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Sound Of The Suburbs - A Collection Of The Members Finest



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Alright, we’re gonna kick things off with the crews, then go to ones without a group, then finish it off with my top 10.SaveMoneyGotta start with SaveMoney tho. Shoutout /r/savemoneycrew. Here’s my guide to them, besides Vic Mensa & Chance. SaveMoney is a collective of guys that mostly grew up together in Chicago and is basically a family. While the crew wasn’t music centered initially, the natural bond between them all was impeccable. I suggest veryone watch this older video of most of SaveMoney being interviewed by T.E.H.O. The collective consists of Kami, Towkio, Caleb James, Joey Purp, Chance the Rapper, Dally Auston, Vic Mensa, Brian Fresco, Eddie Mon$ta, Nico Segal (a.k.a Donnie Trumpet) and Sterling Hayes as the rappers of the group. There’s also the band-formerly-known-as-Kids These Days. The in-house producers are III Beats & Thelonious Martin, and even Caleb James produces every once in a while for them.Essential Projects:• Brian Fresco - Mafioso • Leather Corduroys - Season • Towkio - Hotchips n Chopstix • Chance the Rapper - Acid Rap • Vic Mensa - INNANETAPE • Kids These Days - Traphouse Rock • Caleb James - The Jones • Kami - Light • Joey Purp - Best of Joey Purp • Nico Segal - Surf • Dally Auston - WestsidEP • Thelonious Martin - Wünderkid WebsiteTreated Crew:Treated out here. Treated is a mashup of Wu-Tang & SaveMoney in that they have a group project out, but all the solo stuff they have released is worth checking out as well. Treated comes from some popular slang meaning disrespected, unappreciated etc etc. Like SaveMoney, most of the members of Treated met in high school. One of the main producers in Treated, Million $ Mano, was actually Kanye West’s DJ. Some of the other members in the group are Hollywood Holt, Mic Terror, Sulaiman, Gzus Piece, Jon James, Lee Majorz and others. Some of the other producers in the group are Mano, Nez & Rio and Thelonious Martin (also part of SaveMoney). There are a lot of mainstream people in Treated (as far as I can tell) so I won't list their projects, but among them are Chuck Inglish & Sir Michael Rocks, Freddie Gibbs, DJ Rashad (RIP the legend) and more. It's the most popular unknown group that I know of. If you ever want to dig through all of their projects, look over here, then look in their search for EPs and albums.Essential Projects:• Gzus Piece - Expensive Shit • Highlife - Highlife • Hollywood Holt - These Are the Songs That Didn't Make the Album • Mic Terror - Fresh Prince of Darkness • Sulaiman - \#MOGS • White Gzus - White Gzus • Treated Crew - Treated Tribe • Max Wonders - The Wonder Tape WebsitePivot Gang:Pivot ain’t got a lot of shit out, but what it does have is pretty good. Saba is the big stand out from the crew. John Walt is also a nice artist and MFn Melo has dropped a lot of work recently, but for the most part there have been very few *projects* from the collective. However, they have shown their true strength together in the form of the group’s lone mixtape Jimmy. #FREEJIMMYEssential Projects:• Saba - comfortZONE • John Walt - Get Happy 2.0 • Pivot - JimmyWebsiteA small group, but one of, if not the, most innovative group coming out of Chicago right now. You'll have a tough time trying to find anyone doing the same shit as Hurt, from Supa Bwe to Mulatto Beats they're all doing their own sounds. Made up of Qari/Carl, Supa Bwe and Mulatto Beats. Supa’s soundcloud has a bunch of Carl's tracks too, and Mulatto's soundcloud is full of great production from him.Essential Projects:• Hurt Everybody - Hurt Everybody EP • Supa Bwe - Magic City Ep • Qari (Carl) - BETA Website197/Outsider's Clique:Some of the best out there. A lot of them don't release music often, but they're still all dope and worth checking out. Since they don't really have that many projects out, you can find a lot of their best songs on the 048 F1N3$T project, but check out everything. Monster Mike and Lucki Eck$ are my favorites, but I would be lying if I said I didn't fuck with all of them.Essential Projects:• Lucki Eck$ - Body High • 197/Outsiders - 048 F1N3$T • Kolby Woods - Full Metal 19 • Adamn Killa - WHODEYWANT Vol 1 • Hyype - Seraphic • Mic Vic - Epitome of Lowkey • PaTTxPiFF & Lanzo - LIMBO2008ighties2008ighties is like if SaveMoney decided to make more serious music. It’ consists of Calez, Legit, Julian Malone, Fonz-E Mak & Charlie St Cloud. Calez got a lot of mentions not too long ago, he’s very talented (as is everyone in the group). Legit is a great rapper, you’ve probably heard his collab with Chance “Such a Thing”, where both Legit and Chance had great verses. They also have an in house producer named Sani, who is one of my favorite producers coming out of Chicago.Essential Projects:• Calez - Kid With Raps • Legit - Feliz Sabado • Sani - Cinderella '99 • Julian Malone - Diff.RntWebsiteOnGaud:OnGaud is a group made up of a production team and a rapper, SolarFive, who all have had a hand in creating the sound prevalent in Chicago’s underground. A lot of their best work is with Mick Jenkins, helping him create his sound on Trees and Truths and even on the Water[s], though not as much. Very good production, and SolarFive is a good rapper. If you’ve listened to Trees and Truths, you’ve heard him on Fuck Wit Me Famo.Essential Projects:• OnGaud - Gaud’s Work Vol. 1 • SolarFive - Say No MoreWebsiteThe Village:Another small crew. Kembe X, Jean Deaux, Monster Mike and Alex Wiley make up the Village, or Swag Village, but I highly recommend both of these guys. Alex Wiley was a nominee last for the XXL freshman and he got robbed *hard*. He dropped a top 5 worth project this year, Village Party, and has been dropping some great singles in the past few months. Kembe X is in a league of his own. A fun fact about Kembe that I tell literally everyone: Kembe actually helped Isaiah Rashad develop of his flow when he was starting out, leading Isaiah to kind of be the secret 5th member of the Village, and Isaiah has called Chicago his second home a few times. You can see Kembe in the car in the background of Isaiah’s Shot You Down video. Jean Deaux and Monster Mike don't release enough music, I swear. They're both incredibly dope and Jean Deaux finally released her debut mixtape this year and it was great.Essential Projects:• Alex Wiley - Village Party • Kembe X - Kembe X EP • Jean Deaux - Soular System Volume I: Dark Matter[s]THEMpeople:THEMpeople is responsible for some of the leading sounds you hear coming out of Chicago right now. You can hear their production on pretty much any big project coming out of Chicago's underground, from \#10Day to Water[s] to Village Party. THEMpeople is made up of a production team and a few unique performers, such as Via Rosa, Ms Jones, NJOMZ, Gyasi Kamau and theMIND, who all have their own sounds made infinitely better by the production efforts of the group.Essential Projects:• THEMpeople - Smoke Breaks series • Via Rosa - DeathViaLove • Gyasi Kamau - The Pursuit Vol. 1 • .nosidam - If Only You'll ConsiderWebsiteVoices of the Voiceless/Supreme Regime:Group made up of Will is Chillin’, Smiley Nasha & Scrilla. Supreme Regime and Voice of the Voiceless are super close affiliates, basically the same group. This group is pretty good, although Will is a way better producer than he is rapper. He has a good flow but other than that his production is a lot better. Like I said, Supreme Regime and VotV are basically the same group. Made up of Jessiath, Loud Mouth, Paul, Palmer Squares - as well as Supa Bwe and Mullatto Beats, who are also in Hurt Everybody. One of the other producers in the group is Smoko Ono, who has some great collabs with SaveMoney’s Dally Auston and a few other Chicago rappers. Supreme Regime don’t really have any tapes out individually, but they have a crew tape out called **Sloane Peterson**. Many of the artists on Supreme Regime/Voice of the Voiceless make up other groups as well (like Stank Face Records)Essential Projects:• Supreme Regime - Sloane Peterson • Will is Chillin' - Muerte WebsiteFree Nation:Saving one of the best for last. I actually already wrote a guide to Free Nation and Mick that I'm pretty happy with here if you want to read it. Basically, Mick Jenkins is the best out of the crew for now, but once the other members release their projects that are in the works I have no doubt that he'll have some friendly competition. My favorite of the non-Mick tapes is Burman's, so if you check out any of them, I highly suggest you check out them.Essential Projects:• Mick Jenkins - The Water[s] • Burman - Nothing From Something • jStock - Paraphernalia • Playboy Prop - Original Hipster: Act 2 • Maine the Saint - Sons of ColorThe Rest:Now, when I say the rest, I don’t mean some shit like “don’t check these guys out”, or “they’re not worth your time,” bc that’s the opposite if anything. Some of my favorites are in this list. This is just all of the ones not in a crew like SaveMoney, Treated etc or are in a crew but the crew only has 1 project out and it’s theirs or something like that (Taylor Bennett for example) The ones here that take up this list are as follows: • Auggie the 9th • Ibn Inglor • Jordan Looney • Martin $ky • Satchel Stokes • Sidewalk Kal • The WHOevers • Cae Jones • Chai Tulani • GLC • Chris Crack • Tree • C-Sick • Noname Gypsy • Khori4 • XVRHLDY • $ike • Palmer Squares • Sidewalk Chalk • Psalm One • Typical Cats • The Guys • Jay2 • Daryn Alexus • Mulatto Patriot and Primeridian • Adam Joseph • Zack Wicks • St. Millie • Arjaye Jeter • Ace B8gie • Nathan Knew • Pablo Chicago • Frank Leone • Nick Astro • AmbI Lyrics • Taylor Bennett Most of these guys only have 1 or 0 projects out, so just look them up on SoundCloud, datpiff, or fakeshoredrive.com.TOP 101. Mick JenkinsMick is the definition of an anomaly. His beat selection is unconventional (shoutout to OnGaud), His lyricism is of a different nature, complex to say the least, and his hooks, while at times awkward, have another aura surrounding them. His voice is simply captivating, which makes his flow even more unique. He can opt for a slower, more gritty flow to hit you in the chest but also holds onto the reigns when speeding up the pace, on such tracks like [please insert a track you like here]. OnGaud and THEMpeople are some great producers who really shine when working with Mick and help him create his sound. He has a few tapes out that are all worth checking out which I covered in my one hype post on him and his crew, but the two that stand above the rest are without a doubt Trees & Truths and The Water\[s]. Top 5 tapes the last two years for me respectively.2. Noname GypsyNoname has it all. Her lyrics are great, conscious and clever without being preachy, corny or annoying. She can pull of a serious, somber & experimental song (Sometimes), and make a poppy ass song that’s not as serious (Mary Jane Love), and then combine the 2 and make a serious (in terms of lyrics) song that’s extremely poppy sounding (Paradise). Her wordplay is very good for someone just getting into rap like she is. Her flow is very solid. My only complaint is that she’s very inconsistent when it comes to features, although her Lost verse is one of my favorites on that tape. No tape as of yet, but telefone comes soon. I put together a compilation tape of her songs so far, but it is missing a few songs, it can be found in my previous hype post.3. Nico Segal/Donnie TrumpetNico Segal in one word: poetry. His background in spoken word shines through his music, not only in flow but also in his lyrics. On top of being a good rapper, he’s also an amazing trumpet player. He has 2 tapes out, 1 under the alias of Donnie Trumpet (Donnie Trumpet EP) and one under Nico Segal called Illasoul: Shades of Blue, both of which I HIGHLY recommend. Very very good tapes. He's releasing Surf this year/next year with the Social Experiment band.4. Martin $kyMartin $ky is a one man dream team. He produces his own tracks, does his own hooks and raps. And everything about him is great. His flow is great and his voice is great. His beats are diverse, ranging from cloud-type, to very trap-influenced (shoutout Fantano), even some boom-bap type of sounds. I can’t give Martin justice with words, you just need to check out “Steam” along with all the other jams on his soundcloud. He has a few mixtapes/EPs out, but the only tape that you can find on the internet is timeLess with the production credits mostly given to Martin. His next project, the Everywhere But Here EP, is scheduled to drop in early 2015.5. Lucki Eck$One of the most unique artists I’ve heard in a long time. If I could put a sub-genre to his music, it’d be cloud trap. If that doesn’t excite you, it should. It’s so unique, and the beats he chooses vary. Not only that, but it seems like Lucki is always changing up his style, at least with his new single All Senses where he’s just spitting over a weird ass beat, then he has songs where it’s just straight up cloud rap like Boomin. I don’t even know how to describe songs like Count On Me II. He has a really interesting, almost nonexistent, flow. He just talks to you and stunts on you in a way that makes it seem like it's just natural to him. It doesn't sound like he's forcing it, he's not flexing on you to cover up insecurities, he's just naturally that way and 100% believes he's the boss. He has Alternative Trap, that came out in 2013 and was an amazing tape, and he has Body High that came out this year that I haven't been able to put down. Check him out. Extremely unique and worthy of all the attention he can get.6. Alex WileyAs someone that was just OK with Club Wiley, holy shit Village Party blew me away. I've been keeping my eye on Alex Wiley for a long time and I can honestly say I didn't expect Village Party to be as good as it was. It was crazy fun, had it's hilarious moments, production was honestly some of the best this year (Ova sounded like Jesus' doorbell) and Alex can *rap his ass off*. He has an abstract way of songwriting that isn't just verse -> hook -> verse. He'll just rip a song straight through and creates the structure as it goes. The flows on Village Party, and even Club Wiley, are great, the lyricism is surprisingly good (and hilarious at times) and every feature on the project killed it. It's hard not to vibe with Village Party.7. Via RosaGreat singer who can create an amazing vibe that's easy to get into. Her project DeathViaLove is littered with great rappers over these ambient soundscapes by THEMpeople as well as her amazing singing. THEMpeople's signature sound is obvious throughout the project. Their drums are top notch, and the way they can set the mood is great. Highly worth checking out.8. Leather CorduroysRaw. I'd even go as far as to say raw as fuck. Some of the most passionate 15 minutes you'll listen to this year is on their EP PMVII. It starts off with an acid trip fueled freestyle from one of the 2 guys in this group, Kami. From there, it just gets more and more passionate and energetic. Joey Purp's delivery on this project is out of this world. Highly recommended to anyone who wants more passion in their raps. Seasons coming out New Years (1/1/2015)9. Hurt EverybodyLike I said, innovation is these guys' strongsuit. You'd be hard pressed finding someone who can make *the default iPhone ringtone* sound like a banger. Supa and Carl give some amazing verses all over their self titled project, and Supa's voice on hooks is addicting. It might be hard to get into them sometimes, but when you like them, you fucking love them. They're honestly great and very underrated.10. SabaPivot Gang's own Saba has been quietly blowing up over the past year. He's slowly been getting more and more mentions in high profile places. Saba knows how to craft a song, he knows how his own voice and flow fits over a beat, and if he can't find a beat that he likes, he'll make his own and it'll sound 100x better. Saba's passion and delivery are matched only by a select few. Not only that, but he doesn't let his passionate delivery overshadow his lyricism. He will make sure you know that the shit he's talking isn't bullshit, he's talking about some real. Make sure to grab comfortZONE, his new tape, because it was amazing through and through. His first tape in 2012, GETCOMFORTable, was really good, too. But it's obvious that in the past 2 years, Saba's found his sound.Honorable Mention: The O'My'sYes that's right, a whole section for the O'My's. That's how much I love them. They're a soul band out of Chicago that does a lot of rap collabs alongside their solo music. Maceo, the lead singer, has a really really unique, raspy voice that really echoes and emphasizes his emotions really really well. The acoustics/instrumentals on all their tapes are really high quality sounding and very intimate. They've also done a few features, like Noname Gypsy's Sometimes and more popularly, Ab-Soul’s These Days. They know how to make a really happy song like My House and a very beautiful and somber song like Simply Beautiful, which is amazing to me. try out some of these tracks: Bout A Dolla ft Twista, Chuck Inglish, Chip Tha Ripper, Chance the Rapper The Wonder Years ft Chance the Rapper Precious Light ft Zion, Dally Auston & Zack Wicks Mystic Pussy ft Iceface, GLC & Dally Auston They have a few tapes out that are all worth checking out IMO. A Humble Masterpiece As well as Potty Mouth EP & Chicago Style, both of which are on their soundcloud in their entirety They have features from some hip hop legends as well as a lot of local acts. Probably my favorite soul band that I've heard in the past decade. Here are some of my favorites by them that don't have any rap collabs on them: Cough Drop Sweet Love Simply Beautiful Smoke Killa My House I also HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend their AudioTree set, found here. One of my favorite AudioTree sessions.You can find Part 2 a.k.a.The Drill Part of the original guide here!