Isle of Wight Festival

The Doors The End Live at



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[Rant ONE. "My Child's a Stranger - I bore her but I could not raise her"] I was born into a time when people walked on the moon When transatlantic jets could make the trip in three hours When planes could do vertical take-offs And when rock festivals were free and you could take your own drinks When bands wrote symphonies and tone poems And there was oft a chance that somewhere amongst the bolster, there might have been a couple of words that meant something To the world we live in I find myself part of a generation that lapped up wealth That created Simon Cowell And watered documentary television down to a kind of "Through The Round Window" level People my age play the Stock Market And make selfish decisions in positions of power Based loosely on the 'fact' that they're "Just Like Us" And we're "All In This Together" [Rant TWO. "Like He's Listening Back to the Good Old Bands"] Seems like the end of the world is coming The Four Horsemen - The Red Gas Bill Seems like the wolves at the door are humming songs to make us scared And each month we try to help ourselves get by With whatever's left of the dosh Don't believe them at the BBC We cook the Books of Revelation Have Seven Bowls of beans for tea Seems like we'll never get back to Tesco's From the discount frozen food store Seems like the car's just a traitor ("Six six six" written on the door) 'Cause the M.O.T. is due in three weeks And we'll be back again, in the shit In the doldrums while the BBC Tells all the world that we're finished And all the world is forced to agree We try to change the world But the world won't take the hint They go running back off to the seventies And all the other bands are skint And we'll be back again, in the shit In the doldrums while the BBC Tells all the world that we're finished And all the world is forced to agree We try to change the world They go running back off to the seventies And all the other bands are skint [Rant THREE - "By The Time We Got To Woodstock"] When all those guys sat at Woodstock and the Isle Of Wight I had this feeling that no one would ever get them to stand in line To become part of the system that had Supported war and bigotry for so long Yet statistically there must have been people at those festivals Who were even on that day planning careers In Right Of Centre politics, the pursuit of power through money The whole focus of what was being said on that day! As a result of their success in their endeavours Rock and Roll is no longer about a few hippies Knocking about in a field somewhere in the middle of America It's about half time in the Superbowl It's about colossal advertising budgets And stars on Hollywood's Walk Of Fame People using the Rolling Stones in presidential campaigns We try to change the world But the world won't take the hint They go running back off after the seventies And all the other bands are skint They go running back off after the seventies And all the other bands are skint