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Drum n bass
Drum and bass



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[Young Mav - As Narrator] They say everything happens for a reason Be it, missing a cab or born not seeing After a long week of studio I hit the club No intentions of dancing I just wanna unplug But in the process of tryn'a go unnoticed Zak sees my vibe and instructs the hostess To bring a couple Heinekens, a couple shots Can't refuse, playas offering shit they don't got Drink after drink, sip after sip Stress diminishes, but I know my limits kid I'm too tipsy to drive back west And I ain't try'na swerve like Kanye West I hail a couple cabs but they all got fares Maybe it's smarter if I try elsewhere Despite all those drinks my mind still races The pressure of a sophomore is quite outrageous The Matinee, Block-O, maybe Stoosh Ought to be enough to keep radio hooked While Video Light and Droppin' Gems If they make the final cut, will serve the heads Damn, it's getting chilly, but the peace I admire That's when I seen a cabby, told me he was for hire As I stepped in the cab he asked [JJ Heaven] Where you off to [Young Mav - As Narrator] Westend 98, 182 As he started the meter I take a breath Done walked 6 blocks my feet need a rest That's when I asked him how long he'd been a cabby for After a quick memory jog, he held up four Said he came over here, quite some time ago In '85 from the Republic of Congo I let him know my fam is from Jamaica He smiled and said [JJ Heaven] Rasta you must love ganja [Young Mav - As Narrator] I laughed it off even though I do I felt shame knowin' he was right to assume [JJ Heaven] Are You a Student? [Young Mav] Yes and No, you see I got two years left to complete my degree I got my marketing diploma, but had to wait Cause I can't go back till I get my money straight So right now I temp, climb the scale It's either entry level or work in sales You got kids? [JJ Heaven] Yeah I got three Two in high school, one in University Studying to be a doctor, with five to go He works part time to pay off his loan [Young Mav] I worked a year after school to fray the cost Momma couldn't help she had been laid off How's he the find the balance with school and work [JJ Heaven] By telling himself he's a temporary clerk Unlike me, he's got a chance to make it I have my degree but the country wouldn't take it Said my schooling didn't meet their standards Excuse my manners, but fuck them bastards How can a country reject an immigrant's degree But grant sports scholarships to kids who can't read Where I'm from kids go to school to learn Kids here skip class to go smoke hash They show up late and leave when they wish And the only time they study is to cram for tests I love this country, but things could be different Like immigrants getting tested for citizenship What are Canada's 3 main industries? College diploma and I bet you couldn't tell me Things that the average Canadian ignores I have to pay money to be tested for [Young Mav - As Narrator] Kind of unpatriotic, but I see why he mad An educated man forced to drive a cab I started wondering, why he ain't swallow his pride? But with 2 and 2, put myself in his shoes He's prolly early 50's, so when he came here He was prolly 30 some, or close to there Now he could A, spend money he don't have To get the education, that he already had Or B, get 9 to 5 where he can save And send his kids off to college one day I asked him [Young Mav] Do you regret leaving home? [Young Mav - As Narrator] Pausing for a second, his thoughts postponed He then responded with a candor tone [JJ Heaven] What is to be must be, so to answer no Many see African countries on TV And offer empathy cause they say we don't eat But the food Canada throws away in one year Contradicts its plea to send money down there As I drive these streets, seeing people who don't sleep Zombies to vices that make them sheep Panhandlers beg for money to eat But buy that man food, and watch him not eat Give a man change, he'll buy an O-E And drink it as if it was full of protein [Young Mav] Can you blame them, with no place to live It's not like they can put a loaf of bread in the fridge [Young Mav - As Narrator] Playing devil's advocate I could see his aim Voice of community, mouthpiece for change [JJ Heaven] Charge me with treason, but gimme a reason We'll fly in a Queen with first class treatment When first class citizens pay so many taxes Debt after debt till their heart collapses [Young Mav - As Narrator] Dude knew the science, and spoke his mind Although denying his degrees they ain't broke his mind Before I knew it we were at my spot My brain was overwhelmed from this African's thoughts [Young Mav] Pardon my manners, rude it may seem What's your name? [JJ Heaven] They call me Akeem [Young Mav - As Narrator] As I paid my fair and offered a tip He refused, insisting I had school to finish As he drove away, I walked to my house And wondered, what if I never went out In a 25 ride from Whyte to 182 I feel like as my understanding grew This whole night I stressed our release But it seemed so petty like an old man's hairpiece So petty, when you consider his travels Education was not the battle Cause no one goes to school to drive a cab But you can go to school and wind up driving a cab They say everything happens for a reason Just took me missing five cabs to eventually see things