Grave Wisdom
Skinny Puppy

Too Dark Park
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Dry wind chars human storm lies barren wasted Greed taints water thirst dream the asphalt burial Daylight meltdown long gone Death grabs at stillborn child Another low test pesticide Not until they are dead believe in words attaching dread No meaning Color world of different levels No chance to rectify Nightmare running races skyward Towers boil black water tea Contagious waste disposal growing Blind faith a tragedy propagate safe history Blind faith a tragedy propagate safe history Not until they are dead Not until they are dead listen Not until they are dead You are in very serious trouble Creatures running underground All the cages rusted Displaced food bowl, empty now Fit for the licking Faces form memory Blind faith stupidity Races run secretly Blind faith a tragedy Not until they are dead Stop breathing fleas attach themselves Biting bits of flesh consuming words once hated Words are shit contracting the disease