

Score: 9
Played: 4


Originally a Go-Go's cover band, they then became one of the only America-based shoegaze bands in the original movement. Original lineup (1990-1992) : Damon Tutunjian (guitar, vocals), Seana Carmody (guitar, vocals), Andy Bernick (bass guitar), and Ben Drucker (drums), Lineup 2015 : Damon Tutunjian (guitar, vocals, keyboards), Seana Carmody (guitar, vocals), Andy Bernick (bass guitar, keyboards, tape player), Rob Laakso (guitar), Elliott Malvas (guitar, keyboards), and Adam Pierce (drums).


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I see the sun Wrapped around the strands of red hair I burn inside from my fear of telling you that I care I wake up from the phone It's you calling me to tell me of your dream I believe your ways are true unlike most others do I see the sun Wrapped around the strands of red hair I burn inside from my fear of telling you that I care
