Instability: Closer Than You Will Ever be


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I am a sinner what to do now Dear Friend, First of all I would thank you for sparing few minutes of your time to learn about miracles of Jesus Christ in my life. I assure you that this passage will help you find answers to many of your queries in life and about Jesus as well..!! When someone asks me about my faith in Jesus, whom I claim to have changed my life radically, I take no time to smile back and say – ‘without Jesus, you had no Timothy around you this day to ask this question..!!’ That much is the impact of Jesus Christ on my life. It was then painful every day before HE came into my life but now every minute has turned into joy..!! My association with Jesus Christ is 13 years old and in course of time, I have never neither felt alone nor forbidden from HIS mightiest love. This great love of Jesus has empowered me to cross many hurdles, multiple milestones and claim blessings after blessings in my life and into other’s life as well. Yes! It is Jesus Christ who led me all the way in this victorious life and it was HE, who was with me in my every fall and rise in all these years. His strong hand has never neither let me down nor left me alone. Instead, blessed me to be a blessing to others! My life before Jesus It was in the year 1999, when I was in my Intermediate education. My family was in severe troubles and tribulations which were there for long time. Our life was so miserable that we used to work a lot but nothing would remain at the end of the day. It was just like we had a big hole which was eating up all our earnings and on the other hand, we had to face satires of neighbors, relatives and friends on our poverty and miserable life style. Their comments and condemnations used to hurt us a lot but no one minded it because, it was a fun for them. I was so tired of hearing all those satires, comments and fun making things all the day for years and years. My father came from a very poor family and had no one supporting around. He got married to a middle class woman and his intentions and efforts were to become rich quickly. He attempted every possible business to fulfill his dreams and also he did not want his children to suffer from the same poverty and hunger he came across from his childhood. My mother used to do tailoring work all the day and earn our daily bread. She used to work all the day to earn a very little amount of money. My parents are very loving and caring and loved us .In spite of our poverty they gave us food, education, clothes and everything we asked for. It is not a sin to wish becoming rich, but short cuts will never work and even if they work, it would do for very short time. This same thing happened to our family. Though he earned money in those businesses, they never fulfilled any of our needs and used to dissolve somewhere. Only source of our daily bread was my mother’s tailoring work. Though my parents were making every effort, things did not work for us at all. The more we tried to succeed, we slipped into deeper poverty. Every day, we had to wait till 3pm in the afternoon to have our day’s first meal. I have three younger brothers and of them the youngest, Raju, was disabled. Though we four brothers were in our teens, we learnt to hold our hunger with water and very small quantity of food which my mom used to prepare. Apart from this hunger and poverty, the ruthless words of our friends, neighbors, especially relatives, who never gave us a single penny, but would throw hurtful questions like – ‘when will your life set right man’, ‘We bet your dad is never going to do it well’, ‘you kids will become beggars for sure’, ‘You better leave home/education and get into some work, at least you kinds will survive’. Our tender hearts would break many time a day with these pricking statements. My education was discontinued as I had failed in one subject in Inter First Year and was not in a situation to pay for the Second Year fee nor even re-examination fee at least. Because even Rs 10/- was a very big amount for us which helps to cut our one complete day. On the other hand, I lost my character. My parents brought me up very well but because of conditions in my family, neither my dad nor my mom had any time for us. There was no one around to care my daily routine. Slowly, I started stealing things from general stores, money from neighbors, got addicted to telling lies and even worst of all, I got addicted to all deadly sinful ways. My situation was very worst and I couldn’t skip them because I was taking them as ways of relief from my painful times. oh! It was a very pathetic condition for any young man to be in such conditions. Addiction to any sin is very very worst part of any human’s life. Mathews 4:16 Bible say’s: People living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned Psalms 25:3 Bible say’s: No one who hopes in you (Jesus), will ever be put to shame Luke 4:18 Bible say’s: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me (Jesus), because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. Salvation In the first week of September 1999, one day one of my friends came to me and took me outside to talk. After some chit-chat, he started explaining me about the love of Jesus. Very immediately I said: “I know you are trying to convert me to Christian but now I am neither ready for it nor has any possibility in future. I hated Jesus very much. I would say very very much. I was quite bitter with Christians every time. My home was near to a church where they used to play songs the early morning of the day and as soon as I heard that song, I would start abusing church and Christians. I felt that these people are heavily paid to convert people from other religions into Christianity and are planning to eradicate Hinduism in my country. (After accepting Jesus as my savior I realized that I was wrong. Every one of us has good respect towards India and we love our country. I feel more proud now than earlier and gladly say that my India is greatest country and Indians are the best humans across the globe. Because we Indians have love, mercy and sentiment in every particle of our blood. Whatever be the religion, caste and creed, every Indian will surely have love and compassion for everyone. It’s a gift we have by birth from Jesus almighty. Coming back to my story, here my friend used to visit me every day and tell me about Almighty Jesus’s love and power that he expressed through Jesus Christ on cross. But I had no interest in listening to his preaching and I used to gaze at people passing by all the time. He spent hours with me preaching about HIS love and compassion on human kind. After preaching me for continuous days, he said to me – “brother, I have preached you gospel of Jesus Christ and HIS love and resurrection power and I don’t think anything is left from my side”. Saying this he left for the day. On that day I was wondering why this man was passionate to convert me to Christian. (Again, I was wrong here, actually he was not eager to convert my religion but trying to introduce me to a loving and caring GOD – Jesus Christ, who is capable to redeem any man from any bondage. He is the only redeemer who rescues very instantly, only God who is always keen to help the one who comes seeking HIS mercy). After my friend left on that day, I went home forgetting all he taught me. All my family members went out. My youngest brother, Raju, and myself were at home and fall asleep early. Around at 11 o’ clock night, all of sudden I noticed that someone is staring, standing beside the wall and as I was looking at it, that creature came out and stood before me. It was a black figure with around 5’7” tall. OH God., It looked so horrible that I fell down with fear and was gripped in shivering. But there happened a miracle, unintentionally I started saying “may the blood of Jesus be ever victorious”, “may HIS Almighty name be victorious“, and ”may HIS Almighty name be victorious“. I wasn’t sure what I was chanting and had no idea at all that I am calling on a Jesus whom I hated till that very moment. As just I was uttering those words, all of sudden, I saw a very BIG & WHITE CROSS stood very next to my bed. It was around 15’ feet tall and was glowing in radiant white. We can never find that white color on this earth. Amazingly, as soon as that black creature notices this big and white cross, he fled away at speed of light..!! Hallelujah, I was both surprised and happy to see that incident. Then as I was still watching everything, filled with confusion and joy together, a blanket made of many small crosses came and fell upon us. I was so immensely joyful that I didn’t even notice what’s my brother was going through that day and because he was dumb and lame, he too didn’t show any reaction. But I am sure that he too should have experienced it. I was filled with an extraordinary faith in the Jesus Christ and a strong faith roused within me that this God will surely help me to come out of poverty, troubles, debts and even every defect of my life. I got much faith in Jesus that this God will surely redeem me from my bondages & fulfill my every dream. Immediately I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and acknowledged HIM to be my one and only God with mouth, whole heartedly..!! Since then, every morning and evening and even to say, whenever I got some time, I used to pray to HIM seeking his deliverance. My prayer was very simple at that time. As one of us speaks to a friend, I used to tell him every pain and troubles I had in my life, expressed every feeling in his presences. One day while I was praying, I broke into tears and started confessing all my previous sins and mistake I committed. I cried for hours after hours that day and repented for all my sinful ways I adopted earlier. Then after some time, I felt deeply in my heart that someone has taken away all the sins which were very heavy on my heart till that time. Aha! I am free.. I got redeemed from my sinful ways and thoughts.. Jesus forgave me..!! I was filled with eternal joy this time and I was just dancing in happiness. On that very same day, I made a commitment that I will not stumble into my old wicked and sinful ways again leaving this golden, eternal and peaceful path. Jesus started blessing me in all terms of my life. He spoke to me through verses in Bible: II Corinthians 5:17 Bible say’s: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! True! This God, in whom I have put my complete faith, did not leave me behind nor left me anytime. Till to this day, I have many people around me who say that my faith in Jesus didn’t go in vain. As the days passed on by, he gave me everything, cleared every debt, casted out poverty and blessed me better among my relatives and friends. Above all of these, he cleansed my heart of my sins and promised me an eternal life, Millions of praises to such a good and loving God, Jesus Christ. Romans 10:11 Bible say’s: “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” Miracles started I was steadily growing in Jesus Christ and slowly my time started changing its facet. I saw miracles after miracles back to back in my life. From small things to big things, family issues to financial troubles. My Jesus handled everything of my life in HIS own style. I still don’t believe how things changed from extreme poverty to blessed prosperity. I never see anything unusual. Say money falling from heaven, someone leaving a million dollars briefcase around my or so. But things changed very quietly. So silently that even I who prayed Jesus for miracles had to gaze at every small moment in life to study how things are moving on.. that very nature in me helped me to observe Jesus’s plan and work in my life. I prayed, saw them in faith, believed honestly and undoubtedly and saw them alive! Hallelujah to Holy Spirit who taught me to follow this excellent rule. The very first concern of my life Jesus handled was poverty and its effects on my family! As I said earlier, till that day we had lot of debts and our creditors used to trouble us every day. One fine morning, one of those creditors came to my home and my dad asked him if he can help us to start a business. At first he scolded my father, then after some time his voice all of sudden became adorable and spoke well of us and then took out Rs. 2500/- and gave them to my father. Halleluiah.. I was shocked to see this miracle. It was the first miracle that I saw and it was just awesome! A man who was repeatedly forcing us to repay the money every day has helped us to start a new business. It was my Lord who blessed us by giving him a kind heart. Yes! Jesus has the power to control and turn any human according to HIS plan and will. He he is so kind and merciful God to set everything work together for good to all those who Love HIM – Amen. With that little money, my father started a movable, small fast food center by road side. He first started it at a crowded junction. Looking at that crowd, I thought that we will blessed abundantly. But unfortunately not even a dozen plates of food were sold there. We got so frustrated by the sales. Not sure who taught him, my dad changed the location to a small junction of some residential and few commercial buildings. This junction was no way comparable to the old one. Our fast food center attracted only few people and used to sell up to Rs.50/- Rs.100/-. My father never had a hope of big sales there but still he was happy because he now has something to earn his daily bread! On the other hand, I was growing in faith steadily and almost entire day, my mouth and heart would keep on praising Jesus & presenting my prayer requests in HIS presence. I used say: I am not sure Jesus what you are going to do but please help me to fetch at least 50 pots of water daily (as I was drawing water from nearby well for both drinking and clean utensils). Till then only few pots of water was enough for us. As I was praying with much faith that my Lord will surely bless my business, my Lord Jesus Christ blessed our business to grow abundantly. It grew in no time and our sales went up from Rs 100/- per day to 3000/- per day and that was more than enough for us. All the hotels around us almost closed their businesses and vacated their premises. My father gained a good fame – ‘This man has now put every hotel around into scare now’. That’s how Jesus glorified him for just being a father to HIS son (me). Yes my dear friend, Our Jesus will not only blesses us but also our parents, brothers, relatives, friends and all those who will bless us. Yes, Jesus can uphold anything and everyone. If it is Jesus who raises you (even from dust), every human on this will accept you happily. That is how sovereign Jesus shows HIS control on this earth. He always tends to prove HIS ability to help you and your every belonging by bringing up impossible things into your life. Mathews 19:26 Bible say’s: with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible We started repaying our debits, moved to a new big house and myself, was back to studies. All our relatives started coming back to us. He generated a new and true love in them and they were receiving us very warmly. All things changed super naturally into our favor and it was my redeemer, Jesus Christ, who changed everything dramatically. There is one and only God on this earth who is living still, very merciful, powerful and above all, patient enough to bear us every time. We humans trouble HIM many times every day. Even I too was not that much righteous after I accepted Jesus till he cleansed my heart. I stumbled here and there as every one of does, till we are changed into HIS own image by HIS precious blood. Whatever be my situation, whenever I repented of my sins at HIS feet and seek HIS mercy in my times of trouble, Jesus Christ would say to me: “Let your heart not be troubled in any situation. Just come to me and I will resolve your every problem and will surely redeem you from any bondage.. Because I am your Jesus and you are my beloved child. I love you so much that I laid my own life on the cross just to save you from evil bondages of this world. If you come to me and believe in me, I am strong enough to rescue you from any trouble. I will bless your labor and land to give its best fruits to you and will turn even your enemies into your favor. Because I am the one who created heaven and earth and my ability has no limits and my strength plans for you are amazing and my ways are simple to follow. All you have to do is follow my ways by heart honestly.” John 14:1 Bible say’s: Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. Aha.. Millions of praises to such a loving and promising God who cares for us just like a mother protects us more than a father..! Yes! It is the mercy of Jesus Christ which delivered many people around you and me from the bondages of SIN, POVERTY, DISEASES, TRIBULATIONS in FAMILY, UNSTABLE FINANCIAL POSITION, WITCHCRAFT POWERS, ADDICTIONS, DIVORCE, ILLEGAL AFFAIRS, BARRENNESS (CHILDLESS), DESERTED (LONELINESS) and every problem humans face these days. There is nothing from which Jesus Christ in incapable of redeeming you! All you have to do is believe in HIM that he will ‘surely deliver’ Anointing of Holy Spirit: I was steadily growing in prayers and meditating Jesus’s word. It is not that I turned into a prayer warrior overnight. I was insisting on myself and asking Jesus to help me to increase in faith and prayer and Jesus has been helping me to increase in faith and Love. The more I grow in HIS faith, the more Love grows in me and even vice-versa. I strongly believe as said in bible, Love and Faith are closely related and grow unitedly as we seek HIS presence on daily basis. One day, I was going to Gospel of Luke chapter 11 verse 13, I found word of God saying: Our heavenly Father will surely give Holy Spirit to all those who asks HIM for it. This verse touched my heart and I was so happy to see this promise in bible. Before to that, I used to think that power of Holy-Spirit is only for pastors and elders. Though my church pastor told me several times, I was just taking those parables as reference to power and ability of Jesus. But as soon as I saw this verse, I started praying for Holy-Spirit. I used to spend hours and hours in prayer just asking for holy-spirit. With 2-4 days of fasting per week, 3-6 hours of daily prayer, I prayed for one complete year at the feet of Lord to bless me with HIS Holy-Spirit. I would cry all the day to forgive me in case any hidden mistake lies in me. Every morning, I used to complete my work at fast food center and jumped into secret prayer room far away from my home. I should thank my friend here who allowed me to pray in his house for almost one year. If there was any issue to reach this prayer room, I used to go to railway tracks nearby and used to walk along by the tracks for few miles and pray there lonely. To get best from Jesus, remember, we should have some peaceful place where we can talk to HIM and even HE can talk to us. I prayed with tears everyday just for Holy-Spirit because Jesus had already promised me that he will take care of all my problems through the word (bible). After one complete year of everyday prayers upholding HIS promise, on 2nd of May, 2001, I was praying in a church along with some pastors and elders when all of sudden I saw Jesus along with HIS angels who has put a crown on my head and blessed me. Hallelujah, Jesus blessed me with Holy Spirit according to HIS promise to us in Luke 11:13. Luke 11:13: Bible say’s: your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him I was filled with unbounded joy and happiness. I kept on praising my Lord for hours. What a great God we have. He always fulfills HIS every promise beyond our ability to receive them. I believe that this unique quality of loving humans beyond their inability is possible only for Jesus. Even to this day, it is Holy-Spirit, who helps me at every juncture of my life with valuable guidance. He prays for me every day. He has been there at every minute of my life and takes care of even small things. He saves me, guides me, leads me and does much more for me. It is Holy-Spirit, who made me stand still in faith even after so much of challenges I face every day. What a God we have.. Hallelujah.. Millions of praises to HIM. MARRIAGE: After we got lifted up by the Jesus from poverty and gained financial independence, my father started searching for a life partner for me. I had completed by bachelor degree and was working as an officer in a multinational banking institution. I was spending my whole time in job and in lord’s ministry, I was assisting our church pastor most of the time of a day. All my life was going on happily and I was not aware my happiness is going to be doubled soon! One day my church pastor told me that it is time for me to get married. I laughed and said “let Jesus do his will”. I had strongly decided not to marry a gentile since light has no business with darkness. Because I know that I will have to struggle again at home as I had to in my earlier Christian days if I marry a gentile. Even Jesus’s word said that ‘light has no relationship with darkness’. You may ask me why we should not marry gentiles. Dear, we can show hospitality towards our beloved person for one or two day or say with regular visits (not frequent and long), sharing God’s word. But a permanent bondage with them will not trouble you or corrupt you one or the other day? If you are already married to a non-believer that is different case, abiding by the bond, you need to pray for your life partner and Jesus will change his/her heart. So I have decided according to the preaching of Jesus Christ that I will marry only a born again Christian girl. One day as I was reading bible, I found Solomon 31:10 which say’s wife is as precious as a pearl! That is awesome word of God, how would it if I found one of those precious pearls? I started praying Jesus referring the same line. Actually it was the Holy-Spirit that gave me this lead! Hallelujah.. Things started working in favor of me according to HIS promises. James 1:17 Bible say’s: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. Jesus gave me good reputation in my home, relatives and among all known people around. This good name fetched lot of proposals for me but my heart was stuck to marry a born again girl. When I clarified this thing to my parents, they first opposed but later on, laid few conditions to accept a Christian girl into our family. My mom’s condition: Girl should be beautiful and well aware of home making. My father’s condition: She should be well educated. My brothers said that she should loving and caring person and very friendly one. Above all my wish was to marry a devotional, God fearing, born again and prayerful Christian girl. Now these conditions looked to be very hard for me! I had doubt on finding such a match but believed in Jesus that HE is capable of doing anything. At first I started searching for a profile which matches all the above conditions but after few months, I lost my patience and determined to marry anyone who comes in the way. Then, Holy-Spirit said to me “Don’t rush! Jesus is doing good things for you and behold, they will come fulfilled accordingly”. After hearing this from HIS Holy-Spirit, I turned back from my plans and waited for his mercy. I denied every marriage proposal from my relatives because though the profiles were good, they were not in Christ. Romans 8:28 Bible say’s: we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. One day a brother known to me, asked me help finding a match for one of his relative. I was prompted in heart to give some money to him and also to spend some time with him. So according to Jesus’s love, I gave him some money and went with him, he met a pastor and later they both continued the search and I was helping here and there. One day that brother called me over phone and told me to come to a place quickly. The place he told was around 25kms away from my office. However, I started because it was man of Jesus who asked me to come. As soon as I reached there, they showed me a photograph of a girl and asked me if she is ok to me for marriage. I said that this girl should be good looking but photography is bad and asked if we can go to her residence. All the three pastors agreed and we started in no time in a vehicle. Because delay in accepting lords gift may lead to chances of losing them. However it is a primary duty of a Christians to check with Jesus before coming to a conclusion. But don’t be late in accepting them. Just pray in his ‘presence’ and accept in your heart that Jesus is working on your side and will lead and guide you the way you should go! We exchanged our salvation testimonies and I told my salary and family details. We liked in each other was the ‘fear of God’ within us. Elders and pastors prayed for God’s will and we departed to our ways. We prayed at the feet of Jesus individually as well and as soon as we received confirmation from HIM, we informed our parents and requested them to verify our selection. My parents accepted her when they saw her another day and even her parents. Jesus was leading everything to end up well and as expected. Unlike some bad uncles these days, my father-in-law is a very generous man who always thinks about others well-being. Even my Aunt is very generous. Hard working and kind hearted women. My cousins too hold good respect for me. My loving Jesus has blessed me with such a good family. Many a times my wife said that it is Jesus who turned my family to your side!! Hallelujah, today many of our brothers are facing so many troubles from their father-in-law’s house. But Jesus has blessed both of us with good families who support us at every decision we make. At the time of marriage, I ran out of money because I made a habit of giving major portion of my salary to church and other charity institutions and was rest was spending for my home. Both my father and uncle (my wife’s father) helped me with some money and we were in need of some more money, I had to approach a bank for loan and it was already 25th of March and my marriage was fixed on 03rd of April. I was praying of the feet of Jesus to help me. I was much worried about money adjustment. If loan is not approved, marriage would be postponed which would have been very worst thing. But behold.. Jesus is on my side..!! On 31st of March, I received a call from bank that my loan was approved and I will get my money into my account by 3rd of April. I was quite perplexed on how to get gold from gold shop and pay advances at function hall and others. I used to sit nail-biting after completing small works but through the word of God (bible), I used to get encouraged every day that my Lord will take care of everything and need not to bother. My loan amount was credited into my bank account but due to withdrawal limits, I was not able to withdraw money from my account. So I went to gold shop and told him what all happened and handed over him my debit card. Surprisingly he gave me ornaments and I rushed home because it was already 09:30 AM and my marriage is at 11:00 AM. In presence of 10 renowned pastors, evangelists and ministers of Jesus, hundreds of well-wishers and relatives from all sides (not even single family missed my marriage from our close relatives), my marriage ceremony was just like a festival and everything went so smoothly. Everyone including my family members were quite happy with the way the ceremony completed by the grace and presence of Jesus, Almighty. My own brothers, parents, cousins (my spouse brothers), my church pastor, took everything on their shoulders and helped to get this event successfully. My marriage life, though a little bit of tough hours here and there, is truly a bundle of happy, surprising moments which also taught me many things and even Jesus helped me to learn many things through my wife and kids Just as promised in Proverbs 31:10, my wife is really a precious ornament to me. She is good advisor, gentle, loving and caring person. Being more educated than me, she is very helpful in making good and quick decisions. Praises to Jesus for giving me such a good life partner. Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Children: In the same year of marriage, Jesus blessed me with a boy. Here I should share my wife’s testimony who was saved merely by the grace of merciful Jesus. In the 3rd month after my marriage, I had a dream in which I was talking to my brother and was explaining him that Jesus is going to give me a son whom I name ‘Theodore’. When I woke up in the morning, I was surprised with the dream because, we never had this name in our family nor I ever heard this name before anywhere..!! It did not take much time for my dream come true. On one fine day, my wife told me that she is feeling not well and a nurse around checked her and confirmed that she is pregnant. Hallelujah.. In the 7th month, my father-in-law took my wife to their home. When it was time for my wife to have her baby, that night, amniotic fluid (This is the liquid inside womb in which baby lives) started flowing out of her body from evening hours and she was not aware that it is amniotic fluid and did not inform any one. This liquid is very important for baby survival inside her womb..!! Almost in the mid-night, she told her mother who immediately got alarmed and informed my father-in-law. They started for hospital and even worst there, doctors who did primary aid but then took almost 7+ hours to treat her. I was much worried when I heard this and my cousins were soothing me that everything will be alright. I had my eyes on my Jesus who rescued me from every trouble and was praying for HIS presence in hospital. Almost in the evening hours next day, Sr. Doctor attended her and did delivery operation. According to her, almost all amniotic fluid is drained out and baby was still alive and fine in my wife’s womb!! Amazing, it is splendid power of Jesus that preserved my son even though there was no way to live at all when all the amniotic fluid drained out! At 6:30 in the evening, Jesus blessed me with handsome SON whom I named as Theodore, now he is called as Samson Theodore. Psalm 127:3 Bible say’s : Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him IInd Son: This time I was asking Jesus to give me a daughter and was praying fervently for it. However, I forgot the truth that we humans cannot change his will and plan by any means. My wife had a vision in which she saw a beautiful son who was specially designed in computer by God, was wearing well designed clothes, and someone told her that it is her son whom Jesus is going to give as blessing. When I heard this, I almost fought with my wife that this time Jesus will surely give me a daughter and that vision she had was out of her flesh. She fell so badly but yet, she did not get into quarrel with me and was praying Jesus to fulfill his own will (this is how Godly women are different from worldly one!!) Days completed and she joined hospital and after few hours, a compounder came running to me and said that it is BOY again..!! Hearing this, I cried a lot and bitterly filled with sorrow. My friend Babar sat beside me and consoled me a lot. Though he was a Muslim, Jesus has put excellent words in his mouth which gave enough peace in my heart. Especially when my mother and friend together said, that it is Jesus’s will which get fulfilled in man’s life to get this things conclude in good for righteous..!! Now we are blessed with two sons. My elder son in Samson Theodore and younger is Joseph Theodore. Through HIS divine mercy and according to HIS blood which makes all of us stand-strong in HIM, has blessed us in all aspects of our life. We are now well settled with all blessings needed for this life, financial stability and especially with spiritual revival everyday along with the Almighty Jesus’ presence in my home..!! All the Glory goes to our tremendous God, Jesus Christ and our heavenly father God Almighty. I am also very grateful to my master Holy-Spirit who lead in my tough times by providing excellent guidance and revelations, encouraging me every time I tend to fall off the way. It is HIM who speaks through me to others encouraging, comforting and guiding them into true life and way of our God, Jesus Christ. This is how many people are blessed and encouraged through my ministry around. Psalm 128:1-3 : Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Professional Life As I already mentioned my life started as a worker at a road side fast food center. I was working very honestly and happily there according to the preaching of Jesus. Later on after completion of my graduation, Jesus gave me a chance to work with one of the Financial Company. My father spoke to one of the manager if that company’s local branch seeking their help to join the job. When I first went there to branch seeking opportunity as said by my father, the sr. manager rejected me on my face without any basic check or interview saying that I do not look worthy enough to work with them. I have gone there only after praying Jesus. Immediately on them said to that manager to do a basic check at least to reject him if then found unworthy. Then Sr. Manager said ok and took an interview of me and said to meet me next day. Meanwhile one of my friend was looking for job who was in desperately need of it and I suggested him to see the manager of the same branch. He went and met the same manager and surprisingly his job was confirmed immediately as office assistance (stetting job). I was very surprised to see that because before sending him to manager, I prayed for him for a miracle and Jesus instantly did it. Next day, when I went to office, I too was offered a job as sales executive. My first month salary was 1900/- and then for the next month, they increased it to 3000/- (after they found me worthy!!). I worked there for 15 months and gained enough faith of my managers. Everyone in my office was happy at my performance in sales. I got a promotion as sr.sales executive with a salary of 4500/- INR. Jesus blessed me with abundant money to meet all my household expenses. I was supporting my home, church to my level best and Jesus blessed me to grow to support them well even with that little money. With this unbounded happiness as I was enjoying in all aspects of life in Christ. But all of sudden, in my office, my manager formed a special team to target hi-profile customers in which I was expecting a place but was left off without any reason. I was surprised to see it. I was so depressed that I couldn’t even concentrate in sales which tampered my performance. Every day I had to hear that management is not happy with me and planning to terminate me from my job. This all could be very small things for other but remember I was just from a very lower family to which every penny is valuable. I was praying at his every day to set everything right and even to correct if there is any mistake in me hidden. One day, a friend of my named TulsiRam and said that there is some interview going on in nearby hotel. I immediately started for it with a very small prayer and went to hotel and stood outside. I was allowing everyone to go before me so that I can have time to prayer silently within me. Then I heard voice asking me to rush inside the room or else all vacancies will be filled-up and I may have to return empty handed. I immediately took a chance to peek inside and stood before the manager. He asked me about my performance in present company and I replied that I am one of the top performer there. They asked me my current package and I answered honestly that is 4500/- Hearing this, they said that they are offering job with 6500/- hallelujah, Jesus did a miracle again!! Again the times of Joy and happiness started. Again new job, better package and new challenges and opportunities ahead..!! Here also Jesus started blessing me and used me as a mighty vessel in all terms for HIS glory. I was top performer here and I had financial independency as all my financial troubles and obligations were cleared. Jesus gave a new bike as I was using only cycle till that time. It was during this period Jesus gave me a beautiful, kind and wise women as my wife to worship HIM along as a family. Miracles after miracles, glory after glory and blessings after blessings rolled into my life. I was filled with joy and excitement all the day. I used to do sales in my first hours of the day and then used to go with my pastor or someone other to share my testimony to others. I used to share HIS word everywhere I go including office, friends and other places I visited praying, sharing my experiences with Jesus all the day. My life was filled with eternal joy and happiness I was lacking nothing. Whenever some troubles came to me, people including own, used to make fun of me but Jesus told me: John 12:27, 28. Meanwhile, due to bad friendships again, I lost into worldly ways in 2005 and failed to follow Jesus whole heartedly. After seeing these many of miracles and companionship with Jesus, I failed to hold on strong in HIS ways because of ignorance and lack of faithful prayers. During this time, I lost many good blessings in my life. But our Jesus is a good God and he never holds HIS anger. One a very good day, I heard the good news again..!! On that day, I was in one of our local church where to which a man of God named Peter Perera came for to deliver Jesus’s message. While he was speaking the word of God, he took the parable of women caught in adultery and our beloved God, Jesus Christ was silent there for few moments. Though those moments were tough for that women, Jesus was sure that she will be fine and will leave that place peacefully. Those words touched me and filled me with eternal joy that I shouted a big hallelujah in the church. Entire church was silently listening to the word of God and everyone turned to look at me to see who it was shouting so loudly. They do not know my hard times… right? That’s all, my faith in Jesus arouse again in me in double measure and I started begging for HIS mercy and forgiveness. Lord soon accepted me and washed away my sins with HIS blood. I was back home smiling. My friends, brothers and everyone asked me: hey, you look quite refreshed these days? Whatzup? … I used to smile at them and said, hallelujah… I started praying Jesus fervently to deliver me from every bondage as promised through the man of God and Jesus without any delay removed every clutch and bondage from my shoulders. After some months, I got a chance to attend Jesus Calls Prophetical Conference in Hyderabad in which I learnt many things which no pastor or preacher taught me ever. On the final day of that conference, Jesus spoke to me through prayers of bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and gave me a vision to opt IT sector as my next career and even HIS plans for me in coming future times. I was immensely filled with happiness and eternal joy that day. I meditated HIS vision in my prayers and when Jesus gave a clear picture. I immediately resigned my job in the month of Feb and after serving official notice period of 90 days, I left that job and without any delay, I jumped to Bangalore, learnt a technical course from my own brother, Rajesh and stayed there for 110 days (for both learning and job trails). During my stay at my brothers home, I never missed a chance to glorify my Jesus and spent most of the time either in learning and praying. Jesus spoke in the 2nd week of that month through a vision that he will bless me with an excellent job offer. Proverbs 22:29 : Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. As promised by Jesus, I received an awesome job offer with one of the top MNCs of Indian IT sector in financial capital of India, Mumbai with an outstanding package. Few months later, I had a chance to speak to my earlier manager and when I told him my package, he was shocked and said, ‘Do you have one more job offer for me there..?’ Every one of my colleagues and friends in Bangalore was shocked to see me get offer in such a short time. We seriously have some people there who are spending years together to get one right job!! I shared my personal testimony along with the good news of job opportunity in TPM church of Frazer Town where I used to attend my Sunday service and then next day, left to join at my new job location. Jesus has been with me as long as I was in Mumbai on this job and I was enjoying the pleasant life-style of Mumbai along with Jesus’s presence in my life. After few years, today, I am in my hometown in same IT sector with better position. My spouse left her job to care of my home and my kids are school going now. My parents are yet to believe in Jesus and slowly turning to HIS way. Both my brothers are now well planted in Jesus Christ and got married to two sisters and are blessed with kids as well. They too are well settled in their professions. I still today do not believe that how such great things happened in my life whenever I remember my early days of poverty, sickness, extremely miserable life and try to scale up them with today’s stature. All I can say is: Jesus Christ is the God who did these unbelievable miracles..!! One after the other, as required by time and situation. It is Jesus Christ who brought this poor man to sit with best men and lead a prosperous life..!! Today, we are working with different people in various ways of preaching to get HIS mission accomplished through us as per our measured share and get gospel of Jesus Christ to reach others who are in need of HIS light to shine on them Even today Jesus is same and HE can deliver any one from sinful life and bless them abundantly to lead a glorious life, if we can surrender our life to HIM. It is very simply.. Just accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and invite HIM to be your God and lead your life. If you are ready to do so.. Here is a very small prayer which can change your life completely. Dear Jesus, I now believe that you are the only way, truth and life. I confess that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. Kindly come into my life and be my God and take control of everything I hold in my life. Change me into your own image and bless me in all aspects of life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. All the glory to Jesus Almighty… Amen. Please visit: