3, 2, 1, NEIN


Score: 12
Played: 34





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Hook Codex Scrolls Stand up put your hands up and be counted Hang up all the dreams you ever doubted Man up the time is now be about it In the face of the tyranny that as mounted 1.Vers Codex Scrolls The hoax and greatest lie of all times Is now upon our lifes As they seek to control you Own you twice In the here and afterlife They placed a price Certificate of birth Is really the first estimate of your worth See a poor man's strawman Is really a door slam Block the exits to imprison Brеxit the royals exit In exеcutive cars and planes They flee see this what the test is Unite now and forever These people ain't what they seem Ain't what they promised since horrid is the dream Let's see them come clean Atrocities of a queen Protecting those involved with Epstein I mean it's certain It's curtain close on you virmin Earth reborn 2.0 version Preparing us for Aquarius Caring in Pearson Empathetic in a state to determine Humanity as a choice Obey the devil Or speak with one voice Rejoice for you are omnipotent And just And they're just good at lying But none of the above Hook Codex Scrolls Stand up put your hands up and be counted Hang up all the dreams you ever doubted Man up the time is now be about it In the face of the tyranny that as mounted 2.Vers Wolfbane Take look around, to me everybody's sound Why have we gone underground, life is down de-valued pound Spending Christmas alone instead of with your family This rule apply to the throne, or just people of poverty We need to know the state of the world is crumbling We need to show the people how to shout revolt instead of mumbling In fact, we need not teach all those we cannot reach We shouldn't preach to those who think the path we walk, we shall not meet Why you stuck indoors, come outside its sunny as fuck Its safe to play, don't waste a day, please find a way, don't give life up More and more connecting consciously throughout the world Attack with knowledge as a weapon for it to be hurled Taken down the giant you will see a little man Its all its ever been behind this evil one world plan I think its time all the signs they point to now But the many they won't get there, will they stand or will they bow Hook Codex Scrolls Stand up put your hands up and be counted Hang up all the dreams you ever doubted Man up the time is now be about it In the face of the tyranny that as mounted 3.Vers Kill Gatez Das Leben ist schwere Last Ich frage mich:" Wieviel du tragen kannst"? Fragen über Fragen man Die Welt sie hält den Atem an 2020 das Jahr der Maske Grabenkampf im Abendland Wolf und Schafe tanzen ja Es geht dir an den Kragen Verbranntes schwarzes Vaterland Erbaut auf Blut von Sklavenhand Unterdrückung jahrelang Bald stellen sie dich dann an die Wand Die Nerven blank, sterbenskrank Weltenlauf Werdegang Ehrlich ist gefährlich Was du Leben nennst ist Kerkerhaft Bald tretten sie dir die Türen ein 2020 Tyrannei Überall nur Lügen Doch ich füge mich nicht NEIN Man sie prügeln auf mich ein Steine fliegen ich tauche tief Ich scheiß auf Reih und Glied Man meine Art zu Leben begreift ihr nie Hier läuft so einiges schief Doch leider Nein keiner sieht´s FS ein Freigeist lass mich Bitte einfach weiterziehen Niemals wird der Zweifel siegen Ich kämpfe weiter für meine Ziele Peace Love and Harmony Der Teufel stirbt im Paradies Hook Codex Scrolls Stand up put your hands up and be counted Hang up all the dreams you ever doubted Man up the time is now be about it In the face of the tyranny that as mounted