Cigarettes Out The Window
TV Girl
Who Really Cares
[Verse 1] My girl Liddy used to always smoke Cigarettes when she couldn't sleep She'd disappear for an hour and a half And when she'd come back she'd brush her teeth But I could still smell it on her raggedy tee And I could taste it on her lips when we kissed Poor little Liddy used to always quit But she never really quit She'd just say she did [Verse 2] My girl Liddy used to always smoke Cigarettes when she couldn't sleep I wonder what she did when she got done I guess she'd just flick them out in the street Poor little Liddy, she wishes it was dark But it's never really dark in LA The light from the billboard always shines But it changed twelve times since you went away [Outro: Sample from "Dangerously Yours"] "You'll find moonlit nights strangely empty because when you call my name through them there'll be no answer." "Rather melodramatic, aren't you?" "You'll find moonlit nights strangely empty because when you call my name through them there'll be no answer." "You mind if I smoke?" "You'll find moonlit nights strangely empty because when you call my name through them there'll be no answer." "I always smoke with the theatre." "You'll find moonlit nights strangely empty because when you call my name through them there'll be no answer." "Somehow it enhances the performance."