James Grant Remix)

Things That Matter (Jody Wisternoff

Score: 1
Played: 5




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You can say that you want to Don′t say that you need to You can say that you wish to Don't say that you have to Things that life no matter Things that matter Things that life have had us Things that had us Things that life don′t hold you Things that hold you Things that love you go to Things you go to Don't you, don't you realize Don't you, don't you realize Don't you, don't you realize Don't you, don't you realize You can say that you want to Say that you mean to You can say that you hope so Though you don't know You can say that you want to Things that life have taught us Things that taught us Things that life have brought us Things that brought us Things that life have told you Things that told you Things that life you go through Things you go through Don't you, don't you realize Don't you, don't you realize Don't you, don't you realize Don't you, don't you realize