
Shake Well Before

Score: 2
Played: 73





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For external use only. handle properly. dilute before administration. shake well. do not chew, crush, or swallow whole. not for injection or inhalation. avoid soy products, nut products, dairy products, and wheat products. avoid prolonged or excessive exposure to direct or artificial sunlight, heat, cold, radio frequencies, electromagnetic transmission, cellular telephones, children, microwaves, organic vegetables, prolonged sitting, prolonged standing May cause drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, discoloration of urine or feces, unexplained weight loss, dry mouth, cold flashes, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, irritability, insomnia, hypersomnia, hypersensitivity, hypoalgesia, hyperkinesia, hypokinesia, aphasia, aphagia, seizures, fear, intermittent peduncular hallucinosis, confusion, fear, dissociation, audiovisual hallucinations, hostility, fear, paranoia, disorientation, fear, memory loss, fear, psychosis, fear, fear, FEAR, FEAR! Do not skip doses or discontinue unless otherwise directed by prescriber