Mr BrightSide Lyrics
The Killers
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On April 11, 2017, I was able to interview nzboss99, one of my good friends on Genius, and one hell of a The Chainsmokers fan! He's worked insanely hard on maintaining his #1 position on them, and is currently over four times ahead of second place. nzboss99 and I held an engaging conversation, discussing some power workout tunes, his aspirations in life, and of course The Chainsmokers. nzboss99 is definitely someone that everyone on Genius should get to know. He's quick to help, active on both the forums and the annotation side of Genius, and incredibly friendly and enthusiastic. During the interview, he shared his views on the importance of the Genius community.If you have a good community going, it makes it more enjoyable. Just seeing users come together and contribute. And you can see that in the forums when people ask for help, and others are ready and willing to help out. Just keep going strong.That should really be everyone's focus as they use Genius, because anyone can make annotations by themselves, but the glue that holds the community together is the camaraderie and collaborative process. I now present to you: Genius's 2017 interview with nzboss99.Madkol: So what first got you interested in joining Genius? And what made you want to annotate? nzboss99: Back in the earlier years of my life, like 2009 or 2010, I'd hear all these songs—and it was mainly Kanye—and I'd be like, "I wonder what that means?" So I'd search it up and the first thing that showed up was Genius. And just seeing all that crowdsourced knowledge and information....and then I'd say last year around July, there was a band I was listening to called Walking on Cars, and there were no annotations on any of their songs. And there was this one song I loved called "Two Stones," and that's what I wanted to know the meaning of, but there were no annotations, so I had to go my own way and figure out what it meant, and put some knowledge into it. Just seeing songs that not everyone has heard; you have to put your own knowledge into it. Madkol: It seems like everybody I've talked to got their start on Genius from a Kanye lyric! nzboss99: Yeah, definitely. I've always said Eminem, as well. Madkol: So obviously you're a huge fan of The Chainsmokers; they just dropped a new album this month called Memories...Do Not Open. Were you hoping that this would be different than their last album? Or that they would try something new and experimental? nzboss99: Well ever since they announced it, they said they were going to try something new. So I was thinking, "This is gonna be interesting. If they can keep the same hit-making that they did with their previous songs, and transition that to the new album, that would be amazing." But even with their new style, which you can hear in "Paris" that it's different, with the diversion. So I did want them to try something new because with EDM, if you keep making the same song, it's going to get repetitive, unless you can invent a new form of it. And they were successful for that; a lot of people hated them for it because all the songs sounded like "Closer," but they were still making hits. I've been a big fan of them since 2012. They started out with progressive house, and then progressive indie, so they were big concert songs. I guess every artist has their change; they can't just stay the same. And some artists do that, and they keep a very niche set of fans who absolutely adore them. But it may not be easy for other fans, which is why you need change. But you're going to get criticism from both sides: the old fans and the new fans. Madkol: So how do you feel about Memories...Do Not Open? Did you like the album? nzboss99: I was underwhelmed. I knew it was going to be a new path for them when I heard their snippets, but overall, I was very underwhelmed. If you have so much hyper for it, it can be disappointing. Madkol: Yeah, it can be an easy let down that way. I haven't even listened to it yet, actually. nzboss99: Yeah, it depends on what songs you're a fan of. Madkol: I like all the hits, like "Paris" and "Closer." Those are my two favorites. I love "Paris." nzboss99: Well that's probably a good sign for the album. Madkol: You're their top scholar and I know you've been trying to get to 10,000 IQ on them. So now that their new EP has dropped, are you going to utilize that? What are you going to do to achieve that goal? nzboss99: Mainly for me, Q&A is the thing that I love so much. Just being able to scan the web to see if they talk about a song. And also the way they make songs as well. There's that Genius series called Deconstructed. I just love looking at that to see how they created it and the whole production process. So definitely Q&A, but also metadata. Madkol: Who else besides TCS do you enjoy listening to? nzboss99: Growing up, I listened to punk-pop and pop. Then the early teenage years, it was hip-hop, rap, and EDM. So there's a wide variety of music. I'd probably say Walking on Cars, which is an alternative rock band, Against The Current, which is another alternative rock band, Kanye....that's all I got right now. Madkol: I love how there was no explanation for Kanye. With the other two, it was like, "They're alternative rock," but nothing for Kanye; no last name, just Kanye. nzboss99: Oh, and also Taylor Swift. She was a big one growing up. Madkol: What are some of your favorite workout songs? Either post-workout or during your workout. nzboss99: Post-workout, definitely "One Man Can Change the World" by Big Sean. Something about that just clicks for when I'm finishing a workout. And "Fire Squad" by J. Cole, "Power" by Kanye, "'Till I Collapse" by Eminem, "Back To Back" by Drake....these are all for during my workout. Probably "Ayo" by Chris Brown and Tyga, and "Fuckin' Problems." Madkol: When I hear "Ayo" come on the radio, they have to edit it so much that it's just silence and sound effects. I love listening to that; it's funny. nzboss99: Yeah, I know. But also, for ending the day, I'd probably say "Good Life" by Kanye, and "Street Lights" by Kanye, as well. And also "Get Low" by Lil Jon. Madkol: So right now you're attending a university in New Zealand. How has that been going for you? Do you know what you want to do for a career in the future? nzboss99: Yes I do. I'm doing a double degree in accounting and computer science, with the goal of working in the accounting sector, mainly as an IT accountant. That's what I've had in mind for a few years, but I'm open to whatever. You can't just say that you'll focus on this one thing, when there could be so many more options. We're in week seven of the university, and last week we really started to have a work load, so I've been pretty busy. Madkol: You're one of the most enthusiastic people I know on Genius. What aspects of the site do you enjoy using the most? nzboss99: The album release page and the forums, especially if you get a good discussion going. And also just all of those user pages, like the ones you and all the other guys created. It's just so interactive, with all these people sharing stuff. Some of it's just all these random facts, and things you've never heard of before. You learn something new everyday. And it doesn't have to be just music knowledge. There's the web annotating and everything. Madkol: Yeah, I like doing those. So what are some of your favorite albums or EPs? nzboss99: Shoutout to s_connoisseur; John Mayer's Where the Light Is. That's like the best thing I've ever heard. Every single track is absolutely amazing. Benjamin Francis Leftwich's Last Smoke Before the Snowstorm is another one I love. Walking on Cars's Everything This Way, Cities by Anberlin, The Beautiful Letdown by Switchfoot, good kid, m.A.A.d city by Kendrick, 808s & Heartbreak by Kanye, Fearless by the girl T. Swift, and Recovery by Eminem. Madkol: Oh yeah! That's my favorite Eminem album, too. Do you have any favorite tracks from that? nzboss99: "Cinderella Man," "25 to Life." I'd probably say those two. Madkol: Yeah, I like "25 to Life." It's similar to Common's "I Used To Love H.E.R." Have you heard that? nzboss99: Yeah, definitely. Madkol: If you could describe yourself by only using song titles, which songs would you pick? nzboss99: Since I just started at my university, "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day. Also, "Misery Business" by Paramore, "Reinventing the Wheel to Run Myself Over" by Fall Out Boy. It's crazy how long some of their song titles are. Also, "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers, "For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic" by Paramore, "Wake Me Up" by Avicii. Madkol: Is there anyone who you aspire to be like? Or anyone who you have a lot of respect for? nzboss99: Growing up, it was people in sports. But since I've grown up, I've realized that they don't always have the best off-the-field antics. You see them on the court and you think, "I want to be like him one day," but then you look at all the other stuff. It's almost like something that you wish to be, but it doesn't turn out like that. So that's actually a very hard question because I used to have so many role models, and then you get to the stage where you turn 18 and you know more things. Then you're thinking, "I like that aspect and I like that aspect," but some of their morals....So I'd probably say my dad. He worked hard hours to make sure me and my sister had a good education growing up. He just worked so many hours, it was crazy. And I'd want to do that growing up, as well. He was hardworking, friendly, smart, and he still is, but just very genuinely caring, and that's everything I want to be. Madkol: Yeah, that's a good answer. People are always saying that sports people are their heroes, but parents and people in real life are the ones who are heroes and the ones we should be like. So what would be your "last meal" request? nzboss99: I come from a mixed background, so there's so many choices. Let's start on the Hungarian side: Kürtőskalács, which is a cylinder type....goodness. It's like soft bread rolled around a cylinder, and they just cover it with sugary goodness. Lángos, which is another dessert. We'll stop there with Hungary. Roti canai and sate, which are Asian dishes. Roti is a sweet flat bread, and sate is just a chicken satay. Or beef; it could be any satay. Fish and chips.... Madkol: I know what that is! nzboss99: It's a Kiwi classic! Probably pāua, as well. It's this seafood delicacy. Doughnut Time doughnuts; Doughnut Time is this place in Sydney, and they make amazing doughnuts. Gelato Messina ice cream; it's probably the best ice cream I've ever had, in Australia and New Zealand combined. And for those [last] two, it would just be whatever's on special because they always have specials there. Tim Tams, which is an Australian classic; they're chocolate biscuits, essentially. They're amazing! And I would also say, Big Mac's secret sauce. I just think it would be cool to have Big Mac's secret sauce for your last meal. Madkol: You're making me hungry, now! Those are some pretty eclectic choices, though. nzboss99: When you think about where you're from, you always have a few select dishes ingrained in your mind. So if someone says, "What would you choose?" for me, it would be two from my European background and two from my Asian background. Madkol: So what would your dream collaboration be? Choose as many artists as you want, even though it's one song. nzboss99: Childish Gambino, Chance the Rapper, Kanye, J. Cole, and Kendrick. I don't know how that would work, but that just came to my mind, like "What if that happened?" And it would have to be somebody with a good voice on the hook. And I'd also say—because I've seen them talk about this before—The Chainsmokers really want to do a collab with Kanye. That would be very interesting! But probably TCS and Bonnie X Clyde, who are a less known EDM duo. And then Marian Hill and Camila Cabello, and Marian Hill and The Chainsmokers, as well. Also, Jasmine Thompson and Calvin Harris. Madkol: Have TCS really talked about doing a collab with Kanye? nzboss99: They want to. Madkol: Oh, wow. I wonder if Kanye knows about that, or if he's on board. nzboss99: Imagine the audience! Madkol: Oh, yeah. Everybody rushing to Genius to see it! nzboss99: Exactly. I think it would confuse people, as well. If you look at Genius, a lot of people hate TCS, and a lot of people love Kanye. Madkol: That might change their perspective, though. It might be good for The Chainsmokers's audience, too. nzboss99: Or it could backfire on Kanye. Madkol: Yeah, I think a lot of things have backfired on him already, anyway! So what are some of your favorite TV shows and/or movies? And some genres that you primarily watch? nzboss99: So this is kind of embarrassing, but definitely a lot of teen dramas. At the moment, Riverdale, and I just started watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. I watched the first episode and I really enjoyed it. I don't necessarily have a favorite movie....actually no, Gladiator is my favorite movie. But those are my favorite TV shows; a lot of dramas in there. White Collar from seasons one through three. That's the thing about TV shows. You enjoy them for a good portion, and then they go on for too long, and that last season ruins it for you. So I'm just gonna list TV shows: One Tree Hill, The O.C., Gilmore Girls.... Madkol: The old or new? nzboss99: Old. I didn't enjoy the new one one bit. There was this British TV show called Spooks. I think it was known as MI-5 in America. That was back when BBC did good TV shows, but they don't anymore. Madkol: So is there anything else you want to say to the people of Genius? nzboss99: Keep on being awesome! And just stay active as a community. The community is the main thing. If you have a good community going, it makes it more enjoyable. Just seeing users come together and contribute. And you can see that in the forums when people ask for help, and others are ready and willing to help out. Just keep going strong.