sô he mi êgan uuili. 285 Thiu bium ic theotgodes. Nu ik [theses] thinges gitrûon; 286 uuerðe mi aftar thînun uuordun, al sô is uuilleo sî, 287 hêrron mînes; nis mi hugi tuîfli, 288 ne uuord ne uuîsa.ʼ Sô gifragn ik, that that uuîf antfeng 289 that godes ârundi gerno suîðo 290 mid leohtu hugi endi mid [gilôƀon] gôdun 291 endi mid hluttrun treuun. [Uuarð] the hêlago gêst, 292 that barn [an] ira bôsma; endi siu ira breostun [forstôd] 293 iac an ire seƀon selƀo, sagda them siu uuelda, 294 that sie habde giôcana thes alouualdon craft 295 hêlag fon himile. Thô uuarð hugi Iosepes, 296 is môd [giuuorrid], the im êr thea magað habda, 297 thea idis anthêttea, aðalcnôsles uuîf 298 giboht im te brûdiu. He afsôf [that] siu habda barn undar iru: 299 ni uuânda thes mid uuihti, [that] iru that uuîf habdi 300 giuuardod sô [uuarolîco]: ni [uuisse] uualdandes thô noh 301 blîði gibodskepi. Ni uuelda sia imo te brûdi thô, 302 halon imo te hîuuon, ac bigan im thô [an] hugi thenkean, 303 huô he sie [sô] forlêti, sô iru thar nu uurði lêdes [uuiht], 304 ôdan [arƀides]. Ni uuelda sie aftar thiu 305 meldon for menigi: antdrêd that sie manno barn 306 lîƀu binâmin. Sô uuas [than] thero liudeo thau 307 thurh then aldon êu, Ebreo folkes, 308 sô huilik sô thar an unreht idis gihîuuida, 309 that siu simbla thana bedskepi buggean scolda, 310 frî mid ira ferhu: ni uuas gio thiu fêmea sô gôd, 311 that siu [mid] them liudun leng libbien môsti, 312 uuesan undar them uueroda. [Bigan] im the uuîso mann, 313 suîðo gôd gumo, Ioseph an is môda 314 thenkean thero thingo, huô he thea thiornun thô 315 listiun forlêti. Thô ni uuas lang te thiu, 316 that im thar an drôma quam drohtines engil, 317 heƀancuninges bodo, endi hêt sie ina haldan uuel, 318 minnion sie an is môde: ʽNi uuis thuʼ, quað he, ʽMariun uurêð, 319 thiornun thînaro; siu is [githungan] uuîf; 320 ne forhugi thu sie te hardo; thu scalt sie haldan uuel, 321 uuardon ira an thesaro uueroldi. Lêsti [thu] inca uuinitreuua 322 forð sô thu dâdi, [endi] [hald] incan friundskepi uuel! 323 Ne lât thu sie thi thiu lêðaron, thoh siu [undar] ira liðon êgi, 324 barn an ira bôsma. It cumid thurh gibod godes, 325 hêlages gêstes fon heƀanuuanga: 326 that is [Iêsu] Krist, godes êgan barn, 327 uualdandes sunu. Thu scalt sie uuel [haldan], 328 hêlaglîco. Ne lât thu [thi] thînan hugi tuîflien, 329 merrean thîna môdgithâht.ʼ Thô uuarð eft thes mannes hugi 330 [giuuendid] aftar them uuordun, that he im te them uuîƀa genam, 331 te thera magað minnea: antkenda maht godes, 332 uualdandes gibod. Uuas im uuilleo mikil, 333 that he [sia] sô hêlaglîco haldan môsti: 334 bisorgoda sie an is [gisîðea], endi [siu] sô sûƀro [drôg] 335 al te huldi godes hêlagna gêst, 336 gôdlîcan gumon, antthat sie [godes] giscapu 337 mahtig gimanodun, that [siu] [ina] an manno lioht, 338 allaro barno bezt, brengean scolda. 339 Thô uuarð fon Rûmuburg rîkes mannes 340 oƀar alla thesa irminthiod Octauiânas 341 ban endi bodskepi oƀar thea is brêdon giuuald 342 cuman fon them kêsure cuningo gihuilicun, 343 hêmsitteandiun, sô uuîdo sô is heritogon 344 oƀar al that landskepi [liudio] giuueldun. 345 [Hiet man] that [alla] thea elilendiun man iro ôðil sôhtin, 346 [heliðos] iro handmahal angegen iro hêrron bodon, 347 quâmi te them cnôsla gihue, thanan he cunneas uuas, 348 giboran fon them burgiun. That gibod uuarð gilêstid 349 oƀar thesa uuîdon uuerold. Uuerod samnoda 350 [te] allaro burgeo gihuuem. Fôrun thea bodon oƀar all, 351 thea fon them kêsura cumana uuâ*run, 352 bôkspâha uueros, [endi] an brêf [scriƀun] 353 [suîðo] niudlîco namono [gihuilican], 354 ia land ia liudi, that im ni [mahti] [alettean] mann 355 gumono sulica gambra, sô [im] scolda geldan gihue 356 heliðo fon is hôƀda. Thô giuuêt im ôc [mid] is hîuuisca 357 Ioseph the gôdo, sô it god mahtig, 358 uualdand uuelda: sôhta im [thiu] [uuânamon] hêm, 359 thea burg an Bethleem, thar iro beiðero uuas, 360 thes heliðes handmahal* endi ôc thera hêlagun thiornun, 361 Mariun thera gôdun. Thar uuas thes mâreon stôl 362 an êrdagun, aðalcuninges, 363 Dauides thes gôdon, than [langa] the he thana druhtskepi thar, 364 erl undar Ebreon êgan môsta, 365 haldan hôhgisetu. [Sie] uuârun is hîuuiscas, 366 cuman fon is cnôsla, cunneas gôdes, 367 bêðiu bi giburdiun. Thar gifragn ic, that [sie thiu] berhtun giscapu, 368 Mariun gimanodun *endi maht godes, 369 that iru an [them] sîða [sunu] [ôdan] [uuarð], 370 giboran an Bethleem barno strangost, 371 allaro cuningo craftigost: cuman [uuarð] the mâreo, 372 [mahtig] [an] manno lioht, sô is [êr] managan dag 373 biliði uuârun endi [bôcno] filu 374 giuuorðen an thesero uueroldi. Thô uuas it all giuuârod sô, 375 sô it êr spâha man gisprocan habdun, 376 thurh huilic ôdmôdi he thit erðrîki herod 377 thurh is selƀes craft sôkean uuelda, 378 managaro mundboro. Thô ina thiu môdar nam, 379 biuuand ina mid [uuâdiu] uuîƀo [scôniost], 380 fagaron [fratahun], endi ina mid [iro] folmon tuuêm 381 legda lioƀlîco luttilna man, 382 that kind an êna [cribbiun], thoh he habdi craft godes, 383 manno drohtin. Thar [sat] thiu môdar biforan, 384 uuîf uuacogeandi, uuar*doda selƀo, 385 held that hêlaga barn: ni uuas [ira] hugi tuuîfli, 386 thera magað ira môdseƀo. Thô uuarð [that] managun cûð 387 oƀar thesa uuîdon uuerold, [uuardos] antfundun, 388 thea thar ehuscalcos ûta uuârun, 389 uueros an uuahtu, uuiggeo [gômean], 390 fehas aftar fel*da: gisâhun finistri an tuuê 391 telâtan an lufte, endi quam lioht godes 392 uuânum thurh thiu uuolcan endi thea uuardos thar 393 bifeng an them felda. Sie [uurðun] an forhtun thô, 394 thea [man] an ira môda: gisâhun thar mahtigna 395 godes engil cuman, the im [tegegnes] sprac, 396 hêt that im thea uuardos uuiht ne antdrêdin 397 lêðes fon [them] liohta: ʽic scal euʼ, [quað] [he], ʽlioƀara thing, 398 [suîðo] uuârlîco uuilleon seggean, 399 cûðean craft mikil: nu is Krist geboran 400 an theser*o selƀun naht, sâlig barn godes, 401 an [thera] Dauides burg, drohtin the gôdo. 402 That is mendislo manno cunneas, 403 allaro firiho fruma. Thar gi ina fîðan mugun, 404 an [Bethlemaburg] barno rîkiost: 405 hebbiad that te [têcna], that ic [eu] [gi]tellean mag 406 uuârun uuordun, that he thar biuundan ligid, 407 that kind an ênera cribbiun, thoh he sî cuning oƀar al 408 erðun endi himiles endi oƀar [eldeo barn], 409 uueroldes uualdandʼ. Reht sô he thô that uuord gisprac, 410 sô uuarð thar engilo te them ênun unrîm cuman, 411 hêlag heriskepi fon heƀanuuanga, 412 fagar folc godes, endi filu sprâkun, 413 lofuuord manag liudeo hêrron. 414 Afhôƀun thô [hêlagna] sang, thô sie eft te heƀanuuanga 415 uundun thurh thiu uuolcan. Thea uuardos hôrdun, 416 huô thiu engilo craft alomahtigna god 417 suîðo [uuerðlîco] uuordun loƀodun: 418 ʽdiuriða sî nuʼ, quâðun sie, ʽdrohtine selƀun 419 an them hôhoston himilo rîkea 420 endi friðu an erðu firiho barnun, 421 gôduuilligun gumun, [them] [the] god antkennead 422 thurh [hluttran] hugi.ʼ Thea hirdios forstôdun, 423 that sie mahtig thing gimanod habda, 424 [blîðlîc] [bod]skepi: giuuitun im te Bethleem thanan 425 nahtes sîðon; uuas im niud mikil, 426 that sie [selƀon] Krist gisehan [môstin]. 427 Habda im the engil godes al giuuîsid 428 torhtun têcnun, that sie [im tô] selƀun, 429 [te] them godes barne gangan mahtun, 430 endi fundun sân folco drohtin, 431 liudeo [hêrron]. Sagdun thô lof goda, 432 uualdande mid iro uuordun endi uuîdo [cûðdun] 433 oƀar thea berhtun burg, huilic im thar [biliði] uuarð 434 fon heƀanuuanga hêlag gitôgit, 435 fagar an felde. That [frî] al biheld 436 an ira hugiskeftiun, hêlag [thiorna], 437 thiu magað an ira môde, sô huat sô siu gihôrda thea mann sprecan. 438 Fôdda ina thô fagaro frîho scâniosta, 439 thiu môdar thurh minnea managaro drohtin, 440 hêlag himilisc barn. Heliðos gisprâcun 441 an them ahtodon daga erlos managa, 442 suîðo glauua gumon mid thera godes thiornun, 443 that he Hêleand te namon hebbean scoldi, 444 sô it the godes engil Gabriel gisprac 445 uuâron uuordun endi them uuîƀe gibôd, 446 bodo drohtines, thô siu êrist that barn antfeng 447 uuânum te thesero uueroldi. Uuas iru uuilleo mikil, 448 that siu ina sô [hêlaglîco] haldan môsti, 449 fulgeng im thô sô gerno. That gêr furðor skrêd 450 untthat that friðubarn godes fiartig habda 451 dago endi nahto. Thô scoldun sie thar êna dâd frummean, 452 that sie ina te Hierusalem [forgeƀan] scoldun 453 uualdanda te them uuîha. [Sô] uuas iro uuîsa than, 454 thero liudeo landsidu, that that ni môsta forlâtan negên 455 idis undar Ebreon, ef iru [at] [êrist] uuarð 456 sunu afôdit, ne siu ina simbla [tharod] 457 te them godes uuîha forgeƀan scolda. 458 Giuuitun im thô thiu gôdun tuuê, Ioseph endi Maria 459 bêðiu fon Bethleem: habdun that barn mid im, 460 hêlagna Krist, sôhtun im hûs godes 461 an Hierusalem; thar scoldun sie is geld frummean 462 uualdanda [at] them uuîha uuîsa lêstean 463 Iudeo folkes. Thar fundun sea ênna gôdan man 464 aldan [at] them alaha, aðalboranan, 465 [the] habda [at] them uuîha sô filu uuintro endi sumaro 466 gilibd an them liohta: oft uuarhta he thar lof goda 467 mid hluttru hugi; habda im hêlagna gêst, 468 [sâliglîcan] seƀon; Simeon uuas he hêtan. 469 Im habda giuuîsid uualdandas craft 470 langa huîla, that he ni môsta [êr] thit lioht ageƀan, 471 uuendean af thesero uueroldi, êr than im the uuilleo gistôdi, 472 that he [selƀan] Krist gisehan môsti, 473 hêlagna heƀancuning. Thô uuarð im is hugi suîðo 474 blîði an is briostun, thô he gisah that [barn] cuman 475 [an thena uuîh innan]. [Thuo sagda hie uualdande thanc], 476 almahtigon gode, thes he ina mid is ôgun gisah. 477 Geng im thô tegegnes endi ina gerno antfeng 478 ald mid is armun: al antkende 479 bôcan endi biliði endi ôc that barn godes, 480 hêlagna heƀancuning. ʽNu ic thi, [hêrro], scalʼ, quað he, 481 ʽgerno biddean, nu ic sus gigamalod bium, 482 that thu thînan holdan [scalc] [nu] hinan huerƀan lâtas, 483 an [thîna friðuuuâra] faran, thar êr mîna forðrun dedun, 484 uueros fon thesero uueroldi, nu mi the uuilleo gistôd, 485 dago lioƀosto, that ic mînan drohtin gisah, 486 holdan hêrron, sô mi gihêtan uuas 487 langa huîla. Thu bist lioht mikil 488 allun elithiodun, thea êr thes alouualdon 489 craft ne antkendun. Thîna cumi sindun 490 te dôma endi te diurðon, drohtin frô mîn, 491 aƀarun Israhelas, êganumu folke, 492 thînun lioƀun *liudiun.ʼ Listiun talde thô 493 the aldo man an [them] alaha [idis] thero gôdun, 494 sagda sôðlîco, huô iro sunu scolda 495 oƀar thesan middilgard managun uuerðan 496 sumun te falle, sumun te frôƀru firiho [barnun], 497 them liudiun te leoƀa, the is lêrun gihôrdin, 498 endi them te harma, the hôrien ni [uueldin] 499 Kristas lêron. ʽThu scalt nohʼ, quað he, ʽcara thiggean, 500 harm [an thînumu] herton, than ina heliðo barn 501 uuâpnun uuîtnod. That uuirðid thi uuerk mikil, 502 thrim te githolonna.ʼ Thiu thiorna al forstôd 503 uuîsas mannas uuord. Thô quam thar ôc ên uuîf gangan 504 ald innan [them] alaha: Anna uuas siu hêtan, 505 dohtar Fanueles; siu habde ira drohtine uuel 506 githionod te thanca, uuas iru [githungan] uuîf. 507 Siu môsta aftar ira magaðhêdi, sîðor siu mannes uuarð, 508 erles [an êhti] eðili thiorne, 509 sô môsta siu mid ira brûdigumon [bôdlo] giuualdan 510 siƀun uuintar [saman]. Thô gifragn ic that iru thar sorga gistôd 511 that [sie] thiu mikila maht metodes tedêlda, 512 uurêð [uurdigiscapu]. Thô uuas siu uuidouua aftar thiu 513 [at them] friðuuuîha fior endi [antahtoda] 514 uuintro an iro uueroldi, sô siu nia thana uuîh ni forlêt, 515 ac siu thar ira drohtine [uuel] dages endi nahtes, 516 gode thionode. [Siu] quam thar ôc gangan tô 517 an thea selƀun tîd: sân antkende 518 that [hêlage] barn godes endi them [heliðon] cûðde, 519 them uueroda aftar [them] uuîha uuilspel mikil, 520 quað that im neriandas ginist ginâhid uuâri, 521 helpa heƀencuninges: ʽnu is the hêlago Krist, 522 uualdand selƀo an thesan uuîh cuman 523 te [alôsienne] thea liudi, the hêr nu lango [bidun] 524 an thesara middilgard, managa huuîla, 525 [thurftig] thioda, sô nu thes thinges mugun 526 mendian [mancunni].ʼ Manag fagonoda 527 uuerod aftar [them] uuîha: gihôrdun uuilspel mikil 528 fon gode seggean. That geld habde thô gilêstid 529 thiu idis an [them] alaha, [al] sô it im an ira êuua gibôd 530 [endi] [an] thera [berhtun] burg [bôk] giuuîsdun, 531 hêlagaro handgiuuerk. Giuuitun im thô te hûs thanan 532 fon Hierusalem Ioseph endi Maria, 533 hêlag hîuuiski: habdun im heƀenkuning 534 [simbla] te gisîða, sunu drohtines, 535 managaro mundboron, sô it gio mâri ni uuarð 536 than uuîdor an thesaro uueroldi, [bûtan] sô is uuilleo geng, 537 heƀencuninges hugi. 537 Thoh thar than [gihuilic] hêlag man 538 Krist antkendi, thoh ni uuarð it gio te thes kuninges hoƀe 539 them mannun gimârid, thea im an iro môdseƀon 540 holde ni uuârun, ac uuas im sô bihalden forð 541 mid uuordun endi mid uuerkun, antthat thar uueros ôstan, 542 [suîðo] glauua gumon gangan quâmun 543 threa te thero thiodu, thegnos snelle, 544 [an] langan uueg oƀar that land tharod: 545 folgodun ênun berhtun [bôkne] endi sôhtun that barn godes 546 mid hluttru hugi: uueldun im hnîgan tô, 547 [gehan] im te iungrun: driƀun im godes giscapu. 548 Thô sie Erodesan thar rîkean fundun 549 an is seli sittien, [slîðuurdean] kuning, 550 môdagna mid is mannun: - [simbla] uuas he [morðes] gern - 551 thô quaddun sie ina cûsco an cuning[uuîsun], 552 fagaro an is flettie, endi he frâgoda sân, 553 huilic sie ârundi ûta [gibrâhti], 554 uueros an thana uuracsîð: ʽhuueðer lêdiad gi [uundan] gold 555 te geƀu huilicun gumuno? te huî gi [thus] an ganga kumad, 556 gifaran an [fôðiu]? Huat, gi [nêthuuanan] ferran sind 557 erlos fon ôðrun thiodun. Ic [gisihu] that gi sind eðili[giburdiun] 558 cunnies fon cnôsle gôdun: nio hêr êr sulica cumana ni uurðun 559 [êri] fon ôðrun thiodun, sîðor ik môsta thesas erlo folkes, 560 giuualdan [thesas] uuîdon rîkeas. Gi sculun mi te uuârun seggean 561 for thesun liudio folke, [bihuuî] gi sîn te thesun lande [cumana]ʼ. 562 Thô sprâcun im eft [tegegnes] gumon ôstronea, 563 uuordspâhe uueros: ʽuui thi te uuârun mugunʼ, quâðun sie, 564 ʽûse ârundi ôðo [gitellien], 565 giseggean sôðlîco, [bihuuî] uui quâmun an thesan sið herod 566 fon [ôstan] [te] thesaro erðu. Giu uuârun thar aðalies man, 567 gôdsprâkea gumon, thea ûs gôdes sô filu, 568 helpa gihêtun fon heƀencuninge 569 uuârum uuordun. Than uuas thar ên [giuuittig] man, 570 frôd endi filuuuîs - forn uuas that giu -, 571 ûse aldiro ôstar hinan, - thar ni uuarð sîðor ênig man 572 sprâkono sô [spâhi] -; [he] mahte rekkien spel godes, 573 [huuand] [im] habde forliuuan liudio hêrro, 574 that he mahte fon erðu up gihôrean 575 uualdandes uuord: bithiu uuas is giuuit mikil, 576 thes [thegnes] githâhti. Thô he thanan scolda, 577 [ageƀen] gardos, gadulingo gimang, 578 forlâten liudio drôm, sôkien lioht ôðar, 579 thô [he] [is] iungron hêt gangan nâhor, 580 erƀiuuardos, endi is erlun thô 581 sagde sôðlîco: - that al sîðor quam, 582 giuuarð* an thesaro uueroldi -: [thô] [sagda] [he] that hêr scoldi cuman ên uuîscuning 583 mâri endi mahtig an thesan middilgard 584 [thes] bezton giburdies; quað that [it] scoldi uuesan barn godes, 585 quað that he thesero [uueroldes] uualdan scoldi 586 gio te êuuandaga, erðun endi himiles. 587 He quað that an them selƀon daga, the ina sâligna 588 an thesan middilgard môdar gidrôgi, 589 sô quað he that ôstana [ên] scoldi skînan 590 himiltungal huît, sulic sô uui hêr ne habdin êr 591 undartuisc [erða] endi himil ôðar huerigin, 592 ne sulic barn ne sulic bôcan. Hêt that thar te bedu fôrin 593 threa man fon thero thiodu, hêt sie thenkean uuel, 594 huan êr sie gisâuuin ôstana up [sîðogean], 595 that godes bôcan gangan, hêt sie garuuuian sân, 596 hêt that uui im folgodin, sô it furi uurði, 597 uuestar oƀar thesa [uueroldi]. Nu is it al giuuârod sô, 598 cuman thurh craft godes: the cuning is gifôdit, 599 giboran bald endi strang: uui gisâhun is bôcan skînan 600 hêdro fon himiles tunglun, sô ic uuêt, that it hêlag drohtin, 601 marcoda [mahtig] selƀo. Uui gisâhun morgno gihuilikes 602 blîcan thana berhton sterron, endi uui gengun aftar them bôcna herod 603 uuegas endi uualdas huuîlon. [That uuâri ûs] allaro uuilleono mêsta, 604 that uui ina [selƀon gisehan môstin], uuissin, huar uui [ina] sôkean scoldin, 605 thana cuning [an] thesumu kêsurdôma. Saga ûs, undar huilicumu he sî thesaro cunneo afôdit.ʼ 606 Thô uuarð Erodesa innan briostun 607 harm uuið herta, bigan [im] is hugi uuallan, 608 seƀo mid sorgun: gihôrde seggean thô, 609 that he thar [oƀarhôƀdon] êgan [scoldi], 610 [craftagoron] cuning cunnies gôdes, 611 [sâligoron] undar them gisîðea. Thô he samnon hêt, 612 sô huuat sô an Hierusalem gôdaro manno 613 allaro spâhoston sprâcono uuârun 614 endi an iro brioston bôkcraftes mêst 615 uuissun te uuârun, endi he sie mid [uuordun] fragn, 616 suîðo niudlîco nîðhugdig man, 617 cuning thero liudio, huar Krist giboran 618 an uueroldrîkea uuerðan scoldi, 619 friðugumono bezt. Thô sprak im eft [that folc] angegin, 620 that uuerod uuârlîco, quâðun that sie uuissin garo, 621 that he scoldi an Bethleem giboran uuerðan: ʽsô is an [ûsun] bôkun giscriƀan, 622 uuîslîco giuuritan, sô it uuârsagon, 623 suuîðo glauua gumon bi godes crafta 624 [filuuuîse] man furn gisprâcun, 625 that scoldi fon Bethleem burgo hirdi, 626 liof landes uuard an thit lioht cuman, 627 rîki râdgeƀo, the rihtien scal 628 Iudeono gumskepi endi [is] [geƀa] [uuesan] 629 mildi oƀar middilgard managun thiodun.ʼ 630 [Thô] gifragn ic that sân aftar thiu slîðmôd cuning 631 thero uuârsagono uuord them uurekkiun sagda, 632 thea thar an [elilendi] erlos uuârun 633 ferran gifarana, endi he frâgoda aftar thiu, 634 huan sie an ôstaruuegun êrist [gisâhin] 635 thana cuningsterron [cuman], cumbal luihtien 636 hêdro fon himile. Sie ni uueldun is im thô helen [eouuiht], 637 ac sagdun it im sôðlîco. Thô hêt he sie an thana sîð faran, 638 hêt that sie ira ârundi al undarfundin 639 umbi thes kindes cumi, endi the cuning selƀo gibôd 640 suîðo hardlico, hêrro Iudeono, 641 them uuîsun mannun, êr than sie fôrin [uuestan] forð, 642 that sie im eft gicûðdin, huar he thana cuning scoldi 643 sôkean [at] is [selðon]; quað that he thar uueldi mid is gisîðun tô, 644 bedan [te them] barne. Than hogda he im te banon uuerðan 645 uuâpnes eggiun. Than eft uualdand god 646 thâhte uuið them thinga: [he] mahta [athengean] mêr, 647 gilêstean an thesum liohte: that is noh lango skîn, 648 gicûðid craft godes. Thô gengun eft thiu cumbl forð 649 uuânum undar [uuolcnun]. Thô uuârun thea uuîson man 650 fûsa te faranne: giuuitun [im] forð thanan 651 balda an bodskepi: uueldun that barn godes 652 [selƀon] sôkean. Sie ni habdun thanan gisîðeas mêr, 653 [bûtan] that sie thrie uuârun: uuissun im thingo giskêð, 654 uuârun im glauue gumon, the thea geƀa lêddun. 655 Than sâhun sie sô uuîslîco undar thana uuolcnes skion, 656 up te them hôhon himile, huô fôrun thea huuîton sterron 657 - antkendun sie [that] cumbal godes -, [thiu] uuârun thurh [Krista] herod 658 giuuarht te thesero uueroldi. Thea uueros aftar gengun, 659 folgodun ferahtlîco - sie frumide the mahte - 660 antthat [sie] gisâhun, sîðuuôrige man, 661 berht bôcan godes, blêc an himile 662 stillo gistanden. The [sterro] liohto skên 663 huuît oƀar them hûse, thar that hêlage barn 664 uuonode an uuilleon endi ina that uuîf biheld, 665 thiu thiorne githiudo. Thô uuarð [thero] thegno hugi 666 blîði an iro briostun: bi them bôcna forstôdun, 667 that sie that friðubarn godes funden habdun, 668 hêlagna heƀencuning. Thô sie an that hûs innan 669 mid iro geƀun gengun, gumon ôstronea, 670 sîðuuôrige man: sân antkendun 671 thea uueros uualdand Krist. Thea uurekkion fellun 672 te them kinde an kneobeda endi ina an cuninguuîsa 673 gôdan grôttun endi im thea geƀa drôgun, 674 gold endi [uuîhrôc] bi godes têcnun 675 *endi [myrra] thar [mid]. Thea man stôdun garouua, 676 holde for iro hêrron, thea it mid iro handun sân 677 fagaro [antfengun]. Thô giuuitun im thea [ferahton] man, 678 seggi te selðon sîðuuôrige, 679 gumon an gastseli. Thar im godes engil 680 slâpandiun an naht [suueƀan] gitôgde, 681 gidrog [im] an drôme, al so it drohtin self, 682 [uualdand] uuelde, [that] [im] [thûhte] that man im mid uuordun gibudi, 683 that sie im* thanan ôðran uueg, erlos fôrin, 684 liðodin sie te lande endi thana lêðan man, 685 Erodesan eft ni sôhtin, 686 môdagna cuning. Thô uuarð morgan cuman 687 uuânum te thesero uueroldi. Thô bigunnun thea uuîson man 688 seggean iro sueƀanos; selƀon antkendun 689 uualdandes uuord, huuand sie giuuit mikil 690 bârun an iro briostun: bâdun alouualdon, 691 [hêron] heƀencuning, that sie môstin is huldi forð, 692 giuuirkean is uuilleon, quâðun that sea [ti] im habdin giuuendit hugi, 693 *[iro] môd [morgan] [gihuuem]. Thô [fôrun] eft thie man thanan, 694 erlos ôstronie, al sô im the engil godes 695 uuordun giuuîsde: nâmun im uueg ôðran, 696 fulgengun godes lêrun: ni uueldun [themu] [Iudeo] cuninge 697 umbi thes barnes giburd bodon ôstronie, 698 sîðuuôrige man seggian [giouuiht], 699 ac uuendun im eft an iro uuillion. 699 Thô uuarð sân aftar thiu uualdandes, 700 godes engil cumen Iosepe te [sprâcun], 701 sagde im an suuefne slâpandium [an] naht, 702 bodo drohtines, that that barn godes 703 slîðmôd cuning sôkean uuelda, 704 âhtean is aldres; ʽnu [scaltu] ine an Aegypteo 705 land [antlêdean] endi undar them luidiun uuesan 706 mid thiu godes barnu endi mid theru gôdan thior*nan, 707 uunon undar themu uuerode, untthat thi uuord [cume] 708 hêrron thînes, that thu that hêlage barn 709 eft te thesum landscepi lêdian môtis, 710 drohtin thînen.ʼ Thô fon them drôma ansprang 711 Ioseph an is gestseli, endi that godes gibod 712 sân antkenda: giuuêt im an [thana] sîð thanen 713 the thegan mid theru thiornon, sôhta im thiod ôðra 714 oƀar brêdan berg: uuelda that barn godes 715 fîundun antfôrian. *Thô gifrang aftar thiu 716 Erodes the cuning, thar he an is rîkea sat, 717 [that] uuârun thea uuîson man uuestan gihuuorƀan 718 ôstar an iro ôðil endi fôrun im ôðran uueg: 719 uuisse [that] sie [im] that ârundi eft ni uueldun 720 seggian an is selðon. Thô [uuarð] im [thes] an sorgun hugi, 721 môd mornondi, quað that it [im] thie man dedin, 722 heliðos* te hônðun. Thô he [sô] hriuuig sat, 723 balg ina an is briostun, quað that he is mahti [betaron] râd, 724 [ôðran] githenkien: ʽnu ic is aldar can, 725 uuêt is [uuintergitalu]: nu ic giuuinnan mag, 726 that he [io] oƀar thesaro erðu ald ni uuirðit, 727 [hêr] undar thesum heriscepi.ʼ Thô he sô hardo gibôd, 728 Erodes oƀar is riki, hêt thô is rinkos faran 729 cuning thero liudio, hêt that sie kinda sô filo 730 thurh iro handmagen hôƀdu binâmin, 731 sô manag barn umbi Bethleem, sô filo sô thar giboran uurði, 732 an tuêm [gêrun] [atogan]. Tionon frumidon 733 [thes] cuninges gisîðos. Thô scolda thar sô manag kindisc man 734 [sueltan] sundiono lôs. Ni uuarð sið [noh] êr 735 giâmarlîcara forgang iungaro manno, 736 armlîcara dôð. Idisi uuiopun, 737 môdar managa, gisâhun iro megi spildian: 738 ni mahte siu im [nio] giformon, thoh siu mid iro faðmon tuêm 739 iro êgan barn armun bifengi, 740 liof endi luttil, thoh scolda is [simbla] that lîf [geƀan], 741 the magu for theru môdar. Mênes ni sâhun, 742 uuîties thie uuamscaðon: uuâpnes eggiun 743 fremidun [firin]uuerc mikil. Fellun managa 744 maguiunge man. Thia môdar uuiopun 745 kindiungaro qualm. Cara uuas an Bethleem, 746 hofno hlûdost: thoh man [im] iro herton an tuê 747 sniði mid suerdu, thoh ni mohta im gio sêrara dâd 748 uuerðan an thesaro uueroldi, uuîƀun managun, 749 brûdiun an Bethleem: gisâhun iro barn biforan, 750 kindiunge man, qualmu sueltan 751 [blôdag] an iro barmun. Thie banon uuîtnodun 752 unsculdige scole: ni biscriƀun giouuiht 753 thea man umbi mênuuerk: uueldun mahtigna, 754 Krist selƀon aquellian. Than habde ina craftag god 755 [gineridan] uuið iro nîðe, that inan nahtes thanan 756 an Aegypteo land erlos [antlêddun], 757 gumon mid Iosepe an thana [grôneon] uuang, 758 an erðono beztun, thar ên aha fliutid, 759 Nîlstrôm mikil norð te sêuua, 760 flôdo fagorosta. Thar that friðubarn [godes] 761 uuonoda an uuilleon, antthat uurd fornam 762 Erodes thana cuning, that he forlêt eldeo barn, 763 môdag manno drôm. Thô scolda thero marca giuuald 764 êgan is erƀiuuard: the uuas Archelâus 765 hêtan, heritogo helmberandero: 766 the scolda umbi Hierusalem Iudeono folkes, 767 uuerodes giuualdan. Thô uuarð uuord cuman 768 thar an Egypti eðiliun manne, 769 that [he] thar te Iosepe, godes engil sprac, 770 bodo drohtines, hêt ina eft that barn thanan 771 lêdien te lande. ʽnu haƀað thit lioht [afgeƀen]ʼ, quað he, 772 ʽErodes [the] cuning; he uuelde is âhtien giu, 773 frêson is ferahas. Nu maht thu [an] [friðu] lêdien 774 that kind undar euua cunni, nu the cuning ni liƀod, 775 erl oƀarmôdig.ʼ Al antkende 776 Iosep godes têcan: geriuuide ina sniumo 777 the thegan mit thera thiornun, thô sie thanan uueldun 778 bêðiu mid thiu barnu: lêstun thiu berhton giscapu, 779 uualdandes uuillion, al sô he im [êr] mid is uuordun gibôd. 780 Giuuitun im thô eft an [Galilealand] Ioseph endi Maria, 781 hêlag hîuuiski heƀencuninges, 782 uuârun im an Nazarethburg. Thar the neriondio Krist 783 uuôhs undar them uuerode, [uuarð] giuuitties ful, 784 an uuas imu anst godes, he uuas allun liof 785 môdarmâgun: he ni uuas ôðrun mannun [gilîc], 786 [the] gumo an sînera gôdi. Thô he [gêrtalo] 787 tuueliƀi habde, thô uuarð thiu tîd cuman, 788 that [sie] thar te Hierusalem, Iuðeo liudi 789 iro thiodgode thionon scoldun, 790 uuirkean is uuilleon. Thô uuarð thar an thana uuîh innan 791 thar te Hierusalem Iudeono gisamnod 792 mancraft mikil. Thar Maria uuas 793 self an gisîðea endi iru sunu habda, 794 godes [êgan] barn. Thô sie that geld habdun, 795 [erlos an them alaha], [sô] [it] [an] [iro êuua gibôd], 796 gilêstid te iro landuuîsun, thô fôrun im eft thie liudi thanan, 797 uueros an iro uuillion endi thar an them uuîha afstôd 798 mahtig barn godes, sô ina thiu môdar thar 799 ni uuissa te uuâron; ac siu uuânda that he mid them uueroda forð, 800 fôri mit iro friundun. Gifrang aftar thiu 801 eft [an] ôðrun daga aðalcunnies uuîf, 802 sâlig thiorna, that he undar them gisîðia ni uuas. 803 Uuarð Mariun thô môd an sorgun, 804 hriuuig umbi iro herta, thô siu that hêlaga barn 805 ni fand undar them folca: filu [gornoda] 806 thiu godes thiorna. Giuuitun im thô eft te Hierusalem 807 iro sunu sôkean, fundun ina sittean thar 808 an them uuîha innan, thar the [uuîsa] man, 809 suuîðo glauuua gumon [an] godes êuua 810 lâsun ende lînodun, huô sie lof scoldin 811 uuirkean mid iro uuordun them, the thesa uuerold giscôp. 812 Thar sat undar middiun mahtig barn godes, 813 Krist alouualdo, sô is thea ni mahtun antkennian uuiht, 814 the thes [uuîhes] thar uuardon scoldun, 815 endi frâgoda sie [firiuuitlîco] 816 uuîsera uuordo. Sie uundradun alle, 817 [buhuuî] gio sô kindisc man sulica quidi [mahti] 818 [mid] [is] [mûðu] [gimênean]. Thar ina thiu môdar fand 819 sittean under them [gisîðea] endi iro sunu [grôtta], 820 uuîsan undar them uueroda, sprac [im] [mid] ira uuordun [tô]: 821 ʽhuuî uueldes thu thînera môdar, manno lioƀosto, 822 gisidon [sulica] [sorga], that ic thi sô sêragmôd, 823 idis armhugdig êscon scolda 824 undar thesun burgliudiun?ʼ Thô sprac iru eft that barn angegin 825 uuîsun uuordun: ʽhuuat, thu uuêst garoʼ, [quað he], 826 ʽthat ic thar girîsu, thar ic bi rehton scal 827 uuonon an uuilleon, thar giuuald haƀad 828 mîn mahtig fader.ʼ Thie man ni forstôdun, 829 thie uueros an them uuîha, bihuuî he sô that uuord gisprac, 830 gimênda mid is mûðu: Maria al biheld, 831 [gibarg] an ira breostun, sô huuat sô siu gihôrda ira barn sprecan 832 uuisaro uuordo. Giuuitun im thô eft [thanan] 833 fon Hierusalem Ioseph endi Maria, 834 habdun im te gisîðea sunu drohtines, 835 allaro barno [bezta], thero the io [giboran] uurði 836 magu fon môdar: habdun im thar minnea tô 837 thurh [hluttran] hugi, endi he sô gihôrig uuas, 838 godes êgan barn gadulingmâgun 839 thurh is ôdmôdi, aldron sînun: 840 ni uuelda an is kindiski thô noh is craft mikil 841 mannun mârean, that he sulic megin êhta, 842 giuuald an thesaro uueroldi, ac he im an is uuilleon bêd 843 githiudo undar thero thiodu thrîtig gêro, 844 êr than he thar têcan ênig tôgean uueldi, 845 seggean them gisîðea, that he selƀo uuas 846 an thesaro middilgard manno drohtin. 847 Habda [im] sô [bihalden] hêlag barn godes 848 uuord endi uuîsdôm ende allaro giuuitteo mêst, 849 tulgo spâhan hugi: ni mahta [man is] an is sprâcun uuerðan, 850 an is uuordun [giuuar], that he sulic giuuit êhta, 851 [thegan] sulica githâhti, ac he im sô githiudo bêd 852 torhtaro têcno. Ni uuas noh than thiu tîd cuman, 853 that he ina oƀar thesan middilgard mârean scolda, 854 lêrian thie liudi, huuô sie [scoldin] iro gilôƀon haldan, 855 uuirkean uuilleon godes. Uuissun that thoh managa 856 liudi aftar them landa, that he uuas an thit lioht cuman, 857 thoh sie ina cûðlîco ankennian ni mahtin, 858 êr than he ina selƀo seggean uuelda. 859 Than uaas im Iohannes fon is iuguðhêdi 860 auuahsan an ênero uuôstunni; thar ni uuas uuerodes than mêr, 861 [bûtan] that he thar êncora alouualdon gode, 862 thegan thionoda: forlêt thioda gimang, 863 manno [gimênðon]. [Thar] uuarð im mahtig cuman 864 an thero uuôstunni uuord fon himila, 865 gôdlîc stemna [godes], endi Johanne gibod, 866 that he Cristes cumi endi is craft mikil 867 oƀar thesan middilgard mârean scoldi; 868 hêt ina uuârlîco uuordun seggean, 869 that uuâri heƀanriki heliðo barnun 870 an them landscepi, liudiun ginâhid, 871 uuelono uunsamost. Im uuas thô uuilleo mikil, 872 that [he] fon sulicun sâldun seggean môsti. 873 Giuuêt im thô gangan, al sô Jordan flôt, 874 uuatar an uuilleon, endi them uueroda allan dag, 875 aftar them landscepi them liudiun cûðda, 876 that sie mid fastunniu firinuuerc manag, 877 iro [selƀoro] sundia bôttin, 878 ʽthat gi uuerðan hrêneaʼ, quað he. ʽHeƀanriki is 879 ginâhid manno [barnun]. Nu lâtad [eu] an euuan môdseƀon 880 [euuar] [selƀoro] sundea hreuuan, 881 [lêdas] that gi an thesun liohta [fremidun], endi mînun lêrun hôread, 882 uuendeat aftar mînun uuordun. Ic eu an uuatara scal 883 gidôpean diurlîco, thoh ic euua dâdi ne mugi, 884 [euuar] selƀaro sundea alâtan, 885 that gi thurh mîn handgiuuerc hluttra uuerðan 886 lêðaro gilêsto: ac the is an thit lioht cuman, 887 mahtig te mannun endi undar eu middiun stêd, 888 - thoh gi ina selƀun gisehan ni [uuillean] -, 889 the eu [gidôpean] scal an euues drohtines namon 890 an thana [hâlagon] gêst. That is hêrro oƀar al: 891 he mag allaro manno gihuuena mêngithâhteo, 892 sundeono sicoron, sô huene sô sô sâlig môt 893 uuerðen an thesaro uueroldi, that thes uuilleon haƀad, 894 that he sô gilêstea, sô he thesun liudiun uuili, 895 gibioden barn godes. Ic bium an is [bods]kepi herod 896 an thesa uuerold cumen endi scal im thana uueg rûmien, 897 lêrean thesa liudi, huuô sea [sculin] iro gilôƀon haldan 898 thurh hluttran hugi, endi that sie an hellea ni thurƀin, 899 faran an fern that hêta. Thes uuirðid sô fagan an is môde 900 man te sô managaro [stundu], sô huue sô that mên forlâtid, 901 gerno thes gramon anbusni, - sô mag im thes gôdon giuuirkean, 902 huldi heƀencuninges, - sô huue sô haƀad hluttra treuua 903 up te them alomahtigon gode.ʼ Erlos managa 904 bi them lêrun thô, liudi uuândun, 905 uueros uuârlîco, that that uualdand Krist 906 selbo uuâri, huuanda he sô filu sôðes gisprac, 907 uuâroro uuordo. Thô uuarð that sô uuîdo cûð 908 oƀar that forgeƀana land gumono gihuuilicum, 909 seggiun [at] iro selðun: thô quâmun ina sôkean tharod 910 fon Hierusalem Iudeo [liudio] 911 bodon fon theru [burgi] [endi] [frâgodun], ef he uuâri that barn godes, 912 ʽthat hêr lango giuʼ, quaðun sie, ʽliudi sagdun, 913 uueros uuârlîco, that he scoldi an thesa uuerold cumanʼ. 914 Iohannes thô gimahalde endi tegegnes sprac 915 them bodun baldlîco: ʽni bium icʼ, quað he, ʽthat barn godes, 916 uuâr uualdand Krist, ac ic scal im thana uueg rûmien, 917 hêrron mînumu.ʼ Thea heliðos frugnun, 918 thea thar an them ârundie erlos uuârun, 919 bodon fon [thero] [burgi]: ʽef thu [nu] ni bist that barn godes, 920 bist thu than thoh Elias, the hêr an êrdagun 921 uuas undar thesumu uuerode? He is [uuiscumo] 922 [eft] [an] thesan middilgard. Saga ûs huuat thu manno sîs! 923 Bist thu ênig [thero], the hêr [êr] uuâri 924 [uuîsaro] uuârsaguno? Huuat sculun uui them uuerode fon thi 925 seggean te sôðon? Neo hêr [êr sulic] ni uuarð 926 an [thesun] middilgard man [ôðar] cuman 927 dâdiun sô mâri. Bihuuî thu hêr [dôpisli] 928 [fremis] undar thesumu folke, ef thu tharo forasagono 929 ênhuuilic [ni] bist?ʼ Thô habde eft garo 930 Iohannes the gôdo glau anduuordi: 931 ʽIc bium forabodo frâon mînes, 932 lioƀes hêrron; ic scal thit land recon, 933 thit [uuerod] aftar is uuillion. Ic hebbiu fon is uuorde mid mi 934 stranga stemna, thoh sie hêr ni uuillie forstandan filo 935 uuerodes an thesaro uuôstunni. Ni bium ic mid uuihti [gilîc] 936 drohtine mînumu: he is mid is dâdiun sô strang, 937 sô mâri endi sô mahtig - that uuirðid managun cûð, 938 uuerun aftar thesaro uueroldi - that ic thes uuirðig ni bium, 939 that ic môti an is giscuoha, thoh ic sî is [scalc] [êgan], 940 an sô [rîkiumu] drohtine, thea reomon antbindan: 941 sô mikilu is he betara than ic. Nis thes [bodon] gimaco 942 ênig oƀar erðu, ne nu aftar ni scal 943 uuerðan an thesaro uueroldi. Hebbiad euuan uuillion tharod, 944 liudi euuan gilôƀon: than eu [lango] [scal] 945 [uuesan] euua hugi hrômag; [than] gi [helligithuuing], 946 forlâtad lêðaro drôm [endi] sôkead eu lioht godes, 947 upôdes hêm, [êuuig] rîki, 948 hôhan heƀenuuang. Ne lâtad euuan hugi tuuîflien!ʼ 949 Sô sprac thô iung gumo bi godes lêrun 950 mannun te mârðu. Manag [samnoda] 951 [thar] te Bethania barn Israheles; 952 quâmun thar te Iohannese cuningo gisîðos, 953 liudi te lêrun endi iro gilôƀon antfengun. 954 He dôpte sie dago gihuuilikes endi im iro dâdi lôg, 955 uurêðaro uuillion, endi loƀode im uuord godes, 956 hêrron sînes: ʽHeƀenrîki uuirðidʼ, quað he, 957 ʽgaru gumono sô huuem, sô ti gode thenkid 958 endi an thana [hêleand] *uuili hluttro [gilôƀean], 959 lêstean is lêraʼ. Thô ni uuas lang [te] thiu, 960 that im fon Galilea giuuêt godes êgan barn, 961 *diurlîc drohtines sunu, dôpi suokean. 962 Uuas im thuo an is uuastme uualdandes barn*, 963 al sô he mid thero thiodu thrîtig habdi 964 uuintro an is uueroldi. Thô he an is uuilleon [quam], 965 thar Iohannes an [Iordana] strôme 966 allan [langan] dag liudi manage 967 dôpte diurlîco. [Reht] sô he thô is drohtin gisah, 968 holden hêrron, sô uuarð im is hugi blîði, 969 thes im [the] uuilleo gistôd, endi sprac [im thô] mid is uuordun [tô], 970 [suuîðo gôd gumo, Iohannes te Kriste]: 971 ʽnu cumis thu te mînero dôpi, drohtin frô mîn, 972 thiod[gumono] [bezto]: sô scolde ic te thînero duan, 973 huuand thu bist allaro cuningo craftigost.ʼ Krist selƀo gibôd, 974 uualdand uuârlîco, that he ni sprâki thero uuordo than mêr: 975 ʽuuêst thu, that ûs [sô] girîsidʼ, quað he, ʽallaro rehto [gihuuilik] 976 te gifulleanne [forð]uuardes nu 977 an godes uuilleonʼ. Iohannes stôd, 978 dôpte allan dag druhtfolc mikil, 979 uuerod an uuatere endi [ôk] uualdand Krist, 980 [hêran] heƀencuning handun sînun 981 an allaro [baðo] them [bezton] endi im thar te bedu gihnêg 982 an cneo craftag. Krist up giuuêt 983 fagar fon them flôde, friðubarn godes, 984 liof liudio uuard. Sô he thô that land [afstôp], 985 sô anthlidun thô himiles doru, endi quam the hêlago gêst 986 fon them alouualdon oƀane te Kriste: 987 - uuas im an gilîcnissie [lungras] fugles, 988 diurlîcara dûƀun - endi sat im uppan ûses drohtines [ahslu], 989 [uuonoda] im oƀar them uualdandes barne. Aftar quam thar uuord fon himile, 990 hlûd fon them [hôhon] radura [en] grôtta thane hêleand selƀon, 991 [Crista], allaro cuningo bezton, quað that he ina gicorana habdi 992 selƀo fon sînun rîkea, quað that im the sunu [lîcodi] 993 bezt allaro giboranaro manno, quað that he im uuâri allaro barno lioƀost. 994 That môste Iohannes [thô], al sô it god uuelde, 995 [gisehan] endi gihôrean. He gideda it sân aftar thiu 996 mannun [mâri], that sie thar mahtigna 997 hêrron habdun: [ʽthit] isʼ, quað he, ʽheƀencuninges sunu, 998 ên alouualdand: thesas uuilleo ic urcundeo 999 uuesan an thesaro uueroldi, [huuand] it sagda mi uuord godes, 1000 drohtines stemne, thô he mi dôpean hêt 1001 uueros an uuatare, sô huuar sô ic gisâhi uuârlîco 1002 thana [hêlagon] gêst *fan heƀanuuange 1003 an [thesan] middilgard ênigan man uuaron, 1004 cuman mid craftu; that quað, [that] scoldi Crist uuesan, 1005 diurlîc drohtines suno. Hie dôpean scal 1006 an thana* hêlagan gêst* endi hêlean managa 1007 manno mêndâdi. He haƀad [maht] fon gode, 1008 that he alâtan mag liudeo gihuuilicun 1009 saca endi sundea. Thit is selƀo Krist, 1010 godes êgan barn, gumono bezto, 1011 friðu uuið fîundun. Uuala that eu thes mag frâhmôd hugi 1012 uuesan an thesaro uueroldi, thes eu the uuilleo gistôd, 1013 that gi sô [libbeanda] thana landes uuard 1014 selƀon gisâhun. Nu môt [sliumo] sundeono lôs 1015 manag gêst faran an godes uuilleon 1016 tionon atômid, the mid treuuon uuili 1017 uuið is uuini uuirkean endi an uualdand Krist 1018 fasto gilôƀean. That scal te [frumun] uuerðen 1019 gumono sô huuilicun, sô that gerno dôtʼ. 1020 Sô gefragn ic that [Iohannes thô] gumono gihuuilicun, 1021 loƀoda them liudiun lêra Kristes, 1022 hêrron sines, endi heƀenrîki 1023 te giuuinnanne, uuelono thane mêston, 1024 sâlig sinlîf. Thô he [im] selƀo giuuêt 1025 [aftar them dôpislea, drohtin the gôdo], 1026 an êna uuôstunnea, uualdandes sunu; 1027 uuas im thar an thero ênôdi erlo drohtin 1028 lange huuîla; ne habda liudeo than mêr, 1029 seggeo te gisîðun, al sô he im selƀo gicôs: 1030 uuelda is thar lâtan [coston] craftiga uuihti, 1031 selƀon [Satanasan], the gio an sundea spenit, 1032 man an mênuuerk: he consta is môdseƀon, 1033 uurêðan uuilleon, huuô he thesa uuerold êrist, 1034 an them anginnea irminthioda 1035 bisuêc mit sundiun, thô he thiu [sinhîun] tuuê, 1036 [Âdaman] endi Êuan, thurh untreuua 1037 forlêdda [mid] luginun, that liudo barn 1038 aftar iro hinferdi hellea sôhtun, 1039 gumono gêstos. Thô uuelda that god mahtig, 1040 uualdand uuendean endi uuelda thesum uuerode forgeƀen 1041 hôh himilrîki: bethiu he herod hêlagna bodon, 1042 is sunu [senda]. That uuas [Satanase] 1043 [tulgo harm] an is hugi: afonsta heƀanrîkies 1044 [manno cunnie]: uuelda thô mahtigna 1045 mid them selƀon sacun sunu drohtines, 1046 [them] he [Âdaman] an êrdagun 1047 darnungo bidrôg, that he uuarð is drohtine lêð, 1048 bisuuêc ina mid sundiun - sô uuelda he thô selƀan dôn 1049 [hêlandean] Krist. Than habda he is hugi fasto 1050 uuið thana uuamscaðon, uualdandes barn, 1051 herte sô giherdid: uuelda heƀenrîki 1052 liudiun gilêstean. Uuas im thes landes uuard 1053 [an fastunnea] fiortig nahto, 1054 manno drohtin, [sô] he thar [mates] ni [antbêt]; 1055 than [langa] ni gidorstun im dernea uuihti, 1056 nîðhugdig fîund, nâhor gangan, 1057 grôtean ina geginuuarðan: uuânde that he [god] ênfald, 1058 forûtar mancunnies uuiht mahtig uuâri, 1059 hêleg himiles uuard. Sô he ina thô gehungrean lêt, 1060 that ina bigan bi thero mennisko môses lustean 1061 aftar them fiuuartig dagun, the fîund nâhor geng, 1062 mirki mênscaðo: uuânda that he man [ênfald] 1063 uuâri uuissungo, sprac im thô mid is uuordun tô, 1064 grôtta ina the gêrfîund: ʽef thu sîs godes sunuʼ, quað he, 1065 ʽbehuuî ni hêtis thu than uuerðan, ef thu giuuald haƀes, 1066 allaro barno bezt, brôd af thesun stênun? 1067 [Gehêli] thînna hungar.ʼ Thô sprac [eft] the hêlago Crist: 1068 ʽni mugun [eldibarn]ʼ, quað he, ʽ[ênfaldes] brôdes, 1069 liudi libbien, ac sie sculun thruh lêra godes 1070 uuesan an thesero uueroldi endi sculun thiu uuerc frummien, 1071 thea thar uuerðad ahlûdid fon thero hêlogun tungun, 1072 fon them galme godes: that is gumono lîf 1073 liudeo sô [huilicon], sô that lêstean uuili, 1074 that fon uualdandes uuorde gebiudid.ʼ 1075 Thô bigan eft niuson endi nâhor geng 1076 unhiuri fîund [ôðru] sîðu, 1077 fandoda is frôhan. That friðubarn tholode 1078 uurêðes uuilleon endi [im] giuuald forgaf, 1079 that he umbi is craft mikil coston [môsti], 1080 lêt ina thô lêdean thana liudscaðon, 1081 that he [ina] an Hierusalem te them godes uuîha, 1082 alles oƀanuuardan, [up] gisetta 1083 an allaro hûso hôhost, endi hoscuuordun sprac, 1084 the gramo thurh gelp mikil: ʽef thu sîs godes sunuʼ, quað he, 1085 ʽscrîd [thi te] erðu hinan. Gescriƀan uuas it giu lango, 1086 an bôcun geuuriten, huuô giboden haƀad 1087 is engilun alomahtig fader, 1088 that sie thi at [uuege] gehuuem uuardos sinðun, 1089 haldad thi undar iro handun. Huuat, thu huuargin ni tharft 1090 mid thînun fôtun an felis bespurnan, 1091 an hardan stên.ʼ [Thô] sprac eft the hêlago Crist, 1092 allaro barno bezt: ʽsô is ôc an bôcun gescriƀanʼ, quað he, 1093 ʽthat thu te hardo ni scalt hêrran thînes, 1094 fandon thînes frôhan: that nis thi allaro frumono [negên].ʼ 1095 Lêt ina thô an thana thriddean sîð thana thiodscaðon 1096 gibrengen uppan [ênan berg then] hôhon: thar ina the [balouuîso] 1097 [lêt] al oƀarsehan irminthiode, 1098 [uuonodsaman] uuelon endi uueroldrîki 1099 endi all sulic ôdes, sô thius erða [bihaƀad] 1100 fagororo frumono, endi sprac im thô the fîund angegin, 1101 quað that he im that al sô gôdlîc forgeƀen uueldi, 1102 hôha heridômos, ʽef thu [uuilt] hnîgan te mi, 1103 fallan te mînun fôtun endi mi [for] frôhan haƀas, 1104 bedos te mînun barma. Than lâtu ic thi brûcan uuel 1105 alles [thes] ôduuelon, thes ic thi hebbiu giôgit hîr.ʼ 1106 Thô ni uuelda thes lêðan uuord lengeron huuîle 1107 hôrean the hêlago Crist, ac he ina [fon] is huldi fordrêf, 1108 [Satanasan] forsuuêp, endi sân aftar sprac 1109 allaro barno [bezt], quað that man bedon scoldi 1110 [up] te them alomahtigon gode endi [im ênum thionon] 1111 suuîðo thiolico thegnos managa, 1112 heliðos aftar is huldi: ʽthar ist thiu helpa gelang 1113 manno gehuuilicun.ʼ Thô giuuêt im the [mêns]caðo, 1114 suuîðo sêragmôd Satanas thanan, 1115 fîund undar [fern]dalu. Uuarð thar folc mikil 1116 fon them alouualdan oƀana te Criste 1117 godes engilo cumen, thie im sîðor iungardôm, 1118 scoldun ambahtscepi aftar lêstien, 1119 thionon thiolîco: sô [scal] man thiodgode, 1120 hêrron [aftar] huldi, heƀancuninge. 1121 Uuas im [an] them sinuueldi sâlig barn godes 1122 lange huîle, untthat im thô [lioƀora] uuarð, 1123 that he is craft mikil cûðien uuolda 1124 uueroda te uuillion. Thô forlêt he uualdes hlêo, 1125 ênôdies ard endi sôhte im eft erlo gemang, 1126 mâri meginthiode endi manno drôm, 1127 geng im thô bi [Iordanes] staðe: thar ina Iohannes antfand, 1128 that friðubarn godes, frôhan sînan, 1129 [hêlagana] heƀencuning, endi them heliðun sagda, 1130 Iohannes is iungurun, thô he ina gangan gesah: 1131 ʽthit is that lamb godes, that thar lôsean scal 1132 af thesaro uuîdon uuerold uurêða sundea, 1133 mancunneas mên, mâri drohtin, 1134 cuningo craftigost.ʼ Krist im forð giuuêt 1135 an Galileo land, godes êgan barn, 1136 fôr im te them friundun, thar he afôdit uuas, 1137 tîrlîco atogan, endi talda mid uuordun 1138 Krist undar is cunnie, cuningo rîkeost, 1139 huuô sie scoldin iro selƀoro sundea bôtean, 1140 hêt that sie im iro harmuuerc manag hreuuan lêtin, 1141 [feldin] iro firindâdi: ʽnu is it all [gefullot] sô, 1142 sô hîr alde man êr huuanna sprâcun, 1143 gehêtun eu te helpu [heƀenrîki]: 1144 nu is it [giu] ginâhid thurh thes neriandan craft: thes môtun gi neotan forð, 1145 sô huue sô gerno uuili gode theonogean, 1146 uuirkean aftar is uuilleon.ʼ Thô uuarð thes uuerodes [filu], 1147 thero liudeo an lustun: uurðun im thea lêra Cristes, 1148 sô suôtea them gisîðea. He bigan im samnon thô 1149 [gumono] te iungoron, gôdoro manno, 1150 uuordspâha uueros. Geng im thô bi ênes uuatares staðe, 1151 that [thar] habda Iordan aneƀan Galileo land 1152 ênna sê geuuarhtan. Thar he sittean fand 1153 Andreas endi Petrus bi them ahastrôme, 1154 bêðea thea gebrôðar, thar sie an brêd uuatar 1155 suuîðo [niudlîco] netti thenidun, 1156 fiscodun im an them flôde. Thar sie that friðubarn godes 1157 bi thes sêes staðe selƀo [grôtta], 1158 hêt that sie im folgodin, quað that he [im] sô filu uuoldi 1159 godes rîkeas forgeƀen; ʽ[al] sô git hîr an [Iordanes] strôme 1160 fiscos [fâhat], sô sculun git noh firiho barn 1161 halon te incun handun, that sie an heƀenrîki 1162 thurh inca lêra lîðan môtin, 1163 faran folc manag.ʼ Thô uuarð frômôd hugi 1164 [bêðiun] them gibrôðrun: antkendun that barn godes, 1165 lioƀan hêrron: forlêtun al [saman] 1166 Andreas endi Petrus, sô huuat sô sie bi theru ahu habdun, 1167 [geuunstes] bi them uuatare: uuas im uuilleo mikil, 1168 that sie mid them godes barne gangan môstin, 1169 samad an is gisîðea, scoldun sâliglîco 1170 lôn antfâhan: sô dôt liudeo so huuilic, 1171 sô thes hêrran uuili [huldi] githionon, 1172 geuuirkean is uuilleon. Thô sie bi thes uuatares staðe 1173 furðor quâmun, thô fundun sie [thar] ênna frôdan man 1174 sittean bi them sêuua endi is suni tuuêne, 1175 Iacobus endi Iohannes: uuârun im iunga man. 1176 Sâtun im thâ gesunfader an ênumu sande uppen, 1177 brugdun endi bôttun [bêðium] handun 1178 thiu netti niudlîco, thea sie habdun nahtes êr 1179 forsliten an them sêuua. Thar sprac im selƀo tô 1180 sâlig barn godes, hêt that sie an thana sîð mid im, 1181 [Iacobus] endi Iohannes, gengin bêðie, 1182 kindiunge man. [Thô] uuârun im Kristes uuord 1183 sô [uuirðig] an thesaro uueroldi, that sie bi thes uuatares staðe 1184 iro aldan fader ênna forlêtun, 1185 frôdan bi them flôde, endi al that sie thar fehas êhtun, 1186 nettiu endi [neglitskipu], [gecurun im] thana neriandan Krist, 1187 hêlagna te hêrron, uuas im [is helpono] tharf 1188 [te githiononne: sô is allaro thegno gehuuem,] 1189 uuero an thesero uueroldi. Thô giuuêt im the uualdandes sunu 1190 mid them fiuuariun forð, endi im thô thana fîfton gicôs 1191 Krist an ênero côpstedi, cuninges iungoron, 1192 môdspâhana man: Mattheus uuas he hêtan, 1193 uuas im ambahteo eðilero manno, 1194 scolda thar te is hêrron handun antfâhan 1195 tins endi [tolna]; treuua habda he gôda, 1196 âðalandbâri: forlêt al [saman] 1197 gold endi siluƀar endi geƀa managa, 1198 diurie mêðmos, endi uuarð im ûses drohtines man; 1199 côs im the cuninges [thegn] Crist te hêrran, 1200 [milderan mêðom]geƀon, than êr is [mandrohtin] 1201 [uuâri] an thesero uueroldi: feng im uuôðera thing, 1202 langsamoron râd. Thô uuarð it allun them liudiun cûð, 1203 fon allaro burgo gihuuem, huuô that barn godes 1204 samnode gesîðos endi selƀo gesprac 1205 sô manag uuîslîc uuord endi uuâres sô filu, 1206 torhtes gitôgde endi têcan manag 1207 geuuarhte an thesero uueroldi. Uuas that an is uuordun scîn 1208 iac an is dâdiun sô same, that he drohtin uuas, 1209 himilisc hêrro endi te helpu quam 1210 an thesan middilgard manno barnun, 1211 liudiun te thesun liohta. 1211 Oft gededa he that an them lande scîn, 1212 than he thar [torhtlîco sô manag] têcan giuuarhte, 1213 thar he hêlde mid is handun halte endi [blinde], 1214 lôsde af theru lêfhêdi liudi manage, 1215 af sulicun suhtiun, sô than allaro suâroston 1216 an firiho [barn] fîund biuurpun, 1217 tulgo langsam legar. Thô fôrun thar thie liudi tô 1218 allaro dago [gehuuilikes], thar ûsa drohtin uuas 1219 selƀo undar them gisîðie, untthat thar gesamnod uuarð 1220 meginfolc mikil managero thiodo, 1221 thoh sie thar [alle be gelîcumu gelôƀon ni quâmin.] 1222 uueros thurh ênan uuilleon: sume sôhtun sie that uualdandes barn, 1223 armoro manno filu - uuas [im] âtes tharf -, 1224 that sie im thar [at] theru menigi [mates] endi drankes, 1225 [thigidin at] theru thiodu; huuand thar uuas manag thegan sô gôd, 1226 thie ira alamosnie armun mannun 1227 gerno gâƀun. Sume uuârun sie im eft Iudeono cunnies, 1228 fêgni folcskepi: uuârun [thar gefarana] te thiu, 1229 that sie ûses drohtines dâdio endi uuordo 1230 fâron [uuoldun], habdun im [fêgnien] hugi, 1231 uurêðen uuillion: uuoldun uualdand Crist 1232 alêdien them liudiun, that sie is lêron ni hôrdin, 1233 ne [uuendin] aftar is uuillion. Suma uuârun sie im eft sô uuîse man, 1234 uuârun [im] glauuue gumon endi gode uuerðe, 1235 alesane undar them liudiun, quâmun im [tharod] be them lêron Cristes, 1236 that sie is hêlag uuord [hôrien] môstin, 1237 lînon endi lêstien: habdun mid iro gelôƀon te im 1238 fasto [gefangen], habdun im ferhten hugi, 1239 uuurðun is thegnos te thiu, that he sie an thioduuelon 1240 aftar iro êndagon up gebrâhti, 1241 an godes [rîki]. He sô gerno antfeng 1242 mancunnies manag endi mundburd gihêt 1243 te langaru huîlu, [endi] mahta sô gilêstien uuel. 1244 Thô uuarð thar megin sô mikil umbi thana mârion Crist, 1245 liudio gesamnod: thô [gisah he] fon allun landun cuman, 1246 fon allun uuîdun uuegun uuerod tesamne 1247 [lungro] liudio: is lof uuas sô uuîdo 1248 managun gemârid. Thô giuuêt im mahtig self 1249 an ênna berg uppan, barno rîkiost, 1250 sundar gesittien, endi im selƀo gecôs 1251 tuueliƀi getalda, treuuafta man, 1252 gôdoro gumono, thea he im te iungoron forð 1253 allaro dago gehuuilikes, drohtin uuelda 1254 an is gesîðskepea simblon hebbean. 1255 Nemnida sie thô bi naman endi hêt sie [im thô] nâhor gangan, 1256 Andreas endi Petrus êrist sâna, 1257 gebrôðar tuuêne, endi bêðie mid im, 1258 Iacobus endi Iohannes: sie uuârun gode [uuerðe]; 1259 mildi uuas he [im] an is môde; sie uuârun ênes mannes suni 1260 bêðie bi geburdiun; sie [côs] that barn godes 1261 gôde te iungoron endi gumono filu, 1262 mâriero manno: Mattheus endi Thomas, 1263 Iudasas tuuêna endi Iacob ôðran, 1264 is selƀes suuiri: sie uuârun fon [gisustruonion] tuuêm 1265 cnôsles cumana, Krist endi Iacob, 1266 gôde gadulingos. Thô habda thero gumono thar 1267 the neriendo Krist niguni getalde, 1268 treuuafte man: thô hêt he ôc thana tehandon gangan 1269 [selƀo] mid them gisîðun: Sîmon uuas he hêtan; 1270 hêt ôc Bartholomeus an thana berg uppan 1271 faran [fan] them folke âðrum endi Philippus mid im, 1272 treuuafte man. Thô gengun sie tuueliƀi samad, 1273 rincos te theru rûnu, thar [the] râdand sat, 1274 managoro mundboro, the allumu mancunnie 1275 uuið hellie gethuuing helpan uuelde, 1276 formon uuið them ferne, sô huuem sô frummien uuili 1277 sô lioƀlîka lêra, sô he them liudiun thar 1278 thurh is giuuit mikil [uuîsean] hogda. 1279 *Thô umbi thana [neriendon] Krist nâhor gengun 1280 sulike gesîðos, sô he im selƀo gecôs, 1281 uualdand undar them uuerode. Stôdun uuîsa man, 1282 gumon umbi thana godes sunu gerno suuîðo, 1283 uueros an uuilleon: uuas im thero uuordo [niud], 1284 thâhtun endi thagodun, huuat im [thero] thiodo drohtin, 1285 uueldi uualdand self uuordun cûðien 1286 thesum liudiun te [lioƀe]. Than sat im the landes hirdi 1287 geginuuard for them gumun, godes êgan barn: 1288 [uuelda] mid is sprâcun spâhuuord manag 1289 lêrean thea liudi, [huuô] sie lof gode 1290 an thesum uueroldrîkea uuirkean scoldin. 1291 Sat im thô endi suuîgoda endi sah sie an lango, 1292 uuas im hold an is hugi hêlag drohtin, 1293 mildi an is môde, endi thô [is mund] antlôc, 1294 uuîsde [mid] uuordun uualdandes sunu 1295 manag mârlîc thing endi them [mannum sagde] 1296 spâhun uuordun, them the he te theru sprâcu [tharod], 1297 Krist alouualdo, gecoran habda, 1298 huuilike uuârin allaro irminmanno 1299 gode uuerðoston gumono cunnies; 1300 sagde im thô te [sôðan], quað that thie sâliga uuârin, 1301 man an thesoro middil[gardun], thie hêr an iro [môde] uuârin 1302 arme thurh [ôdmôdi]: ʽthem is that [êuuana] rîki, 1303 suuîðo hêlaglîc an heƀanuuange 1304 sinlîf fargeƀen.ʼ Quað that ôc sâlige uuârin 1305 mâðmundie man: ʽthie môtun thie mârion erðe, 1306 [ofsittien] that selƀe rîki.ʼ Quað [that] ôc sâlige uuârin, 1307 thie hîr [uuiopin] iro uuammun dâdi; ʽthie môtun eft uuillion gebîdan, 1308 frôfre [an iro frâhon rîkia]. Sâlige sind ôc, the sie hîr frumono [gilustid], 1309 rincos, that [sie] rehto adômien. Thes môtun sie uuerðan an them rîkia drohtines 1310 gifullit thurh iro ferhton dâdi: sulîcoro môtun sie frumono [bicnêgan] 1311 thie rincos, thie hîr rehto [adômiad], ne uuilliad an [rûnun] besuuîcan 1312 man, thar sie [at] mahle [sittiad]. Sâlige sind ôc them hîr mildi uuirðit 1313 hugi an heliðo briostun: them uuirðit the hêlego drohtin, 1314 mildi mahtig selƀo. Sâlige sind ôc undar thesaro managon thiodu, 1315 [thie] hebbiad iro herta [gihrênod]: thie môtun thane heƀenes uualdand 1316 sehan an sînum rîkea.ʼ Quað [that ôc] sâlige uuârin, 1317 ʽthie [the friðusamo] undar thesumu [folke libbiod] endi ni uuilliad êniga fehta geuuirken, 1318 saca mid iro selƀoro [dâdiun]: thie môtun uuesan suni drohtines [genemnide], 1319 huuande he im [uuil] genâdig uuerðen; [thes] môtun sie niotan lango 1320 selƀon [thes] sînes rîkies.ʼ Quað that ôc sâlige uuârin 1321 thie rincos, the rehto uueldin, ʽendi thurh that tholod rîkioro manno 1322 heti endi harmquidi: them is ôc an himile [eft] 1323 [godes] uuang forgeƀen endi gêstlîc lîf 1324 aftar te êuuandage, sô [is] io endi ni cumit, 1325 [uuelan uunsames].ʼ Sô habde thô uualdand Crist 1326 for them erlon thar ahto getalda 1327 sâlda gesagda; mid them scal simbla gihuue 1328 himilrîk gehalon, ef he it hebbien uuili, 1329 [ettho] he scal te êuuandaga aftar tharƀon 1330 uuelon endi uuillion, sîðor he these uuerold agiƀid, 1331 erðlîƀigiscapu, endi sôkit im ôðar lioht 1332 sô liof sô lêð, sô he mid thesun liudiun hêr 1333 giuuercod an thesoro uueroldi, al sô it thar thô mid is uuordun sagde 1334 Crist alouualdo, cuningo rîkiost 1335 godes êgen barn iungorun sînun: 1336 ʽGe uuerðat ôc [sô] sâligeʼ, quað he, ʽthes iu saca [biodat] 1337 liudi aftar theson lande endi lêð [sprecat], 1338 hebbiad iu te [hosca] endi harmes filu 1339 geuuirkiad an thesoro uueroldi endi uuîti gefrummiad, 1340 felgiad iu firinsprâka endi fîundscepi, 1341 [lâgniad] iuuua lêra, dôt iu lêðes [filu], 1342 harmes thurh [iuuuen] hêrron. Thes lâtad gi euuan hugi [simbla], 1343 lîf an lustun, huuand iu that lôn stendit 1344 an godes rîkia garu, gôdo gehuuilikes, 1345 mikil endi managfald: that is iu te mêdu fargeƀen, 1346 huuand gi hêr êr biforan arƀid tholodun, 1347 uuîti an thesoro uueroldi. Uuirs is them ôðrun, 1348 [giƀiðig] grimmora thing, them the hêr gôd êgun, 1349 [uuîdan] uuorolduuelon: thie forslîtat iro uunnia hêr; 1350 geniudot sie genôges, sculun eft narouuaro thing 1351 aftar iro hinferdi heliðos [tholoian]. 1352 Than [uuôpian] thar uuanscefti, thie hêr êr an uunnion [sîn], 1353 libbiad an [allon] lustun, ne uuilliad thes farlâtan uuiht, 1354 mênigithâhtio, thes sie an iro môd spenit, 1355 lêðoro gilêstio. Than im that lôn cumid, 1356 uƀil arƀetsam, than sie is thane endi sculun 1357 sorgondi gesehan. Than uuirðid im sêr hugi, 1358 thes sie* thesero uueroldes sô filu uuillean fulgengun, 1359 man an iro môdseƀon. Nu sculun gi im that mên lahan, 1360 uuerean mid uuordun, al sô ic giu nu geuuîsean mag, 1361 seggean sôðlîco, gesîðos mîne, 1362 uuârun uuordun, that gi thesoro uueroldes nu [forð] 1363 [sculun salt uuesan, sundigero manno], 1364 [bôtian] iro baludâdi, that sie [an] betara thing, 1365 folc farfâhan endi [forlâtan] fîundes giuuerk, 1366 [diuƀales] gedâdi, endi sôkean iro drohtines rîki. 1367 Sô sculun gi mid iuuuon lêrun liudfolc manag 1368 uuendean aftar mînon uuilleon. Ef iuuuar than auuirðid huuilic, 1369 farlâtid thea lêra, thea he lêstean scal, 1370 than is im sô them salte, [the] man bi sêes staðe 1371 uuîdo teuuirpit: than it te uuihti ni dôg, 1372 ac it firiho barn fôtun spurnat, 1373 gumon an greote. Sô uuirðid them, the that godes uuord [scal] 1374 mannum mârean: ef he im than lâtid is môd tuuehon, 1375 [that hi ne uuillea mid hluttro hugi te] heƀenrîkea 1376 spanen mid is sprâcu endi seggean spel godes, 1377 ac uuenkid thero uuordo, than uuirðid im uualdand gram, 1378 mahtig môdag, endi sô samo manno barn; 1379 uuirðid allun [than] irminthiodun, 1380 liudiun alêðid, ef [is] lêra ni [dugun].ʼ 1381 So sprac he [thô] spâhlîco endi sagda spel godes, 1382 lêrde the landes uuard liudi sîne 1383 mid hluttru hugi. Heliðos stôdun, 1384 gumon umbi thana godes sunu gerno suîðo, 1385 uueros an uuilleon: uuas im thero uuordo [niud], 1386 thâhtun endi thagodun, gihôrdun [thero] thiodo drohtin 1387 seggean êu godes eldibarnun; 1388 gihêt im heƀenrîki endi te them heliðun sprac: 1389 ʽôc mag ic iu seggean, gesîðos mîna, 1390 uuârun uuordun, that gi thesoro uueroldes nu forð 1391 sculun lioht uuesan liudio barnun, 1392 fagar mid firihun oƀar folc manag, 1393 uulitig endi uunsam: ni mugun iuuua uuerk mikil 1394 biholan uuerðan, mid huuilico gi sea hugi cûðeat: 1395 than mêr the thiu burg ni mag, thiu an berge stâð, 1396 [hôh holmkliƀu], biholen uuerðen, 1397 uurisilîc giuuerc, ni mugun iuuua uuord than mêr 1398 an thesoro middilgard mannum uuerðen, 1399 iuuua dâdi bidernit. Dôt, sô ic iu lêriu: 1400 lâtad iuuua lioht mikil liudiun skînan, 1401 manno barnun, that sie farstandan iuuuan môdseƀon, 1402 iuuua uuerc endi iuuuan uuilleon, endi thes uualdand god 1403 mit hluttro hugi, himiliscan fader, 1404 loƀon an [thesumu] liohte, thes he iu sulica lêra fargaf. 1405 Ni scal neoman lioht, the it haƀad, liudiun dernean, 1406 te hardo [behuuelƀean], ac he it hôho scal 1407 an seli settean, that thea gesehan mugin 1408 alla [gelico], thea thar inna sind, 1409 heliðos an hallu. Than [hald] ni sculun gi iuuua hêlag uuord 1410 an thesumu landskepa liudiun dernien, 1411 heliðcunnie farhelan, ac ge it hôho sculun 1412 brêdean, that gibod godes, that it allaro barno gehuuilic, 1413 oƀar [al] thit landscepi liudi farstandan 1414 endi sô gefrummien, sô it an forndagun 1415 tulgo uuîse man uuordun gesprâcun, 1416 than sie thana aldan êuu erlos heldun, 1417 endi ôc sulicu suuîðor, sô ic iu nu seggean mag, 1418 alloro gumono gehuuilic gode thionoian, 1419 [than] it thar an them aldom êuua gebeode. 1420 Ni uuâniat gi thes mit uuihtiu, that ic bi thiu an thesa uuerold quâmi, 1421 that ic thana aldan êu irrien uuillie, 1422 fellean [undar] thesumu folke eftho thero forasagono 1423 uuord uuiðaruuerpen, thea hêr sô giuuârea man 1424 [barlîco] gebudun. Êr scal bêðiu tefaran, 1425 himil endi erðe, thiu nu bihlidan standat, 1426 êr than thero uuordo uuiht [bilîƀa] 1427 [unlêstid] an thesumu liohte, thea sie thesum liudiun hêr 1428 [uuârlîco] gebudun. Ni quam ic an thesa uuerold te thiu, 1429 that ic feldi thero forasagono uuord, ac ic siu fullien scal, 1430 [ôkion] endi nîgean eldibarnum, 1431 thesumu folke te frumu. That uuas forn gescriƀan 1432 an them aldon êo - [ge hôrdun] it oft sprecan 1433 [uuorduuîse] man -: sô huue sô that an thesoro uueroldi gidôt, 1434 that he âðrana aldru bineote, 1435 lîƀu bilôsie, them sculun liudio barn 1436 dôd adêlean. Than uuilleo ic [it] iu diopor nu, 1437 furður bifâhan: sô huue sô ina thurh fîundskepi, 1438 man uuiðar ôðrana an is môdseƀon 1439 [bilgit] an is breostun - huuand sie alle gebrôðar sint, 1440 sâlig folc godes, sibbeon bitengea, 1441 man mid mâgskepi -, than uuirðit thoh huue ôðrumu an is môde sô gram, 1442 lîbes uueldi ina [bilôsien], of he mahti gilêstien sô: 1443 than is he sân afêhit endi is thes ferahas scolo, 1444 al sulikes urdêlies sô the [ôðar] uuas, 1445 the thurh is handmegin [hôƀdo] bilôsde 1446 erl ôðarna. Ôc is an them êo gescriƀan 1447 uuârun uuordun, sô gi uuiton alle, 1448 than man is nâhiston [niudlîco scal] 1449 minnian an is môde, uuesen is mâgun hold, 1450 gadulingun gôd, [uuesen] is geƀa mildi, 1451 [frâhon] is friunda gehuuane, endi scal is fîund hatan, 1452 uuiðerstanden them mid strîdu endi mid starcu hugi, 1453 uuerean uuiðar uurêðun. Than seggeo ic iu [te uuâron nu], 1454 fullîcur for thesumu folke, that gi iuuua fîund sculun 1455 minneon an iuuuomu môde, sô samo sô gi iuuua mâgos dôt, 1456 an godes namon. Dôt im gôdes filu, 1457 tôgeat im hluttran hugi, holda treuua, 1458 liof uuiðar ira lêðe. That is langsam râd 1459 manno [sô huuilicumu], sô is môd te thiu 1460 [geflîhit] uuiðar [is] fîunde. Than môtun gi thea fruma êgan, 1461 that gi môtun hêten heƀencuninges suni, 1462 is blîði barn. Ne mugun gi iu betaran râd 1463 geuuinnan an thesoro uueroldi. Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc, 1464 barno gehuilicum, that gi ne mugun [mid] gibolgono hugi 1465 iuuuas gôdes uuiht te godes hûsun 1466 uualdande fargeƀan, that it imu uuirðig sî 1467 te antfâhanne, sô lango sô thu fîundskepies [uuiht], 1468 [uuiðer ôðran man inuuid] hugis. 1469 Êr scalt thu thi simbla gesônien uuið thana sacuualdand, 1470 gemôdi gimahlean: sîðor maht thu mêðmos thîna 1471 te them godes altere [ageƀan]: than sind sie themu gôdan uuerðe, 1472 heƀencuninge. Mêr sculun gi aftar is huldi thionon, 1473 godes uuilleon [fulgân], than [ôðra] Iudeon duon, 1474 ef gi uuilleat êgan [êuuan rîki], 1475 sinlîf sehan. Ôc scal [ic] iu seggean noh, 1476 huuô it thar an them aldon êo gebiudid, 1477 that ênig erl ôðres idis ni bisuuîca, 1478 [uuîf] mid uuammu. Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc, 1479 that thar man is siuni mugun suuîðo farlêdean 1480 an mirki [mên], ef hi [ina lâtid] is môd spanen, 1481 that [he] beginna thero girnean, thiu imu gegangan ni scal. 1482 Than haƀed he an imu selƀon sân sundea geuuarhta, 1483 geheftid an is hertan helliuuîti. 1484 Ef than thana man is [siun] uuili ettha is [suîðare] hand 1485 farlêdien is liðo huuilic an lêðan uueg, 1486 than is erlo gehuuem ôðar betara, 1487 firiho barno, that he ina fram uuerpa 1488 endi thana lið lôsie af is lîchamon 1489 endi ina âno cuma up te himile, 1490 than he [sô] mid allun te them inferne, 1491 huuerƀe mid sô hêlun an helligrund. 1492 Than mênid thiu [lêfhêd], that ênig liudeo ni scal 1493 farfolgan is friunde, ef he ina an firina spanit, 1494 suâs man an saca: [than ne sî he imu eo sô suuîðo an sibbiun bilang], 1495 [ne] iro mâgskepi sô mikil, ef he ina an morð spenit, 1496 bêdid baluuuerco; betera is imu than ôðar, 1497 that he thana friund fan imu fer faruuerpa, 1498 mîðe thes mâges endi ni hebbea thar êniga [minnea] tô, 1499 that he môti êno up gestîgan 1500 hô himilrîki, than sie [helligethuing], 1501 brêd baluuuîti bêðea gisôkean, 1502 uƀil arƀidi. 1502 Ôc is an them êo gescriƀan 1503 uuârun uuordun, sô gi uuitun alle, 1504 that [mîðe mênêðos] mancunnies gehuuilic, 1505 ni forsuerie ina selƀon, [huuand] that is sundie te mikil, 1506 farlêdid [liudi] an lêðan uueg. 1507 Than uuilleo ic iu [eft] seggean, than sân ni suerea neoman 1508 ênigan êðstaf eldibarno, 1509 ne bi himile themu hôhon, huuand that is thes hêrron stôl, 1510 ne bi erðu thar undar, huuand that is thes alouualdon 1511 fagar fôtscamel, nec ênig firiho barno 1512 ne suuerea bi is selƀes hôƀde, huuand he ni mag thar ne suuart ne huuît 1513 ênig hâr geuuirkean, [bûtan] sô it the hêlago god, 1514 gemarcode [mahtig]; bethiu sculun [mîðan] filu 1515 erlos êðuuordo. Sô huue sô it ofto dôt, 1516 sô uuirðid is simbla uuirsa, huuand he [imu] giuuardon ni mag. 1517 Bithiu scal ic iu nu te uuârun uuordun gibeodan, 1518 that gi neo ne suerien suuîðoron êðos, 1519 mêron met mannun, [bûtan] sô ic iu mid mînun hêr 1520 suuîðo [uuârlico] uuordun [gebiudu]: 1521 ef man huuemu saca sôkea, [biseggea] that uuâre, 1522 queðe iâ, gef it sî, [geha] thes thar uuâr is, 1523 queðe nên, af it nis, [lâta] im genôg an thiu; 1524 sô huat sô is mêr oƀar that man gefrummiad, 1525 sô cumid it [al] fan uƀile eldibarnun, 1526 that erl thurh untreuua ôðres ni uili 1527 [uuordo] gelôƀian. Than seggio ic iu te uuâron ôc, 1528 [huuô] it thar an them aldon êo gebiudit: 1529 sô [huue] sô ôgon genimid ôðres mannes, 1530 lôsid af is lîchaman, ettha is [liðo huilican], 1531 that he it eft mid is selƀes scal sân antgelden 1532 mid gelîcun liðion. Than uuillio ic iu lêrian nu, 1533 that gi sô ni [uurecan] uurêða dâdi, 1534 ac [that] gi thurh ôdmôdi al gethologian 1535 uuîties endi uuammes, sô huat sô man iu an thesoro uueroldi gedôe. 1536 Dôe alloro [erlo] gehuilic ôðrom manne 1537 frume endi gefôri, sô he uuillie, that im [firiho] barn 1538 gôdes angegin dôen. Than uuirðit im god mildi, 1539 liudio sô huilicum, sô that lêstien uuili. 1540 Êrod gi [arme man], dêliad iuuan ôduuelon 1541 undar thero thurftigon thiodu; ne rôkead, huueðar gi [is ênigan thanc antfâhan] 1542 [eftho lôn an thesoro lêhneon uueroldi, ac huggeat te iuuuomu leoƀon hêrran] 1543 thero geƀono te gelde, that sie iu god lôno, 1544 mahtig mundboro, sô huuat sô gi is thurh is minnes [gidôt]. 1545 Ef thu than geƀogean uuili gôdun mannun 1546 fagare fehoscattos, thar thu [eft] frumono hugis 1547 mêr antfâhan, te huuî haƀas thu thes êniga mêda fon gode 1548 ettha lôn an [themu] is liohte? huuand [that] is lêhni feho. 1549 Sô is thes alles gehuuat, [the] thu ôðrun geduos 1550 [liudeon] te leoƀe, thar [thu] hugis eft gelîc neman 1551 thero uuordo endi thero uuerco: te huuî uuêt thi thes [ûsa] uualdand thanc, 1552 thes thu thîn sô bifilhis endi [antfâhis] eft than thu uuili? 1553 [Iuuuan ôðuuelon geƀan gi them armun mannun,] 1554 [the ina iu an thesoro uueroldi ne lônon endi rômot te iuuues uualdandes rîkea.] 1555 Te hlûd ni dô thu [it], than thu mid thînun handun [bifelhas] 1556 thîna alamosna themu armon manne, ac [dô] im thurh ôdmôdien 1557 gerno thurh godes thanc: than môst thu [eft geld niman], 1558 [suuîðo] lioflîc lôn, thar thu is lango bitharft, 1559 fagaroro frumono. Sô huuat sô thu is sô thurh ferhtan hugi 1560 darno [gedêleas], - so is ûsumu drohtine uuerð - 1561 ne [galpo] thu far thînun geƀun te suuîðo, [noh] ênig gumono ne scal, 1562 that siu im thurh îdale hrôm eft ni uuerðe 1563 lêðlîco farloren. [Thanna] thu scalt lôn nemen 1564 fora godes ôgun gôdero uuerco. 1565 Ôc scal ic iu gebeodan, than gi uuilliad te bedu hnîgan 1566 endi uuilliad te iuuuomu hêrron helpono biddean, 1567 that he iu alâte lêðes thinges, 1568 thero sacono endi thero [sundeono], thea gi iu selƀon hîr 1569 uurêða geuuirkead, that gi it than for ôðrumu [uuerode] ni duad: 1570 ni mâread it far menigi, that iu [thes] man ni loƀon, 1571 ni diurean thero [dâdeo], that gi iuuues drohtines gibed 1572 thurh that îdala hrôm al ne farleosan. 1573 Ac than [gi] uuillean te iuuuomo hêrron helpono biddean, 1574 thiggean theolîco, - thes iu is tharf mikil - 1575 that iu sigidrohtin sundeono tômea, 1576 than [dôt] gi that sô darno: [thoh] uuêt it iuuue drohtin self 1577 hêlag an himile, huuand imu nis biholan [neouuiht] 1578 ne uuordo ne uuerco. He lâtid it than [al] geuuerðan sô, 1579 sô gi ina than biddiad, than gi te [thero] bedo hnîgad 1580 mid hluttru hugi.ʼ Heliðos stôdun, 1581 gumon umbi thana godes sunu gerno suuîðo, 1582 uueros an uuilleon: uuas im thero uuordo [niud], 1583 thâhtun endi thagodun, uuas im tharf mikil, 1584 that sie that eft gehogdin, [that] im that hêlaga barn 1585 an thana forman sið filu mid uuordun 1586 torhtes getalde. Thô sprac im [eft] ên thero tuueliƀio angegin, 1587 glauuuoro gumono, te [them] godes barne: 1588 ʽHêrro the gôdoʼ, quað he, ʽûs is thînoro huldi tharf, 1589 te giuuirkenne [thînna] uuilleon, endi [ôc] thînoro uuordo sô self, 1590 allaro barno bezt, that thu ûs bedon lêres, 1591 [iungoron] thîne, sô Iohannes duot, 1592 diurlîc dôperi, dago gehuuilicas 1593 is uuerod [mid] uuordun, huuî sie uualdand sculun, 1594 gôdan grôtean. Dô [thîna] iungorun sô self: 1595 gerihti ûs that gerûni.ʼ Thô habda eft the rîkeo garu 1596 sân aftar thiu, sunu drohtines, 1597 [gôd uuord angegin]: ʽThan gi [god] uuilleanʼ, [quað he], 1598 ʽuueros mid iuuuon uuordun uualdand grôtean, 1599 allaro cuningo craftigostan, than queðad gi, sô ic iu lêriu: 1600 [Fadar ûsa] firiho barno, 1601 [thu bist] an them hôhon himila rîkea, 1602 geuuîhid sî thîn namo [uuordo gehuuilico]. 1603 [Cuma] thîn [craftag] rîki. 1604 Uuerða thîn uuilleo oƀar thesa uuerold [alla], 1605 sô sama an erðo, sô thar uppa ist 1606 an them hôhon [himilo rîkea]. 1607 Gef ûs dago gehuuilikes râd, drohtin the gôdo, 1608 thîna hêlaga [helpa], endi alât ûs, heƀenes uuard, 1609 managoro [mên]sculdio, al sô uue ôðrum mannum dôan. 1610 Ne lât ûs farlêdean lêða uuihti 1611 sô forð an iro uuilleon, sô uui uuirðige sind, 1612 ac help ûs uuiðar allun uƀilon dâdiun. 1613 Sô sculun [gi] biddean, than gi te bede hnîgad 1614 uueros mid iuuuom uuordun, that iu uualdand god 1615 lêðes alâte an leutcunnea. 1616 Ef gi than uuilliad alâtan liudeo gehuuilicun 1617 thero sacono endi thero sundeono, the sie uuið iu selƀon hîr 1618 uurêða geuuirkeat, than alâtid iu uualdand god, 1619 fadar alamahtig firinuuerk mikil, 1620 managoro [mên]sculdeo. Ef iu than uuirðid iuuua môd te starc, 1621 that gi ne uuileat ôðrun erlun alâtan, 1622 uueron uuamdâdi, than ne uuil iu ôc uualdand god 1623 grimuuerc fargeƀan, ac gi sculun is geld niman, 1624 suîðo lêðlic lôn te languru huuîlu, 1625 alles thes unrehtes, thes gi ôðrum hîr 1626 gilêstead an thesumu liohte endi than uuið liudeo barn 1627 thea saca ni [gisônead], êr gi an thana sîð faran, 1628 uueros fon thesoro uueroldi. Oc scal [ic] iu te uuârun seggean, 1629 huuô gi lêstean sculun lêra mîna: 1630 than gi iuuua fastonnea frummean uuillean, 1631 minson iuuua mêndâdi, than ni duad gi that te managom cûð, 1632 ac mîðad is far ôðrum mannun: thoh uuêt mahtig god, 1633 uualdand iuuuan uuillean, thoh iu uuerod ôðar, 1634 liudio barn ne loƀon. He gildid [is] iu lôn aftar thiu, 1635 iuuua hêlag fadar an himilrîkea, 1636 thes ge im mid sulicum ôdmôdea, erlos theonod, 1637 sô ferhtlîco undar thesumu folke. Ne uuilleat feho uuinnan 1638 erlos an unreht, ac uuirkead up te gode 1639 man aftar mêdu: that is mêra thing, 1640 than man hîr an erðu [ôdag] libbea, 1641 uueroldscattes geuuono. Ef gi uuilliad mînun [uuordun] hôrean, 1642 than ne samnod gi hîr sinc mikil siloƀres ne goldes 1643 an thesoro middilgard, mêðomhordes, 1644 huuand it rotat hîr an roste, endi regintheoƀos farstelad, 1645 uurmi auuardiad, uuirðid that giuuâdi farslitan, 1646 tigangid the [golduuelo]. Lêstead iuuua gôdon uuerc, 1647 samnod iu an himile hord that mêra, 1648 fagara fehoscattos: that ni mag iu ênig fîund beniman, 1649 [neuuiht] anuuendean, huuand the uuelo standid 1650 garu [iu] tegegnes, sô [huat] sô gi gôdes tharod, 1651 an that himilrîki hordes gesamnod, 1652 heliðos thurh iuuua handgeƀa, endi hebbead tharod iuuuan hugi fasto; 1653 huuand thar ist alloro manno gihuues môdgethâhti, 1654 hugi endi herta, thar is hord ligid, 1655 sinc gesamnod. Nis eo sô sâlig man, 1656 that mugi an thesoro brêdon uuerold bêðiu [anthengean], 1657 ge that hi an thesoro erðo [ôdag] libbea, 1658 an allun uueroldlustun uuesa, ge [thoh] uualdand gode 1659 te thanke getheono: ac he scal alloro thingo gihuues 1660 simbla [ôðarhuueðar ên farlâtan] 1661 ettho [lusta] thes lîchamon ettho lîf êuuig. 1662 Bethiu ni gornot gi umbi iuuua gegaruuui, ac huggead te gode fasto, 1663 ne [mornont] an iuuuomu môde, huuat gi eft an morgan sculin 1664 etan eftho drinkan ettho an hebbean 1665 uueros te geuuêdea: it uuêt al uualdand god, 1666 huues thea bithurƀun, thea im hîr thionod uuel, 1667 folgod iro frôhan uuilleon. Huuat, gi that bi thesun fuglun mugun 1668 uuârlîco undaruuitan, thea hîr an thesoro uueroldi sint, 1669 farad an feðarhamun: sie ni cunnun ênig feho uuinnan, 1670 thoh giƀid im drohtin god dago gehuuilikes 1671 helpa uuiðar hungre. Ôc mugun gi an iuuuom hugi marcon, 1672 uueros umbi iuuua geuuâdi, huuô [thie] uurti sint 1673 fagoro [gefratohot], thea hîr an felde stâd, 1674 berhtlîco geblôid: ne mahta the [burges] uuard, 1675 Salomon the suning, the habda sinc mikil, 1676 mêðomhordas mêst, thero the [ênig] man êhti, 1677 uuelono geuunnan endi allaro geuuâdeo cust, - 1678 thoh ni mohte he an is lîƀe, thoh he habdi alles theses landes geuuald, 1679 [auuinnan] sulic geuuâdi, sô thiu uurt haƀad, 1680 thiu hîr an felde stâd fagoro gegariuuit, 1681 lilli mid sô lioflîcu blômon: ina uuâdit the landes uualdand 1682 hêr fan heƀenes uuange. Mêr is im thoh umbi thit heliðo cunni, 1683 liudi sint im lioƀoron mikilu, thea he im an [thesumu] lande geuuarhte, 1684 uualdand an uuilleon sînan. Bethiu ne thurƀon gi umbi iuuua geuuâdi sorgon, 1685 ne [gornot gi] umbi iuuua gegariuui te suuîðo: god [uuili] is alles râdan, 1686 helpan fan heƀenes uuange, ef gi uuilliad aftar is [huldi] theonon. 1687 Gerot gi simbla êrist thes godes rîkeas, endi than duat aftar them is gôdun uuercun, 1688 rômod gi rehtoro thingo: than [uuili] iu the rîkeo drohtin 1689 geƀon mid alloro gôdu gehuuilicu, ef gi im thus fulgangan uuillead, 1690 sô ic iu te uuârun hîr uuordun seggeo. 1691 Ne sculun gi ênigumu manne unrehtes uuiht, 1692 derƀies adêlean, huuand the dôm eft cumid 1693 oƀar thana selƀon man, thar [it] im te sorgon scal, 1694 uuerðan them te uuîtea, the hîr mid is uuordun gesprikid 1695 unreht ôðrum. Neo that iuuuar ênig ne dua 1696 gumono an thesom gardon geldes ettho côpes, 1697 that hi unreht gimet ôðrumu manne 1698 mênful maco, huuand it simbla môtean scal 1699 erlo gehuuilicomu, [sulic sô he] it ôðrumu gedôd, 1700 sô cumid it [im] eft tegegnes, thar he gerno ne uuili 1701 gesehan is sundeon. Ôc scal ic iu seggean noh, 1702 huuar gi iu uuardon sculun [uuîteo] mêsta, 1703 mênuuerc manag: te huuî scalt thu ênigan man besprekan, 1704 brôðar thînan, that thu undar is brâhon gesehas 1705 halm an is ôgon, endi gehuggean ni uuili 1706 thana suâran balcon, the thu an thînoro siuni haƀas, 1707 hard [trio] endi heƀig. Lât thi that an thînan hugi fallan, 1708 huuô thu thana êrist alôseas: than skînid thi lioht beforan, 1709 ôgun uuerðad [thi] geoponot; than maht thu aftar thiu 1710 suâses mannes gesiun sîðor gebôtean, 1711 gehêlean an is hôƀde. Sô mag that [an] is hugi mêra 1712 an thesoro middilgard manno gehuuilicumu, 1713 uuesan an thesoro uueroldi, that hi hîr uuammas geduot, 1714 than hi [ahtogea] ôðres mannes 1715 saca endi sundea, endi haƀad im selƀo mêr 1716 firinuuerco gefrumid. Ef he uuili is fruma lêstean, 1717 than scal hi ina selƀon êr sundeono [atômean], 1718 [lêðuuerco] lôson: sîðor mag hi mid is lêrun uuerðan 1719 heliðun te helpu, sîðor hi ina hluttran uuêt, 1720 sundeono sicoran. Ne sculun gi suînum teforan 1721 iuuua meregrîton macon ettho mêðmo gestriuni, 1722 hêlag halsmeni, huuand siu it an horu spurnat, 1723 [suluuiad an] sande: ne uuitun sûƀreas geskêð, 1724 [fagaroro fratoho]. Sulic sint hîr folc manag, 1725 the iuuua hêlag uuord hôrean ne uuillead, 1726 fulgangan godes lêrun: ne uuitun gôdes geskêð, 1727 ac sind im [lâri] uuord [leoƀoron] mikilu, 1728 umbitharƀi thing, thanna theotgodes 1729 uuerc endi [uuilleo]. Ne sind sie uuirðige than, 1730 that sie gehôrean iuuua hêlag uuord, ef sie is ne uuillead an iro hugi thenkean, 1731 ne lînon ne lêstean. Them ni seggean [gi iuuuoro] lêron uuiht, 1732 that gi [thea] sprâca godes endi spel [managu] 1733 ne [farleosan] an them liudiun, [thea] thar ne [uuillean] gilôƀean tô, 1734 uuâroro uuordo. Ôc sculun gi iu uuardon filu 1735 listiun undar thesun liudiun, thar gi aftar thesumu lande farad, 1736 that iu thea luggeon ne mugin [lêron] besuîcan 1737 ni mid uuordun ni mid uuercun. Sie cumad an sulicom geuuâdeon te iu, 1738 fagoron [fratohon]: thoh hebbead sie fêcnan hugi: 1739 thea mugun [gi] sân antkennean, sô gi sie cuman [gesehad]: 1740 sie sprecad uuîslîc uuord, thoh iro uuerc ne dugin, 1741 thero thegno gethâhti. Huuand gi uuitun, that eo an thorniun ne sculun 1742 uuînberi uuesan eftha uuelon eouuiht, 1743 fagororo fruhteo, nec ôc fîgun ne lesad 1744 heliðos an hiopon. That mugun gi undarhuggean uuel, 1745 that eo the uƀilo bôm, thar he an erðu stâd, 1746 gôden uuastum ne giƀid, nec it [ôc] god ni gescôp, 1747 that the gôdo bôm gumono barnun 1748 bâri bittres uuiht, ac cumid fan alloro bâmo gehuilicumu 1749 sulic uuastom te thesero uueroldi, sô im fan is uurteon gedregid, 1750 ettha berht ettha bittar. [That] mênid thoh breosthugi, 1751 managoro môdseƀon manno cunnies, 1752 huuô alloro erlo gehuilic ôgit selƀo, 1753 meldod mid is mûðu, huilican he môd haƀad, 1754 hugi umbi is herte: thes ni mag he farhelan eouuiht, 1755 ac [cumad] fan them uƀilan man [inuuid]râdos, 1756 [bittara] balusprâca, sulic sô hi an is breostun haƀad 1757 geheftid umbi is herte: simbla is hugi cûðid, 1758 is uuilleon mid is uuordun, endi [farad] is uuerc aftar thiu. 1759 Sô [cumad] fan themu gôdan manne glau anduuordi, 1760 uuîslîc [fan] is geuuittea, that hi simbla mid is uuordu gesprikid, 1761 man mid is mîðu sulic, sô he an is môde haƀad 1762 hord umbi is herte. Thanan cumad thea hêlagan lêra, 1763 suuîðo uunsam uuord, endi sculun is uuerc aftar thiu 1764 [theodu] gethîhan, thegnun managun 1765 uuerðan te uuilleon, al sô it uualdand self 1766 gôdun mannun fargiƀid, god alomahtig, 1767 himilisc hêrro, huand sie âno is helpa ni mugun 1768 ne mid uuordun ne mid uuercun uuiht athengean 1769 gôdes an thesun gardun. Bethiu sculun gumono barn 1770 an is ênes craft alle gilôƀean. 1771 Ôc scal ic iu [uuîsean], huuô hîr uuegos tuêna 1772 liggead an thesumu liohte, thea farad [liudeo barn], 1773 al irminthiod. Thero is ôðar sân 1774 uuîd strâta endi brêd, - farid sie uuerodes filu, 1775 mancunnies manag, huand sie tharod iro môd spenit, 1776 uueroldlusta [uueros] - thiu an thea uuirson hand 1777 liudi lêdid, thar sie te farlora uuerðad, 1778 heliðos an [helliu], thar is hêt endi suart, 1779 egislîc an innan: ôði [ist] tharod te faranne 1780 eldibarnun, thoh it im [at] themu endie ni dugi. 1781 Than ligid eft ôðar engira mikilu 1782 uueg an thesoro uueroldi, ferid ina uuerodes [lût], 1783 fâho folcskepi: ni uuilliad ina firiho barn 1784 gerno gangan, thoh he te godes rîkea, 1785 an that êuuiga lîf, erlos [lêdea]. 1786 Than nimad gi iu thana engean: thoh he sô ôði ne sî 1787 firihon te faranne, thoh scal hi te frumu uuerðan 1788 sô [huuemu] sô ina thurhgengid, sô scal is geld niman, 1789 suuîðo langsam lôn endi lîf êuuig, 1790 diurlîcan drôm. Eo gi thes [drohtin sculun], 1791 uualdand biddien, that gi thana uueg môtin 1792 fan foran antfâhan endi forð [thurh gigangan] 1793 an that godes rîki. He ist garu simbla 1794 uuiðar thiu te geƀanne, the man ina gerno bidid, 1795 fergot firiho barn. Sôkead fadar iuuuan 1796 [up te] themu [êuuinom] rîkea: than môtun gi ina aftar thiu 1797 te iuuuoru frumu fîðan. Cûðead iuuua fard tharod 1798 at iuuuas [drohtines] durun: than uuerðad iu andôn aftar thiu, 1799 [himilportun] anthlidan, that gi an that hêlage lioht, 1800 an that godes rîki gangan môtun, 1801 [sinlîf] sehan. Ôc scal ic iu seggean noh 1802 far thesumu uuerode allun uuârlîc biliði, 1803 that alloro liudeo sô huilic, sô thesa mîna lêra uuili 1804 gehaldan an is herton endi uuil iro an is hugi [athenkean], 1805 lêstean sea an thesumu lande, the gilîco duot 1806 uuîsumu manne, the giuuit haƀad, 1807 horsca hugiskefti, endi hûsstedi kiusid 1808 an fastoro foldun endi an [felisa] uppan 1809 uuêgos uuirkid, thar im uuind ni mag, 1810 ne uuâg ne uuatares strôm [uuihtiu] getiunean, 1811 ac mag im thar uuið ungiuuidereon allun standan 1812 an themu [felise] uppan, huand it sô fasto uuarð 1813 gistellit an themu stêne: anthaƀad it thiu stedi niðana, 1814 uureðid uuiðar uuinde, that it uuîcan ni mag. 1815 Sô duot eft manno sô huilic, sô thesun mînun ni uuili 1816 lêrun hôrien [ne] thero lêstien uuiht, 1817 sô duot [the] unuuîson erla gelîco, 1818 [ungeuuittigon uuere], [the] im be uuatares staðe 1819 an sande uuili selihûs uuirkean, 1820 [thar] it uuestrani uuind endi [uuâgo] strôm, 1821 [sêes ûðeon] teslâad; ne mag im sand endi greot 1822 geuureðien uuið themu uuinde, ac uuirðid teuuorpan [than], 1823 [tefallen] an themu flôde, huand it an [fastoro nis] 1824 [erðu getimbrod]. Sô scal allaro [erlo gehues] 1825 uuerc gethîhan uuiðar thiu, [the] hi [thius mîn] uuord frumid, 1826 [haldid] hêlag gebod.ʼ Thô bigunnun an iro hugi uundron 1827 meginfolc mikil: gehôrdun mahtiges godes 1828 lioflîca lêra; ne uuârun an themu lande geuuno, 1829 that sie eo fan sulicun êr seggean gehôrdin 1830 uuordun ettho uuercun. Farstôdun uuîse man, 1831 that he sô lêrde, liudeo drohtin, 1832 uuârun uuordun, sô he geuuald habde, 1833 allun them ungelîco, the thar an êrdagun 1834 undar them liudskepea [lêreon] uuârun 1835 acoran undar themu cunnie: ne habdun thiu Cristes uuord 1836 gemacon mid mannun, the he far thero menigi [sprac], 1837 gebôd uppan themu berge. 1837 He im thô bêðiu [befalh] 1838 [ge te seggennea] sînom uuordun, 1839 huuô man himilrîki gehalon scoldi, 1840 uuîdbrêdan uuelan, gia he im geuuald fargaf, 1841 that sie môstin hêlean [halte] endi blinde, 1842 liudeo lêfhêdi, legarbed manag, 1843 suâra suhti, giac he im selƀo gebôd, 1844 that sie at ênigumu manne mêde ne nâmin, 1845 diurie mêðmos: ʽgehuggead giʼ, quað he, - ʽhuand iu is thiu dâd cuman, 1846 that geuuit endi [the] uuîsdôm, endi iu thea geuuald fargiƀid 1847 alloro firiho fadar, sô gi sie ni thurƀun mid [ênigo] feho côpon, 1848 mêdean mid ênigun mêðmun, - sô uuesat gi iro mannun forð 1849 an iuuuon hugiskeftiun helpono mildea, 1850 lêread gi liudio barn langsamna râd, 1851 fruma forðuuardes; firinuuerc lahad, 1852 suâra [sundeon]. Ne lâtad iu siloƀar [nec] gold 1853 uuihti thes uuirðig, that it [eo] an iuuua geuuald cuma, 1854 fagara fehoscattos: it ni mag iu te ênigoro frumu huuergin, 1855 uuerðan te ênigumu uuilleon. Ne sculun gi geuuâdeas than mêr 1856 erlos êgan, [bûtan] sô gi than an hebbean, 1857 gumon te [gareuuea], than gi gangan sculun 1858 an that gimang [innan]. Neo [gi] umbi [iuuuan] meti [ni] sorgot, 1859 leng umbi iuuua lîfnare, huand thene lêreand sculun 1860 fôdean that folcskepi: [thes sint thea fruma] uuerða, 1861 leoƀlîkes lônes, the [hi] them liudiun sagad. 1862 Uuirðig is the uurhteo, that man ina uuel fôdea, 1863 thana man mid môsu, the sô managoro scal 1864 seola bisorgan endi an thana sîð spanen, 1865 gêstos an godes uuang. That is grôtara thing, 1866 that man bisorgon scal [seolun] managa, 1867 huô man thea [gehalde] te heƀenrîkea, 1868 than man thene lîchamon [liudibarno] 1869 môsu bimorna. Bethiu man [sculun] 1870 haldan thene holdlîco, the im te heƀenrîkea 1871 thene uueg uuîsit endi [sie] uuamscaðun, 1872 feondun uuitfâhit endi firinuuerc lahid, 1873 [suâra] sundeon. Nu ic iu sendean scal 1874 aftar thesumu landskepie sô lamb undar uulƀos: 1875 sô sculun gi undar iuuua fîund faren, undar filu theodo, 1876 undar mislîke man. Hebbead iuuuan môd uuiðar them 1877 sô glauuan tegegnes, sô samo [sô] the [geluuo] uurm, 1878 nâdra thiu fêha, thar siu iro [nîðskepies], 1879 [uuitodes] uuânit, that man iu undar themu uuerode ne mugi 1880 besuîcan an themu sîðe. Far thiu [gi] sorgon [sculun], 1881 that iu thea man ni mugin môdgethâhti, 1882 uuillean [auuardien]. Uuesat iu so [uuara] uuiðar thiu, 1883 uuið iro [fêcneon dâdiun], sô man uuiðar fîundun scal. 1884 Than uuesat gi eft an iuuuon dâdiun dûƀon gelîca, 1885 hebbead uuið erlo gehuene ênfaldan hugi, 1886 mildean môdseƀon, [that] thar man negên 1887 thurh iuuua [dâdi] bedrogan ne uuerðe, 1888 besuican thurh iuuua sundea. [Nu] sculun gi an thana sîð faran, 1889 an that ârundi: thar sculun gi arƀidies [sô] filu 1890 getholon undar theru thiod endi gethuing sô samo 1891 manag endi mislîc, huand gi an mînumu namon 1892 thea liudi lêreat. Bethiu sculun gi thar lêðes filu 1893 fora uueroldcuningun, uuîteas antfâhan. 1894 Oft sculun gi thar for rîkea thurh thius mîn rehtun uuord 1895 gebundane standen endi bêðiu [gethologean], 1896 ge hosc ge harmquidi: umbi that ne lâtad gi iuuuan hugi [tuîflon], 1897 seƀon [suîcandean]: gi ni thurƀun an ênigun sorgun uuesan 1898 an [iuuuomu] hugi huergin, than [man iu] for [thea] hêri forð 1899 an thene gastseli gangan hêtid, 1900 huat gi im than tegegnes [sculin] gôdoro uuordo, 1901 [spâhlîcoro] gesprecan, huand iu thiu [spôd] cumid, 1902 helpe fon himile, endi sprikid the hêlogo gêst, 1903 mahtig fon iuuuomu [munde]. Bethiu [ne andrâdad] gi iu thero manno nîð 1904 ne forhteat iro fîundskepi: thoh sie hebbean iuuuas ferahes geuuald, 1905 that sie mugin thene lîchamon lîƀu beneotan, 1906 [aslahan] mid suerde, thoh sie theru seolun ne mugun 1907 uuiht auuardean. Antdrâdad iu uualdand god, 1908 forhtead fader iuuuan, frummiad gerno 1909 is gebodskepi, huuand hi haƀad bêðies giuuald, 1910 liudio lîƀes endi ôc iro lîchamon 1911 gec thero seolon sô self: ef gi iuuua an them sîðe [tharod] 1912 farliosat thurh thesa lêra, than môtun gi sie eft an themu liohte godes 1913 beforan fîðan, huuand sie fader iuuua, 1914 haldid hêlag god an himilrîkea. 1915 Ne cumat thea alle te himile, thea [the] hîr hrôpat te mi 1916 [manno] te mundburd. Managa sind [thero], 1917 thea uuilliad alloro dago gehuilikes te drohtine hnîgan, 1918 hrôpad thar te helpu endi huggead an ôðar, 1919 uuirkead uuamdâdi: ne sind im than thiu uuord fruma, 1920 ac thea môtun huerƀan an that himiles lioht, 1921 gangan an that godes rîki, thea thes gerne sint, 1922 that sie hîr gefrummien fader alauualdan 1923 uuerc endi uuilleon. Thea ni thurƀun mid uuordun sô fîlu 1924 hrôpan te helpu, huanda the hêlogo god 1925 uuêt alloro manno gehues môdgethâhti, 1926 uuord endi uuilleon, endi gildid im is uuerco lôn. 1927 Bethiu sculun gi sorgon, than gi an thene sîð [farad], 1928 huô gi that ârundi [ti endea bebrengen]. 1929 Than gi lîðan sculun aftar thesumu landskepea, 1930 uuîdo aftar thesoro uueroldi, al sô iu uuegos lêdiad, 1931 brêd strâta te burg, simbla [sôkiad] gi iu thene bezton [sân] 1932 man undar theru menegi endi cûðead imu iuuuan môðseƀon 1933 uuârun uuordun. Ef sie than thes uuirðige sint, 1934 [that] sie iuuua gôdun uuerc gerno [gelêstien] 1935 mid hluttru hugi, [than] gi an themu hûse mid im 1936 uuonod an uuilleon endi [im uuel] lônod, 1937 geldad im mid gôdu endi sie te gode selƀon 1938 uuordun geuuîhad endi seggead im uuissan friðu, 1939 hêlaga helpa heƀencuninges. 1940 Ef sie than sô sâliga thurh iro selƀoro dâd 1941 uuerðan ni môtun, that sie iuuua uuerc frummien, 1942 lêstien iuuua lêra, than gi fan them liudiun sân, 1943 farad fan themu folke, - [the iuuua friðu huuirƀid] 1944 [eft] an [iuuuoro] selƀoro sîð, - endi lâtad sie mid sundiun forð, 1945 mid balu[uuercun] bûan endi sôkiad iu burg ôðra, 1946 mikil [manuuerod], endi ne lâtad thes melmes uuiht 1947 folgan an iuuuom fôtun, thanan [the] man iu antfâhan ne uuili, 1948 ac scuddiat it fan iuuuon scôhun, that it im eft te scamu uuerðe, 1949 themu uuerode te geuuitskepie, that iro uuillio ne dôg. 1950 Than seggeo ic iu te uuârun, sô huan sô thius uuerold endiad 1951 endi the mâreo dag oƀar man farid, 1952 that than Sodomoburg, thiu hîr thurh sundeon uuarð 1953 [an afgrundi] êldes craftu, 1954 fiuru bifallen, [that] thiu than haƀad friðu mêran, 1955 mildiran mund[burd], [than] thea man êgin, 1956 the iu hîr uuiðaruuerpat endi ne uuilliad iuuua uuord frummien. 1957 Sô hue sô iu [than] antfâhit thurh ferhtan hugi, 1958 thurh mildean môd, sô haƀad mînan forð 1959 uuilleon geuuarhten endi [ôc] uualdand god, 1960 antfangan fader iuuuan, firiho drohtin, 1961 rîkean râdgeƀon, thene the al reht bican. 1962 Uuêt uualdand self, endi uuillean lônot 1963 gumono gehuilicumu, sô huat sô hi hîr gôdes geduot, 1964 thoh hi thurh minnea godes manno huilicumu 1965 uuilleandi fargeƀe uuatares drinkan, 1966 that hi thurftigumu manne [thurst] gehêlie, 1967 caldes brunnan. Thesa quidi uuerðad uuâra, 1968 that eo ne bilîƀid, ne hi thes lôn sculi, 1969 fora godes ôgun geld antfâhan, 1970 mêda managfalde, sô huat sô hi is thurh mîna minnea geduot. 1971 Sô hue sô [mîn] than farlôgnid [liudibarno], 1972 heliðo for thesoro heriu, sô dôm ic [is] an himile sô self 1973 thar uppe far them alouualdan fader endi for allumu is engilo crafte, 1974 far theru mikilon menigi. Sô huilic sô than eft manno barno 1975 an thesoro uueroldi ne uuili uuordun mîðan, 1976 ac [gihit] far gumskepi, that he mîn iungoro sî, 1977 thene uuilliu ec eft ôgean far [ôgun godes], 1978 fora alloro firiho fader, thar folc manag 1979 for thene alouualdon alla gangad 1980 reðinon uuið thene rîkeon. Thar uuilliu ic imu an reht uuesan 1981 mildi mundboro, sô huemu sô mînun hîr 1982 uuordun hôrid endi thiu uuerc frumid, 1983 thea ic hîr an thesumu berge uppan geboden hebbiu.ʼ 1984 Habda thô te uuârun uualdandes sunu 1985 gelêrid thea liudi, huô sie lof gode 1986 uuirkean scoldin. Thô lêt hi that uuerod thanan 1987 an alloro [halƀa] gehuilica, heriskepi manno 1988 sîðon te selðon. Habdun selƀes [uuord], 1989 gehôrid heƀencuninges hêlaga lêra, 1990 sô eo te uueroldi sint [uuordo endi dâdeo], 1991 mancunnies manag oƀar thesan middilgard 1992 [sprâcono] thiu spâhiron, sô hue sô thiu spel gefrang, 1993 thea thar an themu berge [gesprac] barno rîkeast. 1994 Geuuêt imu thô umbi threa naht aftar thiu thesoro thiodo drohtin 1995 an [Galileo land], thar he te ênum gômum uuarð, 1996 gebedan that barn godes: thar scolda man êna brûd geƀan, 1997 munalîca [magað]. Thar Maria uuas, 1998 mid iro suni selƀo, sâlig thiorna, 1999 mahtiges môder. Managoro drohtin 2000 geng imu thô mid is iungoron, godes êgan barn, 2001 an that hôha hûs, thar [the] heri dranc, 2002 thea Iudeon an themu gastseli: he im ôc at them gômun uuas, 2003 giac hi thar gecûðde, [that] hi habda craft godes, 2004 helpa fan himilfader, hêlagna gêst, 2005 uualdandes uuîsdôm. Uuerod blîðode, 2006 uuârun thar an luston liudi atsamne, 2007 gumon gladmôdie. Gengun ambahtman, 2008 skenkeon mid scâlun, drôgun [skîriane] uuîn 2009 mid orcun endi mid alofatun; uuas thar erlo drôm 2010 fagar an flettea, thô thar folc undar im 2011 an them benkeon sô bezt blîðsea afhôƀun, 2012 uuârun thar an uunneun. [Thô] im thes uuînes brast, 2013 them liudiun thes lîðes: is ni uuas farlêƀid uuiht 2014 huergin an themu hûse, that for [thene heri] forð 2015 skenkeon drôgin, ac thiu scapu uuârun 2016 lîðes alârid. Thô ni uuas lang te thiu, 2017 that it sân antfunda [frîo] scôniosta, 2018 Cristes môder: geng uuið iro kind sprecan, 2019 uuið iro sunu selƀon, sagda im mid uuordun, 2020 that thea uuerdos thô mêr uuînes ne habdun 2021 them gestiun te [gômun]. Siu thô gerno bad, 2022 that is the hêlogo Crist helpa geriedi 2023 themu uuerode te uuilleon. Thô habda [eft] is uuord garu 2024 mahtig barn godes endi uuið is môder sprac: 2025 ʽhuat ist mi endi thiʼ, quað he, ʽumbi thesoro manno lið, 2026 umbi theses uuerodes uuîn? Te huî sprikis thu thes, uuîf, sô filu, 2027 manos mi far thesoro menigi? Ne sint mîna noh 2028 [tîdi] cumana.ʼ Than thoh [gitrûoda siu uuel] 2029 an iro hugiskeftiun, hêlag thiorne, 2030 that is aftar them uuordun uualdandes barn, 2031 hêleandoro bezt helpan uueldi. 2032 Hêt thô thea ambahtman idiso scôniost, 2033 skenkeon endi scapuuardos, thea thar scoldun thero scolu thionon, 2034 that sie thes ne uuord ne uuerc uuiht ne farlêtin, 2035 thes sie the hêlogo Crist hêtan uueldi 2036 lêstean far them liudiun. Lârea stôdun thar 2037 stênfatu sehsi. Thô sô stillo gebôd 2038 mahtig barn godes, sô it thar manno filu 2039 ne uuissa te uuârun, huô he it mid [is] uuordu gesprac; 2040 he hêt thea skenkeon thô skîreas uuatares 2041 thiu fatu fullien, endi hi thar mid is fingrun thô, 2042 segnade selƀo sînun handun, 2043 uuarhte it te uuîne endi hêt is an ên uuêgi hlaðen, 2044 skeppien mid ênoro scâlon, endi thô te them skenkeon sprac, 2045 hêt [is] thero gesteo, the at them gômun uuas 2046 themu hêroston an hand geƀan, 2047 ful mid folmun, themu the thes folkes thar 2048 geuueld aftar themu [uuerde]. Reht sô [hi] thes uuînes gedranc, 2049 sô ni mahte he bemîðan, ne hi far theru menigi sprac 2050 te themu brûdigumon, quað that simbla that bezte lîð 2051 alloro erlo gehuilic êrist scoldi 2052 geƀan at is gômun: ʽundar thiu uuirðid [thero] gumono hugi 2053 auuekid mid uuînu, that sie uuel blîðod, 2054 druncan drômead. Than mag man thar dragan aftar thiu 2055 [lîhtlîcora] lîð: sô ist thesoro liudeo thau. 2056 Than haƀas thu nu uunderlîco uuerdskepi thînan 2057 gemarcod far thesoro menigi: hêtis far thit manno folc 2058 alles thînes uuînes that uuirsiste 2059 thîne ambahtman êrist brengean, 2060 geƀan [at] thînun gômun. Nu sint thîna gesti sade, 2061 sint thîne druhtingos druncane suîðo, 2062 is thit folc [frômôd]: nu hêtis thu hîr forð dragan 2063 alloro lîðo lofsamost, thero [the ic eo an thesumu liohte gesah] 2064 huergin hebbean. Mid thius scoldis thu ûs hindag êr 2065 geƀon endi gômean: than it alloro gumono gehuilic 2066 gethigedi te thanke.ʼ Thô uuarð thar thegan manag 2067 geuuar aftar them uuordun, sîðor sie thes uuînes gedruncun, 2068 that [thar] the hêlogo Crist an themu hûse innan 2069 têcan uuarhte: trûodun sie sîðor 2070 thiu mêr an is mundburd, that hi [habdi] maht godes, 2071 geuuald an thesoro uueroldi. Thô uuarð that sô uuîdo cûð 2072 oƀar [Galileo land] Iudeo liudiun, 2073 huô thar selƀo gededa sunu drohtines 2074 uuater te uuîne: that uuarð thar uundro êrist, 2075 thero [the] hi thar an Galilea Iudeo [liudeon], 2076 têcno getôgdi. Ne mag [that] getellean man, 2077 geseggean te sôðan, huat thar sîðor uuarð 2078 uundres undar themu uuerode, thar uualdand Crist 2079 an godes namon Iudeo liudeon 2080 allan langan dag lêra sagde, 2081 gihêt im [heƀenrîki] endi helleo gethuing 2082 uueride mid uuordun, hêt sie uuara godes, 2083 sinlîf sôkean: thar is seolono lioht, 2084 drôm drohtines endi dagskîmon, 2085 gôd[lîcnissea] godes; thar gêst manag 2086 uunod an uuillean, the hîr uuel thenkid, 2087 that he hîr bihalde heƀencuninges gebod. 2088 Geuuêt imu thô mid is iungoron fan them gômun [forð] 2089 Kristus te Capharnaum, cuningo rîkeost, 2090 te theru mâreon burg. Megin samnode, 2091 gumon imu tegegnes, gôdoro [manno] 2092 sâlig gesîði: uueldun thiu [is] suôtean uuord 2093 hêlag [hôrien. Thar] im ên hunno quam, 2094 ên gôd man angegin endi ina gerno bad 2095 helpan hêlagne, quað that hi undar is hîuuiskea 2096 ênna lefna [lamon] lango habdi, 2097 seocan an is selðon: ʽsô ina ênig seggeo ne mag 2098 handun gehêlien. Nu is im thînoro helpono tharf, 2099 frô mîn the gôdo.ʼ Thô sprac im eft that friðubarn godes 2100 sân aftar thiu selƀo tegegnes, 2101 quað that he thar quâmi endi that kind [uueldi] 2102 nerean [af] theru nôdi. Thô im nâhor geng 2103 the man far theru menigi uuið sô mahtigna 2104 uuordun uuehslan: ʽic thes uuirðig ne bium,ʼ quað he, 2105 ʽhêrro the gôdo, that thu an mîn hûs cumes, 2106 sôkeas mîna seliða, huand ic bium sô sundig man 2107 mid uuordun endi mid uuercun. Ic gelôƀiu that thu geuuald haƀas, 2108 that thu ina [hinana] maht hêlan geuuirkean, 2109 uualdand frô mîn: ef thu it mid [thînun uuordun] gesprikis, 2110 than is sân thiu lêfhêd lôsot endi uuirðid is lîchamo 2111 hêl endi hrêni, ef thu im thîna helpa fargiƀis. 2112 Ic bium mi ambahtman, hebbiu mi ôdes genôg, 2113 uuelono geuunnen: thoh ic undar geuueldi sî 2114 aðalcuninges, [thoh] hebbiu ic erlo getrôst, 2115 holde heririncos, thea mi sô gehôriga sint, 2116 that sie thes ne uuord ne uuerc uuiht ne farlâtad, 2117 thes ic sie an thesumu landskepie lêstean [hête,] 2118 ac sie farad endi frummiad endi eft te iro frôhan cumad, 2119 holde te iro hêrron. Thoh ic at mînumu hûs êgi 2120 uuîdbrêdene uuelon endi uuerodes genôg, 2121 heliðos hugiderƀie, [thoh] ni gidar ic thi sô hêlagna 2122 biddien, barn godes, that thu an mîn bû gangas, 2123 sôkeas mîna seliða, huand ic sô sundig bium, 2124 uuêt mîna faruurhti.ʼ Thô sprac eft uualdand Crist, 2125 the gumo uuið is iungoron, quað that hi an Iudeon huergin 2126 undar Israheles aƀoron ne fundi 2127 gemacon thes mannes, the io mêr te gode 2128 an themu landskepi gelôƀon habdi, 2129 [than] hluttron te himile: ʽnu lâtu ic iu thar hôrien tô, 2130 thar ic it iu te uuârun hîr uuordun seggeo, 2131 that noh sculun elitheoda [ôstane] endi [uestane], 2132 mancunnies cuman manag tesamne, 2133 [hêlag folc godes an heƀenrîki]: 2134 thea motun thar an Abrahames endi an Isaakes sô self 2135 endi [ôc] an Iacobes, gôdoro manno, 2136 barmun restien endi bêðiu [gethologean,] 2137 uuelon endi uuilleon endi [uuonodsam] lîf, 2138 gôd lioht mid gode. Than scal [Iudeono] filu, 2139 theses rîkeas suni berôƀode uuerðen, 2140 [bedêlide] sulicoro diurðo, endi sculun an dalun thiustron 2141 an themu alloro ferristan ferne liggen. 2142 Thar mag man gehôrien heliðos quîðean, 2143 thar sie iro torn manag tandon bîtad; 2144 thar ist [gristgrimmo] endi grâdag fiur, 2145 hard [helleo gethuing], hêt endi thiustri, 2146 [suart] sinnahti sundea te lône, 2147 uurêðoro geuurhteo, sô huemu sô thes uuilleon ne haƀad, 2148 that he [ina] alôsie, êr hi thit lioht ageƀe, 2149 uuendie fan thesoro uueroldi. Nu maht thu thi an thînan uuilleon forð 2150 sîðon te selðun; than findis thugesundat hûs 2151 magoiungan man: môd is imu an luston, 2152 that barn is gehêlid, sô thu bêdi te mi: 2153 it uuirðid al sô gelêstid, sô thu gelôƀon haƀas 2154 an thînumu hugi hardo.ʼ Thô sagde heƀencuninge, 2155 the ambahtman alouualdon gode 2156 thanc for thero thiodo, [thes] he imu at sulicun tharƀun halp. 2157 Habda tho [giârundid,] al sô he uuelde, 2158 sâliglîco: giuuêt imu an thana sîð thanan, 2159 uuende an is uuillean, thar he uuelon êhte, 2160 bû endi bôdlos: fand [that] barn gesund, 2161 kindiungan [man]. Kristes uuârun thô 2162 uuord [gefullot:] hi geuuald habda 2163 te [tôgeanna] têcan, sô that ni mag gitellien man, 2164 geahton oƀar thesoro erðu, huat he thurh is ênes craft 2165 an [thesaro] middilgard mâriða gefrumide, 2166 uundres geuuarhte, huand al an is geuueldi stâd, 2167 himil endi erðe. 2167 Thô geuuêt imu the hêlogo Crist 2168 forðuuardes faren, [fremide] alomahtig 2169 alloro dago gehuilikes, drohtin the gôdo, 2170 liudeo barnum leof, [lêrde] mid uuordun 2171 godes uuilleon gumun, habda imu iungorono filu 2172 simbla te gisîðun, sâlig folc godes, 2173 manno megincraft, managoro theodo, 2174 hêlag heriskepi, uuas is helpono gôd, 2175 mannun mildi. Thô hi mid theru menigi quam, 2176 mid thiu [brahtmu] that barn godes te burg theru hôhon, 2177 the neriendo te Naim: thar scolde is namo uuerðen 2178 mannun gemârid. Thô geng mahtig tô 2179 neriendo Crist, antat he ginâhid uuas, 2180 [hêleandero bezt: thô] sâhun sie thar ên hrêo dragan, 2181 [ênan] lîflôsan lîchamon thea liudi [fôrien], 2182 [beran] an ênaru [bâru] ût at [thera] burges dore, 2183 maguiungan man. Thiu môder aftar geng 2184 an iro hugi hriuuig endi handun slôg, 2185 carode endi cûmde iro kindes dôð, 2186 idis armscapan; it uuas ira [ênag] barn: 2187 siu uuas iru uuidouua, ne habda uunnea than mêr, 2188 [biûten] te themu ênagun sunie al [gelâten] 2189 uunnea endi uuillean, anttat ina iru [uurd] benam, 2190 mâri metodogescapu. Megin folgode, 2191 burgliudeo gebrac, thar man ina an [bâru] drôg, 2192 iungan man te graƀe. Thar uuarð imu the godes sunu, 2193 mahtig mildi endi te theru môder sprac, 2194 hêt that thiu uuidouua uuôp farlêti, 2195 cara aftar themu kinde: ʽthu scalt [hîr craft sehan], 2196 uualdandes giuuerc: thi scal hîr uuilleo [gestanden], 2197 frôfra far thesumu folke: ne tharft thu ferah caron 2198 barnes thînes.ʼ *Thuo hie ti thero bâron geng 2199 iac hie ina selƀo anthrên, suno drohtines, 2200 hêlagon handon, endi ti them [heliðe] sprak, 2201 hiet ina sô alaiungan [up] astandan, 2202 arîsan fan theru restun. Thie rinc up asat, 2203 that barn an thero bârun: uuarð im eft an is briost cuman 2204 thie gêst thuru godes craft, endi hie tegegnes sprac, 2205 the man uuið is mâgos. Thuo ina eft thero muoder bifalah 2206 hêlandi Crist an hand: hugi uuarð iro te froƀra, 2207 thes uuîƀes an uunneon, huand iro thar sulic uuilleo gistuod. 2208 Fell siu thô te fuotun Cristes endi thena folco drohtin 2209 loƀoda for thero liudeo menigi, huand hie iro at sô liobes [ferahe] 2210 mundoda uuiðer metodigisceftie: farstuod siu that hie uuas thie mahtigo drohtin, 2211 thie hêlago, thie himiles giuualdid, endi that hie mahti gihelpan managon, 2212 allon irminthiedon. Thuo bigunnun that ahton managa, 2213 that uunder, that under them uueroda giburida, quâðun that uualdand selƀo, 2214 mahtig quâmi tharod is menigi uuîson, endi that hie im sô mârean sandi 2215 uuârsagon an thero [uueroldes rîki,] thie im thar sulican uuilleon frumidi. 2216 Uuarð thar thuo erl manag egison bifangan, 2217 that folc uuarð an forohton: gisâhun thena is [ferah] êgan, 2218 dages lioht sehan, thena the êr dôð fornam, 2219 an suhtbeddeon sualt: thuo uuas im eft gisund after thiu, 2220 kindiung aquicot. Thuo uuarð that kûð obar all 2221 aƀaron Israheles. Reht sô thuo âƀand quam, 2222 sô uuarð thar all gisamnod seokora manno, 2223 haltaro endi hâƀaro, sô huat sô thar huergin uuas, 2224 thia lêƀun under them liudeon, endi uurðun thar gilêdit tuo, 2225 cumana te Criste, thar hie im thuru is craft mikil 2226 halp endi sie hêlda, endi liet sia eft gihaldana thanan 2227 uuendan an iro uuilleon. Bethiu scal man is uuerc loƀon, 2228 diuran is dâdi, huand hie is drohtin self, 2229 mahtig mundboro manno kunnie, 2230 liudeo sô huilicon, sô thar gilôbit tuo 2231 an is uuord endi an is uuerc. 2231 Thuo uuas thar uuerodes sô filo 2232 allaro elithiodo [cuman te] them êron Cristes, 2233 [te] sô mahtiges mundburd. Thuo uuelda hie thar êna meri lîðan, 2234 thie godes suno mid is iungron aneƀan Galilealand, 2235 uualdand ênna [uuâgo strôm]. Thuo hiet hie that uuerod ôðar 2236 forðuuerdes faran, endi hie giuuêt im fahora sum 2237 an ênna nacon innan, neriendi Crist, 2238 slâpan sîðuuôrig. Segel [up] dâdun 2239 uuederuuîsa uueros, lietun uuind after 2240 manon oƀar thena meristrôm, unthat hie te middean quam, 2241 uualdand mid is uuerodu. Thuo bigan thes uuedares craft, 2242 ûst up stîgan, ûðiun uuahsan; 2243 suang gisuerc an gimang: thie sêu uuarð an hruoru, 2244 uuan uuind endi uuater; uueros sorogodun, 2245 thiu meri uuarð sô muodag, ni uuânda thero manno nigên 2246 lengron lîƀes. Thuo [sia] landes uuard 2247 uuekidun mid iro uuordon endi sagdun im thes uuedares craft, 2248 bâdun that im ginâðig neriendi Crist 2249 uurði uuið them uuatare: ʽeftha uui sculun hier te uunderquâlu 2250 sueltan an theson sêuue.ʼ Self [up arês] 2251 thie guodo godes suno endi te is iungron sprak, 2252 hiet that sia im uuedares giuuin uuiht ni [andrêdin]: 2253 ʽte huî sind gi sô forhta?ʼ quathie. ʽNis iu noh fast hugi, 2254 gilôƀo is iu te luttil. Nis nu lang te thiu, 2255 that thia strômos sculun stilrun uuerðan 2256 gi thit *uuedar uunsam.ʼ Tho hi te [them] uuinde sprac 2257 ge te themu sêuua sô self endi sie smultro hêt 2258 [bêðea] [gebârean.] Sie gibod lêstun, 2259 uualdandes uuord: uueder stillodun, 2260 fagar uuarð [an] flôde. Thô [bigan] that folc undar im, 2261 [uuerod uundraian], endi suma mid [iro] uuordun sprâkun, 2262 huilic that sô mahtigoro manno uuâri, 2263 that imu sô the uuind endi the uuâg uuordu hôrdin, 2264 [bêðea] is gibodskepies. Thô habda sie that barn godes 2265 ginerid fan theru nôdi: the naco furðor skreid, 2266 [hôh hurnidskip]; heliðos [quâmun], 2267 [liudi] te lande, sagdun lof gode, 2268 mâridun is megincraft. Quam thar manno filu 2269 angegin [themu] godes [sunie]; he sie gerno antfeng, 2270 sô huene sô thar mid [hluttru hugi] helpa sôhte; 2271 lêrde sie iro gilôƀon endi iro lîchamon 2272 handun hêlde: nio the man sô hardo ni uuas 2273 [gisêrit] mid suhtiun: thoh ina Satanases 2274 fêknea iungoron fîundes craftu 2275 habdin undar handun endi is hugiskefti, 2276 [giuuit] auuardid, that he uuôdiendi 2277 fôri undar themu folke, thoh im simbla [ferh fargaf] 2278 hêlandeo Crist, ef he te is handun quam, 2279 drêf thea diuƀlas thanan drohtines craftu, 2280 uuârun uuordun, endi im is geuuit fargaf, 2281 lêt ina than hêlan uuiðer hetteandun, 2282 gaf im uuið thie fîund friðu, endi im forð giuuêt 2283 an sô [huilic] thero lando, sô im [than] leoƀost uuas. 2284 Sô deda the drohtines sunu dago gehuilikes 2285 [gôd uuerk] mid is iungeron, sô neo Iudeon umbi that 2286 an thea is [mikilun craft] thiu mêr ne gelôƀdun, 2287 that he alouualdo alles uuâri, 2288 landes endi liudio: thes sie noh lôn nimat, 2289 uuîdana uuracsîð, thes sie thar that geuuin driƀun 2290 uuið [selƀan] thene [sunu drohtines]. Thô he [im] mid is gesîðon giuuêt 2291 eft an [Galilæo land], godes êgan barn, 2292 fôr im te them friundun, thar he afôdid uuas 2293 endi al undar is cunnie kindiung auuôhs, 2294 the hêlago hêleand. Umbi ina heriskepi, 2295 theoda thrungun; thar uuas thegan manag 2296 sô sâlig undar them gesîðe. Thar drôgun ênna seocan man 2297 erlos [an] iro armun: uueldun ina for ôgun Kristes, 2298 brengean for that barn godes - uuas im bôtono tharf, 2299 that ina gehêldi heƀenes uualdand, 2300 manno mundboro -, the uuas êr sô managan dag 2301 liðuuuastmon bilamod, ni mahte is lîchamon 2302 [uuiht] geuualdan. Than uuas thar uuerodes sô filu, 2303 that sie ina fora that barn godes brengean ni mahtun, 2304 gethringan thurh thea thioda, that sie [sô] thurftiges 2305 sunnea gesagdin. Thô giuuêt imu an ênna seli innan 2306 [hêleando] Crist; [huarf] uuarð thar umbi, 2307 megintheodo gemang. Thô bigunnun thea man spreken, 2308 the thene lêfna lamon lango fôrdun, 2309 bârun mid is beddiu, huô sie ina gedrôgin fora that [barn godes], 2310 [an] that uuerod innan, thar ina uualdand Crist 2311 selƀo gisâuui. Thô gengun thea gesîðos tô, 2312 hôƀun ina mid iro handun endi uppan that hûs stigun, 2313 slitun thene seli oƀana endi [ina] mid sêlun lêtun 2314 an thene rakud innan, thar the rîkeo uuas, 2315 cuningo craftigost. Reht sô he ina [thô] kuman gisah 2316 thurh thes hûses hrôst, sô he thô an iro hugi farstôd, 2317 an thero manno môdseƀon, that sie [mikilana] te imu 2318 gelôƀon habdun, thô he for then liudiun sprak, 2319 quað that he thene siakon man sundeono tômean 2320 lâtan uueldi. Thô sprâkun im eft thea liudi angegin, 2321 [gramharde] Iudeon, thea thes godes barnes 2322 uuord [aftaruuarodun], quâðun that that ni mahti [giuuerðen] sô, 2323 grimuuerc fargeƀen, [biûtan] god êno, 2324 uualdand thesaro uueroldes. Thô habda eft is uuord garu 2325 mahtig barn godes: ʽik gidôn thatʼ, quað he, ʽan thesumu [manne] skîn, 2326 the hîr sô siak ligid an thesumu seli innan, 2327 [te] uundron giuuêgid, that ik geuuald hebbiu 2328 sundea te fargeƀanne endi ôc seokan man 2329 te gehêleanne, sô ik ina hrînan ni tharf.ʼ 2330 Manoda ina thô the mâreo drohtin, 2331 liggeandean lamon, hêt ina far them liudiun astandan 2332 up alohêlan endi hêt ina an is ahslun niman, 2333 is bedgiuuâdi te baka; he that gibod lêste 2334 sniumo for [themu] [gisîðea] endi geng imu eft gesund thanan, 2335 hêl fan themu hûse. Thô thes sô manag hêðin man, 2336 uueros uundradun, quâðun that imu uualdand self, 2337 god alomahtig fargeƀan habdi 2338 mêron mahti than elcor ênigumu mannes sunie, 2339 craft endi cûsti; sie ni uueldun antkennean thoh, 2340 Iudeo liudi, that he god uuâri, 2341 ne gelôƀdun is lêran, ac habdun im lêðan strîd, 2342 uunnun uuiðar is uuordun: thes sie uuerk hlutun, 2343 [lêðlîc] lôngeld, endi sô noh lango sculun, 2344 thes sie ni uueldun hôrien heƀen[cuninges], 2345 Cristes lêrun, thea he cûðde oƀar al, 2346 uuîdo aftar thesaro uueroldi, endi lêt sie is uuerk sehan 2347 allaro dago gehuilikes, is dâdi scauuon, 2348 hôrien is hêlag uuord, the he te helpu gesprak 2349 manno barnun, endi sô manag mahtiglîc 2350 têcan getôgda, that sie [gitrûodin] thiu bet, 2351 gilôƀdin [an] is [lêra]. He sô managan lîchamon 2352 balusuhteo [antband endi] bôta geskeride, 2353 fargaf fêgiun ferah, them the [fûsid] uuas 2354 helið an helsîð: [than gideda ina the] hêland self, 2355 Crist thurh is craft mikil quican aftar dôđa, 2356 lêt ina an thesaro uueroldi forð uunneono neotan. 2357 Sô hêlde he thea haltun man endi thea hâƀon sô self, 2358 bôtta, them thar blinde uuârun, lêt sie [that] berhte lioht, 2359 sinscôni [sehan], sundea lôsda, 2360 gumono grimuuerk. Ni uuas gio [Iudeono] bethiu, 2361 lêðes liudskepies gilôƀo thiu betara 2362 an thene hêlagon Crist, ac habdun im [hardene] môd, 2363 suîðo starkan strîd, farstandan ni uueldun, 2364 that sie habdun [forfangan] fîundun an uuillean, 2365 liudi mid iro gelôƀun. Ni uuas gio thiu latoro bethiu 2366 sunu drohtines, ac he sagde mid uuordun, 2367 huô sie [scoldin gehalon] himiles rîki, 2368 lêrde aftar themu lande, habde imu thero liudio sô filu 2369 giuuenid mid is uuordun, that im uuerod mikil, 2370 folc folgoda, endi he im filu sagda, 2371 be biliðiun that barn godes, thes sie ni mahtun an iro breostun farstandan, 2372 undarhuggean an iro herton, êr it im the hêlago Crist 2373 oƀar that erlo folc oponun uuordun 2374 thurh is selƀes craft seggean uuelda, 2375 mârean huat he mênde. Thar ina megin umbi, 2376 thioda thrungun: uuas im [tharf] mikil 2377 te gihôrienne heƀencuninges 2378 uuârfastun uuord. He stôd imu thô bi ênes uuatares staðe, 2379 ni uuelde thô bi themu gethringe oƀar that thegno folc 2380 an themu lande uppan thea lêra cûðean, 2381 ac geng imu thô the gôdo endi is iungaron mid imu, 2382 friðubarn godes, themu flôde nâhor 2383 an ên skip innan, endi it scalden hêt 2384 lande rûmur, that ina thea liudi sô filu, 2385 thioda ni thrungi. Stôd thegan manag, 2386 uuerod bi themu uuatare, thar uualdand Crist 2387 oƀar that liudio folc lêra sagde: 2388 ʽhuat, ik iu seggean magʼ, quað he, ʽgesîðos mîne, 2389 huô imu ên erl bigan an erðu [sâian] 2390 [hrêncorni] mid is handun. Sum it an [hardan] stēn 2391 [oƀan]uuardan fel, erðon ni habda, 2392 that it [thar] mahti uuahsan eftha [uurteo] gifâhan, 2393 kînan eftha biclîƀen, ac uuarð that corn farloren, 2394 [that thar an theru lêian gilag]. Sum it eft an land bifel, 2395 an erðun aðalcunnies: bigan imu aftar thiu 2396 uuahsen uuânlîco endi uurteo fâhan, 2397 [lôd] an lustun: uuas that land sô gôd, 2398 frânisco gifehod. Sum it eft bifallen uuarð 2399 an êna starca strâtun, thar stôpon gengun, 2400 hrosso hôfslaga endi heliðo [trâda]; 2401 [uuarð imu thar an erðu endi eft up gigeng], 2402 bigan imu an themu uuege uuahsen; thô it eft thes uuerodes farnam, 2403 thes folkes fard mikil endi fuglos alâsun, 2404 that [is] themu êcsan uuiht aftar ni môste 2405 uuerðan te uuillean, thes thar an thene uueg bifel. 2406 Sum uuarð it than bifallen, thar sô filu stôdun 2407 [thiccero] thorno an themu dage; 2408 uuarð imu thar an erðu endi eft up gigeng, 2409 kên imu thar endi [cliƀode]. Thô [slôgun thar] eft crûd an gimang, 2410 uueridun imu thene uuastom: habda it thes uualdes hlea 2411 forana [oƀarfangan], that it ni [mahte] te ênigaro frumu uuerðen, 2412 ef [it] thea thornos sô thringan [môstun].ʼ 2413 Thô sâtun endi suîgodun gesîðos Cristes, 2414 uuordspâha uueros: uuas im uundar mikil, 2415 be huilicun biliðiun that barn godes 2416 sulic sôðlîc spel seggean bigunni. 2417 Thô bigan is thero erlo ên frâgoian 2418 holdan hêrron, hnêg imu tegegnes 2419 tulgo uuerðlico: ʽhuat, thu geuuald haƀasʼ, [quað he], 2420 ʽia an [himile ia an erðu], hêlag drohtin, 2421 [uppa endi niðara], bist thu alouualdo 2422 gumono gêsto, endi uui thîne iungaron sind, 2423 an [ûsumu] hugi holde. Hêrro the gôdo, 2424 ef it thîn uuilleo sî, lât ûs thînaro uuordo thar 2425 endi gihôrien, that uui it aftar thi 2426 [oƀar] al cristinfolc cûðean môtin. 2427 Uui uuitun that thînun uuordun uuârlîc biliði 2428 forð folgoiad, endi ûs is firinun tharf, 2429 that uui thîn uuord endi thîn uuerk, - huand [it] fan sulicumu geuuittea cumid - 2430 that uui it an thesumu [lande at thi] lînon môtin.ʼ 2431 Thô im eft tegegnes gumono bezta 2432 anduuordi gesprak: ʽni mênde ik elcor uuihtʼ, [quað he,] 2433 ʽte bidernienne dâdio mînaro, 2434 uuordo eftha uuerco; thit sculun gi [uuitan] alle, 2435 iungaron mîne, huand iu fargeƀen haƀad 2436 uualdand thesaro uueroldes, that gi uuitan môtun 2437 an iuuuom hugiskeftiun [himilisc] gerûni; 2438 them ôðrun scal man be biliðiun that gibod godes 2439 uuordun uuîsien. Nu uuilliu ik iu te uuârun hier 2440 mârien, huat ik mênde, that gi mîna thiu bet 2441 oƀar al thit landskepi lêra farstandan. 2442 That sâd, that ik iu sagda, that is selƀes uuord, 2443 thiu hêlaga lêra heƀencuninges, 2444 huô man thea mârien scal oƀar [thene] middilgard, 2445 uuîdo aftar thesaro uueroldi. Uueros sind im gihugide, 2446 man mislîco: sum [sulican] môd dregid, 2447 harda hugiskefti endi hrêan seƀon, 2448 that ina ni geuuerðod, that he it be iuuuon uuordun [due,] 2449 that he [thesa] mîna lêra forð lêstien uuillie, 2450 ac uuerðad thar sô farlorana lêra mîna, 2451 godes ambusni endi iuuuaro gumono uuord 2452 an themu uƀilon manne, sô ik iu êr sagda, 2453 that that korn faruuarð, that thar mid kîðun ni mahte 2454 an themu stêne uppan stedihaft uuerðan. 2455 Sô uuirðid al farloran eðilero sprâka, 2456 ârundi godes, sô huat sô man themu uƀilon manne 2457 uuordun geuuîsid, endi [he] an thea uuirson hand, 2458 undar fîundo folc fard gekiusid, 2459 an godes unuuilean endi an gramono hrôm 2460 endi an fiures [farm]. Forð scal he [hêtean] 2461 mid is breosthugi brêda logna. 2462 Nio gi an thesumu lande thiu lês lêra mîna 2463 uuordun ni uuîsiad: is theses uuerodes sô filu, 2464 erlo aftar thesaro erðun: bistêd thar ôðar man, 2465 the is [imu iung] endi glau, - endi haƀad imu gôdan môd -, 2466 sprâkono spâhi endi uuêt iuuuaro spello giskêđ, 2467 hugid is than an is herton endi hôrid thar mid is ôrun [tô] 2468 suîðo niudlîco endi nâhor stêd, 2469 an is breost hledid that gibod godes, 2470 lînod endi lêstid: is is gilôƀo sô gôd, 2471 talod imu, huô he ôðrana eft gihuerƀie 2472 [mên]dâdigan man, that is môd draga 2473 hluttra treuua te heƀencuninge. 2474 Than brêdid an thes breostun that gibod godes, 2475 thie luƀigo gilôbo, sô an themu lande duod 2476 that korn mid kîðun, thar it [gikund] haƀad 2477 endi imu thiu [uurð] bihagod [endi uuederes gang], 2478 regin endi sunne, that it is reht haƀad. 2479 Sô duod thiu godes lêra an themu gôdun manne 2480 dages endi nahtes, endi [gangid] imu [diuƀal] fer, 2481 uurêða uuihti endi the uuard godes 2482 nâhor mikilu [nahtes endi dages], 2483 anttat sie ina brengead, that thar bêðiu uuirðid 2484 ia thiu lêra te frumu liudio barnun, 2485 [the] fan is mûðe cumid, [iac] uuirðid the man gode; 2486 haƀad sô [giuuehslod] te [thesaro uuerold]stundu 2487 mid is hugiskeftiun himilrîkeas gidêl, 2488 uuelono [thene] mêstan: farid imu an giuuald godes, 2489 [tionuno tômig]. Treuua sind sô gôda 2490 gumono gehuilicumu, sô nis [goldes] hord 2491 gelîk sulicumu gilôƀon. Uuesad iuuuaro lêrono forð 2492 mancunnie mildie; sie sind sô mislîka, 2493 heliðos gehugda: sum haƀad iro hardan strîd, 2494 uurêðan uuillean, uuancolna hugi, 2495 is imu fêknes ful endi firinuuerko. 2496 Than biginnid imu thunkean, than he undar theru thiodu stâd 2497 endi thar gihôrid oƀar hlust [mikil] 2498 thea godes lêra, than thunkid imu, that he sie [gerno forð] 2499 lêstien uuillie; than biginnid imu thiu [lêra godes] 2500 an is hugi hafton, anttat imu [than] eft an hand cumid 2501 feho te gifôrea endi fremiði scat. 2502 Than farlêdead ina lêða uuihti, 2503 than he imu farfâhid an fehogiri, 2504 aleskid thene gilôbon: than uuas imu that luttil fruma, 2505 that he it gio an is hertan [gehugda,] ef he it halden ne uuili. 2506 That is sô the uuastom, the an themu uuege began, 2507 liodan an themu lande: [thô] farnam ina eft thero liudio fard. 2508 Sô duot [thea] meginsundeon an [thes] mannes hugi 2509 thea godes lêra, ef he is ni gômid uuel; 2510 elcor bifelliad sia ina ferne te boðme, 2511 an thene hêtan hel, [thar] he [heƀencuninge 2512 ni] uuirđid furður te frumu, ac ina fîund sculun 2513 [uuîtiu giuuaragean.] Simla gi mid uuordun forð 2514 lêread an thesumu lande: *ik can thesaro liudio hugi, 2515 sô mislîcan muodseƀon manno cunnies, 2516 sô uuanda uuîsa ............ 2517 Sum haƀit all te thiu is muod gilâtan endi [mêr] sorogot, 2518 huô hie that [hord bihalde, than] huô hie heƀancuninges 2519 uuilleon giuuirkie. Bethiu thar uuahsan ni mag 2520 that hêlaga gibod godes, thoh it thar ahafton mugi, 2521 uurtion biuuerpan, huand it thie uuelo thringit. 2522 Sô samo sô that crûd endi thie thorn that corn antfâhat, 2523 uueriat im thena [uuastom], sô duot thie uuelo manne: 2524 giheftid is herta, that hie it gihuggian ni muot, 2525 thie man an is muode, thes hie mêst bitharf, 2526 huô hie that giuuirkie, than lang thie hie an thesaro uueroldi sî, 2527 that hie ti êuuondage after muoti 2528 hebbian thuru is hêrren thanc himiles rîki, 2529 sô endilôsan uuelon, sô that ni [mag] ênig man 2530 uuitan an thesaro uueroldi. Nio hie sô uuîdo ni can 2531 te githenkeanne, thegan an is muode, 2532 that it bihaldan mugi herta thes mannes, 2533 that hie that ti uuâron uuiti, huat uualdand god haƀit 2534 guodes gigereuuid, that all geginuuerd stêð 2535 manno sô huilicon, sô ina hier minniot uuel 2536 endi selƀo te thiu is seola gihaldit, 2537 that hie an lioht godes lîðan muoti.ʼ 2538 Sô uuîsda hie thuo mid uuordon, stuod uuerod mikil 2539 umbi that barn godes, gehôrdun ina bi biliđon filo 2540 umbi thesaro uueroldes giuuand uuordon tellian; 2541 quat that im ôc ên aðales man an is acker sâidi 2542 hluttar hrêncorni handon sînon: 2543 uuolda im thar sô uunsames uuastmes tilian, 2544 fagares fruhtes. Thuo geng thar is fîond aftar 2545 thuru dernian hugi, endi it all mid durðu oƀarsêu, 2546 mid uueodo [uuirsiston.] Thuo uuôhsun sia bêðiu, 2547 ge that corn ge that crûd. Sô quâmun gangan 2548 is hagastoldos te hûs, iro hêrren sagdun, 2549 thegnos iro thiodne thrîstion uuordon: 2550 ʽhuat, thu sâidos hluttar corn, hêrro thie guodo, 2551 [ênfald] an thînon accar: nu ni gisihit ênig erlo than mêr 2552 uueodes uuahsan. Huî mohta that [giuuerðan] sô?ʼ 2553 Thuo sprak eft thie aðales man them erlon tegegnes, 2554 thiodan uuið is thegnos, quat that hie it [mahti] undarthenkian uuel, 2555 that im thar unhold man aftar sâida, 2556 fîond fêcni crûd: ʽne [gionsta] mi thero fruhtio uuel, 2557 auuerda mi thena uuastom.ʼ Thuo thar eft uuini sprâkun, 2558 is iungron tegegnes, quâðun that sia thar uueldin gangan tuo, 2559 cuman mid craftu endi lôsian that crûd thanan, 2560 halon it mid iro handon. Thuo sprac im eft iro hêrro angegin: 2561 ʽne uuelleo ik, that gi it uuiodonʼ, quathie, ʽhuand gi biuuardon ni mugun, 2562 gigômean an iuuuon gange, thoh gi it gerno ni duan, 2563 ni gi thes cornes te filo, kîðo auuerdiat, 2564 felliat under iuuua fuoti. Lâte man sia forð hinan 2565 bêðiu uuahsan, und êr beuuod cume 2566 endi an them felde sind fruhti rîpia, 2567 aroa an them accare: than faran uui thar alla tuo, 2568 halon it mid ûssan handon endi that hrêncurni lesan 2569 sûƀro tesamne endi it an mînon seli duoian, 2570 hebbean it thar gihaldan, that it huergin ni mugi 2571 uuiht auuerdian, endi that uuiod niman, 2572 bindan it te burðinnion endi uuerpan it an [bittar] fiur, 2573 lâton it thar haloian hêta lôgna, 2574 êld unfuodi.ʼ Thuo stuod erl manag, 2575 thegnos thagiandi, huat thiodgomo, 2576 *mâri mahtig Crist mênean uueldi, 2577 bôknien mid thiu biliðiu barno rîkeost. 2578 Bâdun thô sô gerno gôdan drohtin 2579 antlûcan thea lêra, that sia môstin thea liudi forð, 2580 hêlaga hôrean. Thô sprak [im] eft iro hêrro angegin, 2581 [mâri] mahtig Crist: ʽthat isʼ, quað he, ʽmannes sunu: 2582 ik selƀo [bium, that thar] sâiu, endi sind thesa sâliga man 2583 that hluttra hrêncorni, thea mi hêr hôread uuel, 2584 uuirkiad mînan uuillean; thius uuerold is the akkar, 2585 thit brêda bûland barno mancunnies; 2586 Satanas [selƀo is, that thar] sâid aftar 2587 [sô] lêðlîca lêra: haƀad thesaro liudeo sô filu, 2588 uuerodes auuardid, that sie uuam [frummead,] 2589 uuirkead aftar is uuilleon; thoh sculun sie hêr uuahsen forð, 2590 thea forgriponon gumon, sô samo sô thea gôdun man, 2591 anttat mûdspelles megin oƀar man ferid, 2592 endi thesaro [uueroldes.] Than is allaro [accaro] gehuilic 2593 gerîpod an thesumu rîkea: sculun iro regangiscapu 2594 frummien firiho barn. Than tefarid erða: 2595 that is allaro beuuo brêdost; than kumid the berhto drohtin 2596 oƀana mid is engilo [craftu,] endi cumad [alle] tesamne 2597 liudi, the io thit lioht gisâun, endi sculun than lôn antfâhan 2598 uƀiles endi gôdes. Than gangad engilos godes, 2599 hêlage heƀenuuardos, endi [lesat] thea hluttron man 2600 sundor tesamne, endi duat sie an sinscôni, 2601 hôh himiles lioht, endi thea ôðra an [hellia grund,] 2602 uuerpad thea faruuarhton an uuallandi fiur; 2603 thar sculun sie gibundene bittra logna, 2604 thrâuuerk tholon, endi thea ôðra thioduuelon 2605 an heƀenrîkea, huîtaro sunnon 2606 [liohtean] gelîco. Sulic lôn nimad 2607 uueros [uualdâdeo]. Sô hue sô giuuit êgi, 2608 gehugdi an is hertan, ettha gihôrien mugi, 2609 erl mid is ôrun, sô lâta imu [thit an innan sorga,] 2610 an is môdseƀon, huô he scal an themu mâreon dage 2611 uuið thene rîkeon god an [reðiu] standen 2612 uuordo endi uuerko [allaro, the] he an thesaro uueroldi giduod. 2613 That is egislîcost allaro thingo, 2614 forhtlîcost firiho barnun, that sie sculun uuið iro frâhon mahlien, 2615 gumon uuið thene gôdan drohtin: [than] uueldi gerno gehue uuesan, 2616 allaro manno gehuilic mênes tômig, 2617 slîðero sacono. Aftar thiu scal sorgon êr 2618 allaro liudeo gehuilic, êr he thit lioht [afgeƀe,] 2619 the [than] êgan uuili [alungan] tîr, 2620 hôh heƀenrîki endi huldi godes.ʼ 2621 Sô gifragn ik that thô selƀo sunu drohtines, 2622 allaro barno bezt [biliðeo] sagda, 2623 huilic thero uuâri an uueroldrîkea 2624 undar heliðcunnie himilrîkie [gelîc;] 2625 quað that oft luttiles huat liohtora [uurði], 2626 sô hôho afhuoƀi, ʽso duot himilrîki: 2627 that is simla [mêra,] than is man ênig 2628 uuânie an thesaro uueroldi. Ôk is imu that uuerk [gelîc,] 2629 that man an sêo innan segina uuirpit, 2630 fisknet an flôd endi fâhit bêðiu, 2631 uƀile endi gôde, tiuhid up te staðe, 2632 liðod sie te lande, lisit aftar thiu 2633 thea gôdun an greote endi lâtid thea ôðra eft an grund faran, 2634 an uuîdan uuâg. Sô duod uualdand god 2635 an themu mâreon dage menniscono barn: 2636 brengid irminthiod, [alle] tesamne, 2637 lisit imu than thea hluttron an heƀenrîki, 2638 lâtid thea fargriponon an grund faren 2639 [hellie fiures.] Ni uuêt heliðo [man] 2640 thes uuîties uuiðarlâga, thes thar uueros [thiggeat], 2641 an themu inferne irminthioda. 2642 Than hald ni mag thera mêdan man gimacon fîðen, 2643 ni thes [uuelon ni thes] uuilleon, thes thar uualdand skerid, 2644 gildid god selƀo gumono sô [huilicumu,] 2645 sô ina hêr gihaldid, that he an heƀenrîki, 2646 an that langsame lioht lîðan môti.ʼ 2647 Sô lêrda he thô mid listiun. Than fôrun thar thea liudi tô 2648 oƀar al [Galilæo land] that godes barn sehan: 2649 dâdun it bi themu uundre, huanen imu [mahti sulic] uuord cumen, 2650 sô spâhlîco gisprokan, that he spel [godes 2651 gio sô] sôðlîco seggean consti, 2652 sô [craftiglîco] giqueðen: ʽhe is theses kunnies hinenʼ, quâðun sie, 2653 ʽthe man thurh mâgskepi: hêr is is môder mid ûs, 2654 uuîf undar thesumu uuerode. Huat, uui the hêr uuitun alle, 2655 sô kûð is ûs is [kuni]burd endi is knôsles [gehuat;] 2656 auuôhs al undar thesumu [uuerode:] huanen [scoldi] imu sulic geuuit cuman, 2657 mêron mahti, than hêr ôðra [man] êgin?ʼ 2658 Sô farmunste ina that manno folc endi [sprâkun] im gimêdlic uuord, 2659 farhogdun ina sô hêlagna, hôrien ni uueldun 2660 is [gibodskepies]. Ni he thar ôk biliðeo filu 2661 thurh iro ungilôƀon ôgean ni uuelde, 2662 torhtero têcno, huand he uuisse iro tuîflean hugi, 2663 [iro] uurêðan uuillean, that ni uuârun uueros ôðra 2664 sô grimme under Iudeon, sô uuârun umbi [Galilæo land,] 2665 sô hardo gehugide: sô [thar] uuas the hêlago Krist, 2666 giboren that barn godes, si ni uueldun is [gibodskepi thoh] 2667 antfâhan ferhtlîco, ac bigan that folc undar im, 2668 rincos râdan, huô sie [thene] rîkeon Krist 2669 uuêgdin te uundron. Hêtun thô iro uuerod [cumen,] 2670 gesîði tesamne: sundea uueldun 2671 an thene godes sunu gerno [gitellien 2672 uurêðes] uuilleon; ni uuas im is uuordo niud, 2673 spâharo [spello, ac] sie bigunnun sprekan undar im, 2674 huô sie ina sô craftagne [fan] ênumu cliƀe uurpin, 2675 oƀar ênna [berges] uual: uueldun that barn godes 2676 liƀu bilôsien. Thô he imu mid them liudiun samad 2677 frôlîco fôr: ni uuas imu [foraht] hugi, 2678 - uuisse that imu ni mahtun menniscono barn, 2679 bi theru godcundi Iudeo liudi 2680 êr is tîdiun uuiht teonon gifrummien, 2681 lêðaro gilêsto -, ac he imu mid them liudiun samad 2682 stêg uppen thene stênholm, antthat sie te theru stedi quâmun, 2683 thar sie ine [fan] themu [uualle niðer] uuerpen hugdun, 2684 fellien te foldu, that he uurði is ferhes lôs, 2685 is aldres at endie. Thô uuarð thero erlo hugi, 2686 an themu berge uppen [bittra] githâhti 2687 Iuðeono tegangen, that iro ênig ni habde sô grimmon seƀon 2688 ni sô uurêðen uuilleon, [that sie mahtin thene uualdandes sunu, 2689 Krist antkennien; he ni uuas iro cûð ênigumu,] 2690 that sie ina thô undaruuissin. Sô mahte he undar ira uuerode standen 2691 endi an iro gimange middiumu gangen, 2692 faren undar iro folke. He dede imu thene friðu selƀo, 2693 mundburd uuið theru menegi endi giuuêt imu thurh middi thanan 2694 thes fîundo folkes, fôr imu thô, thar he uuelde, 2695 an êne uuôstunnie uualdandes sunu, 2696 cuningo craftigost: habde thero [custes] giuuald, 2697 huar [imu] an themu lande leoƀost uuâri 2698 te uuesanne an thesaru uueroldi. 2688 [Than] fôr imu an uueg ôðran 2689 Iohannes mid is iungarun, godes ambahtman, 2700 lêrde thea liudi langsamane râd, 2701 hêt that sie frume fremidin, firina farlêtin, 2702 mên endi morðuuerk. He uuas thar managumu [liof] 2703 gôdaro gumono. He sôhte imu thô thene Iudeono cuning, 2704 thene heritogon at hûs, the hêten [ûuas] 2705 [Erodes aftar] is eldiron, oƀarmôdig man: 2706 bûide imu be theru brûdi, thiu êr sînes brôđer uuas, 2707 idis [an êhti,] anttat he ellior skôc, 2708 uuerold uueslode. Thô imu that uuîf ginam 2709 the cuning te quenun; êr uuârun iro kind [ôdan,] 2710 barn be is brôđer. Thô [bigan] imu thea brûd lahan 2711 Iohannes the gôdo, quað that it gode uuâri, 2712 uualdande uuiðermôd, that it ênig uuero frumidi, 2713 that brôđer brûd an is bed nâmi, 2714 hebbie sie imu te hîuun. ʽEf thu mi hôrien uuili, 2715 gilôƀien mînun lêrun, ni scalt thu sie leng êgan, 2716 ac mîð ire an thînumu môde: ni haƀa [thar] sulica minnea tô, 2717 ni sundeo thi te suîðo.ʼ Thô uuarð an sorgun hugi 2718 thes uuîƀes aftar them uuordun; andrêd that he thene uueroldcuning 2719 [sprâcono] gespôni endi spâhun uuordun, 2720 that he sie farlêti. Began siu imu thô lêðes filu 2721 râden an rûnon, endi ine rinkos hêt, 2722 unsundigane erlos fâhan 2723 endi [ine an ênumu] karkerea klûstarbendiun, 2724 [liðo]cospun [bilûcan: be them liudiun ne] gidorstun 2725 [ine] ferahu bilôsien, huand sie uuârun imu friund alle, 2726 uuissun ine sô gôden endi gode uuerðen, 2727 [habdun ina for uuârsagon, sô sia uuela mahtun.] 2728 Thô uurðun an themu gêrtale [Iudeo] cuninges 2729 tîdi cumana, sô thar gitald habdun 2730 frôde folcuueros, [thô] he gifôdid uuas, 2731 an lioht cuman. Sô uuas thero liudio thau, 2732 that that [erlo] gehuilic ôƀean scolde, 2733 Iudeono mid gômun. Thô uuarð thar an thene gastseli 2734 megincraft mikil manno gesamnod, 2735 [heritogono] an that hûs, thar iro hêrro uuas 2736 an is kuningstôle. Quâmun managa 2737 Iudeon an thene gastseli; uuarð im thar gladmôd hugi, 2738 blîði an iro breostun: gisâhun iro bâggeƀon 2739 uuesen an uunneon. Drôg man uuîn an flet 2740 skîri mid scâlun, skenkeon huurƀun, 2741 gengun mid goldfatun: gaman uuas thar inne 2742 hlûd an thero hallu, heliðos drunkun. 2743 Uuas thes an lustun landes hirdi, 2744 huat he themu uuerode mêst te uunniun [gifremidi.] 2745 Hêt he thô gangen forð gêla thiornun, 2746 is brôder barn, thar he an is benki sat 2747 uuînu giuulenkid, endi thô te themu uuîbe sprac; 2748 grôtte sie fora themu gumskepie endi gerno bad, 2749 that siu thar fora them gastiun gaman afhôƀi 2750 fagar an flettie: ʽlât thit folc sehan, 2751 huô [thu] gelînod haƀas liudio menegi 2752 te [blîðseanne an] benkiun; ef thu [mi thera] bede [tugiðos], 2753 mîn uuord for thesumu uuerode, than uuilliu ik it hêr te uuârun [gequeðen,] 2754 liahto fora thesun liudiun endi ôk gilêstien sô, 2755 that ik thi than aftar thiu êron uuilliu, 2756 sô hues sô thu mi bidis for thesun mînun bâguuiniun: 2757 thoh thu mi thesaro heridômo halƀaro fergos, 2758 rîkeas mînes, [thoh gidôn ik,] that it ênig rinko ni mag 2759 uuordun giuuendien, endi it scal giuuerðen sô.ʼ 2760 Thô uuarð thera magað aftar thiu môd gihuorƀen, 2761 hugi aftar iro hêrron, that siu an themu hûse innen, 2762 an themu gastseli gamen up ahuof, 2763 al sô thero liudio landuuîse gidrôg, 2764 thero thiodo thau. Thiu thiorne spilode 2765 hrôr aftar themu hûse: hugi uuas an lustun, 2766 [managaro] môdseƀo. Thô thiu magað habda 2767 githionod te thanke thiodcuninge 2768 endi allumu themu erlskepie, [the] thar inne uuas 2769 gôdaro gumono, siu uuelde thô ira geƀa êgan, 2770 thiu magað for theru menegi: geng thô uuið iro môdar sprekan 2771 endi frâgode sie firiuuitlîco, 2772 hues siu thene [burges] uuard biddien scoldi. 2773 Thô uuîsde siu aftar iro uuilleon, hêt that siu uuihtes than êr 2774 ni gerodi for themu gumskepie, [biûtan] that man iru Iohannes 2775 an theru hallu innan hôƀid gâƀi 2776 alôsid [af] is lîchamon. That uuas allun them liudiun harm, 2777 them mannun an iro môde, thô sie [that] gihôrdun thea magað sprekan; 2778 sô uuas it ôk themu kuninge: he ni mahte is quidi liagan, 2779 is uuord uuendien: hêt thô is uuêpanberand 2780 gangen fan themu gastseli endi hêt thene godes man 2781 lîƀu bilôsien. Thô ni uuas lang te thiu, 2782 that man an thea halla hôƀid brâhte 2783 thes thiodgumon, endi it thar theru thiornun fargaf, 2784 magað for theru menegi: siu drôg it theru môder forð. 2785 Thô uuas êndago allaro manno 2786 thes uuîsoston, [thero the gio] an thesa uuerold [quâmi], 2787 thero the quene ênig kind [gibâri], 2788 idis fan erle, lêt man simla then [ênon] biforan, 2789 the thiu thiorne [gidrôg], [the] gio thegnes ni uuarð 2790 uuîs an iro uueroldi, [biûtan] sô ine uualdand god 2791 fan heƀenuuange hêlages gêstes 2792 gimarcode mahtig: the ni habde [ênigan] gimacon huergin 2793 êr nec aftar. Erlos huurƀun, 2794 gumon umbi [Iohannen], is iungaron managa, 2795 sâlig gesîði, endi ine an sande bigrôƀun, 2796 leoƀes lîchamon: uuissun that he lioht godes, 2797 diurlîcan [drôm] mid is drohtine [samad, 2798 upôdas hêm] êgan môste, 2799 sâlig sôkean. 2799 Thô geuuitun im thea gesîðos thanen, 2800 [Iohannes] giungaron giâmermôde, 2801 hêlagferaha: uuas im iro hêrron dôđ 2802 suîðo an sorgun. Geuuitun im [sôkean thô] 2803 an theru uuôstunni uualdandes sunu, 2804 craftigana Crist endi imu kûð gidedun 2805 gôdes mannes forgang, huô habde the Iudeono kuning 2806 [manno thene] mâreostan mâkeas eggiun 2807 hôƀdu bihauuuan: he ni uuelde [is ênigen] harm spreken, 2808 sunu drohtines; he uuisse that thiu seole uuas 2809 hêlag gihalden uuiðer hettiandeon, 2810 an friðe uuiðer fîundun. Thô [sô] gifrâgi uuarð 2811 aftar them [landskepiun] lêreandero bezt 2812 an theru uuôstunni: uuerod samnode, 2813 [fôr folcun tô:] uuas im firiuuit mikil 2814 uuîsaro uuordo; imu uuas ôk uuilleo [sô samo,] 2815 [sunie] drohtines, that he sulic gesîðo folc 2816 an that lioht godes [lađoian] môsti, 2817 uuennien mid uuilleon. Uualdand lêrde 2818 allan langan dag liudi managa, 2819 elitheodige man, anttat an âƀand sêg 2820 sunne te sedle. Thô gengun is gesîðos tueliƀi, 2821 gumon te themu godes barne endi sagdun iro gôdumu hêrron, 2822 mid huilicu arƀediu thar [thea] erlos [liƀdin,] quâðun that sie is êra bithorftin, 2823 uueros an themu uuôsteon lande: ʽsie ni mugun sie hêr mid uuihti anthebbien, 2824 heliðos bi [hungres] gethuinge. Nu lât thu sie, hêrro the gôdo, 2825 sîðon, thar sie seliða fîðen. Nâh sind hêr gesetana burgi 2826 managa mid meginthiodun: thar fîðad sie meti te kôpe, 2827 uueros aftar them uuîkeon.ʼ Thô sprak eft uualdand Crist, 2828 [thioda] drohtin, quað that thes êniga thurufti ni uuârin, 2829 ʽthat sie thurh metilôsi mîna farlâtan 2830 leoƀlîca lêra. Geƀad gi thesun liudiun ginôg, 2831 uuenniad sie hêr mid uuilleon.ʼ Thô habde [eft] is uuord garu 2832 Philippus frôd gumo, quað that thar sô filu uuâri 2833 manno menigi: ʽthoh uui hêr te meti habdin 2834 garu im te geƀanne, sô uui mahtin fargelden mêst, 2835 ef uui hêr gisaldin siluƀerscatto 2836 tuê hund samad, tueho uuâri is noh than, 2837 that iro ênig thar [ênes] ginâmi: 2838 sô luttic uuâri that thesun liudiun.ʼ Thô sprak eft the landes uuard 2839 endi frâgode sie firiuuitlîco, 2840 manno drohtin, [huat] sie thar te meti habdin 2841 [uuistes] geuunnin. Thô sprak imu eft mid is uuordun angegin 2842 Andreas fora them erlun endi themu alouualdon 2843 selƀumu sagde, that sie an iro gisîðie than mêr 2844 garouues ni habdin, [ʽbiûtan] girstin brôd 2845 fîƀi an ûsaru ferdi endi fiscos tuêne. 2846 Huat mag that thoh thesaru menigi?ʼ Thô sprac [imu] eft mahtig Krist, 2847 the gôdo godes sunu, endi hêt that gumono folc 2848 skerien endi skêðen endi hêt thea scola settien, 2849 erlos aftar theru [erðu], irminthioda 2850 an grase gruonimu, endi thô te is iungarun sprak, 2851 allaro barno bezt, hêt imu thiu brôd halon 2852 endi thea fiscos forð. That folc stillo bêd, 2853 sat gesîði mikil; undar thiu he thurh is selƀes craft, 2854 manno drohtin, thene meti uuîhide, 2855 hêlag heƀencuning, [endi] mid is handun brak, 2856 gaf it is iungarun forð, endi [it] sie undar themu gumskepie [hêt] 2857 dragan endi dêlien. Sie lêstun iro drohtines uuord, 2858 is geƀa [gerno drôgun] gumono gihuemu, 2859 hêlaga helpa. [It] undar iro handun uuôhs, 2860 meti manno gihuemu: theru meginthiodu uuarð 2861 lîf an lustun, thea liudi uurðun alle, 2862 sade sâlig folc, sô huat sô thar gisamnod uuas 2863 fan allun uuîdun uuegun. Thô hêt uualdand Krist 2864 gangen is iungaron endi hêt sie gômien uuel, 2865 that thiu lêƀa thar farloren ni uurði; 2866 hêt sie thô samnon, thô thar sade uuârun 2867 mankunnies manag. Thar môses uuarð, 2868 brôdes te lêƀu, that man birilos gilas 2869 tueliƀi fulle: that uuas têcan mikil, 2870 grôt craft godes, huand thar uuas gumono gitald 2871 âno uuîf endi kind, [uuerodes] atsamme 2872 fîf thûsundig. That folc al farstôd, 2873 thea man an iro môde, that sie thar mahtigna 2874 hêrron habdun. Thô sie heƀencuning, 2875 thea liudi loƀodun, quâðun that gio ni uurđi an thit lioht cuman 2876 uuîsaro uuârsago, eftha [that] he giuuald mid gode 2877 an thesaru middilgard mêron habdi, 2878 [ênfaldaran] hugi. Alle gisprâkun, 2879 that he uuâri uuirðig uuelono gehuilikes, 2880 that he erðrîki êgan môsti, 2881 uuîdene [uueroldstôl,] ʽnu he sulic geuuit haƀad, 2882 sô grôte craft mid gode.ʼ Thea gumon alle giuuarð, 2883 that sie ine gihôƀin te hêrosten, 2884 gikurin ine te cuninge: that Kriste ni uuas 2885 uuihtes uuirðig, huand he thit uueroldrîki, 2886 erðe endi uphimil thurh is ênes craft 2887 selƀo giuuarhte endi sîðor [giheld,] 2888 land endi [liudskepi], - thoh thes ênigan gilôƀon ni dedin 2889 uurêðe uuiðersacon - that al an is giuualde stâd, 2890 cuningrîkeo craft endi kêsurdômes, 2891 meginthiodo mahal. Bethiu ni uuelde he [thurh] thero manno sprâka 2892 hebbian ênigan hêrdôm, hêlag drohtin, 2893 uueroldkuninges namon; ni [he] thô mid uuordun [strîd] 2894 [ni afhôf] uuið that folc furður, ac fôr imu thô, [thar he uuelde,] 2895 an ên gebirgi uppan: flôh that barn godes 2896 gêlaro gelpquidi endi is iungaron hêt 2897 oƀar ênne sêo sîðon endi im selƀo gibôd, 2898 huar sie im eft tegegnes gangen scoldin. 2899 Thô telêt that liuduuerod aftar themu lande allumu, 2900 tefôr folc mikil, sîðor iro frâho giuuêt 2901 an that gebirgi uppan, barno rîkeost, 2902 uualdand an is uuilleon. Thô te thes uuatares staðe 2903 samnodun thea gesîðos Cristes, the he imu habde selƀo gicorane, 2904 sie tueliƀi thurh iro treuua gôda: ni uuas im tueho nigiean, 2905 neƀu sie an [that] godes thionost gerno uueldin 2906 oƀar thene sêo sîðon. Thô lêtun [sie suîðean] strôm, 2907 [hôh hurnidskip] hluttron ûðeon, 2908 skêðan [skîr] uuater. Skrêd lioht dages, 2909 [sunne] uuarð an sedle; the [sêolîðandean] 2910 naht [neƀulo] biuuarp; nâðidun erlos 2911 forðuuardes an flôd; uuarð thiu fiorðe tid 2912 thera nahtes cuman - [neriendo] Crist 2913 uuarode [thea uuâglîðand -:] thô uuarð uuind mikil, 2914 hôh uueder [afhaƀen:] hlamodun ûðeon, 2915 [strôm] an [stamne;] strîdiun feridun 2916 thea uueros uuiðer uuinde, uuas im uurêð hugi, 2917 seƀo sorgono ful: selƀon ni uuândun 2918 [lagulîðandea] an land cumen 2919 thurh thes uuederes geuuin. Thô gisâhun sie uualdand Krist 2920 an themu sêe uppan selƀun gangan, 2921 faran an fâðion: ni mahte an thene flôd innan, 2922 an thene sêo sincan, huand ine is selƀes craft 2923 hêlag anthabde. Hugi uuarð an forhtun, 2924 thero [manno] môdseƀo: andrêdun that it im mahtig fîund 2925 te [gidroge] dâdi. Thô sprak im iro drohtin tô, 2926 hêlag heƀencuning, endi sagde im that [he] iro hêrro uuas 2927 mâri endi mahtig: ʽnu gi môdes sculun 2928 fastes fâhen; ne sî iu forht hugi, 2929 [gibâriad] gi baldlîco: ik bium that barn godes, 2930 is selƀes sunu, the iu uuið thesumu sêe scal, 2931 mundon uuið thesan meristrôm.ʼ Thô sprac imu ên thero manno angegin 2932 oƀar bord skipes, [baruuirðig] gumo, 2933 Petrus [the] gôdo - ni uuelde pîne tholon, 2934 uuatares uuîti -: ʽef thu it uualdand sîsʼ, quað he, 2935 ʽhêrro the gôdo, sô mi an mînumu hugi thunkit, 2936 [hêt] mi than tharod gangan te thi oƀar thesen geƀenes strôm, 2937 [drokno] oƀar diap uuater, ef thu mîn drohtin sîs, 2938 managoro mundboro.ʼ Thô hêt ine mahtig Crist 2939 gangan imu tegegnes. He uuarð garu sâno, 2940 stôp [af] themu stamne endi strîdiun geng 2941 forð te is [frôian]. [Thiu] flôd anthabde 2942 thene man thurh maht godes, antat he [imu] an is môde bigan 2943 andrâden diap uuater, thô he drîƀen gisah 2944 thene uuêg mid uuindu: uundun ina [ûðeon], 2945 [hôh] strôm umbihring. Reht sô he thô an is hugi tuehode, 2946 sô uuêk imu that uuater under, endi he an thene uuâg innan, 2947 sank an thene sêostrôm, endi [he] hriop sân aftar thiu 2948 [gâhon] te themu godes sunie endi gerno bad, 2949 that he ine thô [generidi, thô] he an [nôdiun] uuas, 2950 thegan an gethuinge. Thiodo drohtin 2951 antfeng ine [mid] is faðmun endi frâgode sâna, 2952 te huî he [thô getuehodi:] ʽhuat, thu [mahtes] getrûoian uuel, 2953 uuiten that te uuârun, that [thi] uuatares [craft] 2954 an themu sêe innen thînes sîðes ni mahte, 2955 lagustrôm [gilettien], sô lango sô thu [habdes] gelôƀon te mi 2956 an thînumu [hugi] hardo. Nu uuilliu ik thi an helpun uuesen, 2957 [nerien thi] an thesaru nôdiʼ. Thô nam ine alomahtig, 2958 hêlag bi handun: thô uuarð imu eft hlutter uuater 2959 fast under fôtun, endi sie an fâði samad 2960 bêðea gengun, antat sie oƀar bord skipes 2961 stôpun [fan] themu strôme, [endi] an themu stamne gesat 2962 allaro barno bezt. Thô [uuarð] brêd uuater, 2963 strômos gestillid, endi sie te staðe quâmun, 2964 lagulîðandea an land [samen] 2965 thurh [thes] uuateres geuuin, [sagdun tho] uualdande thanc, 2966 diurden [iro] drohtin dâdiun endi uuordun, 2967 fellun imu te fôtun endi filu sprâkun 2968 uuîsaro uuordo, quâðun that sie uuissin garo, 2969 that he uuâri selƀo sunu drohtines 2970 uuâr an thesaru uueroldi endi geuuald habdi 2971 oƀar middilgard, endi that he mahti allaro manno gihues 2972 ferahe giformon, [al] sô he [im] an themu flôde dede 2973 uuið thes uuatares geuuin. 2973 Thô giuuêt imu uualdand Crist 2974 sîðon fan themu sêe, sunu drohtines, 2975 ênag barn godes. [Elithioda] quam imu, 2976 [gumon] tegegnes: uuârun is gôdun uuerk 2977 ferran gefrâgi, that he sô filu sagde 2978 uuâroro uuordo: [imu uuas] uuillio mikil, 2979 that he sulic folcskepi frummien môsti, 2980 that sie simla gerno gode thionodin, 2981 uuârin gehôrige heƀencuninge 2982 mankunnies manag. Thô giuuêt he imu oƀer thea marka Iudeono, 2983 sôhte imu Sidono burg, habde [gesîðos] mid imu, 2984 gôde iungaron. Thar imu tegegnes quam 2985 ên idis fan âðrom thiodun; siu uuas iru aðaligeburdeo, 2986 cunnies fan Cananeo lande; siu bad thene [craftagan] drohtin, 2987 hêlagna, that he iru helpe gerêdi, quað that iru uuâri [harm] gistanden, 2988 soroga [at] iru selƀaru dohter, quað that siu uuâri mid suhtiun bifangen: 2989 ʽbedrogan habbiad sie dernea uuihti. Nu is iro dôd at [hendi,] 2990 thea uurêðon habbiad sie geuuitteu benumane. Nu biddiu ik thi, uualdand frô min, 2991 selƀo sunu Dauides, that [sie] af sulicum suhtiun atômies, 2992 that thu sie sô arma êgrohtfullo 2993 uuamscaðon biuueri.ʼ Ni gaf iru thô noh uualdand Crist 2994 ênig anduuordi; siu [imu] aftar geng, 2995 folgode fruokno, antat siu te is fôtun quam, 2996 grôtte ina greatandi. Giungaron Cristes 2997 bâdun iro hêrron, that he an is hugea mildi 2998 uurði themu uuîƀe. Thô habde eft is uuord garu 2999 sunu drohtines endi [te] is gesîðun sprak: 3000 ʽêrist scal ik Israheles aƀoron uuerðen, 3001 folcskepi te [frumu,] that sie ferhtan hugi 3002 hebbian te iro hêrron: im is helpono tharf, 3003 thea liudi sind farlorane, farlâten habbiad 3004 uualdandes uuord, that uuerod is getuîflid, 3005 drîƀad im dernean hugi, ne uuilliad iro drohtine hôrien 3006 Israhelo erlskepi, ungilôƀiga sind 3007 heliðos iro hêrron: thoh scal thanen helpe cumen 3008 allun elithiodun.ʼ Agalêto bad 3009 that uuîf mid iro uuordun, that iru uualdand Krist 3010 an is môdseƀon mildi uurði, 3011 that siu iro barnes forð brûkan môsti, 3012 hebbian sie hêle. Thô sprak iru hêrro angegin, 3013 mâri [endi] mahtig: ʽnis thatʼ, quað he, ʽmannes reht, 3014 gumono nigênum gôd te gifrummienne 3015 that he is barnun brôdes aftîhe, 3016 uuernie [im] oƀar uuilleon, [lâte] sie uuîti [tholean,] 3017 hungar hetigrimmen, endi fôdie is hundos mid thiu.ʼ 3018 ʽUuâr is that, uualdandʼ, quað siu, ʽthat thu mid thînun uuordun sprikis, 3019 sôðlîco sagis: huat, thoh oft an seli innen 3020 undar iro hêrron diske huelpos huerƀad 3021 brosmono fulle [thero] fan [themu] biode niðer 3022 [antfallat] iro frôian.ʼ Thô gihôrde that friðubarn godes 3023 uuillean thes uuîƀes endi sprak iru mid is uuordun tô: 3024 ʽuuela that thu uuîf haƀes uuillean gôden! 3025 Mikil is thîn gilôƀo an thea maht godes, 3026 an thene liudio drohtin. Al [uuirðid] gilêstid sô 3027 umbi thînes barnes lîf, sô thu bâdi te mi.ʼ 3028 Thô uuarð siu sân gihêlid, sô it the hêlago gesprac 3029 uuordun uuârfastun: that uuîf fagonode, 3030 thes siu iro barnes forð brûkan môste; 3031 habde [iru] giholpen hêleando Crist, 3032 habde sie farfangane fîundo [craftu,] 3033 uuamscaðun biuuerid. Thô giuuêt imu uualdand forð, 3034 barno that bezte, sôhte imu burg ôðre, 3035 thiu sô thicco uuas mid theru thiodu Iudeono, 3036 mid sûðarliudiun giseten. Thar gifragn ik that he is gesîðos grôtte, 3037 the iungaron the he imu habde be is gôde gicorane, that sie mid imu gerno [geuunodun], 3038 uueros thurh [is] uuîson sprâka: ʽ[alle] skal ik iuʼ, quað he, ʽmid uuordun frâgon, 3039 iungaron mîne: huat queðat these Iudeo liudi, 3040 mâri meginthioda, huat ik manno sî?ʼ 3041 Imu anduuordidun frôlîco is friund angegin, 3042 iungaron sîne: ʽnis thit Iudeono folc, 3043 erlos ênuuordie: sum sagad that thu Elias sîs, 3044 uuîs uuârsago, the hêr [giu uuas lango], 3045 gôd undar thesumu gumskepie, sum sagad that thu Iohannes sîs, 3046 diurlîc drohtines bodo, the hêr dôpte [iu] 3047 uuerod an [uuatere]; alle sie mid uuordun sprekad, 3048 that thu ênhuilic sîs eðilero manno, 3049 thero uuârsagono, the hêr mid uuordun [giu] 3050 lêrdun these liudi, endi that thu sîs eft an thit lioht cumen 3051 te [uuîseanne] thesumu uuerode.ʼ Thô sprak eft uualdand Krist: 3052 ʽhue queðad gi, [that] ik sîʼ, [quað he], ʽiungaron mîne, 3053 lioƀon liuduueros?ʼ Thô te lat ni uuarð 3054 Sîmon Petrus: sprak sân angegin 3055 êno for im allun - habde imu ellien gôd, 3056 thrîstea githâhti, uuas is theodone hold -: 3057 ʽthu bist the [uuâro] uualdandes sunu, 3058 libbiendes godes, the thit lioht giscôp, 3059 Crist cuning êuuig: sô uuilliad uui queðen alle, 3060 iungaron thîne, that thu sîs god selƀo, 3061 hêleandero bezt.ʼ Thô sprac imu eft is hêrro angegin: 3062 ʽsâlig bist thu Sîmonʼ, quað he, ʽsunu [Ionases]; ni mahtes thu that selƀo gehuggean, 3063 gimarcon an thînun môdgithâhtiun, ne it ni mahte thi mannes tunge 3064 uuordun geuuîsien, ac dede it thi uualdand selƀo, 3065 fader allaro firiho barno, that thu [sô] forð gisprâki, 3066 sô diapo bi drohtin thînen. [Diurlîco] scalt thu thes lôn antfâhen, 3067 hluttro haƀas thu an thînan hêrron gilôƀon, hugiskefti sind thîne stêne gelîca, 3068 sô fast bist thu sô felis the hardo; hêten sculun [thi] firiho barn 3069 sancte Pêter: oƀar themu [stêne] scal man mînen seli uuirkean, 3070 hêlag hûs godes; thar scal is hîuuiski tô 3071 sâlig samnon: ni mugun uuið them thînun suîðeun [crafte] 3072 anthebbien [hellie portun]. Ik fargiƀu thi [himilrîceas slutilas], 3073 that thu môst aftar mi allun [giuualdan] 3074 kristinum folke; kumad alle te thi 3075 gumono gêstos; thu haƀe [grôte] giuuald, 3076 huene thu hêr an erðu eldibarno 3077 gebinden uuillies: themu is bêðiu giduan, 3078 himilrîki biloken, endi hellie sind imu [opana,] 3079 brinnandi fiur; sô huene sô thu eft antbinden uuili, 3080 antheftien is hendi, themu is himilrîki, 3081 antloken liohto mêst endi lîf êuuig, 3082 grôni godes uuang. Mid sulicaru ik thi geƀu uuilliu 3083 lônon thînen gilôƀon. Ni uuilliu ik, that gi thesun liudiun noh, 3084 mârien thesaru menigi, that ik bium mahtig Crist, 3085 godes [êgan] barn. Mi sculun [Iudeon] noh, 3086 unsculdigna erlos binden, 3087 uuêgean mi te uundrun - [dôt mi uuîties filo -] 3088 innan Hierusalem gêres ordun, 3089 âhtien mînes aldres eggiun scarpun, 3090 bilôsien mi lîƀu. Ik an thesumu [liohte] scal 3091 thurh ûses drohtines craft fan dôde astanden 3092 [an] thriddiumu dageʼ. Thô uuarð thegno bezt 3093 suîðo an sorgun, Sîmon Petrus, 3094 uuarð imu hugi [hriuuig,] endi te is hêrron sprak 3095 rink an rûnun: ʽni scal that rîki godʼ, quað he, 3096 ʽuualdand uuillien, that thu eo sulic uuîti mikil 3097 githolos undar [thesaru thiod:] nis thes tharf nigiean, 3098 hêlag drohtin.ʼ Thô sprak imu eft is hêrro angegin, 3099 mâri mahtig Crist - uuas imu an is môde hold -: 3100 ʽhuat, thu nu uuiðeruuard bistʼ, quað he, ʽuuilleon mînes, 3101 thegno bezto! Huat, thu thesaro thiodo [canst] 3102 menniscan [sidu:] thu ni uuêst [the] maht godes, 3103 [the] ik gifrummien scal. Ik mag thi filu seggean 3104 uuârun uuordun, thar [hêr undar thesumu uuerode standad] 3105 gesîðos mîne, thea ni môtun suelten êr, 3106 huerƀen an hinenfard êr sie himiles lioht, 3107 godes rîki sehat.ʼ Côs imu [iungarono] thô 3108 sân aftar thiu Sîmon Petrus, 3109 Iacob endi Iohannes, [ea] gumon tuêne, 3110 bêðea thea gibrôðer, endi imu thô uppen thene berg giuuêt 3111 sunder mid them gesîðun, sâlig barn godes, 3112 mid them thegnun thrim, thiodo drohtin, 3113 uualdand thesaro uueroldes: uuelde im thar uundres filu, 3114 têcno tôgean, that sie [gitrûodin] thiu bet, 3115 that he selƀo uuas sunu drohtines, 3116 hêlag heƀencuning. Thô sie [an] hôhan uuall 3117 stigun stên endi berg, antat sie te theru stedi quâmun, 3118 uueros uuiðer uuolcan, thar uualdand Krist, 3119 cuningo craftigost gicoren habde, 3120 that he is godkundi iungarun sînun 3121 thurh is ênes craft ôgean uuelde, 3122 berhtlîc biliði. 3122 Thô imu thar te bedu gihnêg, 3123 thô uuarð imu thar uppe ôðarlîcora 3124 uuliti endi giuuâdi: uurðun imu is uuangun liohte, 3125 blîcandi sô [thiu berhte sunne]: sô skên that barn godes, 3126 liuhte is lîchamo: liomon stôdun 3127 uuânamo fan themu uualdandes barne; uuarð is geuuâdi sô huît 3128 sô snêu te sehanne. Thô uuarð thar seldlîc thing 3129 giôgid aftar thiu: Elias endi Moyses 3130 quâmun thar te Criste uuið sô craftagne 3131 uuordun uuehslean. Thar uuarð sô uunsam sprâka, 3132 sô gôd uuord undar gumun, thar the godes sunu 3133 uuið thea mârean man mahlien uuelde, 3134 sô blîði uuarð uppan themu berge: skên that berhte lioht, 3135 uuas thar gard gôdlic endi grôni [uuang], 3136 paradise gelîc. Petrus thô gimahalde, 3137 helið hardmôdig endi te is hêrron sprac, 3138 grôtte thene godes sunu: ʽgôd is [it] hêr te uuesanne, 3139 ef thu it gikiosan uuili, Crist alouualdo, 3140 that man thi hêr an thesaru hôhe ên hûs geuuirkea, 3141 mârlîco gemaco endi Moysese ôðer 3142 endi Eliase thriddea: thit is ôdas hêm, 3143 uuelono uunsamost.ʼ Reht sô he thô that uuord gesprak, 3144 sô [tilêt] thiu luft an tuê: lioht uuolcan [skên], 3145 glîtandi glîmo, endi thea gôdun man 3146 uulitiscôni beuuarp. Thô fan themu uuolcne quam 3147 hêlag stemne godes, endi them heliðun thar 3148 selƀo sagde, that that is sunu uuâri, 3149 libbiendero lioƀost: ʽan themu mi lîcod uuel 3150 an mînun hugiskeftiun. Themu gi hôrien sculun, 3151 fulgangad imu gerno.ʼ Thô ni mahtun thea iungaron Cristes 3152 thes uuolcnes uuliti endi uuord godes, 3153 thea is mikilon maht thea man antstanden, 3154 ac sie bifellun thô forðuuardes: ferhes ni uuândun, 3155 lengiron lîƀes. Thô geng im tô the landes uuard, 3156 behrên sie mid is handun hêleandero bezt, 3157 hêt that sie im ni andrêdin: ʽni scal iu hêr derien eouuiht, 3158 thes gi hêr seldlîkes [gisehen] habbiad, 3159 mêriaro thingo.ʼ Thô eft them mannun uuarð 3160 hugi at iro herton endi gihêlid môd, 3161 gibade an iro breostun: gisâhun that barn godes 3162 ênna standen, uuas that oðer thô, 3163 behliden himiles lioht. Thô giuuêt imu the hêlago Crist 3164 fan themu berge niðer; gibôd aftar thiu 3165 iungarun sînun, that sie oƀar Iudeono folc 3166 ni sagdin thea gisioni: ʽer than ik selƀo [hêr] 3167 suîðo diurlîco fan dôđe astande, 3168 arîse fan theru restu: sîðor mugun gi it rekkien forð, 3169 mârien oƀar middilgard managun thiodun 3170 uuîdo aftar thesaru uueroldi.ʼ 3170 Thô giuuêt imu uualdand Crist 3171 eft an Galileo land, sôhte is gadulingos, 3172 mahtig is mâgo hêm, sagde thar manages huat 3173 [berhtero] biliðeo, endi that barn godes 3174 them is sâligun gesîðun sorgspell ni forhal, 3175 ac he im openlîco allun sagde, 3176 them is gôdun iungarun, huô ine scolde that Iudeono folc 3177 uuêgean te uundrun. Thes uurðun thar uuîse man 3178 suuîðo an sorgun, uuarð im sêr hugi, 3179 hriuuig umbi iro herte: gihôrdun [iro] [hêrron] thô, 3180 uualdandes sunu uuordun tellien, 3181 huat he undar [theru] thiodu [tholoian] scolde, 3182 uuilliendi undar themu uuerode. Thô giuuêt imu uualdand Crist, 3183 gumo fan Galilea, sôhte imu Iudeono burg, 3184 quâmun im te Cafarnaum. Thar fundun sie [ênan] kuninges [thegan] 3185 uulankan undar [themu] uuerode: quað that he uuâri giuueldig bodo 3186 aðalkêsures; he grôtte aftar thiu 3187 Sîmon Petrusen, quað that he uuâri gisendid tharod, 3188 that he thar gimanodi manno gehuiliken 3189 thero hôƀidscatto, the sie te themu hoƀe scoldin 3190 tinsi gelden: ʽnis thes tueho ênig 3191 gumono nigiênumu, ne sie [ina fargelden] sân 3192 mêðmo kusteon, [biûten] iuuue mêster [êno] 3193 [haƀad] it farlâten. Ni scal that lîcon uuel 3194 mînumu hêrron, [sô man] it imu at is hoƀe kûðid, 3195 aðalkêsure.ʼ Thô geng aftar thiu 3196 Sîmon Petrus, uuelde it seggian thô 3197 hêrron sînumu: he uuas is an is hugi [iu than,] 3198 giuuaro uualdand Crist: - imu ni mahte uuord ênig 3199 biholen uuerðen, he uuisse hugiskefti 3200 manno gehuilikes -: hêt thô thene is mârean thegan, 3201 Sîmon Petrus an thene sêo innen 3202 angul uuerpen: ʽ[suliken] sô thu thar êrist [mugis] 3203 fisk gifâhenʼ, [quað he], ʽsô teoh thu thene fan themu flôde te thi, 3204 antklemmi imu [thea] kinni: thar maht thu undar them kaflon nimen 3205 guldine scattos, that thu fargelden maht 3206 themu manne te gimôdea mînen endi thînen 3207 tinseo sô huilican, sô he ûs tô sôkid.ʼ 3208 He [ni] thorfte imu thô aftar thiu ôðaru uuordu 3209 furður gibioden: geng fiscari gôd, 3210 Sîmon Petrus, uuarp an thene sêo innen 3211 angul an ûðeon endi up gitôh 3212 fisk [an] flôde mid is folmun tuêm, 3213 teklôf imu [thea] kinni endi [undar] them kaflun nam 3214 guldine scattos: dede al, sô imu the godes sunu 3215 uuordun geuuîsde. Thar uuas thô uualdandes 3216 megincraft gimârid, huô scal [allaro] manno gehuilic 3217 suîðo uuilliendi is uueroldhêrron 3218 sculdi endi scattos, thea [imu] giskeride sind, 3219 gerno gelden: ni scal ine fargûmon eouuiht, 3220 ni farmuni ine an is môde, ac uuese imu [mildi an is hugi,] 3221 thiono imu thiolîco: an thiu mag he thiodgodes 3222 uuillean geuuirkean endi ôk is uueroldhêrron 3223 huldi habbien. 3223 Sô lêrde the hêlago Crist 3224 thea is gôdon iungaron: ʽef ênig gumono uuið iuʼ, quað he, 3225 ʽsundea geuuirkea, than nim thu ina sundar te thi, 3226 thene rink an rûna endi imu is [râd] saga, 3227 uuîsi imu mid uuordun. [Ef] imu [than] thes [uuerð] ne sî, 3228 that he thi gihôrie, hala [thi] thar [ôðara] tô 3229 gôdaro gumono, endi lah imu is grimmun uuerc, 3230 sak ina sôðuuordun. Ef imu than is sundea aftar thiu, 3231 [lôsuuerc] ni lêðon, [giduo] it ôðrun liudiun cûð, 3232 mâri it than for menegi endi lât manno filu 3233 uuiten is faruurhti: ôðo [beginnad] imu than is uuerk tregan, 3234 an [is] hugi hreuuen, than [he] it gihôrid heliðo filu, 3235 [ahton] eldibarn endi imu is uƀilon dâd 3236 [uueread] mid uuordun. Ef he than ôk uuendien ne [uuili], 3237 ac [farmôdat] sulica menegi, than lât thu thene man faren, 3238 haƀa ina than far hêðinen endi lât ina thi an thînumu hugi lêðen, 3239 mîð is an thînumu môde, ne sî that imu eft mildi god, 3240 hêr heƀencuning helpe farlîhe, 3241 fader allaro [firiho] barno.ʼ Thô frâgode Petrus, 3242 allaro thegno bezt theodan sînan: 3243 ʽhuô oft scal ik them mannun, the uuið mi habbiad 3244 lêðuuerk giduan, leoƀo drohtin, 3245 scal ik im siƀun sîðun iro sundea [alâten,] 3246 uurêðaro uuerko, êr [than] ik is êniga uurêka frummie, 3247 lêðes te lône?ʼ Thô sprak eft the landes uuard, 3248 [angegin] the godes sunu gôdumu thegne: 3249 ʽni seggiu ik thi fan siƀuniun, sô thu selƀo sprikis, 3250 mahlis mid thînu mûðu, ik duom thi mêra thar tô: 3251 siƀun sîðun siƀuntig sô scalt thu sundea gehuemu, 3252 lêðes alâten: sô uuilliu ik thi te lêrun geƀen 3253 uuordun uuârfastun. Nu ik thi sulica giuuald fargaf, 3254 that thu mînes hîuuiskes hêrost uuâris, 3255 manages mannkunnies, nu scalt thu im mildi uuesen, 3256 liudiun lîði.ʼ Thô thar te themu lêreande quam 3257 ên iung man angegin endi frâgode [Iesu] Crist: 3258 ʽmêster the gôdoʼ, quað he, ʽhuat scal ik [manages] duan, 3259 [an thiu the ik] heƀenrîki [gehalan] môti?ʼ 3260 Habde imu ôduuelon allen geuunnen, 3261 mêðomhord manag, thoh he mildean hugi 3262 bâri an is breostun. Thô sprak imu that barn godes: 3263 ʽhuat quiðis thu umbi [gôdon?] nis that gumono ênig 3264 biûtan the êno, the thar al gescôp, 3265 uuerold endi uunnea. Ef thu is uuillean haƀas, 3266 that thu an lioht godes lîðan môtis, 3267 than scalt thu bihalden thea hêlagon lêra, 3268 [the] thar an themu aldon êuua gebiudid, 3269 that thu man ni slah, ni thu mênes ni sueri, 3270 [farlegarnessi] farlât endi luggi geuuitskepi, 3271 strîd endi stulina; ne uuis thu te stark an hugi, 3272 ne nîðin ne hatul, ni nôdrôf ni [fremi;] 3273 aƀunst alla farlât; uuis thînun eldirun gôd, 3274 fader endi môder, endi thînun [friundun] hold, 3275 them nâhistun ginâðig. Than thu [thi] giniodon môst 3276 [himilo rîkeas,] ef thu it bihalden uuili, 3277 fulgangan godes lêrun.ʼ Thô sprak eft the iungo man 3278 ʽal hebbiu ik sô gilêstidʼ, quað he, ʽsô thu mi lêris nu, 3279 uuordun uuîsis, sô ik is eo uuiht ni farlêt 3280 fan mînero kindiski.ʼ Thô bigan ina Crist sehan 3281 an mid is ôgun: ʽên is thar noh nuʼ, quað he, 3282 ʽuuan thero uuerko: ef thu is uuilleon haƀas, 3283 that thu [thurhfremid] thionon môtis 3284 hêrron thînumu, than scalt [thu] that thîn hord nimen, 3285 scalt thînan ôduuelon allan farcôpien, 3286 diurie mêðmos, endi dêlien hêt 3287 armun mannun: than haƀas [thu] aftar thiu 3288 hord an himile; cum thi than gihalden te mi, 3289 folgo thi mînaro ferdi: than haƀas thu friðu sîður.ʼ 3290 Thô uurðun Kristes [uuord] kindiungumu manne 3291 suîðo an sorgun, uuas imu sêr hugi, 3292 môd umbi herte: habde mêðmo filu, 3293 uuelono geuunnen; uuende imu eft thanen, 3294 uuas imu unôðo [innan] breostun, 3295 an is seƀon suâro. Sah imu aftar thô 3296 Krist alouualdo, quað it thô, thar he uuelde, 3297 te them [is] iungarun geginuuardun, that uuâri an godes rîki 3298 unôði ôdagumu manne up te cumanne: 3299 ʽôður mag man olbundeon, thoh he sî unmet grôt, 3300 thurh nâðlan gat, thoh [it] sî naru suîðo, 3301 sâftur thurhslôpien, than mugi cuman thiu siole te himile 3302 thes [ôdagan] mannes, the hêr al haƀad 3303 giuuendid an thene uueroldscat uuilleon sînen, 3304 môdgithâhti, endi ni hugid umbi thie maht godes.ʼ 3305 Imu [anduuordiade êrthungan] gumo, 3306 Sîmon Petrus, endi seggean bad 3307 leoƀan hêrron: ʽhuat sculun uui thes te lône nimenʼ, quað he, 3308 ʽgôdes te gelde, thes uui thurh thîn iungardôm 3309 êgan endi erƀi al farlêtun 3310 hoƀos endi hîuuiski endi thi te hêrron gicurun, 3311 folgodun thînaru ferdi: huat scal ûs [thes] te frumu uuerðen, 3312 [langes] te lône?ʼ Liudeo drohtin 3313 sagde im thô [selƀo]: ʽthan ik sittien kumuʼ, quað he, 3314 ʽan thie [mikilan] maht an themu mârean dage, 3315 thar ik allun scal irminthiodun 3316 [dômos] adêlien, than môtun gi mid iuuuomu drohtine thar 3317 selƀon sittien endi môtun thera saca uualdan: 3318 môtun gi Israhelo eðilifolcun 3319 adêlien aftar iro dâdiun: sô môtun gi thar gidiuride uuesen. 3320 Than seggiu ik iu te uuâran: sô hue sô that an thesaru uueroldi giduot, 3321 that he thurh mîna minnea mâgo gesidli 3322 liof farlêtid, thes scal hi hêr lôn niman 3323 tehan sîðun tehinfald, ef he it mid treuuon duot, 3324 mid hluttru hugi. Oƀar that haƀad he ôk himiles lioht, 3325 open êuuig lîf.ʼ Bigan imu thô aftar thiu 3326 allaro barno bezt ên biliði seggian, 3327 quað that thar ên ôdag man an êrdagun 3328 [uuâri] undar themu uuerode: [ʽthe] habde uuelono genôg, 3329 sinkas gisamnod endi imu [simlun] uuas 3330 garu mid goldu endi mid godouuebbiu, 3331 fagarun fratahun endi imu so filu habde 3332 gôdes an is gardun endi imu [at] gômun sat 3333 allaro dago gehuilikes: habde imu diurlîc lîf, 3334 [blîðsea] an is [benkiun.] Than uuas thar eft ên biddiendi man, 3335 gilêƀod an is lîchamon, Lazarus uuas he hêten, 3336 lag imu dago gehuilikes at them durun foren, 3337 thar he thene ôdagan man inne uuisse 3338 an is gestseli gôme thiggean, 3339 sittien [at] sumble, endi he [simlun] bêd 3340 giarmod thar ûte: ni môste thar in cuman, 3341 ne he ni mahte gebiddien, that man imu thes brôdes tharod 3342 gidragan uueldi, thes thar fan themu diske niðer 3343 antfel undar iro fôti: ni mahte imu thar ênig [fruma] uuerðen 3344 fan themu hêroston, [the] thes hûses giuueld, [biûtan] that thar gengun [is hundos tô,] 3345 likkodun is lîkuundon, thar he liggiandi 3346 hungar tholode; ni quam imu thar te helpu uuiht 3347 fan themu rîkeon manne. Thô gifragn ik that ina [is] reganogiscapu, 3348 thene armon man is êndago 3349 [gimanoda mahtiun suîð,] that he manno drôm 3350 ageƀen scolde. Godes engilos 3351 antfengun is ferh endi lêddun ine forð thanen, 3352 that sie an Abrahames barm thes armon mannes 3353 siole gisettun: thar môste he simlun forð 3354 uuesen an uunniun. Thô quâmun ôk uurdegiscapu, 3355 themu ôdagan man orlaghuîle, 3356 that he thit lioht farlêt: lêða uuihti 3357 [besinkodun] is siole an thene suarton hel, 3358 [an] that fern innen fîundun te uuillean, 3359 begrôƀun ine an gramono hêm. Thanen mahte he thene gôdan scauuon, 3360 Abraham gesehen, thar he uppe uuas 3361 lîƀes an lustun, endi Lazarus sat 3362 blîði an is barme, berht lôn antfeng 3363 allaro is [armôdio,] endi lag the ôdago man 3364 hêto an theru helliu, hriop up thanen: 3365 ʽfader Abrahamʼ, quað he, ʽmi is firinun tharf, 3366 that thu mi an thînumu môdseƀon mildi uuerðes, 3367 lîði an thesaru lognu: sendi mi [Lazarus] herod, 3368 that he mî gefôrea an thit fern innan 3369 caldes uuateres. Ik hêr quic brinnu 3370 hêto an thesaru helliu: nu is mi thînaro helpono tharf, 3371 that he mi aleskie mid is lutticon fingru 3372 tungon mîne, nu siu têkan haƀad, 3373 uƀil arƀedi. [Inuuidrâdo,] 3374 lêðaro sprâka, alles is mi nu thes lôn cumen.ʼ 3375 Imu [anduuordiade] thô Abraham - that uuas aldfader -: 3376 ʽgehugi thu an thînumu hertonʼ, quað he, ʽhuat thu habdes iu 3377 uuelono an uueroldi. Huat, thu thar alle thîne uunnea farsliti, 3378 gôdes an gardun, sô huat sô thi giƀiðig forð 3379 uuerðen [scolde.] Uuîti tholode 3380 Lazarus an themu liohte, habde thar lêðes filu, 3381 uuîteas an uueroldi. Bethiu scal he nu [uuelon] êgan, 3382 libbien an lustun: thu scalt thea logna tholan, 3383 brinnendi fiur: ni mag is thi ênig bôte kumen 3384 hinana te helliu: it haƀad the hêlago god 3385 sô [gifastnod] mid is faðmun: ni mag thar faren ênig 3386 thegno thurh that [thiustri:] it is hêr sô thikki undar ûs.ʼ 3387 Thô sprac eft Abrahame the erl tegegnes 3388 fan theru hêtan hell endi helpono bad, 3389 that he Lazarus an liudio drôm 3390 selƀon sandi: ʽthat he geseggea thar 3391 brôðarun mînun, huô ik hêr brinnendi 3392 thrâuuerk tholon; si [thar] undar theru [thiodu] sind, 3393 si fîƀi undar themu folke: ik an forhtun bium, 3394 that sie im thar faruuirkien, that sie sculin ôk an thit uuîti te mi, 3395 an sô grâdag fiur.ʼ Thô imu eft tegegnes sprak 3396 Abraham aldfader, quað that sie thar êo godes 3397 an themu landskepi, liudi habdin, 3398 Moyseses gibôd endi thar managaro tô 3399 uuârsaguno uuord: ʽef sie is uuillige sind, 3400 that sie that bihalden, than ni thurƀun sie an [thea] hell innen, 3401 an that fern faren, ef sie [gefrummiad] sô, 3402 sô thea gebiodad, [the thea] bôk lesat 3403 them liudiun te [lêrun.] Ef sie thes than ni uuilliad lêstien uuiht, 3404 thanne ni hôriad sie ôk themu the [hinan] astâd, 3405 man fan dôðe. Lâte man sie an iro môdseƀon 3406 selƀon keosen, hueðer im suôtiera thunkie 3407 te giuuinnanne, sô lango sô sie an thesaru uueroldi sind, 3408 that sie eft uƀil ettha gôd aftar habbien.ʼʼ 3409 Sô lêrde he thô thea liudi liohton uuordon, 3410 allaro barno bezt, endi biliði sagde 3411 manag mankunnie mahtig drohtin, 3412 quað that imu [ên] sâlig gumo samnon bigunni 3413 man an morgen, ʽendi im mêda gihêt, 3414 the hêrosto thes hîuuiskeas, suîðo *holdlîc lônʼ, 3415 quat that hie iro allaro gihuem ênna gâƀi 3416 [siloƀrinna] scat. ʽThuo samnodun managa 3417 uueros an is uuîngardon, - endi hie im uuerc bifalah - 3418 âdro an ûhtan. Sum quam thar ôc an undorn tuo, 3419 sum quam thar an middian dag, man te them uuerke, 3420 sum quam thar te nônu, thuo uuas thiu niguða tîd 3421 sumarlanges dages; sum thar ôc sîðor quam 3422 an thia elliftun tîd. Thuo geng thar âƀand tuo, 3423 sunna ti sedle. Thuo hie selƀo gibôd 3424 is ambahtion, erlo drohtin, 3425 that man thero [manno] gihuem is meoda forguldi, 3426 them erlon arƀidlôn; hiet thiem at êrist geƀan. 3427 thia [thar at] lezt uuârun, liudi cumana, 3428 uueros te them [uuerke,] endi mid is uuordon gibôd, 3429 that man them mannon iro mieda forguldi 3430 alles at aftan, them thar quâmun at êrist tuo 3431 uuillendi te them uuerke. Uuândun sia suîðo, 3432 that man im mêra lôn [gimacod] habdi 3433 uuið iro araƀedie: than man im allon gaf, 3434 them liudeon gilîco. Lêð uuas that suîðo, 3435 allon them ando, them thar quâmun at êrist tuo: 3436 ʽuui quâmun hier an moraganʼ, quâðun sia, ʽendi tholodun hier manag te dage 3437 araƀiduuerco, huîlon unmet hêt, 3438 scînandia sunna: nu ni giƀis thu ûs scattes than mêr, 3439 thie thu them ôðron duos, thia hier êna huîla 3440 uuâron an thînon uuerke.ʼ Thuo habda eft is uuord garo 3441 thie [hêrosto] thes hîuuiskes, quat [that] hie im ni habdi gihêtan than mêr 3442 uuerðes uuið iro uuerke: ʽhuat, ik giuuald hebbiuʼ, quathie, 3443 ʽthat ik iu allon gilîco muot lôn forgeldan, 3444 iuues uuerkes uuerð.ʼ Than uualdandi Crist 3445 mênda im thoh mêra thing, thoh hie oƀar that manno folc 3446 fan them uuîngardon sô uuordon sprâki, 3447 huô thar unefno erlos quâmun, 3448 uueros te them uuerke. Sô sculun fan thero uueroldi duon 3449 manncunnies barn an that mârio lioht, 3450 gumon an godes uuang: sum biginnit ina giriuuan sân 3451 an is kindiski, haƀit im [gicoranan] muod, 3452 uuilleon guodan, uueroldsaca mîðit, 3453 farlâtit is lusta; ni mag ina is lîkhamo 3454 an unspuod forspanan: spâhiða lînot, 3455 [godes] êu, gramono forlâtit, 3456 uurêðaro uuillion, duot im sô te is uueroldi forð, 3457 lêstit sô an theson liohte, [antthat] im is lîƀes cumit, 3458 aldres âƀand; giuuîtit im than [upuuegos: 3459 thar] uuirðit im is araƀedi all gilônot, 3460 fargoldan mid guodu an godes rîkie. 3461 That mêndun thia uuuruhteon, thia an them uuîngardon 3462 âdro an ûhta arƀidlîco 3463 uuerc bigunnun endi thuruuuonodun forð, 3464 erlos unt âƀand. Sum thar ôc an undern quam, 3465 habda thuo farmerrid, [thia] moraganstunda 3466 thes daguuerkes forduolon; sô duot doloro filo, 3467 gimêdaro manno: drîƀit im mislîc thing 3468 gerno an is iuguði, - haƀit im gelpquidi 3469 lêða [gilînot] endi lôsuuord manag -, 3470 antthat is kindiski farcuman uuirđit, 3471 that ina after is iuguði godes anst manot 3472 blîði an is brioston; fâhit im te beteron than 3473 uuordon endi uuercon, lêdit im is uuerold mid thiu, 3474 is aldar ant thena endi: cumit im alles lôn 3475 an godes rîkie, gôdaro uuerko. 3476 Sum mann [than] midfiri mên farlâtid, 3477 suâra sundiun, fâhit im an sâlig thing, 3478 biginnit im thuru godes craft guodaro uuerco, 3479 buotit balosprâka, lâtit im is [bittrun] dâd 3480 an is hugie hreuuan; cumit im thiu helpa fon gode, 3481 that im gilêstid thie gilôƀo, sô lango sô im is lîf uuarod; 3482 farit im forð mid thiu, antfâhit is mieda, 3483 guod lôn at gode; ni sindun êniga geƀa beteran. 3484 Sum biginnit [than] ôc furðor, than hie ist fruodot mêr, 3485 is aldares afheldit, - than biginnat im is uƀilon uuerc 3486 lêðon an theson liohte, than ina lêra godes 3487 gimanod an is muode: uuirðit im mildera hugi, 3488 thurugengit im mid guodu endi geld nimit, 3489 hôh himilrîki, than hie hinan uuendit, 3490 uuirðit im is mieda sô sama, sô them man *nun uuarð, 3491 thea thar te [nônu] dages, an thea nigunda tîd, 3492 an thene uuîngardon uuirkean quâmun. 3493 Sum uuirðid than sô suîðo gefrôdot, sô he ni uuili is sundea bôtien, 3494 ac he ôkid sie mid uƀilu gehuilicu, antat imu is âƀand nâhid, 3495 is [uuerold] endi is uunnea farslîtid; than beginnid he imu [uuîti andrêden], 3496 [is sundeon uuerðad imu] sorga an môde: gehugid [huat] he selƀo gefrumide 3497 grimmes than [lango], the he môste is [iuguðeo] neoten; ni mag than mid ôðru gôdu gibôtien 3498 thea dâdi, thea he sô derƀea gefrumide, ac he slehit allaro dago gehuilikes 3499 an is breost mid bêðiun handun endi uuôpit sie mid bittrun trahnun, 3500 hlûdo he sie mid hofnu kûmid, bidid thene hêlagon drohtin 3501 mahtigne, that he imu mildi uuerðe: ni lâtid [imu] sîðor is môd gituîflien; 3502 sô êgrohtful is, the thar alles geuueldid: he ni uuili ênigumu irmin[manne] 3503 faruuernien uuillean sînes; fargiƀid imu uualdand selƀo 3504 hêlag [himilrîki:] than is imu giholpen sîður. 3505 Alle sculun sie thar êra antfâhen, thoh sie tharod te ênaru tîdi 3506 ni kumen, that [kunni manno], thoh [uuili] imu the craftigo drohtin, 3507 gilônon allaro liudio [sô huilicumu], sô hêr is gilôƀon antfâhit: 3508 [ên] himilrîki giƀid he allun theodun, 3509 mannun te mêdu. That mênde mahtig Krist, 3510 barno that bezte, thô he that biliði sprak, 3511 huô thar te them uuîngardun uurhteon quâmin, 3512 man mislîco: thoh nam is mêde gehue 3513 fulle te [is] frôian. Sô sculun firiho barn 3514 at gode selƀumu geld antfâhen, 3515 suîðo leoƀlîc lôn, thoh sie sume [sô late uuerðan.] 3516 Hêt imu thô thea is gôdan iungaron nâhor 3517 tueliƀi gangan - thea uuârun imu triuuuiston 3518 man oƀar erðu -, sagde im mahtig [selƀo 3519 ôðersîðu,] huilic imu [thar arƀedi] 3520 tôuuard uuârun: ʽthes ni mag ênig tueho uuerðenʼ, quað he. 3521 Quað that sie thô te Hierusalem an that Iudeono folc 3522 lîðan scoldin: ʽthar uuirðid all gilêstid sô, 3523 gefrumid undar themu folke, sô it an furndagun 3524 uuîse man be mi uuordun gesprâkun. 3525 Thar sculun mi farcôpon undar thea craftigon thiod, 3526 heliðos te theru hêri; thar uuerðat mîna hendi [gebundana,] 3527 faðmos uuerðad mi thar gefastnod; filu scal ik thar [githoloian,] 3528 hoskes gihôrien endi harmquidi, 3529 [bismer]sprâka endi bihêtuuord manag; 3530 sie uuêgeat mi te uundron uuâpnes eggiun, 3531 bilôsiad mi lîƀu: ik te thesumu liohte scal 3532 thurh drohtines craft fan dôðe astanden 3533 an thriddeon dage. Ni quam ik undar thesa theoda [herod 3534 te thiu,] that mîn eldibarn arƀed habdin, 3535 that mi thionodi thius [thiod:] ni uuilliu ik is sie thiggien nu, 3536 fergon thit folcskepi, ac ik scal imu te frumu [uuerðen], 3537 theonon imu theolîco endi for alla thesa theoda geƀen 3538 seole mîne. Ik uuilliu sie selƀo nu 3539 lôsien mid mînu lîƀu, thea hêr lango bidun, 3540 mankunnies manag, [mînara] helpa.ʼ 3541 Fôr imu thô forðuuardes - habde imu [fasten] hugi, 3542 blîðean an is breostun barn drohtines - 3543 [uuelda] im te Hierusalem Iudeo folkes 3544 uuilleon uuîsan: he conste thes uuerodes sô garo 3545 hetigrimmen hugi endi [hardan] strîd, 3546 uurêðan uuilleon. Uuerod [sîðode] 3547 furi Hierichoburg; uuas the godes sunu, 3548 mahtig undar [thero menigi. Thar sâtun tuênie] man bi uuege, 3549 blinde uuârun sie bêðie: uuas im bôtono tharf, 3550 that sie gehêldi heƀenes uualdand, 3551 huand sie sô lango liohtes tholodun, 3552 managa huîla. Sie gihôrdun thô that megin faren 3553 endi frâgodun sân firiuuitlîco 3554 [reginiblindun,] huilic thar rîki man 3555 undar themu folcskepi furista uuâri, 3556 hêrost an hôƀid. Thô sprac im ên helið angegin, 3557 quað that thar Hiesu Crist fan [Galilealande,] 3558 hêleandero bezt hêrost uuâri, 3559 fôri mid is folcu. Thô uuarð frâhmôd hugi 3560 bêðiun them blindun mannun, thô sie that barn godes 3561 uuissun under themu uuerode: hreopun im thô mid iro uuordun tô, 3562 hlûdo te themu hêlagon Criste, bâdun that he im helpe gerêdi: 3563 ʽdrohtin Dauides sunu: uuis ûs mid thînun dâdiun mildi, 3564 neri ûs af thesaru nôdi, sô thu ginôge dôs 3565 manno kunnies: thu bist managun gôd, 3566 hilpis endi hêlis.ʼ Tho bigan im that heliđo folc 3567 uuerien mid uuordun, that sie an uualdand Krist 3568 sô hlûdo ni hriopin. Si ni uueldun [im] hôrien te thiu, 3569 ac sie simla mêr endi mêr oƀar that manno folc 3570 hlûdo hreopun. Hêleand gestôd, 3571 allaro barno bezt, hêt sie [thô] brengien te imu, 3572 lêdien thurh thea liudi, sprak im listiun tô 3573 [mildlîco] for theru menegi: ʽhuat uuilliad [git] mînaro hêrʼ, quað he, 3574 ʽhelpono [habbien?ʼ] Sie bâdun ina hêlagna, 3575 that he im ira ôgon opana gidâdi, 3576 farliuui theses liohtes, that sie liudio drôm, 3577 suikle sunnun [scîn] gisehen môstin, 3578 uulitiscônie uuerold. Uualdand frumide, 3579 hrên sie thô mid is handun, dede is helpe thar tô, 3580 that them blindun thô bêðium uurðun 3581 ôgon gioponod, that sie erðe endi himil 3582 thurh craft godes [antkiennien] mahtun, 3583 lioht endi liudi. Thô sagdun sie lof gode, 3584 diurdun [ûsan drohtin,] thes sie dages liohtes 3585 brûcan môstun: geuuitun im bêðie mid imu, 3586 folgodun is ferdi: uuas im thiu fruma giƀiðig, 3587 endi ôk uualdandes uuerk uuîdo gekûðid, 3588 managun gimârid. 3588 Thar uuas sô mahtiglîc 3589 biliði gibôknid, thar the blindon man 3590 bi themu uuege sâtun, uuîti tholodun, 3591 liohtes lôse: that mênid thoh liudio barn, 3592 al mancunni, huô sie mahtig god 3593 an themu anaginne thurh is ênes craft 3594 [sinhîun tuê] selƀo giuuarhte, 3595 Âdam endi Êvan: fargaf im upuuegos, 3596 [himilo rîki;] ac thô uuarð im the hatola te nâh, 3597 fîund mid fêknu endi mid firinuuerkun, 3598 bisuêk sie mid sundiun, that sie sinscôni, 3599 lioht farlêtun: uurðun an lêðaron stedi, 3600 an thesen middilgard man faruuorpen, 3601 tholodun hêr an thiustriu [thiodarƀedi,] 3602 uunnun uuracsîðos, uuelon tharƀodun: 3603 fargâtun godes rîkies, gramon theonodun, 3604 fîundo barnun; sie guldun is im mid [fiuru] lôn 3605 an theru hêton [helliu.] Bethiu uuârun siu an iro hugi blinda 3606 an thesaru middilgard, menniscono barn, 3607 huand siu [ine] ni [antkiendun,] craftagne god, 3608 himilisken hêrron, thene [the] sie mid is handun giscôp, 3609 giuuarhte an is uuillion. Thius uuerold uuas thô sô farhuerƀid, 3610 bithuungen an thiustrie, an thiodarƀidi, 3611 an dôðes dalu: sâtun im thô bi theru drohtines strâtun 3612 iâmarmôde, godes helpe bidun: 3613 siu ni mahte im [thô] êr uuerðen, êr than uualdand god 3614 an thesan middilgard, mahtig drohtin, 3615 is selƀes sunu [sendien uueldi] 3616 that he lioht antluki liudio barnun, 3617 oponodi im êuuig lîf, that sie thene [alouualdon 3618 mahtin] antkennien uuel, craftagna [god.] 3619 Ôk mag ik giu [gitellien,] of gi thar tô uuilliad 3620 huggien endi hôrien, that gi thes hêliandes [mugun] 3621 craft antkennien, huô is kumi uurðun 3622 an thesaru middilgard managun te [helpu,] 3623 ia huat he mid them dâdiun drohtin selƀo 3624 manages mênde, ia behuiu thiu mârie burg 3625 Hiericho hêtid, [thiu] thar an Iudeon [stâd] 3626 gimacod mid mûrun: thiu is aftar themu mânen [ginemnid], 3627 aftar themu [torhten] tungle: he ni mag is tîdi bemîðen, 3628 ac he dago gehuilikes duod [ôðerhueðer,] 3629 uuanod ohtho uuahsid. Sô dôd an thesaro uueroldi hêr, 3630 an thesaru middilgard menniscono barn: 3631 farad endi folgod, frôde sterƀad, 3632 uuerðad eft iunga aftar kumane, 3633 uueros auuahsane, unttat sie eft uurd farnimid. 3634 That mênde that barn godes, thô he fon theru burgi fôr, 3635 the gôdo fan Hiericho, that ni mahte êr uuerðen gumono barnun 3636 thiu [blindia] gibôtid, that sie that berhte lioht, 3637 gisâhin sinscôni, êr than he selƀo hêr 3638 an thesaru middilgard menniski antfeng, 3639 flêsk [endi] lîchamon. Thô uurðun thes firiho barn 3640 [giuuar] an thesaru uueroldi, the hêr an uuîtie êr, 3641 sâtun an sundiun gisiunies lôse, 3642 tholodun an thiustrie, - [sie] afsôƀun that uuas [thesaru thiod] kuman 3643 hêleand te helpu fan heƀenrîkie, 3644 Crist allaro cuningo best; sie mahtun is antkennien sân, 3645 gifôlien is fardio. Thô sie [sô] filu hriopun, 3646 the man te themu mahtigon gode, that im mildi aftar thiu 3647 uualdand uurði. Than uueridun [im] suîðo 3648 thia suârun sundeon, the sie im êr [selƀon] gidâdun, 3649 [lettun] sie thes gilôbon. Sie ni mahtun them liudiun [thoh] 3650 biuuerien iro uuilleon, ac sie [an] uualdand god 3651 hlûdo hriopun, antat he im iro hêli fargaf, 3652 that sie sinlîf gisehen [môstin,] 3653 open êuuig lioht endi an faren 3654 an thiu berhtun bû. That mêndun thea blindun man, 3655 the thar bi Hierichoburg te themu godes barne 3656 hlûdo hriopun, that he im iro hêli farlihi, 3657 liohtes an thesumu lîƀe: than [im thea liudi] sô filu 3658 uueridun mid uuordun, thea thar an themu uuege fôrun 3659 biforen endi bihinden: sô dôt thea firinsundeon 3660 an thesaru middilgard [mankunnie.] 3661 Hôriad nu huô thie blindun, sîður im gibôtid uuarð, 3662 that sie sunnun lioht gesehen môstun, 3663 huô si thô dâdun: geuuitun im [mid iro] drohtine samad, 3664 folgodun is ferdi, sprâkun filu uuordo 3665 themu landes hirdie [te] loƀe: sô dôd im noh liudio barn 3666 uuîdo aftar thesaru uueroldi, sîður im uualdand [Crist] 3667 geliuhte mid is lêrun endi im lîf êuuig, 3668 godes rîki [fargaf] gôdun mannun, 3669 hôh himiles lioht endi is helpe thar tô, 3670 sô huemu sô that giuuerkod, that he môti themu is uuege folgon. 3671 [Thô nâhide] neriendo Crist, 3672 the gôdo te Hierusalem. Quam imu thar tegegnes filu 3673 uuerodes an uuilleon uuel huggendies, 3674 antfengun ina fagaro endi imu biforen [streidun] 3675 thene uueg mid iro giuuâdiun endi mid uurtiun sô same, 3676 mid berhtun blômun endi mid bômo tôgun, 3677 that feld mid fagaron palmun, al sô is fard geburide, 3678 that the godes sunu gangan uuelde 3679 te theru mârean burg. Huarf ina megin umbi 3680 [liudio] an lustun, endi lofsang [ahôf] 3681 that uuerod an uuilleon: sagdun uualdande thank, 3682 thes thar selƀo quam sunu Dauides 3683 uuîson thes uuerodes. Thô gesah uualdand Krist 3684 the gôdo te Hierusalem, gumono bezta, 3685 blîcan thene [burges] uual endi bû Iudeono, 3686 hôha horn[seli] endi ôk that hûs godes, 3687 allaro uuîho [uunsamost]. Thô uuel imu an innen 3688 hugi [uuið] is herte: thô ni mahte that hêlage barn 3689 uuôpu auuîsien, sprak thô uuordo filu 3690 hriuuiglîco - uuas imu is hugi sêreg -: 3691 ʽuuê uuarð thi, Hierusalemʼ, quað he, ʽthes thu te uuârun ni [uuêst] 3692 thea [uurdegiskefti], the thi noh giuuerðen sculun, 3693 huô thu noh [uuirðis] [behabd] heries craftu 3694 endi thi bisittiad slîð[môde] man, 3695 fîund mid folcun. Than ni haƀas thu friðu huergin, 3696 mundburd mid mannun: lêdiad thi hêr [manage] tô 3697 ordos endi eggia, orlegas [uuord,] 3698 farfioth thîn folcskepi fiures liomon, 3699 these [uuîki] auuôstiad, uuallos hôha 3700 felliad [te foldun:] ni [afstâd] is felis nigiean, 3701 stên oƀar ôðrumu, ak uuerðad thesa stedi uuôstia 3702 umbi Hierusalem Iudeo liudeo, 3703 huand sie ni antkenniad, that im kumana sind 3704 iro tîdi tôuuardes, ac sie habbiad im tuîflien hugi, 3705 ni uuitun that iro uuîsad uualdandes craft.ʼ 3706 Giuuêt imu thô mid theru menegi manno drohtin 3707 an thea berhton burg. Sô thô that barn godes 3708 innan Hierusalem mid thiu gumono folcu, 3709 [sêg] mid thiu gesîðu, thô uuarð [thar] allaro sango mêst, 3710 hlûd stemnie [afhaƀen] hêlagun uuordun, 3711 loƀodun thene landes [uuard] liudio menegi, 3712 barno that bezte; thiu burg uuarð an hrôru, 3713 that folc uuarð an forhtun endi frâgodun sân, 3714 hue that uuâri, that thar mid [thiu uuerodu] quam, 3715 mid theru mikilon menegi. Thô sprak im ên man angegin, 3716 quað that thar Hiesu Crist fan Galileo lande, 3717 fan Nazarethburg neriand quâmi, 3718 uuitig uuârsago themu uuerode te helpu. 3719 Thô uuas them Iudiun, the imu êr grame uuârun, 3720 unholde an hugi, harm an môde, 3721 that imu thea [liudi sô filu] lofsang uuarhtun, 3722 diurdun iro drohtin. Thô gengun dolmôde, 3723 that sie uuið uualdand Crist uuordun sprâkun, 3724 bâdun that he that gesîði suîgon hêti, 3725 letti thea liudi, that sie imu lof sô filu 3726 uuordun ni uuarhtin: ʽit is thesumu uuerode lêðʼ, quâðun sie, 3727 ʽthesun burgliudiun.ʼ Thô sprak eft [that] barn godes: 3728 ʽef gi sie amerriadʼ, quað he, ʽthat hêr ni [môtin] manno barn 3729 uualdandes craft uuordun diurien, 3730 than sculun it hrôpen thoh harde stênos 3731 for thesumu folcskepi, felisos starka, 3732 êr than it eo belîƀe, [neƀo] man is lof [spreke] 3733 uuîdo aftar thesaru [uueroldi.ʼ] Thô he an thene uuîh innen, 3734 geng an that godes hûs: fand thar Iudeono filu, 3735 mislîke man, manage atsamne, 3736 thea im thar côpstedi gikoran habdun, 3737 mangodun im thar mid manages huî: muniterias sâtun 3738 an themu uuîhe innan, habdun iro uuesl gidago 3739 garu te geƀanne. That uuas themu godes barne 3740 al an andun: drêf sie ut thanen 3741 rûmo fan themu rakude, quað that uuâri [rehtara] dâd, 3742 that thar te bedu fôrin barn Israheles 3743 ʽendi an thesumu mînumu hûse helpono [biddean,] 3744 [that sia sigidrohtin sundiono tuomie,] 3745 [than] hêr [theoƀas an] thingstedi halden, 3746 thea faruuarhton uueros [uuehsal] drîƀan, 3747 unreht [ênfald.] Ne gi êniga êra ni uuitun 3748 theses godes hûses, Iudeo liudi.ʼ 3749 Sô rûmde he thô endi rekode, rîki drohtin, 3750 that hêlaga hûs endi an helpun uuas 3751 managumu mankunnie, them the is mikilon craft 3752 [ferrene] gefrugnun endi thar gifaran quâmun 3753 oƀar langan uueg. Uuarð thar lêf so manag, 3754 halt gihêlid endi hâf sô same, 3755 blindun gibôtid. Sô dede that barn godes 3756 uuilliendi [themu] uuerode, huand al an is giuueldi stêd 3757 umbi thesaro liudio lîf endi ôk umbi thit land sô same. 3758 Stôd imu thô fora themu uuîhe uualdandeo Crist, 3759 liof landes uuard, endi imu thero liudio hugi, 3760 iro uuilleon aftaruuarode: gisah uuerod mikil 3761 an that mârie hûs mêðmos fôrien, 3762 geƀon mid goldu endi mid goduuuebbiu, 3763 diuriun fratahun. That al [drohtin Crist] 3764 uuarode uuîslîco. Thô quam thar ôk ên uuidouua tô, 3765 idis armscapen, endi te themu alaha geng 3766 endi siu an that [tresurhûs] tuêne legde 3767 êrîne scattos: uuas iru ênfald hugi, 3768 uuillean gôdes. Thô sprak uualdand Crist, 3769 the [gumo] uuið is giungaron, quað [that] siu thar geƀa brâhti 3770 mêron mikilu than elcor ênig mannes sunu: 3771 ʽef hêr ôdaga manʼ, quað he, ʽêra brâhtun, 3772 mêðomhord manag, sie lêtun im [mêr] at hûs 3773 uuelona geuunnen. Ni dede thius uuidouua sô, 3774 ac siu te thesumu alahe gaf al that siu habde 3775 uuelono geuunnen, sô [siu] iru uuiht ni [farlêt] 3776 gôdes an iro gardun. Bethiu sind ira geƀa mêron, 3777 uualdande uuerða, huand siu it mid sulicumu [uuilleon] dede 3778 te thesumu godes hûse. Thes scal siu geld niman, 3779 suîðo langsam lôn, thes siu sulican gilôƀon haƀad.ʼ 3780 Sô gifragn ik that thar an themu uuîhe [uualdandeo] Crist 3781 allaro dago gehuilikes, drohtin manno, 3782 uuîsde mid uuordun. Stôd ine uuerod umbi, 3783 grôt folc Iudeono, gihôrdun is gôdan uuord, 3784 suôtea seggian. Sum sô sâlig uuarð 3785 manno undar theru menegi, that it bigan an is môd hladen; 3786 lînodun im thea lêra, the the landes uuard 3787 al be biliðiun [sprak,] barn drohtines. 3788 Sumun uuârun eft so lêða lêra Cristes, 3789 uualdandes uuord: uuas im uuiðermôd hugi 3790 allun them, the an themu heriskepi [hêrost] uuârun, 3791 furiston an themu folke: fâres hugdun 3792 uurêða mid iro uuordun - habdun im uuiðersakon 3793 gihaloden te helpu, thes hêroston man, 3794 Erodeses thegan, the thar anduuard stôd 3795 uurêðes uuillean, that he iro uuord oƀarhôrdi - 3796 ef sie ina forfengin, that sie ina than feteros an, 3797 thea liudi liðobendi leggien môstin, 3798 sundea lôsan. Thô gengun im thea gesîðos tô 3799 bittra gihugde, that sie [uuið] that barn godes, 3800 uurêða uuiðersakon uuordun sprâkun: 3801 ʽhuat, thu bist êosagoʼ, quâðun sie, ʽallun thiodun, 3802 uuîsis uuâres sô filu: nis thi [uuerðeouuiht] 3803 te bimîðanne manno niênumu 3804 umbi is [rîkidôm,] neƀo thu [simlun] that reht sprikis 3805 endi an thene godes uueg gumono gesîði 3806 lêdis mid thinun lêrun: ni mag thi laster man 3807 fîđan undar [thesumu] folke. Nu uui thi frâgon sculun. 3808 rîki thiodan, huilic reht haƀad 3809 the kêsur fan Rûmu, the imu te thesumu [kunnie] herod 3810 tinsi sôkid endi gitald haƀad, 3811 huat uui imu gelden [sculin] gêro gehuilikes 3812 [hôƀidscatto.] Saga huat thi thes an [thînumu] hugi thunkea: 3813 is it reht the nis? Râd for thînun 3814 landmêgun uuel: ûs is thînaro lêrono tharf.ʼ 3815 Sie uueldun that he it antquâði: than mahte he thoh antkennien uuel 3816 iro [uurêðon] uuilleon: ʽte huî gi uuârlogonʼ, quað he, 3817 ʽfandot mîn sô frôkno? Ni scal iu that te frumu uuerðen, 3818 that gi dreogerias darnungo [nu] 3819 uuilliad mi farfâhen.ʼ Hêt he thô forð dragan 3820 te scauuonne the scattos, ʽthe gi sculdige sind 3821 an that geld [geƀen].ʼ Iudeon drôgun 3822 [ênna] siluƀrinna forð: sâhun manage tô, 3823 huô he uuas gemunitod: uuas an middien skîn 3824 thes kêsures biliði - that mahtun sie antkennien uuel -, 3825 iro hêrron hôƀidmâl. Thô frâgode [sie] the hêlago Crist, 3826 aftar huemu thiu gelîcnessi gilegid uuâri. 3827 Sie quâðun that it uuâri uueroldkêsures 3828 fan Rûmuburg, [ʽthes] the alles theses rîkes haƀad 3829 geuuald an thesaru uueroldi.ʼ ʽThan uuilliu ik iu te uuârun [hêr]ʼ, quað he, 3830 [ʽselƀo] seggian, that gi imu sîn geƀad, 3831 uueroldhêrron is geuunst, endi uualdand gode 3832 selliad, that thar sîn ist: that sculun iuuua seolon uuesen, 3833 gumono gêstos.ʼ Thô uuarð thero Iudeono hugi 3834 geminsod an themu mahle: ni mahtun the mênscaðon 3835 uuordun geuuinnen, sô iro uuilleo geng, 3836 that sie ina farfengin, huand imu that friðubarn godes 3837 uuardode uuið the uurêðon endi im uuâr angegin, 3838 sôðspel sagde, thoh sie ni uuârin sô sâlige te thiu, 3839 that sie it sô [farfengin], sô it iro fruma uuâri. 3840 Sie ni uueldun it thoh farlâten, ac hêtun thar lêdien forð 3841 ên uuîf for themu uuerode, thiu habde uuam gefrumid, 3842 unreht [ênfald:] thiu idis uuas bifangen 3843 an farlegarnessi, uuas iro lîƀes scolo, 3844 that sie firiho barn ferahu binâmin, 3845 [êhtin] iro aldres: sô uuas an iro êu gescriƀen. 3846 Sie bigunnun ina thô frâgon, fruokne liudi, 3847 uurêða mid iro uuordun, huat sie scoldin themu uuîƀe duan, 3848 hueðer sie sie quelidin, the sie sie quica lêtin, 3849 [the] huat he umbi sulica dâdi adêlien uueldi: 3850 ʽthu uuêst, huô thesaru menegiʼ, quâðun sie, ʽMoyses gibôd 3851 uuârun uuordun, that allaro uuîƀo gehuilic 3852 an farlegarnessi lîƀes faruuarhti 3853 endi that sie than auurpin uueros mid handun, 3854 starkun stênun: nu maht thu sie sehan standen hêr 3855 an sundiun bifangan: saga huat thu [is] uuillies.ʼ 3856 Uueldun ine [thea] uuiðersakon uuordun farfâhen, 3857 ef he that giquâði, that sie sie quica lêtin, 3858 friðodi ira ferahe, than [uueldi that folc Iudeono 3859 queðen, that he iro aldiron êo uuiðersagdi,] 3860 [thero liudio landreht; ef he sie than hêti lîƀu binimen, 3861 thea magað fur theru menegi, than uueldin sie queðen,] that he sô [mildiene] hugi 3862 ni bâri an is breostun, sô scoldi habbien barn godes: 3863 uueldun sie sô hueðeres hêlagne Crist 3864 thero uuordo geuuîtnon, [sô] he thar for themu uuerode gesprâki, 3865 adêldi te dôme. [Than] uuisse drohtin Krist 3866 thero manno sô garo môdgithâhti, 3867 iro uurêðon uuilleon; thô he te themu uuerode sprak, 3868 te allun them erlun: ʽsô huilik sô iuuuar âno sîʼ, quað he, 3869 ʽ[slîðea sundeon], sô [ganga] iru selƀo tô 3870 endi sie at êrist erl mid is handun 3871 [stên ana uuerpe].ʼ Sô stôdun Iudeon, 3872 thâhtun endi thagodun: ni mahte thegan nigiean 3873 uuið them uuordquidi [uuiðersaca] finden: 3874 gehugde manno gehuilic [mên]githâhti, 3875 is selƀes sundea: ni uuas iro sô sikur ênig, 3876 that he bi [themu uuorde] themu uuîƀe gedorsti 3877 stên an uuerpen, ac lêtun sie standen thar 3878 [ênan] thar inne endi im [ût thanen] 3879 gengun gramharde Iudeo liudi, 3880 ên aftar ôðrumu, antat iro thar ênig ni uuas 3881 thes fîundo folkes, the iro ferhes [thô], 3882 theru idis aldar[lago] âhtien uueldi. 3883 Thô gifragn ik that sie frâgode friðubarn godes, 3884 allaro gumono [bezt]: ʽhuar [quâmun thit] Iudeono folcʼ, quað he, 3885 ʽthine uuiðersakon, thea thi hêr uurôgdun te mi? 3886 Ne sie thi hiudu uuiht harmes ne [gidâdun], 3887 thea liudi lêðes, the thi uueldun lîƀu beniman, 3888 uuêgean te uundrun?ʼ Thô sprak imu eft that uuîf angegin, 3889 quað that iru thar nioman thurh thes neriandan 3890 hêlaga helpa harm ne gifrumidi 3891 uuammes te lône. Thô sprak eft uualdand Crist, 3892 drohtin manno: ʽne ik thi geth [ni] deriu neouuihtʼ, quað he, 3893 ʽac gang thi hêl hinen, lât thi an thînumu hugi sorga, 3894 that thu nio sîð aftar thius [sundig] ni uuerðes.ʼ 3895 Habde iru thô giholpen hêlag barn godes, 3896 gefriðot iro ferahe. Than stôd that folc Iudeono 3897 uƀiles anmôd sô fan êristan, 3898 uurêðes uuillean, huô sie uuordheti 3899 uuið that friðubarn godes frummien môstin. 3900 Habdun thea liudi an tuê mid iro gilôƀon gifangan: 3901 uuas thiu smale [thioda] sînes uuillean 3902 gernora mikilu, thes godes barnes uuord 3903 te gefrummienne, sô im iro frâho gibôd: 3904 [rômodun te rehta bet than] thie rîkeon man, 3905 habdun ina far [iro] hêrron ia far heƀencuning, 3906 [fulgengun] imu gerno. Thô giuuêt imu the godes sunu 3907 an thene uuîh innan: huarf ina uuerod umbi, 3908 meginthiodo gimang. He an middien stôd, 3909 lêrde thea liudi liohtun uuordun, 3910 hlûdero stemnun: uuas hlust mikil, 3911 thagode thegan manag, endi he theru [thiod] gibôd, 3912 sô hue sô thar mid thurstu bithuungan uuâri, 3913 ʽsô ganga imu herod drincan te miʼ, quað he, ʽdago gehuilikes 3914 [suôties] brunnan. Ik mag [seggian iu], 3915 sô hue sô hêr gilôƀid te mi liudio barno 3916 fasto undar thesumu folke, that imu than flioten sculun 3917 fan is lîchamon libbiendi flôd, 3918 [irnandi] uuater, ahospring mikil, 3919 kumad thanen quica brunnon. Thesa quidi uuerðad uuâra, 3920 liudiun gilêstid, sô huemu sô hêr gilôƀid te mi.ʼ 3921 Than mênde mid thiu uuataru [uualdandeo] Crist, 3922 hêr heƀencuning hêlagna gêst, 3923 huô thene firiho barn antfâhen scoldin, 3924 lioht endi [listi endi] lîf êuuig, 3925 [hôh heƀenrîki] endi huldi godes. 3926 Uurðun thô thea liudi umbi thea lêra Cristes, 3927 umbi thiu uuord an geuuinne: stôdun uulanca man, 3928 gêlmôde Iudeon, sprâkun gelp mikil, 3929 habdun it im te hosca, quaðun that sie mahtin gihôrien uuel, 3930 that imu mahlidin fram môdaga uuihti, 3931 unholde ût: ʽnu he an [aƀu] lêridʼ, quâðun sie, 3932 ʽuuordu gehuilicu.ʼ Thô sprak eft that uuerod ôðar: 3933 ʽni thurƀun gi thene lêriand lahanʼ, quâðun sie: ʽkumad lîƀes uuord 3934 [mahtig] fan is mûde; he [uuirkid] manages huat, 3935 uundres an thesaru uueroldi: nis that uurêðaro dâd, 3936 fîundo craftes: nio it than te [sulicaru] frumu [ni uurði,] 3937 ac it gegnungo fan gode alouualdon, 3938 kumid fan is crafte. That mugun gi antkennien uuel 3939 an them is uuârun uuordun, that he giuuald haƀad 3940 alles oƀar [erðu].ʼ Thô uueldun ina the andsacon thar 3941 an stedi fâhen eftha stên ana uuerpen, 3942 ef sie im thero manno menigi ni andrêdin, 3943 ni forhtodin that folcskepi. Thô sprak that friðubarn godes: 3944 ʽik [tôgiu] iu gôdes sô filuʼ, quað he, ʽfan gode selƀumu, 3945 uuordo endi uuerko: nu uuilliad gi mi uuîtnon hêr 3946 thurh iuuuan starkan hugi, stên ana uuerpen, 3947 bilôsien mi lîƀu.ʼ Thô sprâkun imu eft thea liudi angegin, 3948 uurêða uuiđersakon: ʽne uui it be thînun uuerkun ni duatʼ, [quâðun] [sia,] 3949 ʽthat uui thi aldres tô âhtien uuilliad, 3950 ac uui duat it be thînun uuordun, huand thu sulik uuâh sprikis, 3951 *huand thu thic sô mâris endi sulic mên sagis, 3952 gihis for theson Iudeon, that thu sîs god selƀo, 3953 mahtig drohtin, endi bist thi thoh man sô uui, 3954 cuman fan theson cunnie.ʼ Crist alouualdo 3955 ne uuolda thero Iudeono thuo leng gelpes hôrian, 3956 uurêðaro uuillion, ac hie im af them uuîhe fuor 3957 oƀar Iordanes strôm; habda iungron mid im, 3958 thia is sâligun gisîðos, thia im simlon mid im 3959 uuillion uuonodun: suohta uuerod ôðer, 3960 deda thar sô hie giuuonoda, drohtin selƀo, 3961 lêrda thia liudi: gilôƀda thie uuolda 3962 an is [hêlagun uuord]. That scolda [sinnon uuel] 3963 manno sô huilicon, sô that an is muod ginam. 3964 Thuo gifrang ik that thar te Criste cumana uurðun 3965 bodon fan Bethaniu endi sagdun them barne godes, 3966 that sia an that ârundi tharod idisi sendin, 3967 Maria endi Martha, magað frîlîca, 3968 suîðo uunsama uuîf; thia uuissa hie bêðia, 3969 uuârun im gisuester tuâ, thia hie selƀo êr 3970 minnioda an is muode thuru iro mildian hugi, 3971 thiu uuîf thuru iro uuillion guodan. [Sia im te uuâron thuo] 3972 anbudun fon Bethaniu, that iro bruoðer uuas 3973 Lazarus legarfast endi that sia is lîƀes ni uuândun; 3974 bâdun that tharod quâmi Crist alouualdo 3975 hêlag te helpu. Reht sô hie sia gihôrda thuo 3976 seggian fan sô siecon, sô sprak hie sân angegin, 3977 quað that Lazaruses legar ni uuâri 3978 giduan im te dôðe, ʽac thar scal drohtines lofʼ, quathie, 3979 ʽgifrumid uuerðan: nis it im te ôðron frêson giduan.ʼ 3980 Uuas im thar thuo selƀo suno drohtines 3981 tuâ naht endi dagas. Thiu tîd uuas [thuo genâhit], 3982 that hie eft te Hierusalem Iudeo liudeo 3983 uuîson uuelda, sô hie giuuald habda. 3984 Sagda thuo is gisîðon suno drohtines, 3985 that hie eft oƀar [Iordan] Iudeo liudi 3986 suokean uuelda. Thuo sprâcun im sân angegin 3987 iungron sîna: ʽte huî [bist] thu sô gern tharodʼ, quaðun sia, 3988 ʽfro mîn, te faranne? Ni that nu furn ni uuas, 3989 that sia thik thînero uuordo uuîtnon hogdun, 3990 uueldun thi mid [stênon starcan auuerpan? nu thu eft undar thia strîdigun thioda] 3991 fundos te faranne, thar ist fîondo ginuog, 3992 erlos oƀarmuoda?ʼ Thuo [ên thero tueliƀio,] 3993 Thuomas gimâlda - uuas im githungan mann, 3994 [diurlîc] drohtines thegan -: ʽne sculun uui im thia dâd lahanʼ, quathie, 3995 ʽni uuernian uui im thes uuillien, ac uuita im uuonian mid, 3996 thuoloian mid [ûsson] thiodne: that ist thegnes cust, 3997 that hie mid is frâhon samad fasto gistande, 3998 dôie [mid] im thar an duome. Duan ûs alla sô, 3999 folgon im te thero ferdi: ni lâtan ûse [ferah] uuið thiu 4000 uuihtes uuirðig, neƀa uui an them uuerode mid im, 4001 dôian mid ûson drohtine. Than lêƀot ûs thoh duom after, 4002 [guod uuord] for gumon.ʼ Sô uurðun thuo iungron Cristes, 4003 erlos aðalborana an [ênfalden] hugie, 4004 hêrren [te] uuillien. Thuo sagda hêlag Crist 4005 selƀo is gisîðon that aslâpan uuas 4006 Lazarus fan them legare, ʽhaƀit thit lioht ageƀan, 4007 ansueƀit ist an selmon. Nu uui an thena sîð faran 4008 endi ina auuekkian, that hie muoti eft thesa uuerold sehan, 4009 libbiandi lioht: [than] uuirðit iuuua gilôƀo after thiu 4010 forðuuerd gifestid.ʼ Thuo giuuêt hie im oƀar thia fluod thanan, 4011 thie guodo godes suno, anthat hie mid is iungron quam 4012 thar te Bithaniu, barn drohtines 4013 selƀo mid is gisîðon, thar thia gisuester tuâ, 4014 Maria endi Martha an muodkaron 4015 sêraga sâtun. Uuas thar gisamnot filo 4016 fan Hierusalem Iudeo liudo, 4017 thia thiu *uuîf uueldun uuordun fruoƀrean, 4018 that sie sô ni [karodin] kindiungas dôđ, 4019 Lazaruses farlust. Sô thô the landes uuard 4020 geng an [thiu] gardos, sô uurðun thes [godes] barnes 4021 kumi thar gikûðid, that he sô craftig uuas 4022 bi theru burg ûten. Thô im bêðiun uuas, 4023 them uuîƀun sulik uuillio, that sie im uualdand [tô], 4024 that friðubarn godes, farandien uuissun. 4025 Thô them uuîbun uuas uuilleono mêsta 4026 cumi drohtines endi Cristes uuord 4027 te gihôrienne. Heoƀandi geng 4028 Martha [môdkarag] uuið sô mahtigne 4029 uuordun uuehslan endi uuið uualdand sprak 4030 an iro hugi hriuuig: ʽthar thu mi, hêrro mînʼ, quað siu, 4031 ʽneriendero bezt, nâhor uuâris, 4032 hêleand the gôdo, than ni thorfti ik [nu] sulic harm tholon, 4033 bittra breostkara, than ni uuâri nu mîn brôđer dôd, 4034 Lazarus fan thesumu liohte, ac he [imu mahti] libbien forð 4035 ferahes gefullid. Ik thoh, frô mîn, te thi 4036 liohto gilôƀiu, lêriandero bezt, 4037 sô hues sô thu biddien uuili berhton drohtin, 4038 that he it thi sân fargiƀid, god alomahtig, 4039 giuuerðot thînan uuillean.ʼ Thô sprak eft uualdand Krist 4040 theru idis [anduuordi:] ʽni lât thu thi an innan thesʼ, quað he, 4041 ʽthînan seƀon suerkan: ik thi seggian mag 4042 uuârun uuordun, that thes nis giuuand ênig, 4043 [neƀu] thîn brôðer scal thurh gibod godes, 4044 thurh drohtines craft fan dôđe astanden 4045 an is lîchamon.ʼ ʽAll hebbiu ik gilôƀon sôʼ, quað siu, 4046 ʽthat it sô giuuerðen scal, sô huan sô thius uuerold endiod 4047 endi the mâreo dag oƀar man ferid, 4048 that he than fan erðu scal up astanden 4049 an themu [dômes] daga, than uuerðad fan dôđe quica 4050 thurh maht godes mankunnies gehuilic, 4051 arîsad fan restu.ʼ Thô sagde [rîkeo] Krist 4052 theru idis alomahtig oponun uuordun, 4053 that he selƀo uuas sunu [drohtines], 4054 [bêðiu ia lîf ia lioht] liudio [barnon] 4055 te astandanne: ʽnio the [sterƀen] ni scal, 4056 lîf farliosen, the hêr gilôƀid te mi: 4057 thoh ina eldibarn erðu bithekkien, 4058 diapo bidelƀen, nis he dôd thiu mêr: 4059 that flêsk is bifolhen, that ferah is gihalden, 4060 is thiu siola gisund.ʼ Thô sprak imu eft sân angegin 4061 that uuîf mid iro uuordun: ʽik gilôƀiu that thu the uuâro bistʼ, quað siu, 4062 ʽ[Krist godes sunu:] that mag man antkennien uuel, 4063 uuiten an thînun uuordun, that thu giuuald haƀes 4064 thurh thiu hêlagon giscapu himiles endi erðun.ʼ 4065 Thô gefragn ik that [thar thero idisio quam] ôðar gangan 4066 Maria môdkarag: gengun iro managa aftar 4067 Iudeo [liudi.] Thô siu themu godes barne 4068 sagde sêragmôd, huat iru te sorgun gistôd 4069 an iro hugi harmes: hofnu kûmde 4070 Lazaruses farlust, liaƀes mannes, 4071 griat gornundi, antat themu godes barne 4072 hugi uuarð gihrôrid: hête trahni 4073 uuôpu [auuellun], endi thô te them uuîƀun sprac, 4074 hêt ina thô lêdien, thar Lazarus uuas 4075 [foldu] bifolhen. Lag thar ên felis bioƀan, 4076 hard stên behliden. Thô hêt the hêlago Crist 4077 antlûcan thea [lêia,] that he môsti that lîk sehan, 4078 hrêo scauuoien. Thô ni mahte [an] iro hugi mîðan 4079 [Martha] for theru menegi, uuið mahtigne sprak: 4080 ʽfrô mîn the gôdoʼ, quað siu, ʽef man thene felis nimid, 4081 thene stên antlûkid, than uuâniu ik that thanen stank kume, 4082 unsuôti suek, huand ik thi seggian mag 4083 uuârun uuordun, that thes nis giuuand ênig, 4084 [that] he thar nu bifolhen uuas fiuuuar naht endi dagos 4085 an themu erðgraƀe.ʼ Anduuordi gaf 4086 uualdand themu uuîbe: ʽhuat, [ni] sagde ik thi te uuârun [êr]ʼ, quað he, 4087 ʽef thu gilôƀien uuili, than nis nu lang te thiu, 4088 [that] thu hêr antkennien scalt craft drohtines, 4089 the mikilon maht godes?ʼ Thô gengun manage tô, 4090 afhôƀun harden stên. Thô sah the hêlago Crist 4091 up mid is ôgun, ôlat sagde 4092 themu the these uuerold giscôp, ʽthes thu mîn uuord gihôrisʼ, [quað he], 4093 [ʽsigidrohtin selƀo; ik uuêt that thu sô simlun duos, 4094 ac ik duom it be thesumu grôton Iudeono folke,] 4095 that sie that te uuârun uuitin, that thu mi an [these] uuerold [sendes] 4096 thesun liudiun te lêrun.ʼ Thô he te Lazaruse hriop 4097 starkaru [stemniu] endi hêt ina [standen up] 4098 ia fan themu graƀe gangan. Thô uuarð the gêst kumen 4099 an thene lîchamon: [he] bigan is liði hrôrien, 4100 antuuarp undar themu giuuêdie: uuas imo [sô] beuunden thô noh, 4101 an hrêobeddion bihelid. Hêt imu helpen thô 4102 uualdandeo Krist. Uueros gengun tô, 4103 antuundun that geuuâdi. [Uuânum] up arês 4104 Lazarus te thesumu liohte: uuas imu is lîf fargeƀen, 4105 that he is [aldarlagu] êgan [môsti], 4106 friðu forðuuardes. Thô fagonadun bêðea, 4107 Maria endi Martha: ni mag that man ôðrumu 4108 giseggian te sôðe, huô thea gesuester tuô 4109 [mendiodun] an iro môde. Maneg uundrode 4110 Iudeo liudio, thô sie ina fan themu graƀe sâhun 4111 sîðon gesunden, thene the êr suht farnam 4112 endi sie bidulƀun diapo undar [erðu] 4113 lîƀes lôsen: thô môste imu libbien forð 4114 hêl an hêmun. Sô mag heƀenkuninges, 4115 thiu mikile maht godes manno gehuilikes 4116 ferahe giformon endi [uuið] fîundo [nîđ] 4117 hêlag helpen, sô huemu sô he is huldi fargiƀid 4118 Thô uuarð thar sô managumu manne môd aftar Kriste, 4119 gihuorƀen hugiskefti, sîðor sie is hêlagon uuerk 4120 selƀon gisâhun, huand eo êr sulic ni uuarð 4121 uunder an uueroldi. Than uuas eft thes uuerodes sô filu, 4122 [sô] môdstarke man: ni uueldon [the] maht godes 4123 antkennien kûðlîco, ac sie uuið is craft mikil 4124 uunnun mid iro uuordun: uuârun im uualdandes 4125 lêra so lêða: sôhtun [im] liudi ôðra 4126 an Hierusalem, thar Iudeono uuas 4127 [hêri hand]mahal endi hôƀidstedi, 4128 grôt gumskepi grimmaro thioda. 4129 Sie kûðdun im [thô] Kristes uuerk, quâðun that sie [quican] sâhin 4130 thene erl mid iro ôgun, the an erðu uuas, 4131 foldu [bifolhen] fiuuuar naht endi dagos, 4132 dôd bidolƀen, antat he ina mid is dâdiun selƀo, 4133 mid is uuordun auuekide, that he [môsti] these uuerold sehan. 4134 Thô uuas that sô [uuiđeruuard] uulankun mannun, 4135 Iudeo liudiun: hêtun iro gumskepi thô, 4136 uuerod [samnoian] endi [uuarƀos] fâhen, 4137 meginthioda gimang, an mahtigna Krist 4138 riedun an [runun:] ʽnis that râd ênigʼ, quâðun sie, 4139 ʽthat uui that githoloian: uuili thesaro thioda te filu 4140 [gilôƀien] aftar is lêrun. Than ûs [liudi] farad, 4141 an eoridfolc, uuerðat [ûsa] oƀarhôƀdun 4142 rinkos fan [Rûmu.] Than uui theses rîkies sculun 4143 lôse libbien eftha uui sculun ûses lîƀes tholon, 4144 heliðos ûsaro hôƀdo.ʼ Thô sprak thar ên [gihêrod] man 4145 [oƀar uuarf] uuero, the uuas thes uuerodes thô 4146 an [theru burg innan] biscop thero liudio 4147 - Kaiphas uuas he hêten; habdun ina gicoranen te thiu 4148 [an theru gêrtalu] Iudeo liudi, 4149 that he thes godes hûses gômien [scoldi], 4150 [uuardon] thes uuîhes -: ʽmi thunkid uunder mikilʼ, quað he, 4151 ʽmâri thioda, - gi kunnun manages giskêđ - 4152 huî gi that te uuârun ni uuitin, uuerod Iudeono, 4153 that hêr is betera râd barno gehuilicumu, 4154 that man hêr ênne man aldru bilôsie 4155 endi that he thurh iuuua dâdi drôreg sterƀe, 4156 for [thesumu] folcskepi ferah farlâte, 4157 than al thit liuduuerod farloren uuerðe.ʼ 4158 Ni uuas it thoh is uuillean, that he sô uuâr gesprak, 4159 sô forð for themu folke, frume mankunnies 4160 gimênde for theru menegi, ac it quam imu fan theru maht godes 4161 thurh is hêlagan [hêd,] huand he that hûs godes 4162 thar an Hierusalem bigangan scolde, 4163 [uuardon] thes uuîhes: bethiu he sô uuâr gisprak, 4164 biscop thero liudio, huô scoldi that barn [godes] 4165 alla irminthiod mid is ênes [ferhe,] 4166 mid is lîƀu alôsien: that uuas allaro thesaro liudio râd, 4167 huand he gihalode mid thiu [hêđina liudi, 4168 uueros] an is uuilleon uualdandio Crist. 4169 Thô uurðun [ênuuordie] [oƀarmôdie] man, 4170 uuerod Iudeono, endi an iro [uuarƀe] gisprâkun, 4171 mâri thioda, that sie im ni lêtin iro môd tuehon: 4172 sô hue sô ina undar themu folke finden mahti, 4173 that [ina] sân gifengi endi forð brâhti 4174 an thero thiodo thing; quâðun that sie ni mahtin [githoloian leng], 4175 that sie the êno man [sô alla uueldi,] 4176 uuerod faruuinnen. Than uuisse uualdand Krist 4177 thero manno sô garo môdgithâhti, 4178 hetigrimmon hugi, huand imu ni uuas biholen eouuiht 4179 an thesaru middilgard: he ni uuelde thô an thie [menigi] innen 4180 sîður openlîco, under that erlo folc, 4181 gangan under thea Iudeon: bêd the godes sunu 4182 thero torohteon [tîd, the] imu tôuuard uuas, 4183 that he far thesa thioda [tholoian] uuelde, 4184 far thit uuerod uuîti: uuisse imu selƀo 4185 that dagthingi garo. Thô giuuêt imu ûse drohtin forð 4186 endi imu thô an Effrem alouualdo Krist 4187 an theru hôhon burg hêlag drohtin 4188 uunode [mid is uuerodu,] antat he an is uuillean huarf 4189 eft te Bethania brahtmu thiu mikilun, 4190 mid thiu is gôdum gumscepi. [Iudeon bisprâkun that] 4191 uuordu gehuilicu, thô sie imu sulic uuerod mikil 4192 folgon gisâhun: ʽnis frume ênigʼ, quâðun sie, 4193 ʽûses rîkies girâdi, thoh uui reht sprekan, 4194 ni [thîhit] ûses thinges uuiht: [thius thiod] uuili 4195 uuendien after is uuillean; imu all thius uuerold folgot, 4196 liudi bi them is lêrun, that uui imu lêðes uuiht 4197 [for thesumu] folcscepi [gifrummien] ni môtun.ʼ 4198 Giuuêt imu thô that barn godes innan Bethania 4199 sehs [nahtun êr,] than thiu samnunga 4200 thar an Hierusalem Iudeo liudio 4201 an [them] uuîhdagun uuerðen [scolde,] 4202 that sie scoldun [haldan] thea hêlagon tîdi, 4203 Iudeono pascha. Bêd the godes sunu, 4204 [mahtig] under theru menegi: uuas thar manno craft, 4205 uuerodes bi them is uuordun. Thar gengun [ina] tuê uuîf umbi, 4206 Maria endi Martha, mid mildiu hugi, 4207 thionodun imu theolîco. Thiodo drohtin 4208 gaf im langsam lôn: [lêt] sea lêðes gihues, 4209 sundeono sikora, endi selƀo gibôd, 4210 that sea an friðe fôrin uuiðer fîundo nîđ, 4211 thea idisa mid is orloƀu gôdu: habdun iro ambahtscepi 4212 biuuendid an is uuilleon. Thô giuuêt imu uualdand Krist 4213 forð mid thiu folcu, firiho drohtin, 4214 innan Hierusalem, thar Iudeono uuas 4215 hetelîc hardburi, thar sie thea hêlagon tîd 4216 uuarodun [at] themu uuîhe. Uuas thar uuerodes sô filu, 4217 craftigaro kunnio, thie ni uueldun Cristes [uuord] 4218 gerno [hôrien] ni te themu godes barne 4219 an iro môdseƀon minnie [ni] habdun, 4220 ac uuârun im sô uurêða uulanka [thioda,] 4221 môdeg mankunni, habdun im morðhugi, 4222 inuuid an innan: an aƀuh farfengun 4223 Kristes lêre, uueldun ina craftigna 4224 uuîtnon thero uuordo; ac uuas thar uuerodes sô filu, 4225 [umbi] erlscepi antlangana dag, 4226 habde ine thiu smale thiod thurh is suôtiun uuord 4227 uuerodu biuuorpen, that ine thie uuiðersakon 4228 under themu folcscepi fâhen ne gidorstun, 4229 ac miðun is bi theru menegi. Than stôd mahtig Krist 4230 an themu uuîhe innan, sagde uuord manag 4231 firiho barnun te frumu. Uuas thar folc umbi 4232 allan langan dag, antat [thiu liohte] giuuêt 4233 sunne te sedle. Thô te seliðun fôr 4234 mancunnies manag. Than uuas thar ên mâri berg 4235 bi theru burg ûten, the uuas brêd endi hôh, 4236 grôni endi scôni: hêtun ina Iudeo [liudi] 4237 Oliueti bi namon. Thar imu up giuuêt 4238 neriendeo Krist, sô [ina] thiu naht bifeng, 4239 uuas imu thar mid is iungarun, sô ine thar Iudeono [ênig] 4240 ni uuisse ti uuârun, huand he an themu uuîhe stôd, 4241 liudio drohtin, sô lioht ôstene quam, 4242 antfeng that folcscepi endi [im] filu sagde 4243 uuâroro uuordo, sô nis an thesaru uueroldi ênig, 4244 an [thesaru middilgard] manno sô spâhi, 4245 liudio barno nigên, that thero lêrono mugi 4246 [endi] gitellien, [the he] thar [an themu] alahe gisprak, 4247 uualdand an themu [uuîhe,] endi [simlun] mid is uuordun [gibôd], 4248 that sie [sie gereuuidin] te godes rîkie, 4249 allaro manno gehuilic, that sie [môstin] an themu mâreon daga 4250 iro drohtines diuriða antfâhen. 4251 Sagde im huat sie it sundiun frumidun endi simlun gibôd, 4252 that sie thea [aleskidin;] hêt sie lioht godes 4253 minnion an iro môde, mên farlâten, 4254 [aƀoha] oƀarhugdi, ôdmôdi niman, 4255 hlaðen that an iro [hertan;] quað that im than uuâri heƀenrîki, 4256 garu gôdo [mêst.] Thô uuarð thar gumono sô filu 4257 giuuendid aftar is uuillion, sîður sie that uuord godes 4258 hêlag gihôrdun, heƀencuninges, 4259 antkendun craft mikil, kumi drohtines, 4260 hêrron helpe, ia that heƀenrîki uuas, 4261 [neriendi] ginâhid endi nâða godes 4262 manno barnun. Sum sô môdeg uuas 4263 Iudeo folkes, habdun grimman hugi, 4264 [slîðmôden seƀon ...................,] 4265 ni uueldun is uuorde [gilôƀien], ac habdun im geuuin mikil 4266 uuið thea Cristes craft: [kumen ni môstun] 4267 thea liudi thurh lêđen strîd, that sie gilôƀon te imu 4268 fasto gifengin; ni uuas im thiu frume giƀiðig, 4269 that sie heƀenrîki habbien môstin. 4270 Geng imu thô the godes sunu endi is iungaron mid imu, 4271 uualdand fan themu uuîhe, all sô is uuillio geng, 4272 iac imu uppen thene berg gistêg barn drohtines: 4273 sat imu thar mid is gesîðun endi im sagde filu 4274 uuâroro uuordo. Sî bigunnun im thô umbi thene uuîh sprekan, 4275 thie [gumon] umbi that godes hûs, quâðun that ni uuâri gôdlîcora 4276 alah oƀar erðu [thurh] erlo hand, 4277 thurh mannes giuuerk mid megin[craftu] 4278 rakud arihtid. Thô the rîkio sprak, 4279 hêr heƀencuning - hôrdun the ôðra -: 4280 ʽik mag iu [gitellienʼ,] quað he, ʽthat noh uuirðid thiu tîd kumen, 4281 that is afstanden ni scal stên oƀar ôðrumu, 4282 ac it fallid ti [foldu] endi [fiur] nimid, 4283 grâdag logna, thoh it nu sô gôdlîc sî, 4284 sô uuîslîco giuuarht, endi sô dôd [all] thesaro uueroldes giscapu, 4285 teglîdid grôni [uuang.ʼ] Thô gengun imu is iungaron tô, 4286 frâgodun ina sô stillo: ʽhuô lango scal standen nohʼ, quâđun sie, 4287 ʽthius uuerold an uunniun, êr than that giuuand kume, 4288 that the lasto dag liohtes skîne 4289 thurh uuolcanskion, eftho huan is [thîn eft] uuân kumen 4290 an [thene] middilgard, [manno cunnie 4291 te adêlienne,] dôdun endi quikun? 4292 frô mîn the gôdo, ûs is thes firiuuit mikil, 4293 uualdandeo Krist, huan [that] giuuerðen sculi.ʼ 4294 Thô im anduuordi alouualdo Krist 4295 [gôdlîc] fargaf them gumun selƀo: 4296 ʽthat haƀad sô bidernidʼ, quað he, ʽdrohtin the gôdo 4297 iac sô hardo [farholen] himilrîkies fader, 4298 uualdand thesaro uueroldes, sô that uuiten ni mag 4299 ênig [mannisc barn,] huan thiu mârie tîd 4300 giuuirðid an thesaru uueroldi, ne it ôk te uuâran ni kunnun 4301 godes engilos, thie for imu [geginuuarde 4302 simlun] sindun: sie [it] ôk [giseggian] ni mugun 4303 te uuâran mid iro uuordun, [huan that] giuuerðen sculi, 4304 that he uuillie an thesan middilgard, mahtig drohtin, 4305 firiho fandon. Fader uuêt [it] êno 4306 hêlag [fan] himile: elcur is it biholen allun, 4307 quikun endi dôdun, huan is kumi uuerðad, 4308 Ik mag iu thoh gitellien, huilic [hêr] têcan biforan 4309 giuuerðad uunderlîc, êr [than] he an these uuerold kume 4310 an themu mâreon daga: that uuirðid hêr êr an themu mânon skîn 4311 iac an theru sunnon sô same; gisuerkad siu bêđiu, 4312 mid [finistre] uuerðad bifangan; fallad [sterron,] 4313 huît heƀen[tungal], endi hrisid erðe, 4314 biƀod [thius] brêde uuerold - uuirðid sulicaro bôkno filu -: 4315 grimmid the grôto sêo, uuirkid thie geƀenes strôm 4316 [egison] mid is ûðiun erðbûandiun. 4317 Than [thorrot] thiu [thiod] thurh that gethuing mikil, 4318 folc thurh thea forhta: than nis friðu huergin, 4319 ac uuirðid uuîg sô maneg oƀar these uuerold alla 4320 hetelîc [afhaben,] endi heri [lêdid] 4321 kunni oƀar [ôðar:] uuirðid kuningo giuuin, 4322 meginfard mikil: uuirðid managoro [qualm,] 4323 open urlagi - that is egislîc thing, 4324 that io sulik morð sculun man afhebbien -, 4325 uuirðid uuôl sô mikil oƀar these uuerold alle, 4326 mansterƀono mêst, [thero] the gio an thesaru middilgard 4327 suulti thurh suhti: liggiad seoka man, 4328 driosat endi dôiat [endi] iro dag endiad, 4329 fulliad mid iro ferahu; ferid unmet grôt 4330 hungar hetigrim oƀar heliðo barn, 4331 metigêdeono mêst: nis that minniste 4332 thero uuîteo an thesaru uueroldi, the [hêr] giuuerðen [sculun] 4333 êr [dômes] dage. Sô huan sô gi thea dâdi [gisehan] 4334 giuuerðen an thesaru uueroldi, sô mugun gi [than] te uuâran farstanden, 4335 that than the lazto dag liudiun nâhid 4336 mâri te mannun endi maht godes, 4337 himilcraftes [hrôri] endi thes hêlagon kumi, 4338 drohtines mid is diuriðun. Huat, gi thesaro dâdeo mugun 4339 bi thesun bômun biliði antkennien: 4340 than sie brustiad endi blôiat endi bladu tôgeat, 4341 lôf [antlûkad,] than uuitun liudio barn, 4342 that than is sân after thiu sumer ginâhid 4343 uuarm endi uunsam endi uueder scôni. 4344 Sô [uuitin] gi ôk bi thesun têknun, [the] ik iu talde hêr, 4345 huan the lazto dag liudiun nâhid. 4346 Than seggio ik iu te uuâran, that êr thit uuerod ni môt, 4347 tefaran thit folcscepi, êr than [uuerðe] gefullid sô, 4348 [mînu] uuord giuuârod. Noh giuuand kumid 4349 himiles endi erðun, endi steid mîn hêlag uuord 4350 fast [forðuuardes] endi uuirðid al [gefullod] sô, 4351 gilêstid an thesumu liohte, sô ik for thesun liudiun gespriku. 4352 Uuacot gi [uuarlîco]: iu is uuiscumo 4353 [duomdag] the mâreo endi iuuues drohtines craft, 4354 thiu mikilo [meginstrengi] endi thiu mârie tîd, 4355 giuuand thesaro uueroldes. Fora thiu gi uuardon sculun, 4356 that he iu slâpandie an [suefrestu] 4357 fârungo ni bifâhe an firinuuercun, 4358 mênes fulle. Mûtspelli cumit 4359 an thiustrea naht, al sô thiof ferid 4360 darno mid is dâdiun, sô kumid the dag mannun, 4361 the lazto theses liohtes, sô it êr these liudi ni uuitun, 4362 sô samo sô thiu flôd deda an furndagun, 4363 [the] thar mid lagustrômun liudi farteride 4364 bi Nôeas tîdiun, [biûtan] that ina neride god 4365 mid is hîuuiskea, hêlag drohtin, 4366 uuið thes flôdes [farm]: sô uuarð ôk that fiur kuman 4367 hêt fan himile, that thea hôhon burgi 4368 umbi [Sodomo land] suart logna bifeng 4369 grim endi grâdag, that thar [nênig gumono] ni ginas 4370 biûtan Loth êno: ina antlêddun thanen 4371 drohtines engilos endi is dohter tuâ 4372 an [ênan] berg uppen: that [ôðar al] brinnandi fiur, 4373 ia land ia liudi logna farteride: 4374 sô fârungo uuarð that fiur kumen, sô uuarð êr [the] flôd sô samo: 4375 sô uuirðid the lazto dag. For thiu scal allaro liudio gehuilic 4376 [thenkean] fora themu thinge; thes is tharf mikil 4377 manno gehuilicumu: bethiu lâtad [iu] an iuuuan môd sorga. 4378 Huand sô huan sô that geuuirðid, that uualdand Krist, 4379 mâri mannes sunu mid theru maht godes, 4380 kumit mid thiu craftu kuningo rîkeost 4381 sittean an is selƀes maht endi samod mid imu 4382 alle thea engilos, the thar uppa sind 4383 hêlaga an himile, than sculun tharod heliðo barn, 4384 elitheoda kuman alla tesamne 4385 libbeandero liudio, sô [huat sô] io an thesumu liohte uuarð 4386 firiho afôdid. Thar he themu folke scal, 4387 allumu mankunnie mâri drohtin 4388 adêlien aftar iro dâdiun. Than skêðid he thea farduanan man, 4389 thea faruuarhton uueros an thea uuinistron hand: 4390 sô duot he ôk thea sâligon an thea suîðeron half; 4391 [grôtid] he than thea gôdun endi im tegegnes sprikid: 4392 ʽkumad giʼ, [quiðid he], ʽthea thar gikorene sindun, endi antfâhad thit craftiga rîki, 4393 [that] gôde, that [thar] gigereuuid stendid, that thar uuarð gumono barnun 4394 giuuarht fan thesaro uueroldes endie: iu haƀad geuuîhid selƀo 4395 fader allaro firiho barno: gi môtun [thesaro frumono] neotan, 4396 [geuualdon] theses [uuîdon] rîkeas, huand gi oft mînan uuilleon [frumidun], 4397 fulgengun mi gerno endi uuârun mi iuuuaro geƀo mildie, 4398 than ik bithuungan uuas thurstu endi hungru, 4399 [frostu] bifangan eftho [an] feteron lag, 4400 biklemmid an karkare: oft uurðun mi [kumana] tharod 4401 helpa fan iuuun handun: gi uuârun mi an iuuuomu hugi mildie, 4402 uuîsodun mîn uuerðlico.ʼ Than sprikid imu eft that uuerod angegin: 4403 ʽfrô mîn the gôdoʼ, queðat sie, ʽhuan uuâri thu bifangan sô, 4404 bethuungan an sulicun tharaƀun, sô thu fora thesaru [thiod] telis, 4405 mahtig mênis? Huan gisah thi man ênig 4406 bethuungen an sulicun tharaƀun? Huat, thu haƀes allaro thiodo giuuald 4407 iac sô samo thero mêðmo, thero the io manno barn 4408 geuunnun an thesaro uueroldi.ʼ Than sprikid im eft uualdand god: 4409 ʽsô huat sô gi dâdunʼ, quiðit he, ʽan iuuues drohtines namon, 4410 gôdes fargâƀun an godes êra 4411 them mannun, the hêr minniston sindun, [thero] nu undar thesaru menegi [standad] 4412 endi thurh ôdmôdi arme [uuârun] 4413 [uueros, huand] sie mînan uuilleon [fremidun] - sô huat sô gi im iuuuaro uuelono fargâƀun, 4414 gidâdun thurh [diuriða], that antfeng iuuua drohtin selƀo, 4415 thiu helpe quam te heƀencuninge. Bethiu [uuili] iu the hêlago drohtin 4416 lônon [iuuuan] gilôƀon: giƀid [iu] lîf êuuig.ʼ 4417 Uuendid ina than uualdand an thea uuinistron hand, 4418 [drohtin] te them farduanun mannun, sagad im that sie sculin thea dâd antgelden, 4419 thea man iro [mêngiuuerk:] ʽnu gi fan [mi] sculunʼ, quiðit he. 4420 ʽfaran sô forflôcane an that fiur êuuig, 4421 that thar gigareuuid uuarð godes andsacun, 4422 fîundo folke be firinuuerkun, 4423 huand gi mi ni hulpun, than mi hunger endi thurst 4424 [uuêgde] te uundrun eftha ik geuuâdies lôs 4425 geng iâmermôd, uuas mi grôtun tharf, 4426 than ni habde ik thar ênige helpe, than ik geheftid uuas, 4427 an liðokospun bilokan, eftha mi legar bifeng, 4428 suâra suhti: than ni uueldun gi mîn siokes thar 4429 uuîson mid uuihti: ni uuas iu uuerð eouuiht, 4430 that gi mîn gehugdin. Bethiu gi an hellie sculun 4431 tholon an thiustre.ʼ Than sprikid imu eft thiu thiod angegin: 4432 ʽuuola uualdand godʼ, queðad sie, ʽhuî [uuilt] thu sô [uuið] thit uuerod sprekan, 4433 mahlien uuið these menegi? Huan uuas thi [io] manno tharf, 4434 gumono gôdes? Huat, sie it al be thînun geƀun [êgun], 4435 [uuelon an thesaro] uueroldiʼ. Than sprikid eft uualdand god: 4436 ʽthan gi thea armostunʼ, quiðid he, ʽeldibarno, 4437 manno thea minniston an iuuuomu môdseƀon 4438 heliðos farhugdun, lêtun sea iu an iuuuomu hugi lêðe, 4439 bedêldun sie iuuuaro diurða, than dâdun gi [iuuuana drohtin] sô sama, 4440 [giuuernidun imu] iuuuaro uuelono: bethiu ni [uuili] iu uualdand god, 4441 antfâhen fader [iuuua], ac gi an that fiur sculun, 4442 an thene diopun dôđ, diuƀlun thionon, 4443 uurêðun uuiðersakun, huand gi sô [uuarhtun] biforan.ʼ 4444 Than aftar them [uuordun skêðit] that uuerod an tuê, 4445 thea gôdun endi thea uƀilon: farad thea fargriponon man 4446 an thea hêtan hel hriuuigmôde, 4447 thea faruuarhton uueros, uuîti antfâhat, 4448 uƀil endilôs. Lêdid up thanen 4449 hêr heƀencuning thea hluttaron theoda 4450 an that langsame lioht: thar is lîf êuuig, 4451 gigareuuid godes rîki gôdaro [thiado].ʼ 4452 Sô gefragn ik that them rinkun tho rîki drohtin 4453 umbi thesaro uueroldes giuuand uuordun talde, 4454 huô thiu forð ferid, than [lango] the sie firiho barn 4455 ardon môtun, ia huô siu an themu endie scal 4456 teglîden endi tegangen. He sagde ôk is iungarun thar 4457 uuârun uuordun: ʽhuat, gi uuitun alleʼ, quað he, 4458 ʽthat nu oƀar tuâ naht sind tîdi kumana, 4459 Giudeono pascha, that sie sculun iro gode thionon, 4460 uueros an themu uuîhe. Thes nis geuuand ênig, 4461 [that] thar uuirðid mannes sunu te theru meginthiodu 4462 craftag farkôpot endi an [crûce aslagan,] 4463 tholod thiadquâla.ʼ Thô uuarð thar thegan manag 4464 slîðmôd gisamnod, [sûðarliudio,] 4465 Iudeono gumscepi, thar sie scoldun iro gode thionon. 4466 Uurðun êosagon alle kumane, 4467 an [uuarf] uueros, the sie thô uuîsostun 4468 undar theru menegi manno [taldun,] 4469 craftag kuniburd. Thar Caiphas uuas, 4470 biscop thero liudio. Sie rêdun thô an that barn godes, 4471 huô sie ina asluogin sundea lôsan, 4472 [quâðun] that sie ina an themu hêlagon daga hrînen ni scoldin 4473 undar thero manno menegi, ʽthat ni uuerðe thius meginthioda, 4474 heliðos an hrôru, huand ina thit heriscepi uuili 4475 farstanden mid strîdu. Uui sô stillo sculun 4476 frêson is ferahes, that [thit] folc Iudeono 4477 an thesun uuîhdagun uurôht ni afhebbien.ʼ 4478 Thô geng imu thar Iûdas forð, iungaro Kristes, 4479 ên thero tueliƀio, [thar] that aðali sat, 4480 Iudeono gumscepi; quað that he is im gôdan râd 4481 seggian mahti: ʽhuat uuilliad gi mi sellien hêrʼ, quað he, 4482 ʽmêðmo te mêdu, ef ik iu thene man giƀu 4483 âno uuîg endi âno uurôht?ʼ Thô uuarð thes uuerodes hugi, 4484 thero liudio an lustun: ʽef thu [uuili] gilêstien sôʼ, quâðun sie, 4485 ʽthîn uuord giuuâron, than thu giuuald haƀes, 4486 huat thu at thesaru thiodu thiggean uuillies 4487 gôdaro mêðmo.ʼ Thô gihêt imu that gumscepi thar 4488 an is selƀes dôm siluƀarscatto 4489 thrîtig atsamne, endi he te theru thiodu gisprak 4490 dereƀeun uuordun, that he gâƀi is drohtin [uuið] thiu. 4491 Uuende ina thô fan themu uuerode: uuas im uurêð hugi, 4492 talode im sô treulôs, huan êr uurði imu thiu tîd kuman, 4493 that he ina mahti faruuîsien uurêðaro [thiodo,] 4494 fîundo folke. Than uuisse that friðubarn godes, 4495 uuâr uualdand Krist, that he these uuerold scolde, 4496 ageƀen these gardos endi sôkien imu godes rîki, 4497 gifaren is [faderoðil.] Thô ni gisah ênig firiho [barno] 4498 mêron minnie, than he thô te them mannun ginam, 4499 te them is gôdun iungaron: gôme uuarhte, 4500 sette sie suâslîco endi im sagde filu 4501 uuâroro uuordo. Skrêd uuester dag, 4502 sunne te sedle. Thô he selƀo gibôd, 4503 uualdand mid is uuordun, hêt im uuater dragan 4504 hluttar te handun, endi rês thô the hêlago Crist, 4505 the gôdo [at] them gômun endi thar is iungarono thuôg 4506 fôti mid is folmun endi suarf sie mid is [fanon] aftar, 4507 druknide sie diurlîca. Thô uuið is [drohtin] sprak 4508 Sîmon Petrus: ʽni thunkid mi thit [sômi] thingʼ, quað he, 4509 ʽfrô mîn the gôdo, that thu mîne fôti thuahes 4510 mid them thînun hêlagun handun.ʼ Thô sprak imu eft is hêrro angegin, 4511 uualdand mid is uuordun: ʽef thu is uuillean ni haƀesʼ, quað he, 4512 ʽte antfâhanne, that ik thîne fôti thuahe 4513 thurh sulica minnea, sô ik thesun ôðrun mannun hêr 4514 dôm thurh diurða, than ni haƀes thu [ênigan] dêl mid mi 4515 an heƀenrîkea.ʼ Hugi uuarð thô giuuendid 4516 Sîmon Petruse: ʽthu haƀa thi selƀo giuualdʼ, [quað he], 4517 ʽfro mîn the gôdo, [fôto] endi hando 4517b endi mînes hôƀdes sô sama, [handun thînun,] 4518 thiadan, te [thuahanne,] te thiu thak ik môti thîna forð 4519 huldi hebbian endi heƀenrîkies 4520 sulic gidêli, sô thu mi, drohtin, uuili 4521 fargeƀen thurh thîna gôdi.ʼ Iungaron Kristes, 4522 thene ambahtscepi erlos tholodun, 4523 thegnos mid [githuldeon,] sô huat sô im iro [thiodan] dede, 4524 [mahtig] thurh thea minnea, endi mênde imu al mêra thing 4525 firihon te gifrummienne. 4525 Friðubarn godes 4526 geng imu thô eft gisittien under that gesîðo folc 4527 endi [im] sagda filu langsamna râd. Uuarð eft lioht kuman, 4528 morgen te mannun. Mahtigne Crist 4529 grôttun is iungaron endi frâgodun, huar sie is gôma thô 4530 an themu uuîhdage uuirkien scoldin, 4531 huar he uueldi halden thea hêlagon tîdi 4532 selƀo mid is gesîðun. Thô he sie sôkien hêt, 4533 thea gumon Hierusalem: ʽsô gi than gangan [kumadʼ,] quað he, 4534 ʽan thea burg innan - thar is braht mikil, 4535 meginthiodo gimang -, thar mugun gi [ênan] man sehan 4536 an is handun dragen hluttres uuatares 4537 [ful mid] folmun. Themu gi folgon sculun 4538 an sô huilike gardos, sô gi ina gangan [gisehat,] 4539 ia gi than themu hêrron, the thie hoƀos êgi, 4540 selƀon seggiad, that ik iu [sende] tharod 4541 te gigaruuuenne mîna gôma. Than tôgid he iu ên gôdlîc hûs, 4542 hôhan soleri, the is bihangen al 4543 fagarun fratahun. Thar gi frummien sculun 4544 uuerdscepi mînan. Thar bium ik uuiskumo 4545 selƀo mid mînun gesîðun.ʼ Thô uurðun sân aftar thiu 4546 thar te Hierusalem iungaron Kristes 4547 forðuuard an ferdi, fundun all sô he sprak 4548 uuordtêcan uuâr: ni uuas thes giuuand ênig. 4549 Thar gereuuidun sie thea gôma. Uuarð the godes sunu, 4550 hêlag drohtin an that hûs cuman, 4551 thar sie the landuuîse lêstien scoldun, 4552 fulgangan godes gibode, al sô Iudeono uuas 4553 êo endi aldsidu an êrdagun. 4554 Giuuêt imu thô an themu âƀande [alouualdand] Krist 4555 an thene seli sittien; hêt thar is gesîðos te imu 4556 tueliƀi gangan, thea im gitriuuiston 4557 an iro môdseƀon manno uuârun 4558 bi uuordun endi bi uuîsun: uuisse imu selƀo 4559 iro hugiskefti hêlag drohtin. 4560 Grôtte sie thô oƀar them gômun: ʽgern bium ik suîðoʼ, quað he, 4561 ʽthat ik samad mid iu sittien môti, 4562 gômono neoten, Iudeono pascha 4563 dêlien mid iu sô diuriun. Nu ik iu [iuuues] drohtines scal 4564 uuilleon seggian, that ik an thesaro uueroldi ni môt 4565 mid mannun mêr môses anbîten 4566 furður mid firihun, êr than [gifullod] uuirðid 4567 [himilo rîki]. Mi is an handun nu 4568 uuîti endi uunderquâle, thea ik for thesumu uuerode scal, 4569 tholon [for thesaru thiodu].ʼ Sô he thô sô te them thegnun sprak, 4570 hêlag drohtin, sô uuarð imu is hugi drôƀi, 4571 uuarð imu gisuorken seƀo, endi eft te [them] gesîðun sprac, 4572 the gôdo te them is iungarun: ʽhuat, ik iu godes rîkiʼ, quað he, 4573 ʽgihêt himiles lioht, endi gi mi holdlîco 4574 iuuuan theganskepi. Nu ni uuilliat gi [athengean] sô, 4575 [ac] uuenkeat thero uuordo. Nu seggiu ik iu te uuâran hêr, 4576 that uuili iuuuar tueliƀio ên [treuuana suîkan], 4577 uuili mi farcôpon undar thit kunni Iudeono, 4578 gisellien uuiðer siluƀre, endi [uuili] imu [thar] sinc niman, 4579 diurie mêðmos, endi geƀen is drohtin [uuið] thiu, 4580 holdan hêrran. That imu thoh te harme scal, 4581 uuerðan te uuîtie; be that he thea [uurdi farsihit] 4582 endi he thes arƀedies endi scauuot, 4583 than uuêt he that te uuâran, that imu uuâri [uuôðiera] thing, 4584 betera mikilu, that he gio giboran ni uurði 4585 libbiendi te thesumu liohte, than he that lôn nimid, 4586 uƀil arƀedi [inuuidrâdo.ʼ] 4587 Thô bigan thero erlo gehuilic te ôðrumu scauuon, 4588 sorgondi sehan; uuas im sêr hugi, 4589 hriuuig umbi iro herta: gihôrdun iro hêrron thô 4590 gornuuord sprekan. Thea gumon sorgodun, 4591 huilican he thero [tueliƀio te thiu] tellien uueldi, 4592 sculdigna [scaðon,] that he habdi thea scattos thar 4593 gethingod [at] theru [thiod.] Ni uuas thero thegno ênigumu 4594 sulikes inuuiddies ôði te [gehanne], 4595 [mêngithâhtio - antsuok thero] manno gehuilic -, 4596 uurðun alle an forhtun, frâgon ne gidorstun, 4597 êr than thô gebôknide [baruuirðig] gumo, 4598 Sîmon Petrus - ne gidorste it selƀo sprekan - 4599 te Iohanne themu gôdon: he uuas themu godes barne 4600 an them dagun thegno lioƀost, 4601 mêst an minniun endi môste thar [thô] an thes mahtiges Kristes 4602 barme restien endi an is breostun lag, 4603 hlinode mid is [hôƀdu:] thar nam he sô manag hêlag gerûni, 4604 diapa githâhti, endi thô te is drohtine sprac, 4605 began ina thô frâgon: ʽhue scal that, frô mîn, uuesenʼ, quað he, 4606 [ʽthat] thi farcôpon uuili, cuningo rîkeost, 4607 undar thînaro fîundo folc? Ûs uuâri thes firiuuit mikil, 4608 uualdand, te uuitanne.ʼ Thô habde eft is uuord garu 4609 [hêleando] Crist: ʽseh thi, huemu ik hêr an hand geƀe 4610 mînes môses for thesun mannun: the haƀed mên[githâht], 4611 [birid bittran hugi]; the scal mi an banono geuuald, 4612 fîundun bifelhen, thar man mînes ferhes scal, 4613 aldres âhtien.ʼ Nam he thô aftar thiu 4614 thes môses for them mannun endi gaf is themu [mên]scaðen, 4615 Iudase an hand endi imu tegegnes sprac 4616 selƀo for them is gesîðun endi ina [sniumo] hêt 4617 faran fan themu is folke: ʽfrumi sô thu thenkisʼ, quað he, 4618 ʽdô that thu duan scalt: thu ni maht bidernien leng 4619 uuilleon thînan. Thiu uurd is at handun, 4620 thea tîdi sind nu ginâhid.ʼ Sô thô the treulogo 4621 that môs antfeng endi mid is mûðu anbêt, 4622 sô afgaf ina thô thiu godes craft, gramon in geuuitun 4623 an thene lîchamon, lêða uuihti, 4624 uuarð imu Satanas sêro bitengi, 4625 hardo umbi is herte, sîður ine thiu helpe godes 4626 farlêt an thesumu liohte. Sô is [thena] liudio uuê, 4627 the sô undar thesumu [himile scal hêrron] uuehslon. 4628 Giuuêt imu thô ût thanen inuuideas gern 4629 Iudas gangan: habde imu grimmen hugi 4630 thegan uuið is thiodan. Uuas thô iu thiustri naht, 4631 suîðo gisuorken. Sunu drohtines 4632 uuas ima [at] them gômun forð endi is iungarun [thar] 4633 uualdand uuîn [endi] brôd uuîhide bêðiu, 4634 hêlagode heƀencuning, mid is handun brak, 4635 gaf it undar them is iungarun endi gode thancode, 4636 sagde them ôlat, [the] thar al giscôp, 4637 uuerold endi uunnea, endi sprak uuord manag: 4638 [ʽgilôƀiot] gi thes liohtoʼ, [quað he], ʽthat thit is mîn lîchamo 4639 endi mîn blôd sô same: giƀu ik iu hêr bêðiu samad 4640 etan endi drinkan. Thit ik an erðu scal 4641 geƀan endi geotan endi iu te godes rîkie 4642 lôsien mid mînu lîchamen an lîf êuuig, 4643 an that himiles lioht. Gihuggeat gi [simlun,] 4644 that gi [thiu fulgangan], thiu ik an thesun gômun dôn; 4645 mâriad thit [for] menegi: thit is mahtig thing, 4646 mid thius sculun gi iuuuomu drohtine diuriða frummien, 4647 habbiad thit mîn te gihugdiun, hêlag biliði, 4648 that it eldibarn aftar lêstien, 4649 uuaron an thesaru uueroldi, that that uuitin alle, 4650 man oƀar thesan middilgard, that it is thurh mîna minnea giduan 4651 hêrron te huldi. Gehuggiad gi [simlun, 4652 hueo] ik iu hêr gebiudu, that gi iuuuan brôðerskepi 4653 fasto [frummiad:] habbiad ferhtan hugi, 4654 minniod iu an iuuuomu môde, that that manno barn 4655 oƀar irminthiod alle farstanden, 4656 that gi [sind] gegnungo iungaron mîne. 4657 Ôk scal ik iu cûðien, huô hêr uuili craftag fîund, 4658 hetteand herugrim, umbi iuuuan hugi niusien, 4659 [Satanas selƀo: he cumid] iuuuaro seolono herod 4660 frôkno frêson. [Simlun] gi fasto te gode 4661 berad iuuua breost[githâht]: ik scal an iuuuaru bedu standen, 4662 that [iu] ni mugi the mênscaðo môd getuîflean; 4663 ik [fullêstiu iu] uuiðer themu fîunde. Ôk quam he herod giu frêson mîn, 4664 thoh imu is uuilleon hêr uuiht ne gistôdi, 4665 lioƀes an [themu mînumu] lîchamon. Nu [ni] uuilliu ik iu leng helen, 4666 huat iu hêr nu sniumo scal te sorgu gistanden: 4667 gi sculun mi gesuîkan, gesîðos mîne, 4668 iuuues theganscepies, êr than thius thiustrie naht 4669 liudi farlîða endi eft lioht cume, 4670 morgan te [mannun].ʼ Thô uuarð môd gumon 4671 suîðo gisuorken endi sêr hugi, 4672 hriuuig umbi iro herte endi iro hêrron uuord 4673 suîðo an sorgun. Sîmon Petrus thô, 4674 thegan uuið is thiodan thrîst[uuordun] sprac 4675 bi huldi *uuið is hêrron: ʽthoh thi all thit heliðo folcʼ, quathie, 4676 ʽgisuîcan thîna gisîðos, thoh ik sinnon mid thi 4677 at allon tharaƀon tholoian uuilliu. 4678 Ik biun garo sinnon, ef mi god lâtið, 4679 that ik an thînon fullêstie fasto gistande; 4680 thoh sia thi an carcaries clûstron hardo, 4681 thesa liudi bilûcan, [thoh] ist mi luttil [tueho], 4682 ne ik an them bendion mid thi bîdan uuillie, 4683 liggian mid thi [sô] lieƀen; ef sia thînes lîƀes [than] 4684 thuru eggia nîð âhtian [uuilliad,] 4685 [frô] mîn thie guodo, ik giƀu mîn ferah furi thik 4686 an uuâpno spil: nis mi [uuerð] iouuiht 4687 te bimîðanne, sô lango sô mi mîn uuarod 4688 hugi endi [handcraft.ʼ] Thuo sprak im eft is hêrro angegin: 4689 ʽhuat, thu thik biuuânisʼ, [quathie, ʽuuissaro] treuuono, 4690 thrîstero thingo: thu haƀis thegnes hugi, 4691 uuillion guodan. Ik [mag] thi seggian, huô it thoh giuuerðan scal, 4692 that thu uuirðis sô uuêkmuod, thoh thu nu ni uuânies sô, 4693 that thu thînes thiadnes te naht thrîuuo farlôgnis 4694 êr hanocrâdi endi quiðis, thak ik thîn hêrro ni sî, 4695 ac thu farmanst mîna mundburd.ʼ Thuo sprac eft thie man angegin: 4696 ʽef it gio an uueroldiʼ, quathie, ʽgiuuerðan muosti, 4697 that ik samad midi thi sueltan muosti, 4698 dôian diurlîco, [than] ne uuurði gio thie dag cuman, 4699 that ik thîn farlôgnidi, lieƀo drohtin, 4700 gerno for theson Iuðeon.ʼ Thuo quâðun alla thia iungron sô, 4701 that sia thar an them [thingon mid im] tholian uueldin 4702 Thuo im eft mid is uuordon gibôd uualdand selƀo, 4703 hêr heƀancuning, that sia im ni lietin iro hugi tuîflian, 4704 hiet that sia ni [uueldin...] diopa githâhti: 4705 ʽne druoƀie iuuua herta thuru iuuues drohtines uuord, 4706 ne forohteat te filo: ic scal fader ûsan 4707 selƀan suokean endi iu sendian scal 4708 fan heƀanrîkie hêlagna gêst: 4709 thie scal iu eft gifruofrean endi te frumu uuerðan, 4710 manon iu thero mahlo, thie ik iu manag hebbiu 4711 uuordon giuuîsid. Hie giƀit iu giuuit an briost, 4712 lustsama lêra, that gi lêstian forð 4713 thiu uuord endi thiu uuerc, thia ik iu an thesaro uueroldi gibôd.ʼ 4714 Arês im thuo the rîkeo an themo racode innan, 4715 neriendo Crist endi giuuêt im [nahtes thanan] 4716 selƀo mid is gisîðon: [sêrago] gengun 4717 suîðo gornondia iungron Cristes, 4718 hriuuigmuoda. Thuo hie im an thena hôhan giuuêt 4719 Oliuetiberg: thar uuas hie [up] giuuno 4720 gangan mid is iungron. That [uuissa] Iudas [uuel], 4721 [balohûgdig] man, huand hie uuas oft an them berege mid im. 4722 Thar gruotta thie godes suno iûgron sîna: 4723 ʽgi sind nu sô druoƀiaʼ, quathie, ʽnu gi mînan dôð uuitun; 4724 nu gornonð gi endi griotand, endi thesa Iuðeon sind an luston, 4725 mendit [thius] menigi, sindun an iro muode frâha, 4726 thius uuerold ist an uuunnion. Thes uuirðit thoh giuuand cuman 4727 sniumo tulgo: than uuirðit im sêr hugi, 4728 than morniat sia an iro môde, endi gi mendian sculun 4729 after te êuuondage, huand gio endi ni cumið, 4730 iuuues uuellîƀes giuuand: bethiu ne thurƀun [iu] thius uuerc tregan, 4731 hreuuan mîn hinfard, huand thanan scal thiu helpa cuman 4732 gumono barnon.ʼ Thuo hiet hie is iungron thar 4733 bîdan uppan themo berge, quað that hie ti bedu uueldi 4734 an thiu holmcliƀu hôhor stîgan; 4735 hiet thuo thria mid im thegnos gangan, 4736 Iacobe endi Iohannese endi thena guodan Petruse, 4737 thrîstmuodian thegan. Thuo sia mid iro thiedne samad 4738 gerno [gengun]. Thuo hiet sia thie godes suno 4739 an berge uppan te bedu hnîgan, 4740 hiet sia god gruotian, *gerno biddian, 4741 that he im thero costondero craft farstôdi, 4742 uurêðaro uuilleon, that im the [uuiðersaco, 4743 ni mahti] the mênscaðo môd gituîflean, 4744 iak imu thô selƀo gihnêg sunu drohtines 4745 craftag an kniobeda, kuningo rîkeost, 4746 forðuuard te foldu: fader alothiado 4747 gôdan grôtte, gorn[uuordun] sprac 4748 hriuuiglîco: uuas imu is hugi drôƀi, 4749 bi theru menniski môd gihrôrid, 4750 is flêsk uuas an forhtun: fellun imo trahni, 4751 drôp is diurlîc suêt, al sô drôr kumid 4752 [uuallan] fan uundun. Uuas an geuuinne thô 4753 an themu godes barne the gêst endi the lîchamo: 4754 ôðar uuas [fûsid] an [forðuuegos,] 4755 the gêst an godes rîki, ôðar giâmar stôd, 4756 lîchamo Cristes: ni uuelde [thit] lioht ageƀen, 4757 ac [droƀde] for themu dôðe. [Simla] he [hreop] te drohtine forð 4758 thiu mêr aftar thiu mahtigna grôtte, 4759 hôhan himilfader, hêlagna god, 4760 uualdand mid is uuordun: ʽef nu uuerðen ni magʼ, quað he, 4761 ʽmankunni generid, ne sî that ik mînan geƀe 4762 lioƀan lîchamon for liudio barn 4763 te uuêgeanne te uundrun, it sî than thîn uuilleo sô, 4764 ik uuilliu is than gicoston: ik nimu thene kelik an hand, 4765 drinku ina thi te [diurðu,] drohtin frô mîn, 4766 mahtig mundboro. Ni seh thu mînes hêr 4767 flêskes gifôries. Ik [fullon] scal 4768 uuilleon thînen: thu haƀes geuuald oƀar al.ʼ 4769 Giuuêt imu thô gangen, thar he [êr] is iungaron lêt 4770 bîdan uppan themu berge; fand sie that barn godes 4771 slâpen sorgandie: uuas im sêr hugi, 4772 thes sie fan iro drohtine dêlien scoldun. 4773 Sô sind that [môdthraca manno] gehuilicumu, 4774 that he farlâten scal [liaƀane] hêrron, 4775 [afgeƀen] thene sô [gôdene.] Thô he te is iungarun sprak, 4776 [uuahte] sie uualdand endi uuordun grôtte: 4777 ʽhuî uuilliad gi sô slâpen?ʼ quað he; ʽni mugun samad mid mi 4778 uuacon êne tîd? Thiu uurd is [at] handun, 4779 that it sô gigangen scal, sô it god fader 4780 [gimarcode] mahtig. Mi nis an mînumu môde tueho: 4781 mîn gêst is garu an godes uuillean, 4782 fûs te faranne: mîn flêsk is an sorgun, 4783 letid [mik] mîn lîchamo: lêð is imu suîðo 4784 uuîti te tholonne. Ik thoh uuillean scal 4785 mînes fader [gefrummien.] Hebbiad gi fasten hugi.ʼ 4786 Giuuêt imu thô eft thanan ôðersîðu 4787 an thene berg uppen te bedu gangan, 4788 mâri drohtin, endi thar sô manag gisprac 4789 gôdoro uuordo. Godes engil quam 4790 hêlag fan himile, is hugi fastnode, 4791 beldide te them bendiun. He uuas an theru bedu [simla] 4792 forð an flîte endi is fader grôtte, 4793 uualdand mid is uuordun: ʽef it nu uuesen ni magʼ, quað he, 4794 ʽmâri drohtin, neƀu ik for thit manno folc 4795 thiodquâle tholoie, ik an thînan scal 4796 uuillean [uuonian.ʼ] Giuuêt imu thô eft thanen 4797 sôkean is gesîðos: fand sie slâpandie, 4798 grôtte sie gâhun. Geng imu eft thanen 4799 thriddeon sîðu te bedu endi sprak thiodkuning 4800 al thiu selƀon uuord, sunu drohtines, 4801 te themu alouualdon fader, sô he êr dede, 4802 manode mahtigna manno frumana 4803 [suîðo niudlîco neriando] Crist, 4804 geng imu thô [eft] te them is iungarun, grôtte sie sâno: 4805 ʽslâpad gi endi [restiadʼ,] quað he. ʽNu uuirðid sniumo herod 4806 cuman mid craftu, the mi farcôpot haƀad, 4807 [sundea lôsan] gisald.ʼ Gesîðos Cristes 4808 uuacodun thô aftar them uuordun endi gisâhun thô that uuerod kuman 4809 an thene berg uppen brahtmu thiu mikilon, 4810 uurêða uuâpanberand. 4810 Uuîsde im Iudas, 4811 gramhugdig man; Iudeon aftar sigun, 4812 fîundo folcscepi; drôg man fiur an gimang, 4813 logna an liohtfatun, lêdde man faklon 4814 [brinnandea] fan burg, thar sie an thene berg [uppan] 4815 stigun mid strîdu. Thea stedi uuisse Judas uuel, 4816 huar he thea liudi tô lêdean scolde. 4817 Sagde imu thô te têkne, thô sie thar tô fôrun 4818 themu [folke] biforan, te thiu that sie ni farfengin thar, 4819 erlos ôðren man: ʽik gangu imu at êrist tôʼ, quað he, 4820 ʽcussiu ine endi quaddiu: that is Crist selƀo. 4821 Thene gi fâhen sculun folco craftu, 4822 binden [ina] uppan themu berge endi [ina] te burg hinan 4823 lêdien undar thea liudi: he is lîƀes haƀad 4824 mid [is] uuordun faruuerkod.ʼ Uuerod sîðode thô, 4825 antat sie te Criste kumane uurðun, 4826 [grim folc] Iudeono, thar he mid is iungarun stôd, 4827 mâri drohtin: bêd metodogiscapu, 4828 torhtero tîdeo. Thô geng imu treulôs man, 4829 Iudas tegegnes endi te themu godes barne 4830 hnêg mid is hôƀdu endi is hêrron quedde, 4831 custe ina craftagne endi is quidi lêste, 4832 uuîsde ina themu uuerode, al sô he êr mid uuordun gehêt. 4833 That tholode al mid githuldiun thiodo drohtin, 4834 uualdand thesara uueroldes endi sprak imu mid is uuordun tô, 4835 frâgode ine frôkno: ʽbehuî kumis thu sô mid thius folcu te mi, 4836 behuî lêdis thu mi sô these liudi tô [endi mi te] thesare lêðan [thiode] sprekan, 4837 farcôpos mid thînu kussu under thit kunni Iudeono, 4838 meldos mi te thesaru menegi?ʼ Geng imu thô uuið thea man 4839 uuið that uuerod ôðar endi sie mid [is] uuordun fragn, 4840 huene sie mid thiu gesîðiu sôkean quâmin 4841 sô [niudlico] an naht, ʽso gi [uuillean] nôd frummien 4842 manno huilicumu.ʼ Thô sprak imu eft thiu [menegi] angegin, 4843 quâðun that im hêleand thar an themu holme uppan 4844 geuuîsid uuâri, ʽthe thit giuuer frumid 4845 Iudeo liudiun endi [ina] godes sunu 4846 selƀon hêtid. Ina quâmun uui sôkean herod, 4847 [uueldin] ina gerno bigeten: he is fan Galileo lande, 4848 fan Nazarethburg.ʼ Sô im thô the neriendio Crist 4849 sagde te sôðan, that he it selƀo uuas, 4850 sô uurðun thô an forhtun folc Iudeono, 4851 uurðun underbadode, that sie under bac fellun 4852 alle [efno sân,] erðe gisôhtun, 4853 uuiðer[uuardes] that uuerod: ni [mahte] that uuord godes, 4854 thie stemnie antstandan: uuârun thoh sô strîdige man, 4855 ahliopun eft up an themu holme, hugi fastnodun, 4856 bundun briostgithâht, gibolgane gengun 4857 nâhor mid nîðu, anttat sie thene neriendion Crist 4858 uuerodo biuurpun. Stôdun uuîse man, 4859 [suîðo gornundie giungaron Kristes] 4860 [biforan] theru dereƀeon dâdi endi te iro drohtine [sprâkun:] 4861 ʽuuâri it [nu] thîn uuillioʼ, quâðun sie, ʽuualdand frô mîn, 4862 [that sie ûs hêr an speres ordun spildien môstin] 4863 uuâpnun uunde, than ni uuâri ûs uuiht sô gôd, 4864 sô that uui hêr for ûsumu drohtine dôan môstin 4865 [beniðiun] blêkaʼ. Thô gibolgan uuarð 4866 snel suerdthegan, Sîmon Petrus, 4867 [uuell] imu innan hugi, that he ni mahte ênig uuord sprekan: 4868 sô harm uuarð imu an is hertan, that man is hêrron thar 4869 binden [uuelde.] Thô he gibolgan geng, 4870 suîðo thrîstmôd thegan for is thiodan [standen,] 4871 hard for is hêrron: ni uuas imu is hugi tuîfli, 4872 [blôð] an is breostun, ac he is bil atôh, 4873 suerd bi sîdu, [slôg] imu tegegnes 4874 an thene [furiston] fîund folmo crafto, 4875 that thô Malchus uuarð mâkeas eggiun, 4876 an thea suîðaron half suerdu gimâlod: 4877 thiu hlust uuarð imu farhauuan, he uuarð an that hôƀid uund, 4878 that imu herudrôrag hlear endi ôre 4879 beniuundun brast: blôd aftar sprang, 4880 uuell fan uundun. Thô uuas an is uuangun scard 4881 the furisto thero fîundo. Thô stôd that folc an rûm: 4882 andrêdun im thes billes biti. Thô sprak that barn godes 4883 selƀo te Sîmon Petruse, hêt that he is suerd dedi 4884 skarp an skêđia: ʽef ik uuið thesa scola uueldiʼ, quað he, 4885 ʽuuið theses uuerodes geuuin uuîgsaca frummien, 4886 than manodi ik thene mâreon mahtigne god, 4887 hêlagne fader an himilrîkea, 4888 that he mi sô managan engil herod oƀana sandi 4889 uuîges sô uuîsen, sô ni [mahtin] iro [uuâpanthreki] 4890 man adôgen: iro ni stôdi gio sulic megin samad, 4891 folkes [gifastnod,] that im iro ferh aftar thiu 4892 uuerðen [mahti]. Ac it haƀad uualdand god, 4893 alomahtig fader an ôðar gimarkot, 4894 that uui [githoloian] sculun, sô huat sô ûs [thius thioda] tô 4895 bittres brengit: ni sculun ûs belgan uuiht, 4896 uurêðean uuið iro geuuinne; huand sô hue sô uuâpno nîð, 4897 grimman [gêrheti uuili] gerno frummien, 4898 he suiltit imu [eft] suerdes eggiun, 4899 [dôit] im [bidrôregan]: uui mid ûsun dâdiun ni sculun 4900 uuiht auuerdian.ʼ Geng [he] thô te themu uundon [manne], 4901 [legde] mid listiun lîk tesamne, 4902 hôƀiduundon, that siu sân gihêlid uuarð, 4903 thes billes biti, endi sprak that barn godes 4904 uuið that uurêðe uuerod: ʽmi thunkid uunder mikilʼ, quað he, 4905 ʽef gi mi lêðes uuiht lêstien uueldun, 4906 huî gi mi [thô] ni [fengun,] than ik undar iuuuomu folke stôd, 4907 an themu uuîhe innan endi thar uuord manag 4908 [sôðlîc] sagde. Than uuas sunnon skîn, 4909 diurlic [dages lioht,] than ni uueldun gi mi dôan eouuiht 4910 lêðes an thesumu liohte, endi nu lêdiad mi [iuuua] liudi tô 4911 an thiustrie naht, al sô man thioƀe dôt, 4912 than man thene fâhan uuili endi he is ferhes haƀad 4913 faruuerkot, uuamscaðo.ʼ Uuerod Iudeono 4914 gripun thô an thene godes sunu, grimma thioda, 4915 hatandiero hôp, huurƀun ina umbi 4916 môdag manno folc - mênes ni sâhun -, 4917 heftun herubendiun [handi] tesamne, 4918 faðmos mid fitereun. Im ni uuas [sulicaro] firinquâla 4919 tharf te githolonne, thiodarƀedies, 4920 te uuinnanne sulic uuîti, ac he it thurh thit uuerod deda, 4921 huand he liudio barn lôsien uuelda, 4922 halon fan helliu an himilrîki, 4923 an thene uuîdon uuelon: bethiu he thes uuiht ne bisprak, 4924 thes sie imu thurh inuuidnîð ôgean uueldun. 4925 Thô uurðun thes sô [malsce] môdag folc Iudeono, 4926 thiu hêri uuarð thes sô hrômeg, thes sie thena [hêlagon] Krist 4927 [an liðobendion lêdian muostun], 4928 [fôrian] an fitereun. Thie fîund eft geuuitun 4929 fan themu berge te burg. Geng that barn godes 4930 undar themu heriscepi handun gebunden, 4931 drûƀondi te dale. Uuârun imu thea is diurion thô 4932 [gesîðos] gesuikane, al sô he im êr selƀo gisprak: 4933 ni uuas it thoh be ênigaru blôði, that sie that barn godes, 4934 [lioƀen] farlêtun, ac it uuas sô lango biforen 4935 uuârsagono uuord, that it [scoldi] giuuerðen sô: 4936 bethiu ni mahtun sie is bemîðan. Than aftar theru menegi gengun 4937 Iohannes endi Petrus, thie gumon tuêne, 4938 folgodun [ferrane:] uuas im firiuuit mikil, 4939 huat thea grimmon Iudeon themu godes barne, 4940 [uueldin] iro drohtine dôen. Thô sie te dale quâmun 4941 fan themu berge te burg, thar iro biscop uuas, 4942 iro uuîhes uuard, thar lêddun ina uulanke man, 4943 erlos undar ederos. Thar uuas êld mikil, 4944 fiur an frîdhoƀe themu folke tegegnes, 4945 geuuarht for themu uuerode: thar gengun sie im uuermien tô, 4946 [Iudeo] liudi, lêtun thene godes sunu 4947 bîdon an bendiun. Uuas thar braht mikil, 4948 gêlmôdigaro galm. Iohannes uuas êr 4949 themu hêroston cûð: bethiu môste he an thene hof innan 4950 thringan mid theru [thioda.] Stôd allaro thegno bezto, 4951 Petrus thar ûte: ni lêt ina [the] portun uuard 4952 folgon is frôen, êr it at is friunde abad, 4953 Iohannes at ênumu Iudeon, that man ina gangan lêt 4954 forð an thene frîdhof. Thar quam im ên fêkni uuîf 4955 gangan tegegnes, thiu ênas Iudeon uuas, 4956 iro theodanes thiuu, endi thô te themu thegne sprac 4957 magađ [unuuânlîc]: ʽhuat, thu mahtis man uuesanʼ, quað siu, 4958 ʽgiungaro fan Galilea, thes the thar genouuer stêd 4959 faðmun gifastnod.ʼ Thô an forhtun uuarð 4960 Sîmon Petrus sân, [slac] an is môde, 4961 quað that he thes uuîƀes uuord ni bikonsti 4962 ni thes theodanes thegan ni uuâri: 4963 mêđ is thô for theru menegi, quað that he thena man ni antkendi: 4964 ʽni sind mi thîne [quidi] kûðeʼ, quað he; uuas imu thiu craft godes, 4965 [the herdislo] fan themu hertan. Huaraƀondi geng 4966 forð undar themu folke, antat he te themu fiure quam; 4967 [giuuêt] ina thô uuarmien. Thar im ôk ên uuîf bigan 4968 felgian firinsprâka: ʽhêr mugun giʼ, quað siu, ʽan iuuuan fîund sehan: 4969 thit is gegnungo giungaro Kristes, 4970 is selƀes gesîð.ʼ Thô gengun imu sân aftar thiu 4971 nâhor nîðhuata endi ina niudlîco 4972 frâgodun fîundo barn, huilikes he folkes uuâri: 4973 ʼni bist thu thesoro burgliudioʼ, [quâðun sie]; ʽthat mugun uui [an thînumu gibârie gisehan], 4974 an thînun uuordun endi an thînaru uuîson, that thu theses uuerodes ni bist, 4975 ac thu bist galilêisk man.ʼ He ni uuelda thes thô gehan eouuiht, 4976 ac stôd thô endi strîdda endi starkan êð 4977 suîðlîco gesuôr, that he thes gesîðes ni uuâri. 4978 Ni habda is uuordo geuuald: it scolde giuuerðen sô, 4979 sô it the gemarcode, the mankunnies 4980 faruuardot an thesaru uueroldi. Thô quam imu ôk an themu [uuarƀe] tô 4981 thes mannes mâguuini, the he êr mid is [mâkeo] giheu, 4982 suerdu thiu scarpon, quað that he ina sâhi thar 4983 an themu berge uppan, ʽthar uui an themu bômgardon 4984 hêrron [thînumu] hendi bundun, 4985 fastnodun is folmos.ʼ He thô thurh forhtan hugi 4986 forlôgnide thes is [lioƀes] hêrron, quað that he uueldi uuesan thes lîƀes scolo, 4987 ef it mahti ênig thar irminmanno 4988 giseggian te sôðan, that he thes gesîðes uuâri, 4989 folgodi theru ferdi. Thô uuarð an thena formon sîð 4990 hanocrâd [afhaƀen]. Thô sah the hêlago Crist, 4991 [barno that bezte, thar he gebunden stôð], 4992 selƀo te Sîmon Petruse, sunu drohtines 4993 te themu erle oƀar is ahsla. Thô uuarð imu an innan sân, 4994 Sîmon Petruse sêr an is môde, 4995 harm an is hertan endi is hugi drôƀi, 4996 suîðo uuarð imu an sorgun, that he êr selƀo gesprak: 4997 gihugde thero uuordo thô, the imu [êr] uualdand Krist 4998 selƀo sagda, that he an theru suartan naht 4999 êr hanocrâdi is hêrron [scoldi] 5000 thrîuuo farlôgnien. Thes thram imu [an] innan môd 5001 bittro an is breostun, endi geng imu thô gibolgan thanen 5002 the man fan theru menigi an môdkaru, 5003 suîðo an sorgun, endi is selƀes uuord, 5004 [uuam]scefti uueop, antat imu uuallan quâmun 5005 thurh thea hertcara hête trahni, 5006 blôdage fan is breostun. He ni uuânde that he is mahti gibôtien uuiht, 5007 firin[uuerco] furður eftha te is frâhon kuman, 5008 hêrron huldi: nis ênig heliðo [sô] ald, 5009 that [io] mannes sunu mêr gisâhi 5010 is selƀes uuord sêrur hreuuan, 5011 karon eftha kûmien: ʽuuola crafteg godʼ, quað he, 5012 that ik hebbiu mi sô foruuerkot, sô ik mînaro uueroldes ni tharf 5013 ôlat seggean. Ef ik nu te aldre scal 5014 huldeo thînaro endi heƀenrîkeas, 5015 theoden, tholoian, than ni tharf mi thes ênig thanc uuesan, 5016 lioƀo drohtin, [that] ik io te thesumu liohte [quam]. 5017 Ni bium ik nu thes uuirðig, uualdand frô mîn, 5018 that ik under thîne iungaron gangan môti, 5019 thus sundig under thîne gesîðos: ik iro selƀo scal 5020 mîðan an mînumu môde, nu ik mi sulic mên gesprac.ʼ 5021 Sô gornode gumono bezta, 5022 hrau [im] sô hardo, that [he] habde is hêrren thô 5023 leoƀes farlôgnid. Than ni thurƀun thes liudio barn, 5024 uueros uundroian, behuî it uueldi god, 5025 that sô lioƀen man lêð gistôdi, 5026 that he sô hônlîco hêrron sînes 5027 thurh thera [thiuun] uuord, thegno snellost, 5028 farlôgnide sô lioƀes: it uuas al bi thesun liudiun giduan, 5029 firiho barnun te [frumu.] He uuelde ina te furiston dôan, 5030 hêrost oƀar is hîuuiski, hêlag drohtin: 5031 lêt ina gekunnon, huilike craft haƀet 5032 the mennisca môd âno [the] maht godes; 5033 lêt ina gesundion, that he sîðor thiu bet 5034 liudiun gilôƀdi, huô liof is [thar] 5035 manno [gihuilicumu,] than he mên gefrumit, 5036 that man ina alâte lêðes thinges, 5037 sacono endi sundeono, sô im thô selƀo dede 5038 [heƀenrîki] god harmgeuurhti. 5039 Be thiu [nis] mannes bâg [mikilun bitherƀi,] 5040 [hagustaldes] hrôm: ef imu thiu helpe godes 5041 gesuîkid thurh is [sundeon,] than is imu sân aftar thiu 5042 breosthugi blôðora, thoh he êr bihêt spreca, 5043 hrômie fan is [hildi] endi fan is handcrafti, 5044 the man fan is megine. That uuarð thar an themu mâreon skîn, 5045 thegno bezton, thô imu is thiodanes gisuêk 5046 hêlag helpe. Bethiu ni scoldi hrômien man 5047 te suîðo fan imu selƀon, huand imu thar suîkid oft 5048 uuân endi uuilleo, ef imu uualdand god, 5049 hêr heƀenkuning [herte] ni sterkit. 5050 Than bêd allaro barno bezt, bendi tholode 5051 thurh mancunni. Huurƀun ina managa umbi 5052 [Iudeono] liudi, sprâcun gelp mikil, 5053 [habdun] ina te hosca, thar he [giheftid] stôd, 5054 tholode [mid] gethuldiun, sô huat sô imu thiu [thiod] deda, 5055 liudi lêðes. Thô uuarð eft lioht cuman, 5056 morgan te mannun. Manag samnoda 5057 heri Iudeono: habdun im hugi uulƀo, 5058 inuuid an innan. Uuarð thar êosago 5059 an morgantîd manag gisamnod 5060 irri endi ênhard, inuuideas gern, 5061 uurêðes uuillean. Gengun im an [uuarf] samad 5062 rinkos an rûna, bigunnun im râdan thô, 5063 huô sie [geuuîsadin] mid uuârlôsun, 5064 mannun [mêngeuuitun] an mahtigna Crist 5065 te giseggianne sundea thurh is selƀes uuord, 5066 that sie ina than te uunderquâlu uuêgean môstin, 5067 adêlien te dôđe. Sie ni mahtun an themu dage finden 5068 sô uurêð geuuitscepi, that sie imu uuîti bethiu 5069 adêlien [gidorstin] eftha dôð frummien, 5070 lîƀu bilôsien. Thô quâmun thar [at laztan] forđ 5071 an thena [uuarf] uuero uuârlôse man 5072 tuêne gangan endi bigunnun im tellien an, 5073 quâðun that sie ina selƀon seggian gihôrdin, 5074 that he [mahti] teuuerpen thena uuîh godes, 5075 allaro hûso hôhost endi thurh is handmegin, 5076 thurh is ênes craft up arihtien 5077 an thriddion daga, sô is [elcor] ni thorfti bethîhan man. 5078 He thagoda endi tholoda: ni sprak imu io thiu [thiod] sô filu, 5079 thea liudi mid luginun, that he it mid lêðun angegin 5080 uuordun [uurâki]. Thô thar undar themu uuerode arês 5081 baluhugdig man, biscop thero liudio, 5082 the furisto thes folkes endi frâgode Krist 5083 iac ina be imu selƀon bisuôr suîðon êðun, 5084 grôtte ina an godes namon endi gerno bad, 5085 that he im that gisagdi, ef he sunu uuâri 5086 thes libbiendies [godes]: ʽthes thit lioht gescôp, 5087 Krist cuning êuuig. Uui ni mugun is [antkiennien] uuiht 5088 ne an thînun uuordun ni an thînun uuerkun.ʼ Thô sprak imu eft the uuâro angegin, 5089 the gôdo godes sunu: ʽthu quiðis it for thesun Iudeon nu, 5090 sôðlîco segis, that ik it selƀo bium. 5091 Thes ni gilôƀiad mi these liudi: ni uuilliad mi forlâtan bethiu; 5092 ni sind im [mîn] uuord uuirðig. Nu seggiu ik iu te uuârun thoh, 5093 that gi noh sculun sittien gisehan an [the] suîðaron half godes 5094 mârean mannes sunu, an megincrafte 5095 thes alouualden fader, endi thanan eft kuman 5096 an himiluuolcnun herod endi allumu heliðo cunnie 5097 mid is uuordun adêlien, al sô iro geuurhti sind.ʼ 5098 Tho balg ina [the] biscop, habde bittren hugi, 5099 uurêðida [uuið] themu [uuorde] endi is giuuâdi slêt, 5100 brak for is breostun: ʽnu ni thurƀun gi bîdan lengʼ, quað he, 5101 ʽthit uuerod geuuitscepies, nu im [sulic] uuord farad, 5102 mênsprâca fan is mûðe. That gihôrid [hêr nu] manno filu, 5103 rinko an thesumu rakude, that he ina sô rîkean telit, 5104 gihid that he god sî. Huat uuilliad gi Iudeon thes 5105 adêlien te dôme? Is he dôðes [nu] 5106 uuirðig be sulicun uuordun?ʼ 5106 That uuerod al gesprac, 5107 folc Iudeono, that he uuâri [thes] ferhes scolo, 5108 uuîties sô uuirðig. Ni uuas it thoh be is geuurhtiun gidôen, 5109 that ine thar an Hierusalem Iudeo liudi, 5110 sunu drohtines sundea lôsen 5111 adêldun te dôðe. Thô uuas thero dâdio hrôm 5112 Iudeo liudiun, huat sie [themu] godes [barne mahtin] 5113 [sô haftemu] mêst, harmes gefrummien. 5114 Beuurpun ina thô mid [uuerodu] endi ina an is uuangon slôgun, 5115 an is hleor mid iro handun - al uuas imu that te hosce gidôen -, 5116 felgidun imu firinuuord fîundo menegi, 5117 [bismer]sprâka. Stôd that barn godes 5118 fast under fîundun: uuârun imu [is] faðmos gebundene, 5119 tholode [mid] githuldiun, sô huat sô imu thiu [thioda] tô 5120 bittres brâhte: ni balg ina neouuiht 5121 uuið thes uuerodes geuuin. Thô nâmon ina uurêðe man 5122 sô gibundanan, that barn godes, 5123 endi ina thô lêddun, thar [thero] liudio uuas, 5124 [there thiade] thinghûs. Thar thegan manag 5125 huurƀun umbi iro heritogon. Thar uuas iro hêrron bodo 5126 fan Rûmuburg, thes the thô thes rîkeas giuueld: 5127 kumen uuas he fan themu kêsure, gisendid uuas he undar that cunni Iudeono 5128 te [rihtienne] that rîki, uuas thar râdgeƀo: 5129 Pilatus uuas he hêten; he uuas fan Ponteo lande 5130 cnôsles kennit. Habde imu craft mikil, 5131 an themu thinghûse [thiod] gisamnod, 5132 an [uuarf] uueros; uuârlôse man 5133 agâƀun thô thena godes sunu, Iudeo liudi, 5134 under fîundo folc, quâðun that he uuâri thes ferhes scolo, 5135 that man ina uuîtnodi uuâpnes eggiun, 5136 scarpun scûrun. [Ni] uuelde thiu scole Iudeono 5137 thringan an that thinghûs, ac thiu thiod ûte stôd, 5138 mahlidun thanen uuið thea menegi: ni uueldun an that gimang faren, 5139 [an] elilandige man, that sie thar unreht uuord, 5140 an [themu dage derƀies uuiht adêlian ne gihôrdin,] 5141 ac quâðun that sie [im] sô [hluttro hêlaga tîdi], 5142 [uueldin iro pascha halden]. Pilatus antfeng 5143 at them uuamscaðun uualdandes barn, 5144 sundea lôsen. Thô an sorgun uuarð 5145 Iudases hugi, thô he ageƀan gisah 5146 is drohtin te dôđe, thô bigan imu thiu dâd aftar thiu 5147 an is hugea hreuuan, that he habde is hêrron êr 5148 [sundea lôsen] gisald. Nam imu thô [that] siluƀar an hand, 5149 thrîtig scatto, that man imu êr uuið is thiodane gaf, 5150 geng imu thô te them Iudiun endi im is grimmon dâd, 5151 sundeon sagde, endi im that siluƀar bôd 5152 gerno te [ageƀanne:] ʽik hebbiu it sô [griolîcoʼ,] quað he, 5153 ʽ[mines] drohtines [drôru] gicôpot, 5154 sô ik uuêt that it mi ni thîhit.ʼ Thiod Iudeono 5155 ni uueldun it thô antfâhan, ac hêtun ina forð aftar thiu 5156 umbi sulica sundea selƀon ahton, 5157 huat he uuið is frâhon gefrumid habdi: 5158 ʽthu sâhi thi [selƀo thesʼ,] quaðun sie; ʽhuat [uuili] thu thes [nu] sôken te ûs? 5159 Ne uuît thu that thesumu uuerode!ʼ Thô giuuêt imu eft thanan 5160 Iudas gangan te themu godes uuîhe 5161 suîðo an sorgun endi that siluƀar uuarp 5162 an thena alah innan, ne gidorste it êgan leng; 5163 fôr imu thô sô an forhtun, sô ina fîundo barn 5164 môdage manodun: habdun [thes] mannes hugi 5165 gramon under[gripanen], uuas imu god abolgan, 5166 that he imu selƀon thô sîmon uuarhte, 5167 hnêg thô an herusêl an hinginna, 5168 uuarag an uurgil endi uuîti gecôs, 5169 hard [hellie gethuing, hêt] endi thiustri, 5170 diap dôđes dalu, huand he êr umbi is drohtin suêk. 5171 Than bêd that barn godes - bendi tholode 5172 an themu thinghûse -, huan êr thiu [thiod] under im, 5173 erlos ênuuordie alle uurðin, 5174 huat sie imu [than] te ferahquâlu [frummian uueldin.] 5175 [Thô thar] an them benkiun arês bodo kêsures 5176 fan Rûmuburg endi geng imu uuið that rîki Iudeono 5177 môdag mahlien, thar thiu menigi stôd 5178 aftar themu hoƀe [huarƀon:] ni uueldun an that hûs kuman 5179 an themu paschadage. Pilatus bigan 5180 frôkno frâgon oƀar that folc Iudeono, 5181 mid huiu the man habdi morđes gisculdit, 5182 uuîties giuuerkot: ʽbe huî gi imu sô uurêðe sind, 5183 an iuuuomu hugea hôtie?ʼ Sie quâðun that he im habdi harmes sô filu, 5184 lêðes gilêstid: ʽni gâƀin ina thesa liudi thi, 5185 thar sie ina êr biforan uƀilan ni uuissin, 5186 uuordun faruuarhten. He haƀat theses uuerodes sô filu 5187 farlêdid mid is lêrun - endi thesa liudi merrid, 5188 dôit im iro hugi tuîflien -, that uui ni môtun te themu hoƀe kêsures 5189 tinsi gelden; that mugun uui ina gitellien an 5190 mid uuâru geuuitscepi. He sprikid ôk uuord mikil, 5191 quiðit that he Crist sî, kuning oƀar thit rîki, 5192 begihit ina sô grôtes.ʼ Thô im [eft] tegegnes sprak 5193 bodo kêsures: ʽef he sô barlîcoʼ, quað he, 5194 ʽunder thesaru menigi mênuuerk frumid, 5195 antfâhad ina than eft under iuuue folcscepi, ef he sî is ferhes scolo, 5196 endi imu sô adêliad, ef he sî dôđes uuerð, 5197 sô it an iuuuaro aldrono êo gebiode.ʼ 5198 Sie quâðun thô, that sie ni môstin manno [nigênumu] 5199 an [thea] hêlagon tîd te [handbanon], 5200 [uuerðen mid uuâpnun an themu uuîhdage.] 5201 Thô uuende ina fan themu uuerode uurêðhugdig man, 5202 thegan kêsures, [the] oƀar thea thioda uuas 5203 bodo fan [Rûmuburg] -: hêt imu thô that barn godes 5204 nâhor gangan endi [ina] niudlîco, 5205 frâgoda frôkno, ef he oƀar that folc kuning 5206 thes uuerodes uuâri. Thô habde eft is uuord garu 5207 sunu drohtines: ʽhueðer thu that fan thi selƀumu sprikisʼ, quað he, 5208 ʽthe it thi ôðre hêr erlos sagdun, 5209 quâðun umbi mînan kuningduom?ʼ Thô sprak eft [the] kêsures bodo 5210 uulank endi uurêðmôd, thar he uuið uualdand Krist 5211 reðiode an them rakude: ʽni bium ik theses rîkies hinanʼ, quað he, 5212 ʽGiudeo liudio, ni gadoling thîn, 5213 thesaro manno mâguuini, ac mi thi thius menigi bifalah, 5214 agâƀun thi thîna gadulingos [mi], Iudeo liudi, 5215 [haftan] te handun. Huat haƀas thu harmes giduan, 5216 that thu sô [bittro] scalt bendi [tholoian, 5217 qualm] undar thînumu kunnie?ʼ Thô sprak [imu eft Krist] angegin, 5218 hêlendero bezt, thar he giheftid stôd 5219 an themu rakude innan: ʽnis mîn rîki hinanʼ, quað he, 5220 ʽfan thesaru uueroldstundu. Ef it [thoh] uuâri sô, 5221 than uuârin sô starkmôde uuiðer strîdhugi, 5222 uuiðer grama thioda iungaron mîne, 5223 sô man mi ni gâƀi Iudeo liudiun, 5224 hettendiun an hand an herubendiun 5225 te uuêgeanne te uundrun. Te thiu uuarð ik an thesaru uueroldi giboran, 5226 that ik geuuitscepi [giu uuâres] thinges 5227 mid mînun kumiun kûðdi. That mugun antkennien uuel 5228 the uueros, the sind fan uuâre kumane: the mugun mîn uuord farstanden, 5229 [gilôƀien] mînun lêrun.ʼ Thô ni mahte lasteres uuiht 5230 an them barne godes bodo kêsures, 5231 findan [fêknea] uuord, that he is ferhes bethiu 5232 sculdig uuâri. Thô geng he im eft uuið thea scola Iudeono 5233 môdag mahlien endi theru menigi sagde 5234 oƀar hlust mikil, that he an themu hafton manne 5235 sulica firinsprâka finden ni mahti 5236 [for them folcscipie], sô he uuâri is ferhes scolo, 5237 dôđes uuirðig. Than stôdun dolmôde 5238 Iudeo liudi endi thane godes sunu 5239 uuordun uurôgdun: quâðun that he giuuer êrist 5240 begunni an [Galileo lande,] ʽendi oƀar Iudeon fôr 5241 heroduuardes thanan, hugi [tuîflode,] 5242 manno môdseƀon, sô he is morđes uuerð, 5243 that man ina [uuîtnoie] uuâpnes eggiun, 5244 ef eo [man] mid sulicun dâdiun mag dôđes gesculdien.ʼ 5245 Sô uurôgdun ina mid uuordun uuerod Iudeono 5246 thurh hôtean hugi. Thô the heritogo, 5247 slîðmôdig man seggian gihôrde, 5248 fan huilicumu kunnie [uuas] Krist afôdid, 5249 manno the bezto: he uuas fan theru mârean [thiadu], 5250 the [gôdo] fan [Galilealande;] thar uuas gumscepi 5251 eðiliero manno; Erodes biheld [thar] 5252 [craftagne] kuningdôm, sô ina imu the kêsur [fargaf], 5253 the rîkeo fan Rûmu, that he thar rehto gehuilic 5254 gefrumidi undar themu folke endi friðu lêsti, 5255 dômos adêldi. He uuas ôk an themu dage selƀo 5256 an Hierusalem mid is gumscepi, 5257 mid is uuerode [at] themu uuîhe: sô uuas iro uuîse than, 5258 that sie thar [thia hêlagun tîd haldan] scoldun, 5259 [pascha] Iudeono. Pilatus gibôd thô, 5260 that thena hafton man heliðos nâmin 5261 sô [gibundanan], that barn godes, 5262 [hêt] that sie ina Erodese, erlos brâhtin 5263 haften te handun, huand he fan is heriscepi uuas, 5264 fan is uuerodes geuuald. Uuîgand frumidun 5265 iro hêrron uuord: hêlagne Krist 5266 fôrdun an fiteriun for thena folctogun, 5267 allaro barno bezt, thero the io [giboren] uurði 5268 an liudio lioht; an liðubendiun geng, 5269 antat sie ina brâhtun, thar he an is benkia sat, 5270 cuning Erodes: umbihuarf ina craft uuero, 5271 [uulanke uuîgandos]: uuas im uuilleo mikil, 5272 that [sie] thar [selƀon] Crist gisehan môstin: 5273 uuândun that he im sum têkan thar tôgean scoldi, 5274 mâri endi mahtig, sô he managun dede 5275 thurh is godcundi Iudeo *liudeon. 5276 Frâgoda ina thuo thie folccuning firiuuitlîco 5277 managon uuordon, uuolda is muodseƀon 5278 forð undarfindan, huat hie te frumu mohti 5279 mannon gimarcon. Than stuod mahtig Crist, 5280 thagoda endi tholoda: ne uuolda them thiedcuninge, 5281 Erodese ne is erlon antsuôr geƀan 5282 uuordo nigênon. Than stuod thiu uurêða thiod, 5283 Iudeo liudi endi thena godes suno 5284 uuurrun endi uuruogdun, anthat im uuarð thie uueroldcuning 5285 an is huge huoti endi all is heriscipi, 5286 farmuonstun ina an iro muode: ne antkendun maht godes, 5287 himiliscan hêrron, ac uuas im iro hugi thiustri, 5288 baluuues giblandan. Barn drohtines 5289 iro [uurêðun] uuerc, uuord endi dâdi 5290 thuru ômuodi all githoloda, 5291 sô huat sô sia im tionono [thuo] tuogian uuoldun. 5292 Sia hietun im thuo te hoske huît giuuâdi 5293 umbi is liði leggian, thiu mêr hie uurði them liudion thar, 5294 [iungron] te gamne. Iudeon faganodun, 5295 thuo sia ina te [hosce] hebbian gisâhun, 5296 erlos oƀarmuoda. Thuo senda ina eft thanan 5297 Erodes se cuning an that ôðer folc; 5298 [alêdian] hiet ina lungra mann, endi lastar sprâcun, 5299 [felgidun] im firinuuord, thar hie an feteron geng 5300 bihlagan mid hoscu: ni uuas im hugi tuîfli, 5301 neƀa hie it thuru ôdmuodi all githoloda; 5302 ne uuelda iro uƀilun uuord [iduglônon], 5303 hosc endi harmquidi. Thuo brâhtun sia ina eft an that hûs innan, 5304 an [thia] palencea uppan, thar Pilatus uuas 5305 an thero thingstedi. Thegnos agâƀun 5306 barno that besta [banon te] handon 5307 sundilôsian, sô hie selƀo gicôs: 5308 uuelda manno barn [morðes] atuomian, 5309 nerian af nôdi. Stuodun nîðhuata, 5310 Iudeon far them gastselie: habdun sia [gramono] barn, 5311 thia scola farscundid, that sia ne bescriƀun iouuiht 5312 grimmera dâdio. Thuo giuuêt im gangan tharod 5313 thegan kêsures uuið thia thiod sprecan, 5314 hard heritogo: ʽhuat, gi mi thesan haftan mannʼ, quathie, 5315 ʽan thesan seli sendun endi selƀon anbudun, 5316 that hie iuuues uuerodes sô filo auuerdit habdi, 5317 [farlêdid] mid is lêron. Nu ik mid theson liudon ni mag, 5318 findan mid thius folku, that hie is ferahes sî 5319 furi thesaro scolu sculdig. Scîn uuas that hiudu: 5320 Erodes mohta, thie iuuuan êo bican, 5321 iuuuaro liudo landreht, hie ni mahta is lîƀes gifrêson, 5322 that hie hier thuru êniga sundia te dage sueltan scoldi, 5323 lîf farlâtan. Nu uuilliu ik ina for theson liudion hier 5324 githrôon mid thingon, thrîstion uuordun, 5325 buotian im is briosthugi, lâtan ina brûcan forð 5326 ferahes [mid] firion.ʼ Folc Iudeono 5327 hreopun thuo alla samad hlûdero stemnu, 5328 hietun flîtlîco ferahes âhtian 5329 Crist mid qualmu endi an crûci slahan, 5330 uuêgian te uuundron: ʽhie mid is uuordon haƀit 5331 dôðes gisculdid: sagit that hie drohtin sî, 5332 gegnungo godes suno. That hie ageldan scal, 5333 inuuidsprâca, sô is an ûson êuue giscriƀan, 5334 that man sulica firinquidi ferahu côpo.ʼ 5335 Thuo uuarð thie an forahton, thie thes folkes giuueld, 5336 mikilon an is muode, thuo hie gihôrda thia man sprecan, 5337 that sia ina selƀon seggian gihôrdin, 5338 gehan fur them gumscipe, that hie uuâri godes suno. 5339 Thuo [huarf] im eft thie heritogo an that hûs innan 5340 te thero thingstedi, thrîstion uuordon 5341 gruotta thena godes suno endi frâgoda, huat hie gumono uuâri: 5342 ʽhuat bist thu manno?ʼ quathie. ʽTe huî thu mi sô thînan muod hilis, 5343 dernis diopgithâht? Uuêst thu that it all an mînon duome stêd 5344 umbi thînes lîƀes gilagu? Mi [thi] hebbiat thesa liudi fargeƀan, 5345 uuerod Iudeono, thak ik giuualdan muot 5346 sô thik te spildianne an speres orde, 5347 sô ti quellianne an crûcium, sô quican lâtan, 5348 sô hueðer sô mi selƀon suotera thunkit 5349 te gifrummianne mid mînu folcu.ʼ Thuo sprac eft that friðubarn godes: 5350 ʽuuêst thu that te uuâronʼ, quathie, ʽthat thu giuuald oƀar mik 5351 hebbian ni mohtis, ne uuâri that it thi hêlag god 5352 selƀo fargâƀi? Ôc hebbeat thia sundeono mêr, 5353 thia mik thi bifulhun thuru fîondscipi, 5354 gisaldun an sîmon haftan.ʼ Thuo uuelda ina [sîð] after thiu 5355 [gramhugdig] man gerno farlâtan, 5356 thegan kêsures, thar hie is haƀdi for thero thioda giuuald; 5357 ac sia uueridun im thena uuillion uuordu gihuilicu, 5358 kunni Iudeono: ʽne bist thuʼ, quâðun sia, ʽthes kêsures friund, 5359 thînon hêrren hold, ef thu ina hinan lâtis 5360 sîðon gisundon: that thi noh te soragan mag, 5361 uuerðan te uuîte, huand sô hue sô sulic uuord sprikit, 5362 ahaƀið ina sô hôho, quiðit that hie hebbian mugi 5363 cuningduomes namon, ne sî that ina im thie kêsur geƀe, 5364 hie uuirrid im is uueruldrîki endi is uuord farhugid, 5365 farman ina an is muode. Bethiu scalt thu sulic mên uurekan, 5366 [hoscuuord manag, ef thu umbi thînes hêrren ruokis], 5367 umbi thînes frôhon friundscipi, than scalt thu ina thiu ferhu beniman.ʼ 5368 Thuo gihôrda thie heritogo thia [hêri] Iuðeono 5369 [thrêgian] fan is thiodne; thuo hie [far] thero thingstedi geng 5370 selƀo gisittian, thar gisamnod [uuas] 5371 [sô mikil uuarf] uuerodes, hiet uualdand Crist 5372 lêdian for thia liudi. Langoda Iudeon, 5373 huan êr sia that hêlaga barn hangon gisâuuin, 5374 quelan an crûcie; sia quâðun that sia cuning ôðran 5375 ne haƀdin undar iro heriscipie, neƀan thena hêran kêsar 5376 fan Rûmuburg: ʽthie haƀit hier rîki oƀer ûs. 5377 Bethiu ni scalt thu thesan farlâtan; hie haƀit ûs sô filo lêðes gisprokan, 5378 farduan haƀit hie im mid is dâdion. Hie scal dôð tholon, 5379 uuîti endi uundarquâla.ʼ Uuerod Iudeono 5380 sô manag mislîc thing an mahtigna Crist 5381 sagdun te sundiun. Hie suîgondi stuod 5382 thuru ôðmuodi, ne antuuordida [niouuiht] 5383 uuið iro uurêðun uuord: uuolda thesa uuerold alla 5384 lôsian mid is lîƀu: bithiu liet hie ina thia lêðun thiod 5385 uuêgian te uundron, all sô iro uuillio geng: 5386 ni uuolda im opanlîco allon cûðian 5387 Iudeo liudeon, that hie uuas god selƀo; 5388 huand uuissin sia that te uuâron, that hie sulica giuuald haƀdi 5389 oƀar theson middilgard, than uurði im iro muodseƀo 5390 giblôðit an iro brioston: [than] ne gidorstin sia that barn godes 5391 handon anthrînan: [than] ni uuurði heƀanrîki, 5392 antlocan liohto mêst liudio barnon. 5393 Bethiu mêð hie is sô an is muode, ne lêt that manno folc 5394 uuitan, huat sia uuarahtun. Thiu uurd nâhida thuo, 5395 mâri maht godes endi middi dag, 5396 that sia thia ferahquâla frummian scoldun. 5397 Than lag thar ôc an bendion an thero burg innan 5398 ên ruof reginscaðo, thie habda under them rîke sô filo 5399 morðes girâdan endi manslahta gifrumid, 5400 uuas mâri meginthiof: ni uuas thar is gimaco huergin; 5401 uuas thar ôc bi [sînon] [sundion] giheftid, 5402 Barrabas uuas hie hêtan; hie after them burgion uuas 5403 thuru is mêndâdi manogon [gicûðid]. 5404 Than uuas landuuîsa liudio Iudeono, 5405 that sia iâro [gihuen] an godes minnia 5406 an them hêlagon dage ênna haftan mann 5407 abiddian scoldun, that im iro burges uuard, 5408 iro folctogo ferah fargâƀi. 5409 Thuo bigan thie heritogo thia hêri Iudeono, 5410 that folc frâgoian, thar sia im fora stuodun, 5411 hueðeron sia thero tueio tuomian uueldin, 5412 ferahes biddian: ʽthia hier an feteron sind 5413 haft undar theson heriscipie?ʼ Thiu hêri Iudeono 5414 habdun thuo thia aramun man alla gispanana, 5415 that sia themo landscaðen lîf abâdin, 5416 githingodin them thioƀe, thie oft an thiustria naht 5417 uuam giuuarahta, endi uualdand Crist 5418 quelidin an crûcie. Thuo uuarð that cûð oƀar all, 5419 [huô thiu thiod haƀda duomos adêlid. Thuo scoldun sia thia dâd frummian,] 5420 [hâhan] that hêlaga barn. That uuarð them heritogen 5421 sîðor te sorgon, that hie thia saca uuissa, 5422 that sia thuru nîðscipi neriendon Crist, 5423 hatoda thiu hêri, endi hie im hôrda te thiu, 5424 uuarahta iro uuillion: thes hie uuîti antfeng, 5425 lôn an theson liohte endi lang after, 5426 [uuôi sîðor] uuann, sîðor hie thesa uuerold agaf. 5427 Thuo uuarð thas thie uurêðo giuuaro, uuamscaðono mêst, 5428 Satanas selƀo, thuo thiu seola quam 5429 Iudases an grund grimmaro helliun - 5430 thuo uuissa hie te uuâren, that that uuas uualdand Crist, 5431 barn drohtines, that thar gibundan stuod; 5432 uuissa thuo te uuâron, that hie [uuelda] thesa uuerold alla 5433 mid is henginnia hellia githuinges, 5434 liudi alôsian an lioht godes. 5435 That uuas Satanase sêr an muode, 5436 tulgo harm an is hugie: uuelda is helpan thuo, 5437 that im liudio barn lîf ne binâmin, 5438 ne quelidin an crûcie, ac hie uuelda, that hie quic liƀdi, 5439 te thiu that [firiho] barn fernes ne uuurðin, 5440 sundiono sicura. [Satanas giuuêt im thuo,] 5441 thar thes heritogen hîuuiski uuas 5442 an thero burg innan. Hie thero is brûdi bigann, 5443 thera idis opanlîco unhiuri fîond 5444 uuunder tôgian, that sia an uuordhelpon 5445 Criste uuâri, that hie muosti [quic] libbian, 5446 drohtin manno - hie uuas iu than te dôðe giscerid - 5447 uuissa that te uuâron, that hie im scoldi thia giuuald biniman, 5448 that hie sia oƀar thesan middilgard sô mikila ni haƀdi, 5449 oƀar uuîda uuerold. That uuîf uuarð thuo an forahton, 5450 suîðo an sorogon, thuo iru thiu gisiuni quâmun 5451 thuru thes dernien [dâd] an dages liohte, 5452 an heliðhelme bihelid. Thuo siu te iru hêrren anbôd, 5453 that uuîf mid iro uuordon endi im te uuâren hiet 5454 selƀon seggian, huat iro thar te gisiunion quam 5455 thuru thena hêlagan mann, endi im helpan bad, 5456 formon is ferhe: ʽik hebbiu hier sô filo thuru ina 5457 seldlîkes giseuuan, sô ik uuêt, that thia sundiun sculun 5458 allaro erlo gihuem uƀilo githîhan, 5459 sô im fruocno tuo ferahes âhtið.ʼ 5460 Thie segg uuarð thuo an [sîðe], antat hie sittian fand 5461 thena heritogon an [huaraƀe] innan 5462 an them stênuuege, thar thiu strâta uuas 5463 felison gifuogid. Thar hie te is frôhon geng, 5464 sagda im thes uuîƀes uuord. Thuo uuarð im [uurêð] hugi, 5465 them heritogen, - huaraƀoda an innan -, 5466 giblôðit briostgithâht: uuas im bêðies uuê, 5467 gie that sea ina sluogin sundia lôsan, 5468 gie it bi them liudion thuo forlâtan ne gidorsta 5469 thuru thes uuerodes uuord. Uuarð im giuuendid thuo 5470 hugi an herten after thero hêri Iudeono, 5471 te uuerkeanne iro uuillion: ne uuardoda im nieuuiht 5472 thia suârun sundiun, thia hie im thar thuo selƀo gideda. 5473 Hiet im thuo te is handon dragan hluttran brunnion, 5474 uuatar an [uuêgie], thar hie furi them uuerode sat, 5475 thuôg ina thar for thero thioda thegan kêsures, 5476 hard heritogo endi thuo fur thero hêri sprac, 5477 quað that hie ina thero sundiono thar sicoran dâdi, 5478 uurêðero uuerco: ʽne uuilliu ik thes uuihtes pleganʼ, quathie, 5479 ʽumbi thesan hêlagan mann, ac [hleotad] gi thes alles, 5480 gie uuordo gie uuerco, thes gi im hêr te uuîtie giduan.ʼ 5481 Thuo hreop all saman heriscipi Iudeono, 5482 thiu mikila menigi, quâðun that sia uueldin umbi thena man plegan 5483 deraƀoro dâdio: ʽfare is drôr oƀar ûs, 5484 is bluod endi is baneði endi oƀar ûsa barn sô samo, 5485 oƀar ûsa aƀaron thar after - uui [uuilliat] is alles pleganʼ, quaðun sia, 5486 ʽumbi thena slegi selƀon, - ef uui thar êniga sundia giduan!ʼ 5487 Ageƀan uuarð thar thuo furi them Iudeon allaro gumono besta 5488 hettendion an hand, an herubendion 5489 [narauuo] ginôdid, thar ina nîðhuata, 5490 fîond antfengun: folc ina [umbihuarf], 5491 mênscaðono megin. Mahtig drohtin 5492 tholoda githuldion, sô huat sô im thiu thioda deda. 5493 Sia hietun ina thuo fillian, êr than sia im ferahes tuo, 5494 aldres âhtin, endi im undar is ôgun spiuuun, 5495 [dedun] im that te hoske, that sia mid iro handon slôgun, 5496 uueros an is uuangun endi im is giuuâdi binâmun, 5497 rôƀodun ina thia [reginscaðon], rôdes lacanes 5498 dedun im eft ôðer an thuru unhuldi; 5499 hietun thuo hôƀidband hardaro thorno 5500 [uuundron] uuindan endi an uualdand Crist 5501 selƀon settean, endi gengun im thia gisîðos tuo, 5502 queddun ina an cuninguuîsu endi thar an knio fellun, 5503 hnigun im mid iro hôƀdu: all uuas im that te hoske giduan, 5504 thoh hie it all githolodi, thiodo drohtin, 5505 [mahtig] thuru thia minnia manno cunnies. 5506 Hietun sia thuo uuirkian uuâpnes eggion 5507 heliðos mid iro handon hardes [bômes 5508 craftiga] crûci endi hietun sia Cristan thuo, 5509 sâlig barn godes selƀon fuorian, 5510 dragan hietun sia ûsan drohtin, thar hie [bedrôragad scolda] 5511 sueltan sundiono lôs. Sîðodun Iudeon, 5512 uueros an uuillon, lêddun uualdand Crist, 5513 drohtin te dôðe. Thar mohta man thuo dereƀi thing 5514 harmlîc gihôrian: hioƀandi thar after 5515 gengun uuîf mid uuôpu, uueros [gnornodun,] 5516 thia fan Galilea mid im gangan quâmun, 5517 folgodun oƀar ferruuegos: uuas im iro frôhon dôð 5518 suîðo an soragan. Thuo hie selƀo sprak, 5519 barno that besta endi under bac besah, 5520 hiet that sia ni uuêpin: ʽni tharf iu uuiht treganʼ, quathie, 5521 ʽmînero hinferdio, ac gi mid hofnu mugun 5522 iuuua uurêðan uuerc uuôpu cûmian, 5523 tornon trahnon. Noh uuirðið thiu tîd cuman, 5524 that thia [muoder thes] mendendia sind, 5525 brûdi Iudeono, them gio barn ni uuarð 5526 ôdan an aldre. Than gi iuuua inuuid sculun 5527 grimmo angeldan; than gi sô gerna sind, 5528 that iu hier bihlîdan hôha bergos, 5529 diopo bedelƀan; dôð uuâri iu than allon 5530 lioƀera an theson lande than sulic liudio [qualm] 5531 te githolianne, sô hier than thesaro thioda cumid.ʼ 5532 Thuo sia thar an griete galgon rihtun, 5533 an them felde [uppan] folc Iudeono, 5534 bôm an berege, endi thar an that barn godes 5535 quelidun an crûcie: slôgun cald îsarn, 5536 niuua naglos nîðon scarpa 5537 hardo mid hamuron thuru is hendi endi [thuru is] fuoti, 5538 bittra bendi: is blôd ran an erða, 5539 drôr fan ûson drohtine. Hie ni uuelda thoh thia dâd uurecan 5540 grimma an them Iudeon, ac hie [thes] god fader 5541 mahtigna bad, that hie ni uuâri them manno folke, 5542 them uuerode thiu [uurêðra]: ʽhuand sia ni uuitun, huat sia [duot]ʼ, quathie. 5543 Thuo thia uuîgandos giuuâdi Cristes, 5544 [drohtines] dêldun, dereƀia [mann], 5545 thes rîken girôbi. Thia rincos ni mahtun 5546 umbi [thena selƀon] . . . samuuurdi [gisprecan], 5547 êr sia an iro [huaraƀe] hlôtos uuurpun, 5548 huilic iro scoldi hebbian thia hêlagun pêda, 5549 allaro giuuâdio uunsamost. Thes [uuerodes] hirdi 5550 hiet thuo, the heritogo, oƀar them [hôƀde selƀes] 5551 [Cristes an] crûce scrîƀan, that that uuâri cuning Iudeono, 5552 Iesus fan Nazarethburh, thie thar neglid stuod 5553 an niuuon galgon thuru nîðscipi, 5554 an bômin treo. Thuo bâdun thia liudi 5555 that uuord uuendian, quâðun that hie im sô an is uuilleon sprâki, 5556 selƀo sagdi, that hie habdi thes gisîðes giuuald, 5557 cuning uuâri oƀar Iudeon. Thuo sprac eft thie kêsures bodo, 5558 hard heritogo: ʽit ist iu sô oƀar is hôƀde giscriƀan, 5559 uuîslîco giuuritan, sô ik it nu uuendian ni mag.ʼ 5560 Dâdun thuo thar te uuîtie [uuerod] Iudeono 5561 tuêna fartalda man an tuâ halƀa 5562 Cristes an crûci: lietun sia [qualm] tholon 5563 an them [uuaragtreuue] uuerco te lône, 5564 lêðaro dâdio. Thia liudi sprâcun 5565 hoscuuord manag hêlagon Criste, 5566 grottun ina mid gelpu: sâuuun allaro gumono then beston 5567 quelan an themo crûcie: ʽef thu sîs cuning oƀar allʼ, quâðun sia, 5568 ʽsuno drohtines, sô thu haƀis selƀo [gisprocan], 5569 neri thik fan thero nôdi endi nîðes atuomi, 5570 gang thi hêl herod; than uuelliat an thik heliðo barn, 5571 thesa liudi gilôƀian.ʼ Sum imo ôk lastar sprac 5572 suîðo gêlhert Iudeo, thar hie fur them galgon stuod: 5573 ʽuuah uuarð thesaro uueroldiʼ, quathie, ʽef thu iro scoldis giuuald êgan. 5574 Thu sagdas that thu mahtis an ênon dage all teuuerpan 5575 that hôha hûs heƀancuninges, 5576 stênuuerco mêst endi eft standan giduon 5577 an thriddion dage, sô is elcor ni thorfti bithîhan mann 5578 theses folkes furðor. Sînu huô thu nu gifastnod stês, 5579 suîðo gisêrid: ni maht thi selƀon uuiht 5580 balouues gibuotian.ʼ Thuo thar ôc an them bendion sprac 5581 thero theoƀo ôðer, all sô hie thia thioda gihôrda, 5582 uurêðon uuordon - ne uuas is uuillio guod, 5583 thes thegnes githâht -: ʽef thu sîs thiodcuningʼ, quathie, 5584 ʽCrist, godes suno, gang thi [than] fan them crûce niðer, 5585 slôpi thi fan them sîmon endi ûs samad allon 5586 hilp endi hêli. Ef thu sîs heƀancuning, 5587 uualdand thesaro uueroldes, giduo it than an thînon uuercon scîn, 5588 mâri thik fur thesaro menigi.ʼ Thuo sprac thero manno ôðer 5589 an thero henginna, thar hie giheftid stuod, 5590 uuan uuunderquâla: ʽbehuî uuilt thu sulic uuord sprecan, 5591 gruotis ina mid gelpu? stês thi hier an galgen haft, 5592 [gibrôcan] an bôme. Uuit hier bêðia tholod 5593 sêr thuru unca sundiun: is unc unkero selƀero dâd 5594 uuorðan te uuîtie. Hie stêd hier uuammes lôs, 5595 allaro sundiono sicur, sô hie selƀo gio 5596 firina ni gifrumida, botan that hie thuru theses folkes nið 5597 uuillendi an thesaro uueruldi uuîti antfâhid. 5598 Ik uuilliu thar gilôƀian tuoʼ, quathie, ʽendi uuilliu thena landes uuard, 5599 thena godes suno gerno biddian, 5600 that thu mîn gihuggies endi an helpun sîs, 5601 râdendero best, than thu an thîn rîki cumis: 5602 uues mi than ginâðig.ʼ Thuo sprak im eft neriendo Crist 5603 uuordon tegegnes: ʽik seggiu thi te uuâron hierʼ, quathie, 5604 ʽ[that thu noh hiudu môst an himilrîke] 5605 [mid mi samad sehan lioht godes,] 5606 an themo paradyse, thoh thu nu an sulicoro pînu sîs.ʼ 5607 Than stuod thar ôc Maria, muoder Cristes, 5608 blêc under them bôme, gisah iro barn tholon, 5609 uuinnan uuunderquâla. Ôc uuârun thar uuîf mid iro 5610 an sô mahtiges minnia cumana - 5611 than stuod thar ôc Iohannes, iungro Cristes, 5612 hriuui undar is hêrren, uuas im is hugi sêrag - 5613 [drûƀodun fur] them dôðe. Thar sprac drohtin Crist 5614 mahtig te thero muoder: ʽnu ik thi hier mînemo scal 5615 iungron befelhan, them thi hier geginuuard stêd: 5616 [uuis] thi an is gisîðie samad: thu scalt ina furi suno hebbian.ʼ 5617 Grôtta hie thuo Iohannes, [hiet] that hie iru fulgengi [uuel], 5618 minniodi sia sô [mildo], sô man is muoder scal, 5619 idis unuuamma. Thuo hie sia an is êra antfeng 5620 thuru hluttran hugi, sô im is hêrro gibôd. 5621 Thuo uuarð thar an middian dag [mahtig] têcan, 5622 uuundarlîc giuuaraht oƀar [thesan] uuerold [allan,] 5623 thuo man thena godes suno an thena galgon huof, 5624 Crist an that crûci: thuo uuarð it cûð oƀar all, 5625 huô thiu sunna uuarð gisuorkan: ni mahta suigli lioht 5626 scôni giscînan, ac [sia] scado farfeng, 5627 thimm endi thiustri endi [sô githrusmod neƀal]. 5628 [Uuarð] allaro dago druoƀost, duncar suîðo 5629 oƀar [thesan] uuîdun uueruld, sô lango sô uualdand Crist 5630 qual an themo crûcie, cuningo rîkost, 5631 ant nuon dages. Thuo thie neƀal tiscrêd, 5632 that gisuerc uuarð thuo tesuungan, bigan sunnun lioht 5633 hêdron an himile. Thuo hreop [up] te gode 5634 allaro cuningo craftigost, thuo hie an themo crûcie stuod 5635 faðmon gifastnot: ʽfader alomahtigʼ, quathie, 5636 ʽte huî thu mik sô farlieti, lieƀo drohtin, 5637 hêlag heƀancuning, endi thîna helpa dedos, 5638 fullisti sô ferr? Ik [standu] under theson fîondon hier 5639 [uundron] giuuêgid.ʼ Uerod Iudeono 5640 hlôgun is im thuo te hosce: gihôrdun thena hêlagun Crist, 5641 drohtin furi them dôđe drincan biddian, 5642 quað that ina thurstidi. Thiu thioda ne latta, 5643 uurêða uuiðarsacon: uuas im uuilleo mikil, 5644 huat sia im bittres [tuo] bringan mahtin. 5645 Habdun im unsuôti ecid endi galla 5646 gimengid thia mênhuaton; stuod [ên] mann garo, 5647 suîðo sculdig scaðo, thena habdun sia giscerid te thiu, 5648 farspanan mid sprâcon, that hie sia en êna spunsia nam, 5649 lîðo thes lêðosten, druog it an [ênon] langan scafte, 5650 gibundan an ênon bôme endi deda it them barne godes, 5651 mahtigon te mûðe. Hie ankenda iro mirkiun dâdi, 5652 gifuolda iro fêgnes: furðor [ni uuelda 5653 is sô] bittres anbîtan, ac hreop that barn godes 5654 hlûdo te them himiliscon fader: ʽik an thina hendi [befilhuʼ,] quathie, 5655 ʽmînon gêst an godes uuillion; hie ist nu garo te thiu, 5656 fûs te faranne.ʼ [Firiho] drohtin 5657 gihnêgida thuo is hôƀid, hêlagon âðom 5658 liet fan themo lîkhamen. Sô thuo thie landes uuard 5659 sualt an them sîmon, sô uuarð sân after thiu 5660 uundartêcan giuuaraht, [that] thar uualdandes dôđ 5661 [unqueðandes] sô filo antkennian scolda, 5662 [thiadnes] êndagon: erða biƀoda, 5663 hrisidun thia hôhun bergos, harda stênos cluƀun, 5664 felisos after them felde, endi that [fêha lacan] tebrast 5665 an middion an tuê, that êr managan dag 5666 an themo uuîhe innan uuundron gistriunid 5667 hêl hangoda - ni muostun heliðo barn, 5668 thia liudi scauuon, huat under themo lacane uuas 5669 hêlages behangan: thuo mohtun an that horð sehan 5670 Iudeo liudi - graƀu uuurðun giopanod 5671 dôdero manno, endi sia thuru drohtines craft 5672 an iro lîchamon libbiandi astuodun 5673 [up] fan erðu endi uurðun giôgida thar 5674 mannon te mârðu. That uuas sô mahtig thing, 5675 that thar [Cristes] dôð antkennian scoldun, 5676 sô filo thes gifuolian, [thie] gio mid firihon ne sprac 5677 uuord an thesaro uueroldi. Uuerod Iudeono 5678 sâuuun seldlîc thing, ac uuas im iro slîði hugi 5679 sô farhardod an iro herten, that thar io sô hêlag ni uuarð 5680 têcan gitôgid, that sia trûodin thiu bat 5681 an thia Cristes craft, that hie cuning oƀar all, 5682 thes uuerodes uuâri. Suma sia thar mid iro uuordon gisprâcun, 5683 thia thes hrêuues thar huodian scoldun, 5684 that that uuâri te uuâren uualdandes suno, 5685 godes gegnungo, that thar an them galgon sualt, 5686 barno that besta. Slôgun an iro briost filo 5687 uuôpiandero uuîƀo: uuas im thiu uuunderquâla 5688 harm an iro herten endi iro hêrren dôð 5689 suîðo an sorogon. Than uuas sido Iudeono, 5690 that sia thia [haftun thuru thena hêlagon dag] hangon ni [lietin] 5691 lengerun huîla, [than] im that lîf scriði, 5692 thiu seola besunki: slîðmuoda mann 5693 gengun im mid nîðscipiu nâhor, thar [sô beneglida stuodun 5694 theoƀos] tuêna, tholodun bêðia 5695 quâla bi Criste: uuârun im quica noh than, 5696 untthat sia thia grimmun Iudeo liudi 5697 bênon bebrâcon, that sia bêðia samad 5698 lîf [farlietun,] suohtun im lioht ôðer. 5699 Sia ni thorftun drohtin Crist dôðes bêdian 5700 furðor mid ênigon firinon: fundun ina gifaranan thuo iu: 5701 is seola uuas gisendid an suoðan uueg, 5702 an langsam lioht, is liði cuolodun, 5703 that [ferah] uuas af them [flêske.] Thuo geng im ên thero fîondo tuo 5704 an nîðhugi, druog negilid sper 5705 hard an is handon, mid heruthrummeon stac, 5706 liet uuâpnes ord [uuundum] snîðan, 5707 that an selƀes uuarð sîdu Cristes 5708 antlocan is lîchamo. Thia liudi gisâuun, 5709 that thanan bluod endi uuater bêðiu sprungun, 5710 uuellun fan thero uuundun, all sô is uuillio geng 5711 endi hie habda [gimarcod êr] manno cunnie, 5712 firiho barnon te frumu: thuo uuas it all gifullid sô. 5713 Sô thuo gisêgid uuarð seðle nâhor 5714 hêdra sunna mid heƀantunglon 5715 an them druoƀen dage, thuo geng im ûses drohtines thegan 5716 - uuas im glau gumo, iungro Cristes 5717 managa huîla, sô it thar manno filo 5718 ne uuissa te uuâron, huand hie it mid is uuordon hal 5719 [Iuđeono] gumscipie: Ioseph uuas hie hêtan, 5720 darnungo uuas hie ûses drohtines iungro: hie ni uuelda thero farduanun thiod 5721 [folgon] te ênigon firinuuercon, ac hie bêd im under them folke Iudeono, 5722 hêlag himilo rîkies - hie geng im thuo uuið thena heritogon mahlian, 5723 thingon uuið thena thegan kêsures, thigida ina gerno, 5724 that hie muosti alôsian thena lîkhamon 5725 Cristes fan themo crûcie, thie thar giquelmid stuod, 5726 thes guoden fan them galgen endi an graf leggian, 5727 foldu bifelahan. Im ni uuelda thie folctogo thuo 5728 uuernian thes uuillien, ac im giuuald fargaf, 5729 that hie sô muosti gifrummian. Hie giuuêt im thuo forð thanan 5730 gangan te them galgon, thar hie [uuissa that godes barn,] 5731 hrêo hangondi hêrren sînes, 5732 nam ina thuo [an] thero niuuun ruodun endi ina fan naglon atuomda, 5733 antfeng ina mid is faðmon, sô man is frôhon scal, 5734 lioƀes lîchamon, endi ina an lîne biuuand, 5735 druog ina diurlîco - sô uuas thie drohtin uuerð -, 5736 thar sia thia stedi haƀdun an ênon stêne innan 5737 handon gihauuuan, thar gio heliðo barn 5738 gumon ne bigruoƀon. Thar sia [that godes barn] 5739 te iro landuuîsu, lîco hêlgost 5740 foldu bifulhun endi mid ênu felisu belucun 5741 allaro graƀo guodlîcost. Griotandi sâtun 5742 idisi [armscapana], thia that all forsâuun, 5743 thes gumen grimman dôð. Giuuitun [im] thuo gangan thanan 5744 uuôpiandi uuîf endi uuara nâmun, 5745 [huô sia eft te them graƀe] gangan mahtin: 5746 haƀdun im farseuuana [soroga] ginuogia, 5747 mikila muodkara: Maria uuârun sia hêtana, 5748 idisi armscapana. Thuo uuarð âƀand cuman, 5749 naht mid neflu. Niðfolc [Iudeono] 5750 [uuarð] an moragan eft, menigi gisamnod, 5751 rekidun an rûnon: ʽhuat, thu uuêst, huô thit rîki uuas 5752 thuru thesan ênan man all gituîflid, 5753 uuerod giuuorran: nu ligid hie uuundon siok, 5754 diopa bidolƀan. Hie sagda [simnen], [that hie scoldi fan dôðe astandan] 5755 [an thriddian dage.] Thius thiod gilôƀit te filo, 5756 thit uuerod after is uuordon. Nu thu hier uuardon hêt, 5757 oƀar them graƀe gômian, that ina is iungron thar 5758 ne farstelan an themo stêne endi seggian than, that hie astandan sî, 5759 rîki fan raston: than uuirðit thit rinco folc 5760 mêr gimerrid, ef [sia it biginnat] mârian hier.ʼ 5761 Thuo uuurðun thar giscerida fan thero scolu Iudeono 5762 uueros te thero uuahtu: giuuitun im mid iro giuuâpnion tharod 5763 te them graƀe gangan, thar sia scoldun thes godes barnes 5764 hrêuues huodian. Uuarð thie [hêlago] dag 5765 Iudeono fargangan. Sia oƀar themo graƀe sâtun, 5766 uueros an thero uuahtun [uuannom] nahton, 5767 bidun undar iro bordon, huan êr thie berehto dag 5768 oƀar middilgard mannon quâmi, 5769 liudon te liohte. Thuo ni uuas lang te thiu, 5770 that thar uuarð thie gêst cuman be godes crafte, 5771 hâlag âðom undar thena hardon stên 5772 an [thena] lîchamon. Lioht uuas thuo giopanod 5773 [firiho] barnon te frumu: uuas fercal manag 5774 antheftid fan [helldoron] endi te himile uueg 5775 giuuaraht fan thesaro uueroldi. Uuânom [up] astuod 5776 friðubarn godes, fuor im thuo thar hie uuelda, 5777 sô thia uuardos thes uuiht ni afsuoƀun, 5778 [derƀia] liudi, huan hie fan them dôðe astuod, 5779 arês fan thero rastun. Rincos sâtun 5780 umbi that graf ûtan, Iudeo liudi, 5781 scola mid iro scildion. Scrêd forðuuardes 5782 suigli sunnun [lioht.] Sîðodun idisi 5783 te them graƀe gangan, gumcunnies uuîf, 5784 Mariun munilîca: habdun mêðmo filo 5785 gisald uuiðer [salƀum,] siluƀres endi goldes, 5786 uuerðes uuiðer uuurtion, sô sia mahtun auuinnan mêst, 5787 that sia thena lîchamon lioƀes hêrren, 5788 suno drohtines, salƀon muostin, 5789 [uuundun uuritanan.] Thiu uuîf soragodun 5790 an iro seƀon suîðo, endi suma sprâcun, 5791 huie im thena grôtan stên fan themo graƀe scoldi 5792 gihuereƀian an halƀa, the sia oƀar that hrêo sâuuun 5793 thia liudi leggian, thuo sia thena lîchamon thar 5794 befulhun an themo felise. Sô thiu frî haƀdun 5795 gegangan te them gardon, that sia te them graƀe mahtun 5796 gisehan selƀon, thuo thar suôgan quam 5797 engil thes alouualdon oƀana fan radure, 5798 faran an feðerhamon, that all thiu folda [an scian,] 5799 thiu erða dunida endi thia erlos uuurðun 5800 an uuêkan hugie, uuardos Iuðeono, 5801 bifellun bi them forahton: ne uuândun ira [ferah] êgan, 5802 lîf langerun huîl. 5802 Lâgun [tha] uuardos, 5803 thia gisîðos sâmquica: sân [up] ahlêd 5804 thie grôto stên fan them graƀe, sô ina thie godes engil 5805 gihueriƀida an halƀa, endi im uppan them [hlêuue] gisat 5806 diurlîc drohtines bodo. Hie uuas an is dâdion gelîc, 5807 an is ansiunion, sô huem sô ina [muosta] undar is ôgon scauuon, 5808 sô [bereht] endi sô blîði all sô [blicsmun] lioht; 5809 uuas im is giuuâdi [uuintarcaldon] 5810 [snêuue gilîcost. Thuo sâuun sia ina sittian thar,] 5811 thiu uuîf uppan them giuuendidan stêne, endi im fan them uulitie [quâmun,] 5812 them idison sulica egison [tegegnes: all uuurðun fan them grurie 5813 thiu frî an forahton mikilon,] furðor ne gidorstun 5814 [te themo graƀe gangan, êr sia thie godes engil], 5815 [uualdandes] bodo uuordon gruotta, 5816 quað that hie iro ârundi all bicunsti, 5817 uuerc endi uuillion endi thero uuîƀo hugi, 5818 hiet that sia im ne andrêdin: ʽik uuêt that gi iuuuan drohtin suokat, 5819 neriendon Crist fan Nazarethburg, 5820 thena thi hier quelidun endi an crûci slôgun 5821 Iudeo liudi endi an graf lagdun 5822 [sundilôsian]. Nu nist hie selƀo hier, 5823 ac hie ist astandan iu, endi sind thesa stedi lârea, 5824 thit graf an theson griote. Nu mugun gi gangan herod 5825 nâhor mikilu - ik uuêt that is iu ist niud sehan 5826 an theson stêne innan -: hier sind noh thia stedi scîna, 5827 thar is lîchamo lag.ʼ Lungra fengun 5828 gibada an iro brioston blêca idisi, 5829 uulitiscôni uuîf: uuas im uuilspell mikil 5830 te gihôrianne, that im fan iro [hêrren] sagda 5831 engil thes alouualden. Hiet sia eft thanan 5832 fan them graƀe gangan endi faran te them iungron Cristes, 5833 seggian them is gisîðon suoðon uuordon, 5834 that iro drohtin uuas fan dôðe astandan. 5835 Hiet ôc an sundron Sîmon Petruse 5836 uuillspell mikil uuordon cûðian, 5837 cumi drohtines, gie that Crist [selƀo] 5838 [uuas an] Galileo land, ʽthar ina eft is iungron sculun, 5839 gisehan is [gisîðos], sô hie im êr selƀo gisprac 5840 uuâron uuordon.ʼ Reht sô thuo thiu uuîf thanan 5841 gangan uueldun, sô stuodun im tegegnes thar 5842 engilos tuêna an alahuîton 5843 uuânamon giuuâdion endi sprâcun [im] mid iro uuordon tuo 5844 hêlaglîco: hugi uuarð giblôðid 5845 then idison an egison: ne mahtun an thia engilos godes 5846 bi themo uulite scauuon: uuas im thiu uuânami te strang, 5847 te suîði te sehanne. Thuo sprâcun im sân angegin 5848 uualdandes bodun endi thiu uuîf frâgodun, 5849 te huî sia Cristan tharod quican mid dôdon, 5850 suno drohtines suokian quâmin 5851 ferahes fullan; ʽnu gi ina ni findat hier 5852 an theson stêngraƀe, ac hie ist astandan [nu] 5853 an is lîchamen: thes gi gilôƀian sculun 5854 endi gihuggian thero uuordo, the hie iu te uuâron oft 5855 selƀo sagda, [than] hie an iuuuon gisîðe uuas 5856 an [Galilealande,] huô hie scoldi gigeƀan uuerðan, 5857 gisald selƀo an sundigaro manno, 5858 [hettiandero] hand, hêlag drohtin, 5859 that sia ina quelidin endi an crûci [slôgin,] 5860 dôdan gidâdin endi that hie scoldi thuru drohtines craft 5861 an thriddion dage thioda te uuillion 5862 libbiandi astandan. Nu haƀit hie all gilêstid sô, 5863 gifrumid mid firihon: îliat gi nu forð hinan, 5864 gangat gâhlîco endi duot it them is iungron cûð. 5865 Hie haƀit sia iu furfarana endi ist im forð hinan 5866 an Galileo land, thar ina eft is iungron sculun, 5867 gisehan is gisîðos.ʼ Thuo uuarð [sân] after thiu 5868 them uuiƀon an uuillon, that sia gihôrdun sulic uuord sprecan, 5869 cûðian thia craft godes - uuârun im sô acumana thuo noh 5870 gie sô forahta gefrumida -: giuuitun im forð thanan 5871 fan them graƀe gangan endi sagdun them iungron Cristes 5872 [seldlîc] gisiuni, thar sia sorogondi 5873 bidun sulikero buota. Thuo uuurðun ôc an thia burg [cumana] 5874 Iudeono uuardos, thia oƀar themo graƀe sâtun 5875 alla [langa] naht endi thes lîchamen thar, 5876 huodun [thes] hrêuues. Sia sagdun thero hêri Iudeono, 5877 huilica im thar anduuarda egison quâmun, 5878 seldlîc gisiuni, sagdun mid uuordon, 5879 al sô it giduan uuas an thero drohtines craft, 5880 ni miðun an iro muode. Thuo budun im mêðmo filo 5881 Iudeo liudi, gold endi siluƀar, 5882 saldun im sinc manag, [te thiu that] sia it ni sagdin forð, 5883 ne mâridin thero menigi: ʽac queðat that iu môði hugi 5884 ansueƀidi mid slâpu endi that thar quâmin [is] gisîðos tuo, 5885 farstâlin ina an them stêne. Simnen uuesat gi an strîde mid thiu, 5886 forð an flîte: ef it uuirðit them folctogen cûð, 5887 uui gihelpat iu uuið thena [hêrosten,] that hie iu harmes uuiht, 5888 lêðes ni gilêstid.ʼ Thuo nâmun sia an them liudon filo 5889 [diurero mêðmo,] dâdun all sô sia bigunnun 5890 - ne giuueldun iro uuillion - [dâdun sô uuîdo] cûð 5891 them liudon after them lande, that sia sulica lugina uuoldun 5892 ahebbian be than hêlagan drohtin. [Than] uuas eft gihêlid [hugi] 5893 iungron Cristes, thuo sia [gihôrdun] thiu guodun uuîf 5894 mârian [thia] maht godes; thuo uuârun sia an iro muode frâha, 5895 gie im te them graƀe bêðia, Iohannes endi Petrus 5896 [runnun] oƀastlîco: uuarð êr [cuman] 5897 Iohannes thie guodo, endi im oƀar them graƀe gistuod, 5898 antat thar sân after quam Sîmon Petrus, 5899 erl ellanruof endi im thar in giuuêt 5900 an that graf gangan: gisah thar thes godes barnes, 5901 hrêogiuuâdi hêrren sînes 5902 lînin liggian, mid thiu uuas êr thie lîchamo 5903 fagaro bifangan; lag thie fano sundar, 5904 mit them uuas that hôƀid bihelid hêlages Cristes, 5905 rîkies drohtines, [than] hie an thesaro rastu uuas. 5906 Thuo geng im ôc Iohannes an that graf innan 5907 sehan seldlîc thing; uuarð im sân after thiu 5908 antlocan is gilôƀo, [that hie uuissa,] that scolda eft an thit lioht cuman 5909 is drohtin diurlîco, fan dôðe astandan 5910 [up] fan erðu. Thuo giuuitun im eft thanan 5911 Iohannes endi Petrus, endi quâmun thia iungron Cristes, 5912 thia gisîðos tesamne. Than stuod sêragmuod 5913 ên thera idiso ôðersîðu 5914 griotandi oƀar them graƀe, uuas iro [iâmar muod -] 5915 Maria uuas that Magdalena -, uuas iro muodgithâht, 5916 [seƀo] mit [sorogon] giblandan, ne uuissa huarod siu sôkian scolda 5917 thena hêrron, thar iro uuârun at thia helpa gilanga. Siu ni mohta thuo hofnu auuîsan, 5918 that uuîf ni mahta uuôp forlâtan: ne uuissa huarod siu sia uuendian scolda; 5919 gimerrid uuârun iro thes muodgithâhti. Thuo gisah siu thena [mahtigan thar] 5920 [Criste standan, thuoh siu ina cûðlîco] 5920b [antkennian ni mohti,] êr than hie ina cûðian uuelda, 5921 seggian that hie it selƀo uuâri. Hie frâgoda huat siu sô sêro biuuiepi, 5922 sô harmo mid hêton trahnin. Siu quađ, that siu umbi iro hêrron ni [uuissi] 5923 te uuâren, huarod hie uuerðan scoldi: ʽef thu ina mi giuuîsan mohtis, 5924 frô mîn, ef ik thik frâgon gidorsti, ef thu ina hier an theson felise ginâmis, 5925 uuîsi ina mi mid uuordon thînon: than uuâri mi allaro uuilliono mêsta, 5926 that ik ina selƀo gisâhi.ʼ Sia ni uuissa, [that] sia thie suno drohtines 5927 gruotta mid gôdaro sprâcun: siu uuânda that it thie gardari uuâri, 5928 hofuuard hêrren sînes. Thuo gruotta sia thie hêlago drohtin, 5929 bi namen neriendero best: siu geng im thuo nâhor sniumo, 5930 that uuîf mid uuillion guodan, antkenda iro uualdand selƀan, 5931 [mîðan] siu is thuru thia minnia ni uuissa: uuelda ina mid iro [mundon] grîpan, 5932 [thiu fêhmia] an thena folko drohtin, noƀan that iro friðubarn godes 5933 uuerida mid uuordon sînon, quað that siu ina mid uuihti ni môsti 5934 handon anthrînan: ʽik ni stêg nohʼ, quathie, ʽte them himiliscon fader; 5935 ac îli thu nu ofstlîco endi them erlon cûði, 5936 bruoðron mînon, that ik ûser bêðero fader, 5937 [alauualdan] iuuuan endi mînan, 5938 suoðfastan god suokean uuilliu.ʼ 5939 That uuîf uuarð thuo an uuunnon, that siu muosta sulican uuillion cûðian, 5940 seggian fan im gisundon: uuarð sân garo 5941 thiu idis an that ârundi endi them erlon brâhta, 5942 uuillspel uueron, that siu [uualdand] Crist 5943 gisundan gisâuui, endi sagda huô [he] iru selƀo gibôd 5944 torohtero têcno. Sia ni uueldun gitrûoian thuo noh 5945 thes uuîbes uuordon, that siu sulic uuillspel brâhte 5946 gegnungo fan themo godes [suno], ac sia sâtun im iâmormuoda, 5947 heliðos [hriuuonda.] Thuo uuarð thie hêlago Crist 5948 eft opanlîco ôðersîðu, 5949 drohtin gitôgid, sîðor hie fan dôđe astuod, 5950 than uuîƀon an uuillion, that hie im thar an uuege muotta. 5951 Quedda sia cûðlîco, endi sia te is kneohon hnigun, 5952 fellun im tô fuoton. Hie hêt that sia forahtan hugi 5953 ne bârin an iro brioston: ʽac gi mînon bruoðron sculun 5954 thesa quidi cûðian, that sia cuman after mi 5955 an Galileo land; thar ik im eft tegegnes biun.ʼ 5956 Than fuorun im ôk fan Hierusalem thero iungrono tuêna 5957 an them selƀon daga sân [an] morgan, 5958 erlos an iro ârundi: uueldun im te Emaus 5959 that castel suocan. Thuo bigunnun im quidi managa 5960 under them uueron uuahsan, thar sia after them uuege fuorun, 5961 them heliðon umbi iro hêrron. Thuo quam im thar thie hêlago tuo 5962 gangandi godes suno. Sia ni mahtun ina garolîco 5963 antkennan craftigna: hie ni uuelda ina thuo noh cûðian te im; 5964 uuas im [thoh] an iro gisîðie samad endi frâgoda, umbi huilica sia saca sprâkin: 5965 ʽhuî gangat gi sô gornondia?ʼ quathie. ʽIst inc iâmer hugi, 5966 seƀo soragono full.ʼ Sia sprâcun im sân angegin, 5967 thia erlos anduurdi: ʽte huî thu thes [êscos sô]ʼ, quâðun sia; 5968 ʽbist thi fan Hierusalem Iudeono folcas 5969 [hêlagumu gêste fan heƀenuuange,] 5970 [mid them grôtun godes craft.ʼ] Nam is iungaron thô, 5971 erlos gôde, lêdda sie ût thanan, 5972 antat he sie brâhte an Bethania; 5973 thar hôf he is hendi up endi hêlegoda sie alle, 5974 uuîhida sie mid is uuordun. Giuuêt imo up thanan, 5975 sôhta imo that hôha himilo rîki endi thena is hêlagon stôl: 5976 sitit imo [thar] an thea suîðron half godes, 5977 alomahtiges fader endi thanan all gesihit 5978 uualdandeo Crist, sô huat sô thius uuerold behaƀet. 5979 Thô an theru selƀon stedi gesîðos gôde 5980 te bedu fellun endi im eft te burg thanan 5981 thar te Hierusalem iungaron Cristes 5982 fôrun faganondi: uuas im frâhmod hugi, 5983 uuârun im thar at themu uuîhe. Uualdandes craft